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actually, can we have belle delphine back

Last posted Oct 09, 2019 at 02:35AM EDT. Added Oct 02, 2019 at 08:38AM EDT
18 posts from 14 users

All 4 of these are individually 10 to 100 times better than Ahegao Delphine. Not seeing the issue here.

Stop making a new thread every time something someone personally dislikes is trending.

Nedhitis wrote:

All 4 of these are individually 10 to 100 times better than Ahegao Delphine. Not seeing the issue here.

Stop making a new thread every time something someone personally dislikes is trending.

Welcome to Riff-Raff, the shitpost board.

Nedhitis wrote:

All 4 of these are individually 10 to 100 times better than Ahegao Delphine. Not seeing the issue here.

Stop making a new thread every time something someone personally dislikes is trending.

Nedhitis wrote:

All 4 of these are individually 10 to 100 times better than Ahegao Delphine. Not seeing the issue here.

Stop making a new thread every time something someone personally dislikes is trending.

Join the Discord, but not before you learn to read and detect sarcasm, you mook.

J. The Perverted Summoner wrote:

In my first month on KYM, I've seen more different Belle Delphine pics than in every Gamer Girl Bathwater meme combined

I missed the upvote button

Nedhitis wrote:

All 4 of these are individually 10 to 100 times better than Ahegao Delphine. Not seeing the issue here.

Stop making a new thread every time something someone personally dislikes is trending.

All 4 of these are individually 10 to 100 times better than Ahegao Delphine. Not seeing the issue here.

Stop making a new thread every time something someone personally dislikes is trending.


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Why don't you start a new thread instead?

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