Rainbow Dash is obviously best ninja.
She also has best bedroom.
Those are my thoughts on the matter.
I deserve a cookie.
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KYM Pony General IV: Electric Scootaloo
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Feb 19, 2012 at 11:26PM EST.
Dec 15, 2011 at 11:43AM EST
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129 users
my thoughts about the meaning of the word "derp":
it describes a momentary state of unconcentration or confusion that everybody encounters from time to time, not an incapability.
"derp" relates to "retarded" the same way as "fail" relates to "looser".
if you say epic fail to a friend when he does something stupid or awkwardly fails he would probably laugh. if he does this quite often you could call him clumsy but you would never call him a looser.
calling someone derpy is actually worthshipping the tendency of someone to mess up things in a funny way.
That episode was
Lol crazy barking patient (I think that is a reference to something, I can't remember exactly though).
Any other references (beside Indiana Jones throughout)?
Also, blatant lesson is blatant.
I just remembered
That is the exact way I imaged the foyer of the hospital would look. My fic is coming true! (loljk, but i really did image it like that)
Well that episode was awesome!
I mean I usually hate dash but that was great.
I guess all of the Daring Doo action scenes made it for me.
A+ Episode would watch again.
When the whole E/I think was removed, I think I can see what they meant by it. This episode had way more death defying stunts than practically every episode of season 1 thanks to Daring Doo.
Also, not one, not two but THREE SQUEE sound effects! I LOVE IT!
Also…was anyone else disappointed when Daring took the statue but no boulder chased her? I know it's a cliche but I like that cliche :(
Connor Wrote:
Any other references (beside Indiana Jones throughout)?
Spiderman, X-Men and Battleship.
Dammit, just remembered I was planning to have an Indiana Jones knockoff reference in a thingy I was writing. Can I still do that?
I don't think I can.
Screw you guys and your happiness. No one cares about Pyro. No one. Well, what did I miss about the episode? I'll probably never get to watch it due to all the restraints. Might as well get the rundown from some somewhat trustworthy people.
Sunhammer wrote:
Screw you guys and your happiness. No one cares about Pyro. No one. Well, what did I miss about the episode? I'll probably never get to watch it due to all the restraints. Might as well get the rundown from some somewhat trustworthy people.
What, you can't access YouTube or something? If I learned anything about these episodes is that there'll be an episode up shortly.
Good episode, good episode. I liked how there was a Cloudsdale version of battleship and the rainbow derp face.
I can count to eggheads!
@Doc Brown
I think they're calling her nursery rhyme.
Inb4 ask tumblr lol
Emmett, go back to the previous page and look at my last post. 3rd from the bottom.
Someone needs to make that clip of Rainbow Dash bouncing a ball a .gif already.
That didn't take long:
Awesome episode is awesome. Made me remember my love for Indiana Jones.
And now Daring Doo is my favorite fictional-fictional character
And now it's official: JJ is a machine. How the buck can he do this in so short time?? (slightly NSFW)
Dr. Gregory Horse the Prototype wrote:
And now it’s official: JJ is a machine. How the buck can he do this in so short time??
I'm seriously starting to question why I still follow his tumblr.
Anyways, he probably made that particular picture awhile ago and is only just now posting it.
Dr.Gregory Horse Wrote:
And now it’s official: JJ is a machine. How the buck can he do this in so short time??
Well it helps that FiM's artstyle is very clean and simple. With enough practice you can get it down to very simple strokes IIRC.
EDIT: After seeing the image, yeah he prolly based it on the ep synopsis.
I missed the beginning again! This has happened to me for every episode since Baby Cakes! I still don't know how Dash got put in hospital! GAAAHH!!!
The rest of what I saw was pure awesome though. It made me remember why I used to like Dash so much. Since I really can't be bothered to give a review in full prose, enjoy these hasty bullet points:
- I really enjoyed those scenes from the book. It was nice to see some proper action in the show. I thought they got genuinely tense at times.
- I really liked the appearance of Daring Doo. All it took was a quick recolour of Dash and they managed to make a pony that looks a thousand times cooler than any OC.
- Did anyone else feel really bad for Dash when she got kicked out of the hospital? I don't even know how many times I've really got into a fanfic only to run out of chapters. The wait is not fun!
- I genuinely laughed out loud when it turned out that the barking dogs was just a mental patient. I seriously didn't see it coming.
- Funny comment in the HaxMega stream: "Yo dawg, I heard you like fanfics, so we put a fanfic in the show so you can write fanfics about a fanfic."
- The lesson "Don't knock it until you've tried it" was a pretty damn good one. Direct all parasprites to that scene from now on.
I'm gonna give that a 9/10. I knew that episode was going to be good. We need more Dash episodes where she isn't a complete jerk.
Sorry Pyro, I didn't see that, and yes Algernon, we should direct the trolls to that, but sadly trolls are not entirely to bright and they'd still continue to troll and such.
Also, NSFW or not, JJ is one hell of an artist, I just wish I could draw myself, but oh well.
Anyone asked for a certain GIF?
Can you imagine Celestia's face when she gets her letter?
Two weeks without letters, then Applejack's "LOL DIDN'T LEARN TROLOLO" and now Rainbow Dash learns to enjoy reading but can't be assed to enjoy writing.
Algie wrote:
We need more Dash episodes where she isn’t a complete jerk.
She broke into a hospital in the dead of night and frightened a sick pony just to steal a book.
That's the most assholish thing she's ever done!
(I'm being facetious guys, dun be srz)
Pheonix makes a valid point. I smell a free moon ride for 2 certain ponies…….
I thought other things when she said don't knock it until you try it.
I'll go the shame corner now…
If there is anything to be mad over for ableism it would be this and not Derpy.
I love how Lesson Zero Twilight set the standard for crazy faces.
Damnit Connor, don't give the over sensitive people any ideas, they're already complaining about Derpy and I'm sure if they see something like that, they'll complain about that scene.
Dr. Gregory Horse The Pony Medic wrote:
Anyone asked for a certain GIF?
This'll suffice until the 1080p YouTube uploads, I suppose.
Imma go play TF, anypony wanna be my Fluttermedic?
I'd do it, but like I said, the 'rents lied to my face and took away my comp. Anyway, we all know that insane Pinkie is best Medic.
Anyone else got WTF for the exagerated death traps in the episode?
Well, that was most certainly a crazy episode. Probably going into my faves! The Daring Doo scenes were epic! I literally didn't think they would do a break-in and chase scene! Also, that mental patient was funny. I knew this would refreshen Dash. Now to wait for the donkey…
Please tell me someone else thought Homestuck when RD said "Who's this dude?".
Okey, after the episode, what to expect:
- Fanarts on all relevant characters (as usual)
- Stories about Daring Doo stories
- Ask blogs (Daring Doo, Dr. Caramel, Ninja Dash, some I'm putting my bets on)
- Indiana Jones crossovers
Am I missing anything?
Deadpool Pinkie with Wolverine Rainbow Dash crossovers.
@Dr. Gregory Horse: Alligators are usually seen in that kinda deal, and heh, since Daring Doo couldn't fly, they had to come from somewhere, though the ceiling was an odd choice.
Omgawd piracy is like sooo bad…. you guys are stealing a gazillion trillions from Hasbro, and they do everything for you.
So heres the full episode:
Nothing sexual going on here…
Bored? In a hospital? Why not fap?
Dr. Gregory Horse The Pony Medic wrote:
Nothing sexual going on here…
RD we've been over this before.
Fukken fix'd
That was more a nod to a pony in an asylum done in such an over-the-top way that no one would think ableist (unless they were still sore about the Derpy thing.) Also, did you see the cutie mark for that pony?
Screwball's daddy. (Who's Discord?)
I liked the episode a lot. More than the last one, and I didn't dislike the last one either.
- I wanted to see a gif of Dash bouncing that ball around too.
- Gonna go ahead and make some of you angry: See how excited Pinkie was when Dash was flying? Shipping. Yep. She's got a thing going for Dash. Yes, sir.
- I loved the completely incapacitated Berry Punch beside Dash. I thought the writers were going to do more with her as comic relief, but it was still funny.
- …I'm going to ask, but I'm not sure if I want to know the answer: the patient in Dash's old bed…why didn't he have any mane? (If the answer is what I think it is, then don't tell me.)
- I've never seen a Indiana Jones movie, but I bet I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much as the portrayal of Daring Doo (because poni.)
- Also, that voice for the villain…yes. Same for Daring Doo. I've come to the conclusion that it was most certainly different from RD's normal voice (and much cooler in my opinion.) Kudos to Ashleigh Ball.
- Any chance that Daring Doo makes a return in a later episode? Continuity, adds a fun and new dynamic to the show again (I bet the artists and animators had fun with having a different universe for which to draw and animate,) and it could give the writers a different scenario with which to write.
- Twilight was awesome as per usual.
- Where the blankety blank blank is Scootaloo? I know what Fluttershy's going to be. I'VE SEEN FLUTTERSHY DO STUFF.
- Related: I wonder if Scootaloo's voice actress is very busy or something. Even in MMDW, she didn't talk all that much (which would still be a lot of time acting, but maybe not as much as a full episode.) That would explain why she hasn't gotten a full episode. It may be an impractical thing only to get her to come in for that long as do. Which would be sad. But school is school.
Going to browse Ponibooru and CBC stuff. Keep up the good poni.
Ok, time to check Verbs wall of text. Let's see…
Blah blah blah bouncing ball, blah blah blah Pinkie Pie shipping, blah blah Berry, Cancer pony, blah blah bla-
I’ve never seen a Indiana Jones movie, but I bet I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as the portrayal of Daring Doo (because poni.)
I’ve never seen a Indiana Jones movie, but I bet I wouldn’t have enjoyed it
I’ve never seen a Indiana Jones movie
Dr. Gregory Horse The Pony Medic wrote:
Ok, time to check Verbs wall of text. Let's see…
Blah blah blah bouncing ball, blah blah blah Pinkie Pie shipping, blah blah Berry, Cancer pony, blah blah bla-
I’ve never seen a Indiana Jones movie, but I bet I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as the portrayal of Daring Doo (because poni.)I’ve never seen a Indiana Jones movie, but I bet I wouldn’t have enjoyed itI’ve never seen a Indiana Jones movie
I loved the completely incapacitated Berry Punch beside Dash. I thought the writers were going to do more with her as comic relief, but it was still funny.
I don't think it was Berry Punch. He had a male snout and lacked the distinct tail.
…I’m going to ask, but I’m not sure if I want to know the answer: the patient in Dash’s old bed…why didn’t he have any mane? (If the answer is what I think it is, then don’t tell me.)
Yeah….I was gonna say "cancer patient pony" in my earlier post…but…eh….let's just assume he's simply doing it for fashion.
Verbose wrote:
…I’m going to ask, but I’m not sure if I want to know the answer: the patient in Dash’s old bed…why didn’t he have any mane? (If the answer is what I think it is, then don’t tell me.)
Muumi wrote:
Oh, and by the way guys, I finally graduated from trade school, and I’m now officially qualified to work at a laboratory (hi opspe!).
Hello, welcome to my life.
About the episode: I enjoyed it for the same reasons as everyone else, so I won't bother going over why.
Well, Berry should be by for the details. I actually flipped the sex of the barking mad pony as well, because it apparently was a female.
And this…
Going to take a nap now. Yes, it's only just in the afternoon here.
Verbose posted:
watched the episode i liked it alot it felt short but it was good
Took longer than I expected:
Did anyone else see the striking extreme resemblance Diamond Tiara has to that purple nurse?
Both have blue eyes.
Both have pastel purple coats.
Both of their manes are purple with white stripes.
The only difference is Tiara has no freckles and she is not stout as the nurse.
Could we have found Tiara's mom?
PS I've also seen suggestions that the barking pony is Trixie.