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Madness Combat a meme?

Last posted Dec 02, 2009 at 12:01AM EST. Added Dec 01, 2009 at 01:13PM EST
22 posts from 4 users

Techincly 9.5 if u include 5.5 but hes working on 10 now
And if not madness is a meme
what about Tricky the Clown from the series?

Madness has some pretty strong fandom.
Someone created Madness ragdolls for GMOD a while back.

I'm not sure what I think yet.

Madness Combat:

Started on Newgrounds, posted by Krinkels. Became insanely popular within the Newgrounds community as krinkels continued to make sequels (Madness combat 1-9).

On Newgrounds Madness has its own Collection page ( and claims September 22nd as Madness Day since 2007. Many flash artists made tributes and parodies (NOT derivatives, concept and idea did not mutate) including Thing-Thing, Maximum Ninja, etc.

I would say madness is NOT a meme. While the idea has been recreated multiple times, it did not mutate.


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