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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users

Crimson Locks wrote:

I forget, do we know what month season 5 is being released yet? I wanna say it's confirmed for November, but that could just be me thinking about Pokemon again as I am ought to do.

I think "2015" is the most info we have, though it'll probably be in December of 2014.

Also, congrats on the GET.

Ashleigh Ball (voice of Rainbow Dash/some background pony, and lead singer of Hey Ocean!) and Brent Hodge (director) did a reddit AMA (using the accounts /u/hodgeefilms and /u/ashleighball) to promote their documentary "A Brony Tale: A Film About Men… Who Like My Little Pony".

I managed to ask Brent the question "Who is best pony?" and he replied with "SPIKE!!".

For the full link to the whole AMA, click this sentence. They stopped answering questions an hour ago, but haven't updated the main post to reflect this yet.

(P.S.: For optimal reddit viewing experience, consider using the Reddit Enhancement Suite browser extension while signed in. If you have no account, make one! A reddit account doesn't require an email address! Also, to see pony emotes that people have hidden in their comments, use the Better Ponymotes browser extension, and don't forget to visit the main MLP subreddit /r/mylittlepony!)

Last edited Jul 02, 2014 at 12:02AM EDT

Fifths said:

So was the uproar more over that Ashleigh endorsed a ship or that she endorsed lesbianism?

It ended up being a three way clusterfuck of debates over gay rights, canonized shipping, and the role relationships (including gay ones) should or shouldn't play in a show targeted at six year old girls.

Crimson Locks said:

I forget, do we know what month season 5 is being released yet?

"Winter 2015." It's worth noting that S4 also had the same release information. More than likely, an exact date will be announced at SDCC.

@Reddit AMA
I wonder how much cringe occurred? I can just imagine the free flowing spaghetti as GIFT takes hold.

xTSGx wrote:

@Reddit AMA
I wonder how much cringe occurred? I can just imagine the free flowing spaghetti as GIFT takes hold.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "cringe" and "GIFT" here.

If you want to cringe from that AMA, there are some negative/creepy comments (that haven't been deleted) which are readily available to read in that thread and some of those bad comments were actually answered by Brent Hodge, so I don't think he was cringing. I think he handled it quite well.

Hey! I've been busy finishing off two years of educational work on the hopes of gaining a good grade and I realised I was meant to create a montage of found footage, and I had to hand it in later that day, so I made a MLP/Equestria Girls Inception Trailer Mash-Up In 3D.. ON ICE! It's a little rushed but I had fun making it nevertheless!

NeonWabbit said:

I’m not quite sure what you mean by “cringe” and “GIFT” here.

Cringe would be creepy/embarrassing comments ("I like you, Ashleigh, what does your hair smell like?" "Does Dash have sex with Twilight or AJ?" "Have you seen this picture [NSFW link]?"). Things that make you, the reader of the comments, wince in embarrassment for/at the commentator.

GIFT = Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory. Essentially, people being douchebags on the internet because they aren't interacting with people face to face/facing standard social situations.

From what EQD showed, it didn't seem like there was anything of particular note. Just standard PR answers.

Last edited Jul 02, 2014 at 04:46PM EDT

Gentlemen, we got a Weasley:

@Dr Whooves
Hey, pretty nice job!
Good selection of scenes to match the action.
I'm actually quite impressed that you managed to meld the main character of the movie into the side-iest of side characters from MLP.

Hey, if someone wants a perfect goddamn example of the GIFT Theory in action, look no farther than /mlp/:
Stolen Plushie

Read all about it up there, but the tl;dr version is:
Someone's custom plushie was lost or stolen at Trotcon a few weeks ago and a little campaign was launched to try to locate it.
It finally turned up in the hands of some anon who proceeded to document his repeated sexual violation of it, much to the encouragement of his fellow forum-goers.
Oh yes, and the few people who chastised wanton destruction of other people's property were labeled 'moralfags.'
So yeah…

On a happier note, I'm heading up to Seattle tomorrow for EFNW!

I think I asked before, but no one else here is attending, right?
I'll be sure to report back!

Last edited Jul 02, 2014 at 06:37PM EDT

More than likely, an exact date will be announced at SDCC.

>Thinking they'll announce the premiere at SDCC.

We've been doing this for years now, they've always announced the premiere date for the next season literally 2-3 weeks before the premiere because……Fuck all!

What we have typically gotten is a preview, animatic, song, or something from the new season, though.
Looking forward to that pattern continuing.

What we also get is an exclusive new figure.
First we had Derpy, then Vinyl Scratch, and this year…

Mane-iac and Humdrum!
Certainly not what I was expecting (I thought they might continue the 'popular background character' thing and give us an Octavia or maybe a Lyra), but it is a pretty cool design.

Have some unrelated cute RD on a slide:

Man, I haven't played Chutes and Ladders in years, but I want this for the box art alone.

Last edited Jul 02, 2014 at 07:37PM EDT


Thanks for the kind words, the only hard part about making it was that there is simply very little footage of Flash, and I'm personally not a fan of the whole male voices coming out of female characters (in most cases anyway, there are exceptions to the rule)

Out of all the fandoms I'm into which in my case is all the fandoms – Harry Potter is a personal favorite of mine ( I cried during book 7) so I felt a immense joy seeing that Rupert photo. Then instantly I felt sadness reading the stolen plush story, which is discouraging considering the apparent lack of empathy taking place on one side, whilst simultaneously contrasting the large amount of empathy from the other side.. – Then joy once more after seeing your EFNW post and that cute image.. man, reading one of your posts is like watching John Oliver, it's just a roller coaster of emotions!

Last edited Jul 02, 2014 at 10:23PM EDT

DeadParrot222 wrote:

What we have typically gotten is a preview, animatic, song, or something from the new season, though.
Looking forward to that pattern continuing.

What we also get is an exclusive new figure.
First we had Derpy, then Vinyl Scratch, and this year…

Mane-iac and Humdrum!
Certainly not what I was expecting (I thought they might continue the 'popular background character' thing and give us an Octavia or maybe a Lyra), but it is a pretty cool design.

Have some unrelated cute RD on a slide:

Man, I haven't played Chutes and Ladders in years, but I want this for the box art alone.

lol look at Twilight standing on the cloud like a dork while the others were doing fun things.

@Stolen plushie thread:
That thread was quite the roller coaster indeed. First it starts off with basically what you'd expect from 4chan, then the original owner (with pretty solid proof of ownership) comes to the thread and is pretty cool about the situation and just wants his plush back, and suddenly everyone turns on OP and are all demanding he return the plush. Quite an interesting development.

@Chutes and ladders:
The rainbow power part of the box art is a little confusing (also no AJ) but the box art is pretty cute. Except for Rarity who hilariously has her season 1 vector slapped on there and edited to have the rainbow power effect.

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 12:03AM EDT

Deadparrot said

Man, I haven’t played Chutes and Ladders in years, but I want this for the box art alone.

Crimson Locks said

The rainbow power part of the box art is a little confusing (also no AJ) but the box art is pretty cute.

Okay, I could maybe understand DP liking that box art because the whole colorblind thing, but you like it too, Crimson? I can't be the only one to think it looks hideous.

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 12:08AM EDT


I don't know what you mean. Take the Rarity and Twilight stock vectors out, and it's adorable. Ponies climbing ladders and sliding down slides? Too cute.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm calling this the pinnacle of pony art and I've already established my opinions on the rainbow power designs after the season finale as being overall "meh" (at least the box omits the garish oversized 80s glam rock hair). Taking out the rainbow aspect and the awkwardly placed Twilight and Rarity vectors you've got one hell of a cute depiction of ponies playing chutes and ladders. Far from a perfect design, bit overall it gets the job done of advertising cheap board games that kids will beg for and then play for 10 minutes

I sure do love having a get-out-of-artistic-discussions-free 'disability!'
I don't have to ever defend my opinions because I can just blame it on not seeing colors correctly!
In the same boat as Crimson though, in that it's primarily the stupidly cute pose RD (and to a lesser extent, Fluttershy) has going there.

Yes you are, shut up.

Hey, i just found out that the old KYM alum, Calpain, is going to be at EFNW, too.
Anyone have a message for that traitorous scoundrel who abandoned his home our old friend?

Hey, i just found out that the old KYM alum, Calpain, is going to be at EFNW, too. Anyone have a message for that traitorous scoundrel who abandoned his home our old friend?

"You are no longer resident scientist. You have been replaaaced.

Fifths wrote:

Deadparrot said

Man, I haven’t played Chutes and Ladders in years, but I want this for the box art alone.

Crimson Locks said

The rainbow power part of the box art is a little confusing (also no AJ) but the box art is pretty cute.

Okay, I could maybe understand DP liking that box art because the whole colorblind thing, but you like it too, Crimson? I can't be the only one to think it looks hideous.

They're just saying it's cute, which it is. Because adorable sliding ponies! Now if they said it looked appealing.

Hey, i just found out that the old KYM alum, Calpain, is going to be at EFNW, too.
Anyone have a message for that traitorous scoundrel who abandoned his home our old friend?

I actually still have him on Steam. He never talks to me or anything, but I figure we got a vibe.

@Shoots n' Ladders: Daw, that's cute. Also… when did that come along? I haven't heard of it until now.

But that isn't why I'm here. I'm here to share an experience. I was on an achievement server in TF2, doing what you'd normally do; fuck around, get achievements, kill tons-a bots, that kind of stuff. So then some guy named "Mio's Pantsu" comes on in. So while we're having fun, he immediately starts targeting me for no apparent reason. Naturally, I call him a tryhard. In response, he goes "Ponyfag." and "Hey guys, look, an autistic horsefucker." Oh, not to mention saying "huehuehuehuehue" whenever he killed tried hard someone.

In response, we all switched to BLU and ganged up on him. And a report to Steam, five achievements, and (between the rest of us) 104 kills later, he yelled "HORSEFUCKER" and ragequit. And there was much conga-ing.

But anyway, here. Have an Alicorn Littlepip:

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 03:55AM EDT

Screw your chutes! SNAKES and ladders is where it's at!

Also, Rainbow Dash has no buisness being that happy about landing on a chute.
"Haha! I'm losing, but that's okay because I'm having fun! Weeeee!"

@Jimmy Lethal

Wait, that still happens? People still get butthurt at you having a pony related name/avatar in games? Shit, I should pony up my steam avatar again.

I thought that trend died out 2 years ago. Way back in the golden era of the fandom, I used to carry around the name "RainbowDash" in the games I played purely to make people upset. And a lot of times it worked (I should add that I never talked about the show or made any references. I just had the name). But the last person to give a damn that my name was "RainbowDash" was encountered way back in 2012. Never happened since. I figured people finally got over the fact that horsefuckers play games.

Ah. the fun I had. As people would call me "Cancer" and try so hard to beat me because they couldn't let the cancer win…I didn't always beat my opponents but haters often failed (hate makes you play worse IMO). And when they did, the rage they had was glorious. It's like they never expected that a brony could actually have years of experience playing online games and actually have good aim.

I'd love to be see that rage again.

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 06:07AM EDT

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

@Jimmy Lethal

Wait, that still happens? People still get butthurt at you having a pony related name/avatar in games? Shit, I should pony up my steam avatar again.

I thought that trend died out 2 years ago. Way back in the golden era of the fandom, I used to carry around the name "RainbowDash" in the games I played purely to make people upset. And a lot of times it worked (I should add that I never talked about the show or made any references. I just had the name). But the last person to give a damn that my name was "RainbowDash" was encountered way back in 2012. Never happened since. I figured people finally got over the fact that horsefuckers play games.

Ah. the fun I had. As people would call me "Cancer" and try so hard to beat me because they couldn't let the cancer win…I didn't always beat my opponents but haters often failed (hate makes you play worse IMO). And when they did, the rage they had was glorious. It's like they never expected that a brony could actually have years of experience playing online games and actually have good aim.

I'd love to be see that rage again.

I still get shit from people, it's why I got rid of the Pony avatar on my steam. But when I join certain servers on Gmod that allow you to change your name I'll change it to either Rainbow Dash, Derpy Hooves or ElitePonyFan420. People would ALWAYS try to come kill me every time. But now when I join a server like DarkRP I don't change my name, instead I change my job title to "BRONY AND PROUD!" Most people don't give a shit anymore.

Also, for a short time on Rust I changed my name to "BronyBroBro" to fuck with people. So when they'd try to raid my base they'd get a shotgun in the face with a death message saying "Player BronyBroBro killed you with a shotgun shell to the head." then I'd take their shit. That always led to "THAT FUCKING PONYFAG GOT MY SHIT!" showing up in the global chat. It was fun, until they got on their hacker account, flew to my base, aimbotted all my friends who were expanding our base, put c4 on all our walls and blew them all and put pillars where the walls were (which are indestructible) to ensure that we could NEVER use this big ass base we spent days building ever again. THEN they made a giant sign that said "Ponyfag". Now that's the kicker, you can't have 'traditional' signs in Rust. To have a sign, you need about…..10,000 wood (which takes FOREVER to get) and craft all the wooden pillars and platforms to make anything resembling a letter let alone a word.

So just think of that, I was able to get these guys so mad that they'd constantly have people come to my death trap base to try and kill me, THEN they made another Steam account to buy a new copy of Rust, THEN they had to buy hacks because using free hacks on Rust will get you insta permabanned, THEN they took the time to get enough C4 to blow every wall off a fucking mansion, THEN get enough wood to make a fucking sign which takes so much material that I've only seen one other person make a sign. Just, because, they got killed by a brony. 10/10 Would troll again.

Despite how I really liked doing that shit I just mentioned I don't usually egg people on with brony shit in video games though. Every long once in a while, but not usually. It's funny, I have DeadParrot on steam but we haven't actually done anything game related, it would be the perfect opportunity to go onto Gmod as Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo lol.

@Big Jim Lethal's Alicorn Little Pip.
Sorry, I need to get into a certain mood for this……Ahem, RUINED FOREVER!

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 11:47AM EDT
Hey, i just found out that the old KYM alum, Calpain, is going to be at EFNW, too.
Anyone have a message for that traitorous scoundrel who abandoned his home our old friend?


I may stop visiting Equestria Daily altogether if I see this banner again in life.

To each, his own and all, but…I always involuntarily frown when I see it. I've always hated most OC's anyway, and Calpain's is…one of them for sure, if I could be honest.

@Chutes and ladders: Dang it! I still haven't purchased MLP Monopony yet. (That's like my favorite game too.)

@Weasley4ConfirmedBrony: YESSSSS! This makes me so happy! This dude drives an ice cream truck and gives away free ice cream to kids too from what I've heard. This guy is awesome! That and I love him because he puts the G in Ginger! (Fellow ginger love right there.)

@season 5: Can we just spam Hasbrony until they release the details for season 5?…or I guess we could wait until after SDCC. WHY ISN'T IT HERE YET? I really wish I was going. Not for the Mane-iac figure (poor choice IMO) but because Amy Mebberson announced over Twitter that she is doing commissions for SDCC. I'm so jelly right now. Her pony comic covers were the best.

And then there is this as well. lol.

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 12:56PM EDT

Hey! So here's a Adobe After Effects rig I'm working on. The skin colour will be changed in the final model to purple, identical to the Equestria Girls Twilight Sparkle's skin tone. I built a basic base mesh with a pale skin-tone and then I decided to turn it into Twilight which is why her skin tone is so pale in this version, since that's actually the base mesh peaking through. The character was put together in Photoshop and once it is done it will be taken into After Effects in layers and rigged for animation.

Similar to how Youtube user 2Snacks animates his "Two Best Sisters Play" comedy series.
I know the printscreen I took isn't the clearest..
Oh yeah.. by the way she doesn't have a mouth yet
Wow, Twilight looks a little odd without a purple skin-tone!

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 03:50PM EDT

Deadparrot said

I sure do love having a get-out-of-artistic-discussions-free ‘disability!’

Always the optimist, my friend. You do realize that that's a blade which cuts both ways though.

Fifths: Hey Deadparrot, check out this awesome drawing I made.
Deadparrot: Oh hey…that's…that's Rainbow Dash alright.
Fifths: It's supposed to be Pinkie!
Deadparrot: Oh…why does she have wings then?
Fifths: They're not wings! It's her crazy Pinkie Pie mane.
Deadparrot: Oh…
Fifths: Whatever, man. You just can't appreciate my genius because your shitty eyes don't work right.
Deadparrot: …But it's a black and white pencil ske-

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 03:53PM EDT

@Cute Master
I think I like this Amy Mebberson…

She seems pretty cool.

@Online Ponying
I've been using a pony avatar picture for a couple years now and don't recall ever catching much crap for it.
Then again, I rarely play online games, when I do, I play TF2 which is pretty heavily ponified already, and my picture is not obviously pony when seen at the size used in most games.
(FYI, I use the Stalkerloo picture that Stunthead uses here.)

In fact, I remember a bunch of time where I would go around putting up random pony sprays and I would loop back around to find that someone else had slapped another pony up next to mine.
Those were fun times.

A). I don't think you know how colorblindness works.
B). I sure don't mind being unable to perceive that which I could never perceive in the first place.
I mean, does anyone spend any time fretting over being unable to appreciate the beauty of the infrared spectrum or the elegance of a neutrino?
I like what I like based on how I can sense it.
When you literally can't sense something, all you can do is go with it.

Bored at the airport…
Anybody of you newbies curious why (or in need of a reminder of why) I am The Plush Master?
Bask in my compulsive psychosis.

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 05:21PM EDT


Yeah, I might be a sight fanboy of A.M. She constantly talks about beer and disney on Twitter, and then there is her marvelous work.

↑ (That "You watch MLP? Comment gets me every time. lol.)

@Your Plushies


@Dr Whooves

Looks good! But question. Have you just used After Effects more and thus are more comfortable with it? I only ask because…well…flash and the show is made in flash so…….yeah. But your call. I know almost nothing about animations. lol.

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 05:42PM EDT

DeadParrot222 wrote:

I sure don’t mind being unable to perceive that which I could never perceive in the first place. I mean, does anyone spend any time fretting over being unable to appreciate the beauty of the infrared spectrum or the elegance of a neutrino?

No, no, of course not. That would be…



How can you be so insensitive to the plight of the neutrinophile and his useless passions? Poor Harshwhinny, forever damned to be attracted to something which is completely uninterested in him one way or the other!

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 08:30PM EDT

@Cute Master
I think I'm starting to like Mebberson now, though my favourite artist is still Andy Price.

Off topic
I don't know much about this show called Gargoyles, but I made a crossover comic with Luna and this character called Lexington and tons of people absolutely love this crossover. Is Gargoyles really that popular and do you pony fans like Gargoyle?

@Fifths' on colourblindness

I'm pretty sure that if the mane was multicolored in any given image, there should be some degree of brightness difference that in effect even those that see in black and white could tell.

… And don't think you can trick the eye so easily by playing around with the color slider so that all the numbers add up to the same number. Because from what I heard, pure green (0,255,0) is brighter than pure red (255,0,0) or pure blue (0,0,255).

Last edited Jul 03, 2014 at 10:36PM EDT

Stunthead wrote:


Now to read the comments!

May I ask where you live? I just want to check out these amazing plushes!!!

I'll be over at 3:00AM when you're sound asleep. .

…Know your place, wannabe stalker.

From EQD:

Deadparrot22 over on Deviant Art has what I'd venture to guess is the largest Scootaloo collection in the fandom.

>on Deviant Art
>Deviant Art
>not KYM

Even when we're famous, we're not famous. Such is the fate of the guy taking notes.

Anyway, great job on being Brony famous, Deadparrot. A winner is you!

Platus wrote:

From EQD:

Deadparrot22 over on Deviant Art has what I'd venture to guess is the largest Scootaloo collection in the fandom.

>on Deviant Art
>Deviant Art
>not KYM

Even when we're famous, we're not famous. Such is the fate of the guy taking notes.

Anyway, great job on being Brony famous, Deadparrot. A winner is you!

>KYM will never be famous

@Deadparrot's Plushies. Well, I've seen them before, but if Deadparrot is post-HOLY SHIT. Look at all the Scootaloo…….It's a giant wall of best CMC.

@Deadparrot on Equestria Daily. Look at that, now DeadParrot is famous, now he has fanboys on Equestria Daily apparently. But remember this DP, they're only fanboys for your stuff, Stunthead and I are your Fanboys for other things AND DON'T YOU FUCKING FORGET IT

Don't worry everyone, we don't need to be famous, other websites just can't handle the superiority of the KYM Master Race…..Yes……that is why…….we'll never be famous.


I don’t usually egg people on with brony shit in video games though.

There's no joy to be had in annoying people with brony shit anyway. What made it so fun to run around as a ponyfag was simply having an innocent picture/name and letting that conjure all the rage and butthurt for you. All while you just play normally like it's no thing. That way you know that it is other people going out of their way to be miserable and purely their own loss.

Mind you I don't think I'll go do that sort of thing again. At this point the joke feels kinda old. I'll just cherish the memory.

@DP (You are an actual thread topic)

Congratulations DP! You are now a fandom celebrity!

I left a comment of commendation on your very own EQD article. Enjoy being popular, you famous jerk (I'll never be as cool as you)


I’ve always hated most OC’s anyway,

But…but…why? :(


Apparently I'm a cool dude now.

Wow, I was not expecting to end up on EQD at all!
And Seth is going to be here somewhere this weekend, too.
I don't know how to bring it up without sounding really creepy though…

"Hey, Seth. So… you posted me the other day."

The evidence will be there for the observant however.

I have also volunteered to help out with the con staff, but they notified me last minute (ie yesterday) so I have no idea what they are going to ask me to do.

It's still the day before events actually begin, but there are already things happening.
Someone (apparently the artist PikaPetey) is sticking Post-It note doodles all over the place.
Over the drinking fountain, Maud on a vase full of rocks, a pony on a urinal.
There was even a Twilight eating a sandwich at the Subway three blocks down the road!

Aww, I'm sorry for insulting your interest in things that barely exist.
Here, have some atomic physics as a consolation.

I actually love physics and stuff so neutrinos are cool.

Yeah, we don't want KYM to be famous!
If we became famous, everyone would be so overwhelmed by our insurmountable awesomeness that the rest of the internet would shut down in depression from the fact that they are not us.
We are like Dr Manhatten where the world is only safe when we remove ourselves from it.

…what the hell am I talking about?

@Cute Master

Thanks! – and personally I'm well adjusted to both AE and Flash, though the program you use is usually dependent on the project, my end goal is to create complex puppet rigs that can easily be downloaded and then pose to pose animated with good results, and personally I think AE is a better software to work with animation puppet rigs, since there's many tools that I wouldn't otherwise be able to use in Flash, however if I were just making a frame to frame pony animation I would certainly use Flash :) I did do a Equestria Girls Twilight rather then a pony Twilight out of preference, since I'm more familiar with the human anatomy, but if it goes well I'll branch into the mane six ponies. Many animators react like this when I tell them I'm animating in AE:

But, I promise it's good software! and it will do the MLP style justice!


You were always a cool dude.

Last edited Jul 04, 2014 at 09:48AM EDT

Well well, long time no see. Guess your ordinary 9-to-5 doesn't leave one with much idle time. Even less so with differing shifts, heh.

@QWERTY Warrior Stevo

Ah, good ol' Gargoyles. Watched that some years ago, great show. I even used it as an example on this thread during a discussion at one point, I think. If any of you folks need something to do during the hiatus, here's as good a candidate as any.

Yup, it's got a healthy cult following. They even had a convention, ran from 1997 to 2009. Still plenty of them fans crawling around the net, evidently.

Since I'm the library's unofficial advert maker, I've gotten some art done in these past months. We appear to be showing off our creations here, so allow me to join in on the fun, even if my stuff ain't very pony related. Critique be welcome, aye.

This one was the first advert I made myself. I posted the original sketch here before, but since I got no comments on it, may as well try my luck again.
So, I was asked to make an advert for anti-racism week. I went around looking for an image to use, as I'd done with a few previous adverts. I couldn't find anything terribly interesting, so I decided to go with that old saying about doing things yourself. My bosses liked the result.

Next, I was asked for something easter themed, for the easter business hours advert. I ended up procrastinating a bit too much and cut it pretty close to the deadline. Had to start late in the evening, continue in the morning and finalize it at work. I forgot to save the final version on my own stick, so you'll only get this final sketch. It's not that different though, I just did a real quick and dirty colouring swipe (basically just changed the outlines to different colours) and added the text for the final version.

So, they asked me to think of a theme for an exhibition of books. Couldn't come up with anything other than art guides, 'cause I'm wearily predictable like that. Spent most of the workday fixing this thing up, heh. Something of a self-portrait. Apparently caught some folks' attention, too, since the books got loaned fairly frequently.

My latest creation is this summer business hours advert. Finally grew enough balls to try some actually serious colouring. Almost ragequit doing it, too, but then I tried some tricks and semi-accidentally it ended up looking serviceable in the end. Not too many images of anthro giraffes around, by the way. Had to use porn as reference. Hey, not my fault them smut-peddlers know their way around anatomy, haha.

I've also got a pocket-sized sketchbook for whenever there's a lull in the action. On occasion it's quiet enough to do some more complex stuff than just random doodles. Here's the result.
The first one's what I based my new avatar on. I guess you could call him my idealized self, heh.
The second one's a revisit of an older idea. I posted the first iteration here before, but it kinda sucked. This one's better, mostly due to the simpler angle. Hard to screw up the side view, eh?
Oh, and you thought hands were difficult? Try doing them on an A7 paper, you'll go stark raving mad, har har!

DeadParrot222 wrote:

Apparently I'm a cool dude now.

Wow, I was not expecting to end up on EQD at all!
And Seth is going to be here somewhere this weekend, too.
I don't know how to bring it up without sounding really creepy though…

"Hey, Seth. So… you posted me the other day."

The evidence will be there for the observant however.

I have also volunteered to help out with the con staff, but they notified me last minute (ie yesterday) so I have no idea what they are going to ask me to do.

It's still the day before events actually begin, but there are already things happening.
Someone (apparently the artist PikaPetey) is sticking Post-It note doodles all over the place.
Over the drinking fountain, Maud on a vase full of rocks, a pony on a urinal.
There was even a Twilight eating a sandwich at the Subway three blocks down the road!

Aww, I'm sorry for insulting your interest in things that barely exist.
Here, have some atomic physics as a consolation.

I actually love physics and stuff so neutrinos are cool.

Yeah, we don't want KYM to be famous!
If we became famous, everyone would be so overwhelmed by our insurmountable awesomeness that the rest of the internet would shut down in depression from the fact that they are not us.
We are like Dr Manhatten where the world is only safe when we remove ourselves from it.

…what the hell am I talking about?

What you SHOULD do is find some pictures of your stash or bring your emergency Scootaloo's to Seth and be like "HAI THERE, YOU MADE ME BRONY FAMOUS THE OTHER DAY!"

I also like how one of the comments on the EQD article is "He jumps into that pile everyday right?" which is what he totally does. But that's not the only thing he does with his Plushies, he has plushy parties, when there's an earthquake he uses the plushies as a protection bubble, and when there's an emergency Deadparrot uses his Scootaloo's to form a set of armor and combat evil as Scootaman.

Pisses me off though as all the comments are chicken references. How dare they disrespect the Scootaloo's!

I’ve always hated most OC’s anyway

Just noticed you said that… And in the defence of everyone's OCs, it's unfair to judge all of them as being bad just because of there being a lot of bad ones. As a wise man once said "90 percent of everything is terrible", and you want to know why he said that? It was a retort to people who hated science fiction because "most of it is terrible". [citation needed]

…Second… It's hard to judge an OC out of context, because even the best designed OC can seem bland when devoid of context; to the point that that the best you can hope from a viewer is "it's not bad"; and the same could be said for the main six if we didn't have a shared context of how they normally act, in that if we had a show about six different ponies instead of these ones, then seeing them devoid of any context would make them just as boring as an OC deprived of context.

Third is a simple point… The people that make any given OC may have no idea about how to make their OC match up the the vision in their head due to inexperience. For example, one of the OCs I have has had to have the colors of the "lightning bolt like" pattern in her hair changed several times to get to a point it looks reasonable. Before, it looked yellow green, followed by orange, and it was only after an extended session of screwing around with the colors that it began to properly look like a fitting shade of gold that worked well with the other colors.

Fourth… It's quite possible the reason you don't like most OCs is because you're not interested in the specific kind of characters being portrayed. For example, I prefer OCs that are more heroically themed. As such it would come down to a matter of taste.

However, as the flip side to these reasons… I won't fault you on disliking Calpain, especially considering he's just not the kind of thing I'm interested in either.

P.S. I'm beginning to think the kind of OC I'd like to follow the adventures of would be some kind of traditional Magical Girl style OC… Except between the show's premieres and finales, we're mostly covered; and I'm also doing my own thing that almost fits as we'll… So eh?

I was just thinking that maybe it's best that KYM doesn't become famous. Could you imagine if everyone on Equestria Daily found out that DeadParrot gives away free ponies on his birthday? I don't think our Scootafag would want hundreds of bronies posting on his wall demanding a free plushie (or maybe he does, he probably likes the attention)


@My own post

I’ve always hated most OC’s anyway

Just noticed you said that…

Whoops, apparently I screwed up the quote tags in that last post… That part under "@verbose" (which I just bolded) was supposed to be in quote tags.


I don’t think our Scootafag would want hundreds of bronies posting on his wall demanding a free plushie (or maybe he does, he probably likes the attention)

Everyone likes attention, most just don't like having to whore themselves out for it… So to speak.

In tangentially related news… Who would like to see Princess Luna grab a bunch of Bat Ponies to sing the new Sailor Moon (Remake's) Opening Theme? Which would be fair enough considering the theme is called "Moon Pride", and the tittle drop of the theme's name is the first two words sung.

Edit: Then again, I guess Luna might not be the kind to just be so obsessive about that kind of thing…

Ah who am I kidding, oh course she's that crazy about anything remotely moon praising. The under appreciation of the moon is why she became Nightmare Moon after all.

Last edited Jul 05, 2014 at 01:05PM EDT

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