Granted. The paw was carrying influenza.
I wish for the cure to cancer.
320,842 total conversations in 9,947 threads
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Apr 19, 2013 at 08:49PM EDT.
Jan 12, 2013 at 03:21PM EST
485 posts
72 users
Granted. The paw was carrying influenza.
I wish for the cure to cancer.
Granted, but the cure is to die.
I wish for moar Sonic games
Granted. They're worse than Sonic '06.
I wish for an endless supply of pizza.
…How did I know that would be the response?
Anyway, granted, but you have to provide said supply. TO THE WORLD.
I wish that 413, 612 and 1025 would have greater significance.
They get greater significance… in a bad fanfic.
I wish I was a little bit taller
Granted. The whole world grows a little larger as well.
I wish I could be Spider-Man for a day.
granted to the part where doc ock controls him
i wish for an dragon
It incinerates you with a fireball.
I wish my dreams could come to life.
freddy kruger hunts you down
i wish for cobra commander
Granted, he goes AWOL and kills everyone.
I wish for an ice cream sundae.
Granted, it's one hell of a delicious sundae, probably the best you ever ate in your whole life. Such a tasty ice cream slowly penetrates in your body…But then…
I wish twihards could all go togheter to the highest part of their respective houses, find a sharp object and jump there.
Granted. They miss.
I wish I could eat infinite sweets with out any negative side effects.
Granted, but Fast Food's negative effects are doubled.
I wish I had the Goldeneye keys.
granted but they open the crate to the worst gun in gaming history
i wish for genies
I wish I lived in G4 Ponyville.
SURE oh did you say moon
i wish for the entire cobra army
Granted, but they're your enemies.
I wish I had a delicious BONK drink.
granted with an chance of spy
I wish for gi joe
Granted. You get the action figure.
I wish for an Italian restaurant.
You get the restaurant, but not the food.
I wish for a companion cube plushie.
Granted. GLaDOS forces you to burn it in the incerator.
I wish for cotton candy.
Granted. But it has diabetes.
I wish for Nyan Cat to visit earth.
Granted. Unfortunately you missed him flying by because he was too fast.
I wish for the funniest yo mama joke ever.
Granted. It's really funny, but it's so offensive that you KNOW if you would ever tell that joke to anyone, even a racist dude, he would be offended. Therefore, you will never mention that joke.
I wish it was snowing outside.
Granted but is pee snow.
I wish I had driver's licence.
Granted, but it's fake.
I wish Cthulhu was my best friend.
You are his best friend because your human flesh flavor
I wish I can open all the TF2 boxes without keys
Granted, but you need to pay for what you find inside.
I wish I knew how to get the Sandvich for Heavy.
Granted. But you need to go to the store to buy things to make a sandwich for Heavy.
I wish to be surrounded by beautiful women.
Granted. You're blind.
I wish I had a sentry.
Granted, but you're only friends in Facebook.
I wish I knew how to eat a snake.
i wish cobra commander will stop terriorism
Granted, it's by killing everyone.
I wish for a bottomless jar of pickles.
Granted. The jar has no bottom on it, so the pickles fall out.
I wish I had a bunch of gun's.
They're all water guns
I wish that my ipod had unlimited memory
Granted, but the battery power goes down faster.
I wish I had the best PC in the world.
You have a Mac
I wish a weapon with unlimited ammo
Granted, but it only exists in your mind.
I wish people didn't leave gum under the tables.
Granted, they now leave it on chairs.
I wish for this week to finally be over
You skipped tonight, where you won the lottery, and now you didn't.
I wish I had a big jawbreaker.
Granted and you break your jaw.
I wish this issue wasnt so complicated ._.
granted but you died in a Mexican standoff
i wish there are no cults
Granted, there are no people either. Or animals. Or life for that matter.
I wish for the 7 Chaos Emeralds.
Granted. Anyone who gets the reference dies.
I wish for a robot that can finally defeat Sonic.
Granted, but tails defeats the robot.
I wish for a giant bag of chips
sure but it's so big that it knock out the moon
i wish for chuck norris
He comes and roundhouse kicks you to a pulp.
I'm hankerin for a hunk o cheese. I wish I had one.
Granted, but it's rotten.
I wish I had the longfall boots.
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