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Last posted Feb 20, 2020 at 03:03AM EST. Added Feb 25, 2010 at 10:59AM EST
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11 days since report on "OC" post and this right now needs authentication. Any thoughts?

Last edited May 12, 2014 at 07:37AM EDT

Brian Gimao wrote:

11 days since report on "OC" post and this right now needs authentication. Any thoughts?


As shown by this search results, it has no possibilities to become something notable.
As an added bonus, NND users have finally got tired of this kind of silly MAD/parody videos since around the last year. We don't need to pay attention to it any longer.

Hey guys, there are a few subculture entries I'm thinking of adding, but I'm not sure of on account of them not having many popular sub-memes. Do you guys know if they have any, I'm not planning on making any if I don't feel they've spread much in regards to memes? The entries I were thinking of are:

>Kuroko's Basketball
It has enough popularity among fangirls that I've been thinking of making an entry, but I can't think of a single meme it's spawned.
>Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions
One of the more popular of KyoAni's recent series, which is one of the reason's I've had it on the cards. The only notable meme I can think of is the obvious Opening Parodies / Rikka's Finger Spin. Are there any other memes linked to the series?
>Angel Beats!
For such a popular series, with a noticeable fanbase, I would've thought there'd be more memes for it. I can't really think of anything, but I know that the op is kinda popular (although I don't believe this spread into meme territory).

There are the ones I'm hesitant about. The others I have planned I'm more confident about, being Bleach, Code Geass, studio Shaft and Gen Urobuchi (even if the last two aren't anime, and are on the production side of things). I was also thinking of a Baccano entry, but I'm not asking about that as much because I know it didn't do as well in Japan, so I'm not counting on much from the Japanese fandom in that respect.

And one small, unrelated last thing. While an entry is completely off the cards, and I'm only asking to satisfy my own curiosity, how popular was the series Samurai Flamenco in Japan? I'm just wondering, due to the show being infamous at this point over here, and the sales being pretty bad, I just am really curious how fans over in Japan view the show.


>Kuroko' Basketball

Fujoshis are always fighting for their true shipping. So all of them has no time to generate memes, fads or something. So, there is no memes for Kuroko. If there is any chance we could utilize Fujoshi anime/manga entries, It would be to document "trace" fads (eg. Characters Trapped Behind Smartphone Glass, Special Feeling, Hanami Trace or hand-drawn animated video fads).

>Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions

Nothing anymore. On the other hand, I think it would be better to separate the op parody and the finger spin to each articles. 2 entries would be able to keep its necessity.

> Angel Beats

I only have the memory that AB came under heavy criticism for its poor plot. But, Girls Dead Monsters songs were popular subjects for tribute among amateur musicians while ago.

> Code Geass

Code Geass was one of the popular subject for MAD videos in the early days of NND, but almost all of MADs has been removed by the copyright holders, SUNRISE and BANDAI Visual. Zero's remark "United States of Nippon" was the most popular phrase. So this phrase may deserve to have its own entry.

> Samurai Flamenco

Yeah, Samurai Flamenco was the failed title. Nobody remembers it. And, most of "noitamina" titles are produced by Aniplex, video parodies for them are quickly removed from the web.

to be continued later.

Cool thanks. I think I'll ponder a little more on Kuroko then, if nothing turns up then I'll probably knock down the idea. Would an entry for Fujoshi in general be a good idea? I can see it working, but I'm not sure.

I'll think a little more on Angel Beats too, but I think it's chances fair a little higher. I did notice the Girls Dead Monsters' songs being popular, so that may be worth a note should the entry ever arise

I agree with your idea to separate the two into separate entries, I think I'll make an entry for Chunibyo after the two are separated.

Code Geass has certainly spawned it's fair share of memes, so it's definitely in the works. I'll be sure to mention what you said, and if there are other memes for the other things I mentioned, please mention them for me.

It's really sad about Samurai Flamenco, I really enjoyed it. It's getting a resurgence on sites here among fujoshi, and people looking back and saying "wow what a train wreck that was", which is something I guess. Wish it was more popular, maybe it would be if it didn't have such a weird plot twist.

I'll be sure to check back later then, thank for helping :)

Last edited Jun 01, 2014 at 02:15PM EDT

Twenty-One wrote:

Cool thanks. I think I'll ponder a little more on Kuroko then, if nothing turns up then I'll probably knock down the idea. Would an entry for Fujoshi in general be a good idea? I can see it working, but I'm not sure.

I'll think a little more on Angel Beats too, but I think it's chances fair a little higher. I did notice the Girls Dead Monsters' songs being popular, so that may be worth a note should the entry ever arise

I agree with your idea to separate the two into separate entries, I think I'll make an entry for Chunibyo after the two are separated.

Code Geass has certainly spawned it's fair share of memes, so it's definitely in the works. I'll be sure to mention what you said, and if there are other memes for the other things I mentioned, please mention them for me.

It's really sad about Samurai Flamenco, I really enjoyed it. It's getting a resurgence on sites here among fujoshi, and people looking back and saying "wow what a train wreck that was", which is something I guess. Wish it was more popular, maybe it would be if it didn't have such a weird plot twist.

I'll be sure to check back later then, thank for helping :)

Fine. Opening Parodyand Finger Spin are now separated. I'll leave it to you.

Fujoshi entry is a good idea. It will work like Otaku.

I'll make an entry for Code Geass MADs. This and Spinzaku Kick would help the submitting of the subculture entry.


An Aniplex's work. no video parodies or tributes. A cliche in this manga "Nan…dato…?" (なん・・・だと・・・?) is actually an internet slang. But the parody illustrations for it aren't so popular. We hardly give it its own entry.

Brian Gimao wrote:

Blu-ray Disc Series

Obligatory new fad report. It's all about Blu-ray Disc Advertising. Have a skinny on this?

P.S. Going slowly

As shown by its title, this series rule is to use TV adverts for blu-ray/DVD discs for its visual resource. The originator of this series is the Saki version posted to NND on May 24th, 2014.

This song, YO-KAI Disco, has been used in MADs since before. But its popularity wasn't so large.

If this series spread explosively, we will have to give this song an entry. I guess so.

I hate to bother you more, but could you do me one last favour? Do you know if there are any notable memes related to the series Love Live! and Working!/Wagnaria? I know Wagnaria has X plays the tambourine, but I can't think of any more, and I can't think of any for Love Live. They're the only other series I think has potential for an entry, so I promise I'm done after those.

Twenty-One wrote:

I hate to bother you more, but could you do me one last favour? Do you know if there are any notable memes related to the series Love Live! and Working!/Wagnaria? I know Wagnaria has X plays the tambourine, but I can't think of any more, and I can't think of any for Love Live. They're the only other series I think has potential for an entry, so I promise I'm done after those.

> Love Live!

A Rip-off suspicion of episode 6 in the 2nd season occurred in the last month. → Did This Japanese Anime Rip Off Glee? (Kotaku)

Umi's hilarious face expressions in episode 5 caused a small fad of parody videos. → NND's search results

Each of them hasn't earned enough notability yet. And, Nobody cares Nico-senpai's "Nikko Nikko Ni" at all:)

> Working!/Wagnaria

Working! had op parody fads in each seasons. (NND's search results: 1st season / 2nd season). These have the possibility though Aniplex, again, continues removing all of parodies.

On the other hand, there are near 200 of illustrations for ending credit movie on Nico Nico Seiga. It's not a user-generated fad, but an official promoting campaign for the 2nd season. Don't misunderstand it.

Last edited Jun 03, 2014 at 01:17PM EDT

Cool. I think I'll pass on Love Live! then, I don't feel that either of those have spread enough, and I don't think they will. Wagnaria though, I'll think more on, I can see an entry for that working.

Slime Cap wrote:

Does this thread mean everyone in here is a weeaboo?

Yo, if you are not going to contribute to the thread I suggest you to get out. Shitposting is fine in JFF but not on the other boards.

Keep it relevant or avoid posting, simple as that.

So, while looking for other things a while ago I stumbled upon バーン顔 (Google Translate gives back "Burn Face") from Plastic Nee-San's Iroe Genma.

The art list is kinda short compared to some other stuff (Pixiv and Nico Nico Segia) but there's also usage of people swapping the Nendoroid figure's head and putting it on other characters, which was mentioned on Crunchy Roll. More of these (for me anyways) show up when doing a Google image search for with バーン顔

Last edited Jun 04, 2014 at 01:03AM EDT

Jill wrote:

So, while looking for other things a while ago I stumbled upon バーン顔 (Google Translate gives back "Burn Face") from Plastic Nee-San's Iroe Genma.

The art list is kinda short compared to some other stuff (Pixiv and Nico Nico Segia) but there's also usage of people swapping the Nendoroid figure's head and putting it on other characters, which was mentioned on Crunchy Roll. More of these (for me anyways) show up when doing a Google image search for with バーン顔

> Baan Face

"Baan" (バーン) in this scene is mere an onomatopoeia. So that Google translate's suggestion isn't appropriate. Her face wasn't a notable one in its manga or anime because she often strikes annoying face like this. The trigger is the faceplate for the nendroid released in June 2012. It seems that nobody expected that this face was chosen as the faceplate for the figure.

However, the amount of those illustrations and pictures swapping other nendoroid's face to that one aren't so large despite it turned 2 years old in this month. I have to say it's a very small fad.

And, I should add that this kind of "collapsed" face expressions represented by Ahegao is all but gone since after 2012.

1983parrothead wrote:

The Brave Perspective entry reminds me of Ichiro Suzuki's taunt where he holds the baseball bat up like a sword, which in fact has several fan art on pixiv mocking that taunt of his.

Indeed Ichiro's stance at batter box is an iconic pose of him. But, I think it's slightly difficult to consider it in a similar context of "Brave Perspective", "Gainax Pose" or "shaft head tilt". These have reached a stage of "Formula" for drawing among illustrators. But his stance doesn't.

If a photo fad mimicking his stance with holding something (eg. cooking tools in kitchen) have occurred on social networks, or a template image for his stance have earned much many approvals and responses on illustrators communities, it would deserve to have entries.

So, as usual, I was looking for something else entirely, and was wondering if Japanese anti-piracy ad campaign NO MORE 映画泥棒 merited an article. Results On: Pixiv, Nico Nico Segia, Tumblr

Also, Bandai made figures of them. SHFiguarts did as well.

Not certain how popular it actually is outside of the fan works, but I thought I might ask about it.

Last edited Jun 25, 2014 at 10:15PM EDT

Jill wrote:

So, as usual, I was looking for something else entirely, and was wondering if Japanese anti-piracy ad campaign NO MORE 映画泥棒 merited an article. Results On: Pixiv, Nico Nico Segia, Tumblr

Also, Bandai made figures of them. SHFiguarts did as well.

Not certain how popular it actually is outside of the fan works, but I thought I might ask about it.

This anti-piracy ad campaign has enough online presence to have an entry, though nobody will care it.

"No More Movie Thief" started in 2007. Yeah, people going to Japanese movie theaters are forced to watch this strange guy's weird dance for many years because he appears every time just before movie begins. I remember that this campaign had a not so positive reputation in the early days.

Probably, his popularity up to now began in 2010 when its renewal version starring a new character, "Patolamp Otoko", started for revised Japanese copyright laws which criminalized unauthorized downloads. People can hardly imagine any secondary fictions from Movie Thief only. But the existence of the antagonist evokes much social, or sexual, relationships between those two guys in suits. As you may notice, this is the reason why almost all of parody illustrations for Movie thief have been posted since after 2010, and many of them have featured these guys suggestive relationships.

Hello fellow researchers!
A quick question. I've seen a peculiar catchphrase among Gachimuchi/Billy Herrington fans which seems to be "Ass we can". Is this catchphrase strong among MAD makers? I have seen some mad videos related to it.

Brian Gimao wrote:

Well, hate to ask it to you, mona_jpn.

Why the "Happy End Kiss" portion (you know, the kissing scene) is censored today?

Since July 2012, Inmu videos have been being removed immediately by niconico admins with no explanations. Inmufags call this genocide as "Homocaust". So, Inmu videos nowadays censor all explicit portions to avoid being massacred. And that "Happy End Kiss" by our beloved Senpai is no exception.

Hmm, we may need to describe "Homocaust" and "Aircaust", a similar genocide happened in Airmoto videos.

Tomberry wrote:

Hello fellow researchers!
A quick question. I've seen a peculiar catchphrase among Gachimuchi/Billy Herrington fans which seems to be "Ass we can". Is this catchphrase strong among MAD makers? I have seen some mad videos related to it.

Not so strong. He has so many famous words which comes from misheard phrases in the videos. These words form his imaginary personality as Big Brother. Compared to those famous phrases, this phrase of a wordplay for that famous political slogan , "Ass we can", is slightly lacking of impact.

Last edited Jul 20, 2014 at 12:55AM EDT

Do you think we could, then, include a lexicon in the Gachimuchi article about his most famous misheard phrases, the same way you did for the "matsuda, you idiot!" entry?

Last edited Jul 20, 2014 at 11:20AM EDT

Tomberry wrote:

Do you think we could, then, include a lexicon in the Gachimuchi article about his most famous misheard phrases, the same way you did for the "matsuda, you idiot!" entry?

It should be added badly to describe in the most important point in the meme that the protagonist of in the Wrestling Series isn't that American porn actor himself, but it's Billy the Big Brother, his incarnation formed by fans imaginations inspired by many misheard phrases, and these are essentially different characters in each.

However, now I have no time to maintain/improve old or dead memes. So, it's slightly difficult for me to finish the task soon…

The Stig(?) wrote:

I've seen this face template kind of often in Japanese fanarts. It's called "Gyate Gyate" according to Safebooru and it appears to have originated in a Touhou fanart. It kind of reminds me of fsjal mixed with a cat smile.

A bunch of Touhous doing the Gyate Gyate face

Is there enough spread to maybe make a meme entry?

There's a lot of them from Kantai Collection as well. I've seen one for Natalia Poklonskaya on KYM also.

On Pixiv it goes under the tag ぎゃてコラ.

I'm, of course not the expert on the subject, but I think there's enough for one.

The Stig(?) wrote:

I've seen this face template kind of often in Japanese fanarts. It's called "Gyate Gyate" according to Safebooru and it appears to have originated in a Touhou fanart. It kind of reminds me of fsjal mixed with a cat smile.

A bunch of Touhous doing the Gyate Gyate face

Is there enough spread to maybe make a meme entry?

Here you are: Gyate Gyate
It's much easier for me to submit entries than to explain on forums:)

Venomancer Lesale wrote:

Is Naka-chan from kantai collection is a japanese memes?
You know, "2+4+11" or something like that.

Among KanColle players, "2-4-11" itself is a well-known slang or in-joke which is meaning of Naka-chan. But it's a little vague to be set as a theme for entry. So we had better narrow it down.

I guess we should focus on a fan-made idol song "Love is 2-4-11" (恋の2-4-11). This song has enough episodes to deserve to have its own entry.

I wonder how the Hokuto no Ken franchise is doing? Does it deserve an entry? There are two entries that can be subentries. The arcade game by Arc System Works is being used a lot for certain reasons, but that's probably not enough to make it necessary for KYM to have a main entry.

I also discovered these F-ZERO MADs:

Last edited Aug 09, 2014 at 11:18AM EDT

1983parrothead wrote:

I wonder how the Hokuto no Ken franchise is doing? Does it deserve an entry? There are two entries that can be subentries. The arcade game by Arc System Works is being used a lot for certain reasons, but that's probably not enough to make it necessary for KYM to have a main entry.

I also discovered these F-ZERO MADs:

Those handful F-Zero MAD videos are a parody of F-1 MAD, another series of MAD videos which reproduces the Doppler effect by vocal resources. The amount of F1 videos is only 10, and all of them is made by the same user. I guess we don't need to mention to both of them.

> Hokuto no Ken

I'm not feeling its necessity so much. But nowadays, KYM accepts any kind of subculture entries if it has more than one meme. So I think we can give it its own subculture entry.

Back again, I have a few new ideas I want to run past you to check for more memes. For the ones I'm not sure of:
-Ouran Highschool Host Club
-Dramatical Murder
-Ghost in the Shell
-Humanity has Declined
Ones I am sure of, but just want confirmation:
-Rozen Maiden
-Fist of the North Star
Any notable memes for these?

Also off topic again, and still not saying it's entry worthy, but since my last post, I've noticed Samurai Flamenco has been getting a bit of a notable fandom now, it sort of surged in popularity all of a sudden. Maybe it's because news of how crazy it is is starting to get around. Who knows

List of possible/existing submemes in Random21's post as requested (note: some of these I think might just need a mention in the page and may not necessarily need a full entry)

Humanity has declined/ Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
-"Fairy-fication" (basically fairy versions of Characters done like those in the show. Extremely recognizable due to the single facial expression)
-Opening Parody Dance (not huge but I've seen a few versions of it)

Ghost in the Shell
-Laughing Man Logo (both use of the actual logo and parodies of the logo)
-Ghost in the Shell Opening Parodies / GitS Pose (existing)

Rozen Maiden
-Desu (existing)

Fist of the North Star
You Are Already Dead/Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru (existing)

Anybody know about "ゼERO"?

1 uploader(634氏) made a ゼERO MAD around 460 video and something.
It's only upload in Nico Douga, so only japanese know it.

It is memes or not? Sorry for dumb question.

Last edited Aug 21, 2014 at 06:44AM EDT

Venomancer Lesale wrote:

Anybody know about "ゼERO"?

1 uploader(634氏) made a ゼERO MAD around 460 video and something.
It's only upload in Nico Douga, so only japanese know it.

It is memes or not? Sorry for dumb question.

We can hardly say only one person's crazy work as a meme.

As you may imagine, that 634's MAD video series is quite vulgar and kinky. He makes Megaman characters utter lewd remarks by sampling a vast amount of their vocal phrases from the game/anime series, slicing them into each syllables and reconstructing another phrases from them.

And, you know, it's completely impossible that non-Japanese speakers make sense of it…

Does the Hissu Amoto San entry deserve to be cut into sub entries plus have the Soka Gakkai entry as the subculture related parent entry?

I understand how overwhelming everything related is, but it's a very important piece of NND history. It triggered multiple memes. We might need to hire someone else to help us with it.

Right now, some other video sharing sites like (Chinese knockoff of NND) and Funny or Die are showing no signs of removals.

Last edited Aug 29, 2014 at 01:19AM EDT

Ahem.. Alrighty. I have covered some important things on this entry. But i need more evidence about the viral spread on the internet.
I exactly don't know how the term "Panchira" turned into the term "Pantsu". Or lets say.. How did exactly the term "Pantsu" have been born?
Any ideas?

1983parrothead wrote:

Does the Hissu Amoto San entry deserve to be cut into sub entries plus have the Soka Gakkai entry as the subculture related parent entry?

I understand how overwhelming everything related is, but it's a very important piece of NND history. It triggered multiple memes. We might need to hire someone else to help us with it.

Right now, some other video sharing sites like (Chinese knockoff of NND) and Funny or Die are showing no signs of removals.

I don't feel the necessity so much. If they are cooked in different meaning or style like Gachimuchi sub memes, they may deserve to have their own entries. But all of them are mocked under the same context and by the same MAD video style.

Even If we give entries to sub characters such as Fusako, Mr. Boiled Egg (Yudetamago) or Izumi Yukimura etc…, I think SGI isn't an appropriate umbrella entry.

> bilibili

Yeah, BiliBili is much more familiar to Japanese internet users than "Funny or Die". So, many Airmoto freaks did "exodus" from niconico to that Chinese video hosting after the "Aircaust". As Chinese government dislikes religion and to obey the international laws, they never accepts any claims from that shit cult sect.

­­­Alex Mercer wrote:

Ahem.. Alrighty. I have covered some important things on this entry. But i need more evidence about the viral spread on the internet.
I exactly don't know how the term "Panchira" turned into the term "Pantsu". Or lets say.. How did exactly the term "Pantsu" have been born?
Any ideas?

To be honest, I think it should be deadpooled because the entry must trace the same fate as Jiggle physics.

Anyway, "Pantsu", an English-borrowed word of "Pants", became to a common word referring to ladies underwears in end of 1980s. Before that, "Panty" had been the common word since 1950s.

On the other hand, "Panchira" as an rendition has appeared in manga, magazine or movie media since end of 1960s. And it had also established as a common word its presence till mid-1980s.

mona_jpn wrote:

To be honest, I think it should be deadpooled because the entry must trace the same fate as Jiggle physics.

Anyway, "Pantsu", an English-borrowed word of "Pants", became to a common word referring to ladies underwears in end of 1980s. Before that, "Panty" had been the common word since 1950s.

On the other hand, "Panchira" as an rendition has appeared in manga, magazine or movie media since end of 1960s. And it had also established as a common word its presence till mid-1980s.

Well because the "Gainaxing" entry doesn't include even a single reference from the internet itself. I most likely try to cover and research its online popularity just like waifu and weeaboo. I am still trying to find other internet references. If got nothin in the end, i'll deadpool it myself.

Ah so you don't really know its origin too.. I hoped that you were know the origin manga/anime who came up with the word itself. But i guess it needs a whole new level on academic research.

­­­Alex Mercer wrote:

Well because the "Gainaxing" entry doesn't include even a single reference from the internet itself. I most likely try to cover and research its online popularity just like waifu and weeaboo. I am still trying to find other internet references. If got nothin in the end, i'll deadpool it myself.

Ah so you don't really know its origin too.. I hoped that you were know the origin manga/anime who came up with the word itself. But i guess it needs a whole new level on academic research.

At least, I understand Pantsu in Japanese isn't originated from any specific manga/anime or something in Japanese pop culture. Several pop culture researches say that the change from "Pantie" to "Pantsu" in the end of 80's was caused by Japanese underwear makers and female media because "Pantie" had been colored with sexual & dirty nuances by erotic comedies and adult entertainments through 70's to mid 80's. To avoid negative images, they began to use another borrowing word "Pants" for their products instead.
However, ladies underwear is nowadays called "Shorts" in the market because, as you may notice, Pants has been colored by sexual dirty nuance as well.

> Pantsu in the internet era

This question reminds me of AIRA (OAV, 1997-1999), Najica Blitz Tactics (TV Anime, 2001) and Dead or Alive series (Game, 1996-). These titles are early instances which intentionally featured "Panchira" scenes in sexual nuance very frequently. I remember these became to topics on the web in those days. Additionally, Strike Wiches (Manga/Anime, 2005-) may be the king of Pantsu Anime.

Last edited Aug 30, 2014 at 06:14AM EDT

So Mona, with some help I've come up with another list of anime entries. I'm not going to ask you with help meme researching, because I don't wish to overwork you to death, but if there are any that jump out at you as a bad idea, just say so

Black Lagoon
Arakawa Under the Bridge
Sayonara Zetsuboi-sensei
Hidamari Sketch
Blue Exorcist
Engaged to the Unidentified
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun
Ghost Stories
Daily Lives of Highschool Boys
To Love Ru

What I actually wanted to ask you for help with is two actual memes:

Since we have a Yuru Yuri entry now, I wanted to add some sub-entries, so Jacob pointed out these. Is this anything notable

Also, I wanted to know if the opening to Nozaki-Kun is getting any popular parodies right now. I saw a few on YouTube, so I was just wanting to know if this is a trend.

Last edited Sep 02, 2014 at 09:38PM EDT

One other thing I guess I'll ask about since Random21 asked about the YuruYuri Submemes are variants of the opening bit of these two frames:

Not certain if they they all stand up individually, but I think together they might be something.

Last edited Sep 03, 2014 at 12:29AM EDT

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