Argentina Is White

Argentina Is White

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Updated Sep 30, 2024 at 11:50AM EDT by Don.

Added Jun 15, 2011 at 10:42AM EDT by RelentlessBoner.

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"Argentina Is White" is a troll statement that implies that most of Argentinian population isn't caucasian. This is often accompanied by depicting Argentinians with very dark skin, or as black people, sometimes with additional features like red lips and long noses.


Argentina, compared to other South American countries, has a high percentage of the Caucasian population, due to the low amount of native groups that lived in the area, high amount of immigration from European countries in the post-independence era and a low amount of African slaves.[1] This created a cultural phenomenon within the population of the country, which may claim to be "whiter" (or more European) than other South American and Latin American countries.


Around 2015, a feud said to be among the Mexican and Argentinian users of the 4chan board /int/ sparked the birth of the meme, which raised in popularity throughout the web as numerous of caricature images and copypastas were made (shown below).


On February 26th, 2016, one of the most infamous copypastas was used on the board /pol/ as reply to an Argentinian user who had insulted both America and Brazil in his post, which fueled the popularity of the meme even more (shown below)

File: trumpidiot.png (504 KB, 667x830) A NATION OF IDIOTS Anonymous (ID: SBbyPmUp ) O 02/24/16(Wed)14:33:51 No.65190955 Ami. airainste >>65191100 >>65191203 >>65191225 >>65191349 America, you're stupid: Donald Trump's political triumph makes it official – we're a nation of idiots >>65191396 >>65191444 >>65191521 >>65191527 >>65191553 >>65191586 >>65191677 >>65191710 >>65191717 >>65191731 >>65191819 >>65191926 >>65191927 >>65191935 >>65192078 >>65192225 >>65192277 >>65192278 >>65192302 >>65192309 >>65192314 >>65192330 >>65192387 >>65192413 >>65192466 >>65192470 >>65192484 >>65192542 >>65192564 >>65192566 >>65192600 >>65192616 >>65192633 >>65192635 >>65192734 >>65192827 >>65192861 >>65192888 >>65192948 >>65193004 >>65193117 >>65193227 >>65193294 >>65193416 >>65193525 >>65193587 >>65193820 >>65193849 >>65193858 >>65193985 >>65193988 >>65193998 >>65194130 >>65194177 >>65194212 >>65194317 >>65194319 >>65194497 >>65194527 >>65194632 >>65194815 >>65194836 >>65194845 >>65194866 >>65194875 >>65194974 >>65194995 >>65195015 >>65195134 >>65195171 >>65195192 >>65195746 >>65195818 >>65195866 >>65196429 >>65196649 >>65196790 >>65197009 >>65197033 >>65197117 >>65197543 >>65197744 >>65197790 >>65197936 >>65197980 >>65198341 >>65198705 >>65198940 >>65199033 >>65199062 >>65199115 >>65199174 >>65199248 >>65199400 >>65199431 >>65199476 >>65199562 >>65199568 >>65199758 >>65199830 America, have you ever wondered why the rest of the world hates you and is embarassed by you? It's because you're the only country in the world who could ever elect Donald Trump. EVERYONE KNOWS HE IS A RACIST STUPID P------------. Every-f-------body knows this. If that man ever sets foot in the white house, America will be teleported to the dark ages. THE ENTIRE WORLD sees this, but somehow America doesn't. Do you begin to understand why we hate you? Anonymous (ID: P3q5pWAy) 02/24/16(Wed)14:37:55 No.65191300 >>65191469 >>65191688 >>65192913 >>65197082 >>65199594 >says Brazil USA and Brazil have the same racial demographics The difference? USA is not a socialist s------- Anonymous (ID: 2C9ZAMVI) - 02/24/16(Wed)14:42:18 No.65191688 >>65194506 >>65194631 >>65194851 >>65194990 >>65195042 >>65195044 >>65195101 >>65195166 >>65195190 >>65195221 >>65195511 >>65195715 >>65195848 >>65196482 >>65197056 >>65197287 >>65197395 >>65197453 >>65197697 >>65197702 >>65198186 >>65198295 >>65198494 >>65198763 >>65199059 >>65199654 File: Trust Me l'm White.png (67 KB, 268x367) TRUST ME >>65191300 You subhuman baboon. You literal n-----. How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol c-------- smelling mouth? IMWHITE You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan. I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and r--- some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest p---- you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average n---- Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults. Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone. You n-----. You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation. You are the Baltimore of South America. Go fertilise the Pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life n-----, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family. Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good. Anonymous (ID: CkU30ziQ) E 02/24/16(Wed)15:13:53 No.65194506 Anonymous (ID: (23HeomM File: fuckingawesoe.gif (297 KB, 764x744) F------ E 02/24/16(Wed)15:17:29 No.65194851 >>65191688 Hahahhahahahahah >>65191688 Muh las Malvinas n----- btfo! H--------, the USA hasn't wrecked another country this bad since Hiroshima Kirchner BTFO Belgrano still a reef AWESOME Anonymous (ID: tSDC95bm E 02/24/16(Wed)15:18:48 No.65194990 Anonymous (ID: YQ2/INXX) EE O2/24/16(Wed)15:19:16 No.65195042 >>65191688 S---. >>65191688 Holy f------ s--- America Holy F------ S--- That's some raw hate right there. Me, I just can't bring myself to care about the Lesser Falklands. Sometimes I forget they ever exist. Anonymous (ID: f9juzW4F ) File: 1456166689856.jpg (45 KB, 382x417) 02/24/16(Wed)15:20:58 No.65195221 Anonymous (ID: YN8pFdoo File: 1447258031689.png (822 KB, 525x809) E 02/24/16(Wed)15:24:11 No.65195511 >>65191688 >never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment H-------- I'm in tears >>65191688 MAKE AM GREAT AGAT This is masterful. When did we achieve bants of this caliber? My own countrymen have surpassed my expectations a thousandfold. Anonymous (ID: hHWITdec )! File: woman with arab r--- fetish.jpg (64 KB, 752x501) Anonymous (ID: 130UPH9R ) E 02/24/16(Wed)15:34:06 No.65196482 File: B7bK10XCYAAbxsP.jpg (28 KB, 500x380) 02/24/16(Wed)15:26:20 No.65195715 >>65191688 H--------. I'm f------ dying. >>65191688 Holy f--- dude. Saving



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[1] /r/AskHistorians – Why is Argentina so 'white'?

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