crusty wrote:
You get a magma cube, but it's one of those tiny ones that don't yield any cream.
I wish I had my very own boat.
Who needs cream?
You get the titanic. I think that should be enough.
I wish for a golden sword.
320,842 total conversations in 9,947 threads
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Apr 19, 2013 at 08:49PM EDT.
Jan 12, 2013 at 03:21PM EST
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72 users
crusty wrote:
You get a magma cube, but it's one of those tiny ones that don't yield any cream.
I wish I had my very own boat.
Who needs cream?
You get the titanic. I think that should be enough.
I wish for a golden sword.
You get a golden sword, but it only has one use left.
I wish I had a rubber rhino.
I use the one use on that pigman that says "oh, you da pushover" and K.O.'d him.
You get a rubber rhino, made from recycled dildos.
The user above has not wished for something, so I'll just wish for something myself.
I wish for all of the good luck in the world.
The good luck manifests in a huge orb right above you and lands on you, turning you into tomato soup.
I wish I was best friends with Kirby.
Kirby eats you anyway.
I wish I was omnipotent.
You are only omnipotent over the snail world.
I wish I had superpowers.
Your superpower is failing horribly at everything you do.
I wish I had a better memory.
You can only remember cute cat videos, all in perfect detail.
I wish I had a Pokemon.
You received a level 20 Magikarp. You have no badges, so it doesn't obey you.
I wish I could draw.
everything you draw turns into bestiality porn
I wish for the ability to wish for more wishes
Wishes are physical objects that take up space. Hope you have room in your house.
I wish for a sandwich.
Granted, but it's poisonous.
I wish I could go to a rock concert.
It's Nickelback.
I wish for an AK-47.
It jams and you blow your face off trying to fix it.
I wish for infinite wisdom.
Your infinite wisdom caused your head to explode
I wish people would stop fighting each other forever.
This kills human nature and everyone is like robots (*cough*ME3 Green ending*cough*)
I wish for the power to crush anything that attempts to stop my conquest of the earth.
Everything on Earth is dead, everything except for you.
I wish that I found the cure for cancer.
IcyNudibranch wrote:
It's Nickelback.
I wish for an AK-47.
Granted, but you get AIDS.
I wish Equestria was real so I can conquer it.
Granted, but you fail in your conquest and they put you in a zoo. I wish so much money
Granted, but you are unable to finish sentences for the rest of your life.
I wish my mom let me eat two wieners.
granted but hot dogs are conjoined to an scropoian
i wish for zombie army
You get one, but they eat you.
I wish I had a piece of pepperoni pizza.
The pepperoni is 25 years old
I wish for a Game Grumps poster.
Granted, but you get this one.
I wish I had an army of LEGO minifigures.
You get one, but they turn on you instantly.
I wish I had a digger nick.
Digger Nick becomes your slave, but he kills you in your sleep.
I wish for this wish to become uncorruptable.
Sure, in Bizarro World.
I wish I had a banana smoothie right now.
You Get One, but it was poisoned.
I wish Nicol Bolas din't double post earlier
trololololololo i wish for an dragon form
You get one, But a knight kills you.
I wish I had a gummy bear.
Granted, but it's licorice flavored.
I wish I had a time machine.
You go back to meet dinosaurs and are promptly squished by a STEG-O-SAURUS!
I wish my cat was a Skitty.
The Skitty Wake-up Slaps you every morning.
I wish the Internet was truly run by cats.
granted but he says he is not in the elovioition theory i wish for this forum to end
Granted, but I reopen it.
I wish I have THE POWER!!!
Granted, but you are assassinated for abuse of Power.
I wish I could send other people straight to hell.
Granted, but you go along with them.
I wish to get perfect grades on all of my assignments.
Granted, then you get expelled for changing your grades on the school computer.
I wish it was nice enough to go biking again.
You get killed in a biking accident.
I wish for a burger.
burger's poisoned
i wish for nothing
The Nothing from "The Neverending Story" comes and assimilates you.
I wish I had all the superballs in the world. (Boy, already I don't like where this is heading….)
They melt you cause an flood
i wish that twilight does not exist
Granted, but ceases to exist only for two seconds
I wish I can be Saiyain
you're a saiyain, but not a saiyan. (Spelling. it saves lives.)
I wish I were cool.
Presto! You're no a solid block of ice!
I wish I was in Super Smash Bros.
ok but you played in minus world
i wish there's no creepypastas what so ever
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