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THE BIG FIGHT - Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Manny Pacquiao

Last posted May 05, 2015 at 12:48PM EDT. Added May 01, 2015 at 11:35AM EDT
31 posts from 23 users

It's the fight of the century, and it's only available on pay-per-view. The defending champ Floyd Mayweather Jr. and the challenger Manny Pacquiao will go up against each other in Las Vegas tomorrow night at 9/8 ET/CT. I'm not kidding on this one, but if you have an HD TV with cable, you will have to play $100 to watch this fight. You could always go to a bar and pay a lower fee or take the risk of getting arrested and watch a pirated stream.

I'm surprised that people are cashing in on the fight. This fight would have gotten me more interested had it been set-up a few years ago. Now, it's two legends at the tail end of their careers.

I'm more likely to hit up a bar for the fight. At $100, for what could always be a 1-2 round fight, you really have to wonder what else you could do with your money. NBA Playoff games and the NFL Draft are two big draws, and you can watch coverage of those outside of Pay-Per-View.

I'll be watching NBA playoff games. It looked like most of the teams were going to sweep into the next round, but the Clippers have forced a deciding Game 7, and the Nets are playing up to their talent against the Hawks and may force another Game 7 on Sunday.

Fun fact: my school's prom is happening literally across the street from the match on literally the same night. Either my school didn't plan that out at all or they did it on purpose and they're just stupid. It's a pretty hilarious situation though. Luckily I'm no senior so I'm not going to that shit. I'm also not watching the fight because I don't have $100 lying around for boxing on tv. I'm still pretty excited though.

Slutty Sam wrote:

Fun fact: my school's prom is happening literally across the street from the match on literally the same night. Either my school didn't plan that out at all or they did it on purpose and they're just stupid. It's a pretty hilarious situation though. Luckily I'm no senior so I'm not going to that shit. I'm also not watching the fight because I don't have $100 lying around for boxing on tv. I'm still pretty excited though.

There's this thing called streams, Sam, you should try it out sometime. :P

Also, if you root for Mayweather, you are literally Hitler for supporting a wifebeater. If Manny doesn't win this, I'll eat my fucking shorts.

Boy I'm pretty sure nobody expected that…
Is it me or almost every Mayweather fight ends in the same way..?

ggwp Pacquiao, someone nerf Mayweather pls

Jersey Jimmy wrote:

There's this thing called streams, Sam, you should try it out sometime. :P

Also, if you root for Mayweather, you are literally Hitler for supporting a wifebeater. If Manny doesn't win this, I'll eat my fucking shorts.

I don't think anyone's going to hold you to that.

And by the way, that's not even the whole extent of it. This is something he said in an interview for his autobiographical documentary:

"When it comes to females … even though you can’t drive 10 cars at one time, but … you got people that got 10 cars. So, you’re able to keep maintenance up on 10 cars. So, I feel that, as far as when it comes to females, that same thing should apply. If you’re able to take care of 20, then you should have 20."

As much as a certain group of people love to throw the word "objectifying" around… holy fucking shit.

>you will have to play $100 to watch this fight
And people wonder why boxing's a dying sport.

This is probably one of their last chances to claw back some market share from the UFC and they're blowing it.

I was rooting for Pacquiao, but I knew Mayweather would win from the start. I didn't watch much of the fight, I just relied on live tweets. Apparently, I heard it was just hugging and running too…

As a Filipino, I hardly cared then and now about the fight. Then again, I don't care much for sports in general, unlike my family. Still, it must suck to be a Pacquiao fan right now. Or anyone who betted on Pacquiao. I know my family's pretty salty about the results.

Well, I didn't really watch the fight (because mhu4 gem runs yay) however, everyone in my area seems pissed about the results about Manny "losing". The guy got a fuck-ton of money though.

Also I went on twitter and everyone is all salty. for like two hours and everything went back hipster quotes

Space Cowboy wrote:

As a Filipino, I hardly cared then and now about the fight. Then again, I don't care much for sports in general, unlike my family. Still, it must suck to be a Pacquiao fan right now. Or anyone who betted on Pacquiao. I know my family's pretty salty about the results.

As a Filipino, I can confirm this

Beatrice Santello wrote:

So… As one of the rare Filipinos who didn't even give a damn about sports in general, what happened? BTW, the Pay-Per-View of this fight is cheaper here.

If we told you, you may get a bit butthurt.

I think if you listened to the pundits, then this is about what you expected. Mayweather boxes defensively. His intent isn't to knock his opponent around at this point, especially with someone with the rapid-fire attacking prowess of Pacquiao.

Money wasn't going to play around with Pacquiao and look for a pretty knockout unless Manny left himself wide open too many times. He was looking to go the full match in just doing what Money does: Predict, defend against direct hits, evade, move, bob, weave, and counter when a small chance presents itself.

Pacquiao looked good, but he knew all along that he could catch a knockout blow if he was too aggressive and left himself wide open. So he couldn't afford to be as aggressive as he might normally be. But he needed to be aggressive in order to win. Ultimately, him being cautious (albeit with reason) was playing into Mayweathers's game. And you can't beat Mayweather, a bred, born, raised, and trained boxer with superb boxing talent at his game. You have to get lucky and catch him a few times with some powerful blows, and Pacquiao didn't get close to landing enough to take Money off of his game.
Still, I enjoyed the match despite the lack of excitement. Both looked as good as I expected. A friend invited me out to watch the fight. I found it entertaining as a geeky sports fan.

Beatrice Santello wrote:

So… As one of the rare Filipinos who didn't even give a damn about sports in general, what happened? BTW, the Pay-Per-View of this fight is cheaper here.

Basically, something like Decapre Reveal
Does anyone remember Decapre? Of course not, who the hell wants to remember the reveal of the biggest Capcom botch of all the time since Bad-box megaman..

Anyways, in a nutshell:
>Fight that a lot of fans were expecting
>Took several years for some bloody reason
>Mayweather generates hype like no tomorrow
>A lot of theories and possible results, everyone was expecting a bloodbath or something
>Mayweather pulls a Mayweather, literally does nothing at all for 12 rounds and Pacquiao's rusty engine shows its flaws.
>End of the fight.

Bonus: Dota 2 version

He already pulled this shit again Maidana but that fight was far more entertaining. To the casual fan, its shit but the hardcore fan knows this is how Floyd plays, he always goes for points and nothing else.
It's shit regardless, it's like watching a football (or soccer or whatever) team score a goal and then kick the ball off the stadium everytime the opposite team tries to score.

Aaaaand I didn't get into the discussion on KYM because I was busy talking about this to everybody else irl. Oh well.

Tbh I kinda enjoyed the fight, but it was overhyped regardless. There's a difference between showing impressive skill by evading punches at the split second they come at you (needless to say, take a look at Ali), and bouncing around the ring. Mayweather did more of the latter.

Pacquiao on the other hand, could have used a bit more strategy in his approach. We all know Mayweather is a defensive fighter. Pacman should have thought up of an effective way to corner Money without getting hugged. I feel that if Pac were in top condition (he had an injured shoulder the whole fight,) he would have landed a few more lovely blows to Money's face.


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