Albert Einstein Copypasta - Images
Weeaboo Professor vs Sinophile Student

Albert Einstein Copypasta
Persian Zoroastrian

Albert Einstein Copypasta
Neoplatonist senatorial proffesor

Albert Einstein Copypasta
Gallilean philosipher

Albert Einstein Copypasta
Napoleon and Welligton

Albert Einstein Copypasta
![[42 /5/ ?] View Reply Original Report Anonymous Mon 07 Oct 2019 19:01:02 No.7359024 Quoted By: >>7359063 >>7364301 >>7367930 A curl-bearded Semitic native professor and imperial apologist was teaching a class on Sargon, known enemy of the lugal "Before the class begins, you must fold your hands and worship Sargon of Akkad and accept that he was the most successful and eminent ruler the Four Corners of the Universe has ever known, even greater than Eannatum of Lagash!" At this moment, a brave, black-headed, pro-city state scribe of Inanna who had sung 1500 lamentations to Ur and understood the necessity of cyclical rule and fully supported all instances of divine kingship for each city of Sumer stood up and held up the Sumerian King List DID SOMEBODY SAID "For what purpose was this inscribed?" ELAM The militaristic professor smirked quite unstably and smugly replied "To claim the righteous rule of the Akkadians for all time, you stupid ensi" 41KIB, 491x670, barbarian.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO "Wrong. If the Akkadian Empire was to rule forever all along, as you say... then why was kingship first granted to the city of Eridu?" The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his miniature lamassu and copy of Enuma Elish. He stormed out of the room crying those Akkadian crocodile tears. The students applauded and all moved from the farmlands that day and accepted Enlil as the head of the pantheon. A bird of lapis lazuli named Anzù flew into the room gave the Tablet of Destiny back to the gods. The Bilgames fragments were read several times, and Gala priests of the temple at Uruk showed up to sing hymns in eme-sal. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. His house was conquered by Gutians and he himself was killed. DINGIRENER AR IBEN](
![[42 /5/ ?] View Reply Original Report Anonymous Mon 07 Oct 2019 19:01:02 No.7359024 Quoted By: >>7359063 >>7364301 >>7367930 A curl-bearded Semitic native professor and imperial apologist was teaching a class on Sargon, known enemy of the lugal "Before the class begins, you must fold your hands and worship Sargon of Akkad and accept that he was the most successful and eminent ruler the Four Corners of the Universe has ever known, even greater than Eannatum of Lagash!" At this moment, a brave, black-headed, pro-city state scribe of Inanna who had sung 1500 lamentations to Ur and understood the necessity of cyclical rule and fully supported all instances of divine kingship for each city of Sumer stood up and held up the Sumerian King List DID SOMEBODY SAID "For what purpose was this inscribed?" ELAM The militaristic professor smirked quite unstably and smugly replied "To claim the righteous rule of the Akkadians for all time, you stupid ensi" 41KIB, 491x670, barbarian.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO "Wrong. If the Akkadian Empire was to rule forever all along, as you say... then why was kingship first granted to the city of Eridu?" The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his miniature lamassu and copy of Enuma Elish. He stormed out of the room crying those Akkadian crocodile tears. The students applauded and all moved from the farmlands that day and accepted Enlil as the head of the pantheon. A bird of lapis lazuli named Anzù flew into the room gave the Tablet of Destiny back to the gods. The Bilgames fragments were read several times, and Gala priests of the temple at Uruk showed up to sing hymns in eme-sal. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. His house was conquered by Gutians and he himself was killed. DINGIRENER AR IBEN](
Albert Einstein Copypasta
Punic Wars

Albert Einstein Copypasta
Vandal magister with known Arian tendencies

Albert Einstein Copypasta