Dragon Dildos
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Dragon Dildos are large sex toys molded to resemble a theoretical phallus belonging to a fantasy reptilian creature. The product's unique designs have granted them a (in)famous reputation amongst certain internet communities. Dragon dildos are also often referenced in greentext stories on the image board website 4chan and photographs of the toys are sometimes used as shock images.
Dragon dildos were first made available to the public on the adult sex toy website Bad-Dragon.[1] On December 7th, 2007, Bad-Dragon co-founder Varka announced plans to create a business involving the sale and manufacture of dragon-like sex toys on his website Herpy.net.[2] On June 26th, 2008, a sex shop based in Phoenix, Arizona launched the online shopping site Bad-Dragon.com, featuring a variety of sex toys including phalluses shaped to resemble the male genitals of dragons, horses, dolphins, orcas, canines, wallabies and cephalopods.

On July 13th, 2008, an entry was created for Bad-Dragon on the furry community wiki WikiFur.[4] On May 18th, 2009, the Internet humor site Cracked[10] published an article titled "18 More of the World's Most Disturbing Sex Toys", which ranked Bad-Dragon's "Drippy Dragon" as #12 on the list.

On July 12th, 2010, Urban Dictionary[18] user Theroguesmiler submitted an entry for "Bad-Dragon", which described several items sold on the company's website. On April 16th, 2011, an entry for Bad-Dragon was created on the satirical Internet culture wiki Encyclopedia Dramatica.[5] On July 8th, the Internet news blog Geekologie[9] published an article titled “What. The. F***?!: Fake Dragon Wieners”, which reported on the Bad-Dragon website with reserved skepticism. On September 21st, YouTuber poopdixxvideogames uploaded two mock dragon dildo review videos, featuring a slideshow of dragon sex toy images accompanied by commentary by several men.
On November 11th, Redditor[17] N4N4KI submitted a post highlighting a photograph of two dragon sex toys inspired by the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (shown below), which originated from an unboxing thread on 4chan's video game board created a day earlier.[16] Prior to being archived, the post received over 3,800 upvotes and 480 comments. On November 16th, the gaming news blog Destructoid[11] published a podcast titled "Twilight Dragonpussy", which included the Skyrim sex toys photograph in the cover image. The meme has continued to spread on Tumblr under the tag "#dragon dildo."[7]

On 4chan
On the image board 4chan, dragon dildos are commonly referenced on the /v/ (video games) and /b/ (random) boards. One of the earliest archived 4chan[12] threads involving dragon dildo images was created on April 7th, 2011. The sex toys are also referenced in unboxing threads as a type of bait-and-switch trolling, in which dragon dildos are revealed to be the contents of a received package.[14][15]

Notable Examples

Search Interest
External References
[1] Bad-dragon.com (NSFW: Explicit Content)
[2] Herpy.net – Animal 'Toys' (NSFW: Explicit Content)
[4] Wikifur – Bad Dragon
[5] Encyclopedia Dramatica – Bad Dragon
[6] Facebook – Dragon Dildos
[7] Tumblr – Tagged 'dragon dildo'
[8] Tumblr – Tagged 'dragon dildos'
[9] Geekologie – Fake Dragon Wieners
[10] Cracked – 18 More of the World's Most Disturbing Sex Toys
[11] Destructoid – Twilight Dragonpussy
[12] 4Chanarchive – /v/ Discusses Dragon Dildos
[13] Chanarchive – Deus Ex HR Pre-Order Bonus
[14] Chanarchive – You sent a payment of $78.83 USD to Bad Dragon Enterprises, Inc.
[15] Chanarchive – Guess what's in the box
[16] Chanarchive – Skyrim Collector's Edition
[17] Reddit – Found this on /v/ I think some people are taking Skyrim immersion a little too far
[18] Urban Dictionary – Bad-Dragon
Top Comments
RandomMan Moderator
Jul 31, 2012 at 10:15PM EDT
Emperor Palpitoad
Aug 07, 2012 at 09:10PM EDT