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JoJo Stand Power Generator Game

Last posted Jul 22, 2016 at 02:10AM EDT. Added Jun 26, 2016 at 10:20PM EDT
20 posts from 19 users

The rules of this game is simple; You insert your KYM username as the first word, and your favorite genre of music. You then generate a name (which will be your Stand name) and then generate a stand. Post your Stand Name/Powers below me in a similar format to how I describe mine…

Stand Name: PEPSI Freestyle
Stand Ability: [PEPSI Manipulation]
Ability Description: The power to manipulate PEPSI.

Power – C
Speed – A
Range – E
Durability – E
Precision – B
Potential – E

Stand Name: Black Graphic T Orchestral Score

Stand Ability: [Conceptual Music](

Power – E

Speed – D

Range – D

Durability – D

Precision – E

Potential – C

Description: The power to alter reality through the use of music and songs. Improved version of Music Manipulation. The user can alter reality through the usage of musical mediums such as tunes, rhythms, songs, etc. and be able to cause a variety of effects with this utilization.

Stand Name: Chowzburgerz Metal

Stand Ability: [Life Infusion](

Power – B

Speed – E

Range – C

Durability – C

Precision – B

Potential – A

Description: The power to infuse life into objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers. Sub-power of Healing and Life-Force Manipulation. Variation of Infusion. The user can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with life, empowering and energizing them and allowing the user to manipulate their qualities and efficiency, allowing them to heal, mend and purify rather than harm, including potentially resurrecting the dead.

Stand Name: Volga Boatmen

Stand Ability: [Tranquil State](

Power – A

Speed – A

Range – B

Durability – B

Precision – A

Potential – E

Description: The ability to enter a state of self-induced tranquility. Not to be confused with Apathy. Opposite of Feral Mind. User can remain calm in virtually any situation, allowing them to think with perfect clarity even when under extreme emotional or physical distress. Users can endure mental stress, and can be essentially immune to emotional manipulation and highly resistant to torture.

Stand Name: Triangle

Stand Ability: [Destiny Manipulation](

Power – B

Speed – C

Range – A

Durability – D

Precision – B

Potential – A

Description: The power to perceive and affect fate/destiny concerning people and events. Opposite to Freedom. User is able to perceive, shape and manipulate destiny allowing them to affect reality in several ways both overt and hidden. Many users have an object that is physical manifestation of this power, common forms being Book or Spindle and a cutting tool.

Stand Name: Thraximundar Stoner Metal

Stand Ability: [Block Manipulation](

Power – D

Speed – B

Range – D

Durability – A

Precision – B

Potential – D

Description: The power to manipulate blocks. User can create, shape and manipulate any sort of blocks, including bricks, toy blocks, blocks used in building different things, concrete blocks, etc., shaping and combining them as needed, or moving them with telekinesis.

Stand Name: Space Dementia

Stand Ability: [Technomorphism](

Power – D

Speed – D

Range – A

Durability – E

Precision – B

Potential – E

Description: The power to transform into or have a physical body made of shapeshifting nanomachines. The physiology version of Nanite Manipulation. Not to be confused with Nanite Mimicry User is made up of or can transform their body completely into intelligent adaptive nanomachines they can manipulate in any way they see fit.

Stand Name: Armesi World of Trash

Stand Ability: [4th Wall Awareness](

Power – D

Speed – D

Range – E

Durability – D

Precision – A

Potential – E

Description: The ability to be aware that one's Universe is fictional, and potentially use this to act in otherwise impossible ways within their fictional universe. Users have the capacity to be aware that their Universe is false. Through this, they may be able to carry out acts that, within the Universe, would otherwise be impossible. Depending on the extent of the user's power, one could potentially gain the powers of Reality Warping and/or Omniscience within the context of their own false Universe.

So I am basically the Trash Man and Deadpool, amazing.

Stand Name: DarthZino Rock

Stand Ability: [Metal Manipulation](

Power – A

Speed – C

Range – E

Durability – B

Precision – C

Potential – A

Description: The ability to manipulate metal. Variation of Earth Manipulation. Not to be confused with Magnetism Manipulation. User can create, shape and manipulate metal, a solid material (an element, compound, or alloy) that is typically hard, shiny, and features good electrical and thermal conductivity. Metals are generally malleable--they can be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking--as well as fusible (able to be fused or melted) and ductile (able to be drawn out…

Stand Name: Dr.Medic Run Through the Desert

Stand Ability: [Magnetism Manipulation]

Power – D

Speed – D

Range – A

Durability – E

Precision – C

Potential – B

Description: The ability to manipulate magnetic fields. Sub-power of Electromagnetism Manipulation. Users can generate, control and manipulate magnetism in all its forms, both natural (planetary, solar, lunar, stellar, magnetosphere, magnetic materials/ferromagnetism, etc.), organic (generated by the electric currents of living beings) or artificial (everything creating/using electricity). User can affect any matter that is magnetic (iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys, some rare earth metals…

Stand Name: MiloticExalted Black Train

Stand Ability: [Sky Manipulation]

Power – C

Speed – D

Range – A

Durability – D

Precision – B

Potential – B

Description: Power to manipulate the Sky and everything in it. Variation of Environment Manipulation. User can create, shape and manipulate the sky and everything in it, including all the aspects of the weather, from the purely physical ones and also mythical/conceptual ones.

OP as fucc

Stand Name: Jon Bovi stoner rock
(I was hoping to use "Demon Cleaner" as my stand name)
Stand Ability: [Anti-Body Generation](

Power – E

Speed – E

Range – A

Durability – E

Precision – E

Potential – B

Description: The power to create antibodies. Sub-Power of Anti-Body Manipulation. Variation of Organic Generation. Opposite to Disease Generation. The user can create antibodies to oneself and others to detect and destroy viruses and bacteria inside them.

Last edited Jul 14, 2016 at 11:04PM EDT

Stand Name: Soak Up the Sun

Stand Ability: [Umbrakinetic Regeneration](

Power – D

Speed – C

Range – C

Durability – B

Precision – A

Potential – E

Description: The ability to regenerate using darkness/shadows. Technique of Darkness Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Regeneration. Not to be confused with Darkness Healing. The user can use darkness/shadows to regenerate their bodies with the amount of darkness used defining the speed of healing.

Stand Name: Alternative Boy

Stand Ability: [Divine Element Manipulation](

Power – B

Speed – B

Range – A

Durability – D

Precision – C

Potential – C

Description: The power to manipulate divine elements. Combination of Divine Force Manipulation and Elemental Manipulation. Opposite to Demonic Element Manipulation. Not to be confused with Light Element Manipulation. The user can create, shape and manipulate holy elements that's highly effective against the supernatural, such as demons and/or angels. They would be able to do all kinds of holy things with their unique type of element, which in question, can range from trapping and/or immobilizing to…

Stand Name: Animal I Have Become

Stand Ability: [Vaewolf Physiology](

Power – B

Speed – A

Range – E

Durability – B

Precision – D

Potential – E

Description: The ability to use the abilities of a Vaewolf. Variation of Cryptic Physiology, Hybrid Physiology of Werewolf Physiology and Vampire Physiology. User with this ability either is or can transform into a Vaewolf, a hybrid of a vampire and a werewolf which takes an equal amount of characteristics from each parent species. For instance most vaewolves still need to consume blood regularly and may still be affected by the presence of a full moon.

This stand is the meaning of Edge.

Last edited Jul 19, 2016 at 10:04PM EDT

Stand Name: Queen's Atmosphere

Stand Ability: [Society Manipulation](

Power – E

Speed – B

Range – B

Durability – A

Precision – E

Potential – D

Description: The power to manipulate societies and their beliefs. Advanced version of Mental Manipulation. The user of this power can control different kinds of societies and their belief systems and their cultures. When powerful enough, the user can affect entire countries of society, though they can also control smaller groups such as fan clubs and organizations and such.

Last edited Jul 20, 2016 at 12:13AM EDT

Stand Name: Take the "A" Train

Stand Ability: [Planetary Dissociation Travel](

Power – B

Speed – D

Range – C

Durability – E

Precision – C

Potential – A

Description: The ability to dissociate themselves from planetary rotation to travel at high speeds. User is able to dissociate themselves from planetary rotation, allowing them to travel across the globe at high speeds. This can be used to get to other areas of the world quickly and easily.

Suck it, physics. I'm going to make record travel times.

Last edited Jul 20, 2016 at 01:13AM EDT

Mako the Goblin Queen wrote:

Stand Name: Queen's Atmosphere

Stand Ability: [Society Manipulation](

Power – E

Speed – B

Range – B

Durability – A

Precision – E

Potential – D

Description: The power to manipulate societies and their beliefs. Advanced version of Mental Manipulation. The user of this power can control different kinds of societies and their belief systems and their cultures. When powerful enough, the user can affect entire countries of society, though they can also control smaller groups such as fan clubs and organizations and such.

Now that I'm awake, I can see just how powerful this stand is

Stand Name: Tank!

Stand Ability: [Energetic Pressure](

Power – C

Speed – A

Range – A

Durability – D

Precision – B

Potential – E

Description: The power to generate enormous amounts of energy that is capable of crushing or damaging anything and everything in the surrounding areas. Variation of Aura Generation, Energy Manipulation and Energy Generation. User can use their energy to cause crushing or repelling effects on objects or areas, can cause target to be paralyzed by the pressure, induce fear, or kill with only their energy. They can cause an attacks to be negated or have no effect at all.

Stand Name: Don't Talk

Stand Ability: [Unrecognizability](

Power – C

Speed – B

Range – D

Durability – A

Precision – B

Potential – C

Description: The ability to not be recognized. The user can make themselves unrecognizable to other people. Even those who know the user personally may not recognize them and forget what they looked like after they leave.


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