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Whats your method of trolling?

Last posted Nov 23, 2010 at 09:16AM EST. Added Jul 14, 2010 at 06:17PM EDT
94 posts from 60 users

Most of my trolling is done on Habbo. However, I don't usually participate in raids anymore (and if I do, I don't dress as a nigra anymore). Usually, I troll on a more personal level. For example, if one sets their motto as "R.I.P. Dave", I'll tell them something like "Dave died to get away from you".

Welcome to chat.
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Me: hello

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We apologize for the delay.
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Agent [Richie] is ready to assist you.
Me: My friend is mormon and I was wondering about something
Me: if i doubted god would you guys give me up
Richie: ok cool
Richie: Well we believe a person can only learn about God if they are willing to act in some faith and prayer and learn about God. But I believe God can clear up your doubts
Me: well what if i let you guys down
Richie: It isn't really about me. I am just here to help, and invite!
Me: would you run around and desert me? or would I be FOREVER ALONE?
Richie: what do you mean?
Me: but how many adversities are attracted to your religion I am very interested
Me: I am very adverse
Me: are you still there
Richie: yes I am here, not sure what you mean?
Me: I mean are people attracted to your religion like moths to a light or maybe shavings to a magnet
Richie: Not really, maybe once they find it to be true then yes, but at first it take people time to learn and come to know for themselves
Me: oh well while we are on this topic I really must know, magnets how do they work?
Richie: I wish I knew. All of you people asking.
Me: Well that feels bad man, thanks for answering though
Richie: I know it seems funny, but we are giving of time to answer sincere questions and to help people grow closer to God, I am happy to help you with sincere questions. But if you are part of the trolling, please realise it really isn't a funny joke.
Me: oh I am sorry you feel that way about a beautiful art
The chat session has ended.

Let's see…
I act nice and friendly to the person who I plan on trolling, and become 'friends' with them.
Then a few weeks later I troll 'em hard. Then I leave one comment on their profile (if I can) asking,

"U MAD?"

And I leave it at that. I don't reply to what they say afterwards. One guy on here tried to successfully troll me, but I haven't replied to him for about 2 days now. So I'd like to ask him this…



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