Granted, I give it to you.
I wish for a happy non-birthday
320,842 total conversations in 9,947 threads
Last posted
Apr 19, 2013 at 08:49PM EDT.
Jan 12, 2013 at 03:21PM EST
485 posts
72 users
Granted, I give it to you.
I wish for a happy non-birthday
Happy last day of your life.
I wish I had a medigun.
it short cirticted
i wish for an Molotov cocktail
You avoid it at the last minute, because you think it's poisoned. Dump it out…it seeps through a crack in the ground to the planet's core and causes the world to blow up…
I wish I was a Legendary Pokemon
Granted. You are beaten by Pikachu.
Granted. You now have unlimited power bars in your fridge.
I wish for a stronger and delicious alcoholic drink.
Sadly, the main ingredient is H2O2
I wish everyone would love the whole world, and all its sights and sounds.
everyone dies
i wish for an nuke
Granted. It detonates right next to you.
I wish for a lollipop.
You find it in the ground, dirty and full of bugs.
I wish for a taco.
Your taco was actually a wizard in disguise, and as soon as you bite it, he curses to spend an eternity in your personal Hell.
I wish people stopped being morons.
Now they are all d-bags
I wish I had the fastest internet ever.
Granted. The government confiscates it to see how it works and gives you back your old Internet.
I wish I had all 7 Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald.
The government confisctates them too and throw you in prison.
I wish I was stronger than Chuck Norris.
chuck norris heard this and divides by zero next to you
i wish for the fiery fire
You're not Pyro, so you die from afterburn.
I wish for the Pomsom to be fixed.
Granted. Everything else is broken.
I wish I had a magic conch shell.
it backfires on you when you wish for something
i wish for this form to be active again :I
Granted…but only in five minutes
I wish everyone in my team be Heavy
(Who is upvoting everything?)
Granted, but that includes you.
I wish my school had a better auditorium.
Granted. Now your school can't afford to buy toilet paper.
I wish I had an army of SWATbots which couldn't self-destruct.
Tails pokes one and they all fall apart in a domino line.
I wish I could give a f*ck.
Granted, you actually gave a fuck to a granny.
I wish I was on my bed, resting.
Granted, you rest on your brand new bed made of spikes.
I wish for a tamed, docile, reptile pet!
It's dead, freaking dead.
I wish I could have a day to do anything I wanted, with no negative repercussions.
Granted, it was the day and year you were born, and you couldn't do much of what you wanted. But hey! Don't let that get ya down! You made it out alive!
I wish for a live, docile, tamed, manticore!
granted but it's not house trained
i wish for an chainsaw
Granted, but the chainsaw include this guy to
I wish infinite health
Infinite Health has been granted! But you didn't specify who would be getting it though, so it goes to the person you hate most.
I wish for great knowledge.
Your brain explodes.
I wish for a hat.
You brain explodes because of the hat.
I wish for a non-brain-exploding wish.
Your bladder explodes instead, and you need a change.
I wish for good music to play all day, every day!
You eventually turn crazy from always hearing music 24/7
I wish this wish is corrupted
You divided by zero! YOU MONSTER!!! OH SHI-
I wish I had some nachos.
You get them… drooled by me.
I wish I wasnt so bored.
You are thrown back in time to World War One, have fun with trench foot!
I wish there were better hair mods for Fallout: New Vegas.
mods are actually a virus and you will lose all game files
i wish for you to be dead
ok but he placed an rue Goldberg device to light up an battery charged flamethrower(you die)
i wish for an undead dragon
Granted, it's a Komodo Dragon that walks very slowly and eats anything.
I wish for everyone, including me, on this thread to get gold bars!
They'll get them at the funeral.
I wish for zero to become dividable.
I wish a new IPad Mini
Granted, but it's cursed.
I wish I met a cartoon version of myself.
Granted, but you both get smashed by a piano.
I wish for an egg-celent opportunity to defeat Sonic!
You're now 3/4 egg and a random furfag saves the day before you can finish off the defeated sonic.
I wish for fire
You are now made of fire……….in a room full of TNT
I wish I wasn't sick
Granted but now you have the lack of ink illness.
I wish I knew why my GF was mad o.O
you are now a woman and can understand female logic
i wish that the next wish will be my wish and that the following wish will not come true
ok i wish for an lich-excution
news of the day: justin bibier is hated throughout america
i wish for an anti-croupptable wish
You just basically divided zero OH SHI-
I wish people would stop wishing for anti-croupptable wishes
Granted but now people can wish for more genies.
I wish for a bottle of 3 liters of aloe drink.
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