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Part of a series on Russiagate. [View Related Entries]


The Dismissal of FBI Director James Comey was ordered by United States President President Donald Trump in May 2017 amid allegations that Comey had lied under oath. However, due to Comey’s ongoing investigation into Trump’s possible ties to Russia, the sudden termination of Comey created a wave of criticism and concern among Washington, the media and the public.


Since May 2016, the FBI, led by former Director James Comey, had been investigating Hillary Clinton potentially criminal use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State under President Barack Obama. On July 5th, he said that he would not recommend criminal charges against her, which Republicans in Washington criticized.[1]

While this remained an open source of outrage for the GOP throughout the 2016 Presidential Election, in late October Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders stating that they found emails regarding the Clinton investigation on the laptop of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. The politics and poll analysis blog FiveThirtyEight[2] later reported that the letter cost Clinton the election.

During this time, James Comey also led the investigation into Trump's potential ties to Russia. On October 7th, the Obama administration accused Russia of meddling into the Presidential election. Roughly six months later, Comey confirmed that the FBI has been investigating links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

On May 2nd, Hillary Clinton publicly blamed Comey for her election loss, saying "If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president.” Later that day, President Trump tweeted his outrage towards Clinton’s statements (shown below).

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony...
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election. Perhaps Trump just ran a great campaign?

The next day, Comey testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the reopening the Clinton investigation. During his testimony, he alleged that Abedin had forwarded "hundreds and thousands of emails," which may contain classified information, to her husband Anthony Weiner.

The following day, ProPublica reported that Comey had exaggerated the number of emails sent to Weiner, writing that "Abedin forwarded only a handful of Clinton emails to her husband for printing -- not the 'hundreds and thousands' cited by Comey."[4] On May 9th, the FBI sent a letter to congress correcting Comey's statements.


On May 9th, following council and recommendations from Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Session's deputy Deputy Rod Rosenstein, President Trump fired James Comey, sending a letter to the director while he was in California. The letter from Trump (shown below)), which contained references to the ongoing Russia investigation, caused outrage and criticism.[5][6]

THE WHITK HOUSE ASHINGTON May 9, 2017 Dear Director Comey: I have received the attached letters from the Attormey General and Deputy Attormey General of the United States recommending your dismissal as the Director of the Federal Burcau of Investigation. I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately. ile I greatly appreciate you infomming me, on throe separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores publie trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Donald J. Trump

While Trump cited Comey's inaccurate characterization of the Abedin email scandal, many online found the second paragraph of Trump's letter a cause for concern. It reads, "While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau." Many online saw this as reason for an independent investigation into potential Russian ties.

Emmy Bengtson @EmmyA2 INDDENT
Josh Schwerin @JoshSchwerin There needs to be an independent investigation ASAP. No other option at this point

Trump's Response

President Trump defended his decision to dismiss Comey on Twitter. In a series of Tweets, Trump said, "Cryin' Chuck Schumer stated recently, "I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer." Then acts so indignant. #draintheswamp. The Democrats have said some of the worst things about James Comey, including the fact that he should be fired, but now they play so sad! James Comey will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job, bringing back the spirit and prestige of the FBI."[7] On May 9th, Twitter published a Moments[8] page regarding Trump's response.

Donald J. Trump o @realDonaldTrump Cryin' Chuck Schumer stated recently, "I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer." Then acts so indignant. #draintheswamp
Donald J. Trump > 兰/| @realDonaldTrump The Democrats have said some of the worst things about James Comey, including the fact that he should be fired, but now they play so sad!
Donald J. Trump /l @realDonaldTrump James Comey will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job, bringing back the spirit and prestige of the FBl.

On May 11th, in an interview with NBC's Lester Holt (shown below), President Trump said he had considered the Russia investigation in his decision to fire Comey.[23] He said, "And in fact when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said 'you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won'."

Trump's comments led to even more criticism of the President with many saying that Trump had the right to fire Comey, however, doing so may have been an obstruction of justice.[24][25]

Russian Government Response

Later that day, CBS News correspondent Elizabeth Palmer questioned Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was in skates and a full hockey pads on his way to the rink for a game. When asked about Comey's dismissal, Putin responded, “We have nothing to do with that. President Trump is acting in accordance with his competence and in accordance with his law and constitution."

Additionally, on May 10th, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was in Washington, DC on a diplomatic mission with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and when asked about Comey, Lavrov responded, "Was he fired?" After confirming that Comey was in fact terminated, he said, "You're kidding. You're kidding.[16]

Later that day, Trump held a closed-door meeting with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the man who's meetings with various Trump campaign official has led to a number of controversies in the last year, including the recusal of Attorney General Sessions from the Russia investigation. The White House barred American press from the event, but the United States Russian Embassy tweeted a picture of Trump with the infamous diplomat (shown below).[22]

Russia in USA @RusEmbUSA Ambassador Kislyak and President Trump /

Online Reaction

The response online to Comey's firing has been a mix of alarm and mockery. Redditor George_Washingtonne posted a gif of the comedic character Mr. Bean giving the middle finger under the subject line "Video of James Comey leaving FBI Headquarters after being fired" to the /r/gifs subreddit. The post (shown below) received more than 2,400 points (90% upvoted) and 70 comments.[9]

Also on Reddit, the PoliticsModeratorBot posted a Megathread regarding the dismissal of James Comey, linking to the various conversations throughout Reddit about Comey.. The post revcevied more than 55,000 points (88% upvoted).[10]

Anderson Cooper Eye Roll

On the evening of May 9th, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper interviewed White House Senior Council Kellyanne Conway about Comey's firing. During the interview, Cooper cut to a clip of President Trump praising Comey for his "guts" on re-opening the Clinton email investigation. Conyway responded, "Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I was on your show often last fall saying we were going to win Michigan and how we were going to do it, so that was fun." Cooper then rolled his eyes on camera (shown below).[19]

Cooper's eye roll became something of a phenomenon on Twitter, where users posted gifs, videos, and comments about Cooper's response. The most popular came from Twitter user @chillmage,[20] who posted a gif with the caption "this anderson cooper eyeroll at kellyanne conway is… choice." The tweet (shown below) received more than 2,700 retweets and 6,900 likes in less than 24 hours.

tc @chillmage this anderson cooper eyeroll at kellyanne onway is... choice

FBI Warning

Since the removal of James Comey, a number of people on Twitter began posting the joke "Quick, while we don't have an FBI Director, copy all of the VHS tapes you can!" along with a either a gif or a picture of the FBI warning on VHS tapes. The first to post them together was Twitter user @SarahFoxes, who received more than 58,000 retweets and 109,000 likes for her May 8th post.[11]

Sarah Fox @SarahFoxes Quick while we don't have a FBl Director, copy all the VHS tapes you have! No one can stop you! WARNING FBI nai penatties for the unauthorized copyighted moton pictures and vCE tapes. (Title 17, United States Code Sections 501 and 505). The Federal Bureau of investgaten vestigates alegatens trmna coy. right intringement. (Title 17、 Unted States Code. Section 505)

New FBI Director

On Twitter, people joked about who they think should replace the FBI director. Some of the most popular (shown below) were catalogued in a Moment by Twitter.[12]

Ben Greenman @bengreenman Trump's nominee for new FBI director.
@UrBroYo FBI Director James Comey's replacement just announced

One of the most popular responses to the director search referenced FBI agent Burt Macklin, the alter-ego of Andy Dwyer, Chris Prat's character from television sitcom Parks and Recreation. Pratt himself[18] posted a tweet (shown below) of a compilation of Macklin's scenes with the caption "Just lemme know" and received more than 29,000 retweets and 60,000 likes. Pratt's tweet was so popular that Twitter published a Moments page about the tweet.[17]

chris pratt @prattprattpratt Just lemme know

Nixon Library Tweet

One of the most popular responses to the firing came from the Twitter account of the Richard Nixon Library.[15] On May 9th, the account @NixonLibrary tweeted "FUN FACT: President Nixon never fired the Director of the FBI #FBIDirector #notNixonian," which many people read as a subtweet directed at President Trump. The post received more than 34,200 retweets and 45,900 likes and was covered by such news sites as CNN,[12] The Daily Dot,[13] The New York Post,[16] and more.

RichardNixonLibrary @NixonLibrary FUN FACT: President Nixon never fired thee Director of the FBI #FBI Director #notNixonian 憾!

Senate Intelligence Committee Testimony

On June 7th, James Comey released his written testimony for the Senate Intelligence Committee.[34] In the statement, he detailed private conversations with the President. During these conversations, President Trump said to Comey that "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty," placing Comey in a difficult and awkward position because of the independent nature of the FBI, which is traditionally an apolitical organization. In reference to the ongoing Michael Flynn investigation, Trump said, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go." Many have claimed this to be the reason for Comey's firing and could therefore be read as an obstruction of justice. Finally, on the Russiagate investigation, Comey wrote:

"On the morning of March 30, the President called me at the FBI. He described the Russia investigation as 'a cloud' that was impairing his ability to act on behalf of the country. He said he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and had always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia. He asked what we could do to 'lift the cloud.' I responded that we were investigating the matter as quickly as we could, and that there would be great benefit, if we didn’t find anything, to our having done the work well. He agreed, but then re-emphasized the problems this was causing him."

The next day, June 8th, James Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Comey testified so that the Committee could determine whether his firing was due to the Michael Flynn and Russia investigations and a potential obstruction of justice.

During the hearing Comey revealed many things about his nine conversations with President Trump. Among the many revelations, Comey believes that Trump asking Comey for his "loyalty," asking him to "lift the cloud" of Russia, and to drop the Flynn investigation were all interferences into active FBI investigations and challenged the autonomy of the FBI. Comey also said he was concerned the President would lie about their meetings, which is why he took notes. When Trump did comment on Twitter about Comey's firing on May 12th, and hinted at the existence of tapes (shown below). To this Comey said, "Lordy, I hope there are tapes." However, Comey said that while Trump never explicitly asked him to stop the Flynn investigation, he did take Trump's words "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go" as a directive. Ultimately, Comey believes he was fired because he refused to drop the Russia investigation.[36]

The hearing became an extremely popular television event. Thousands on Twitter used the #ComeyDay Twitter user @sppeoples tweeted a picture of a packed bar in Brooklyn, NY with the caption "Dead silence here in Brooklyn bar as patrons watch Comey's testimony." The tweet (shown below) received more than 2,900 retweets and 6,800 likes in three hours.

Dead silence here in Brooklyn bar as patrons watch Comey's testimony. ie Seagrams

Throughout the morning, more users posted pictures of bars filled with people watching the Comey testimony (examples below). Twitter[28] published a Moments page, highlighting other bars packed with patrons for the Comey testimony.

And here's the standing room only crowd at another Comey watch party at The Partisan
Comey hearing watch party at Shaw's Tavern in DC. Guessing couple hundred people here. @fox5do
The Comey watch party line at Shaw Tavern stretches down the block #ThisisWashington

That day, Twitter released data on how many people were tweeting about the testimony. Twitter Data[30] tweeted, "3.6 million Tweets were sent 7am-1:30pm discussing Former FBI Director James Comey's testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee." The tweet (shown below, left) received more than 400 retweets and 470 likes. They followed that tweet by announcing the most Tweeted moments: 1) Senator McCain Questions Comey 2) Comey: "Lordy, I hope there are tapes" 3) Comey says "no fuzz" re: Russian interference in US election. The Tweet[31] (shown below, right) received more than 230 reweets and 220 likes.

Twitter Data @TwitterData 3.6 million Tweets were sent 7am-1:30pm discussing Former FBI Director James Comey's testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee
Twitter Data @TwitterData These are the top Tweeted moments from Former FBI Director Comey's testimony in the Senate Most Tweeted Moments during Former FBI Director Comey's Senate testimony Sen. McCain questions Comey 12:37pm Comey: "Lordy I hope there are tapes" Comey says "no fuzz" re: Russian interference in US election 11:28am 10:57am Source Twitter. June 8, 2016; 7am-1:30pm EDT

That day, on the subreddit /r/Politics, Redditor english06[27] posted the thread "Discussion Megathread: James Comey Testifies before Senate Intelligence Committee," which received more than 17,000 points (92% upvoted) and 51,000 comments in fours hours. On the subreddit /r/AccidentalRenaissance, Redditor mrwrdy[29] posted a photo (shown below) from the hearing that received more than 23,000 points (23% upvoted) and 690 comments in three hours.

John McCain's Questioning

During the hearing, many online commented on Senator John McCain's line of questioning,[32] which seemed to point out a double standard in the investigation into the Hillary Clinton Email Controversy and President Trump (video below), but left people confused. The general consensus was that he bordered on incoherent. He said:

bq."In the case of Hillary Clinton, you made the statement that there wasn't sufficient evidence to bring a suit against her, although it had been very careless in their behavior, but you did reach a conclusion in that case that it was not necessary to further pursue her. Yet at the same time, in the case of Mr. [Trump], you said that there was not enough information to make a conclusion. Tell me the difference between your conclusion as far as former secretary Clinton is concerned, and Mr. Trump.”

Online, people watching made jokes about what McCain was saying. One tweet from Twitter user @Mikel_Jollett[33] read "KAMALA HARRIS: Let's talk about Sessions JOHN CORNYN: Let's talk about Hillary MARCO RUBIO: Let's talk about me JOHN MCCAIN: I got bingo!" The tweet (shown below) received more than 19,000 retweets and 51,000 likes in less than 36 hours.

KAMALA HARRIS: Let's talk about Sessions JOHN CORNYN: Let's talk about Hillary MARCO RUBIO: Let's talk about me JOHN MCCAIN: I got bingo!

On Reddit, Redditor N8theGr8[35] posted "What's going on with John McCaine suddenly?" in the /r/OutOfTheLoop subreddit. The post received more than 4,000 points (88% upvoted) and 600 comments.

Later that day, McCain[43] commented on his questioning. He said:

"I get the sense from Twitter that my line of questioning today went over people’s heads,” McCain said in a statement issued Thursday afternoon. “Maybe going forward I shouldn’t stay up late watching the Diamondbacks night games. What I was trying to get at was whether Mr. Comey believes that any of his interactions with the President rise to the level of obstruction of justice."

The Diamondbacks responded to this in a tweet,[44] which simply posted a screenshot of the statement and the caption "¯\(ツ)/¯." The tweet (shown below) more than 6,000 retweets and 15,000 likes.

Arizona Diamondbacks @Dbacks STATEMENT BY SENATOR JOHN McCAIN ON SENATE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE HEARING QUESTIONS Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) released the following statement today on his questions at today's Senate Intelligence Committee hearing with former FBI Director James Comey "I get the sense from Twitter that my line of questioning today went over people's heads. Maybe going forward I shouldn't stay up late watching the Diamondbacks night games

Trump's Response

The day of the testimony, many online suspected that the president might be live-tweeting the testimony. Twitter user @Travon[41] posted a variation of Trying to Hold a Fart Next to a Cute Girl in Class. In this tweet, the child has Trump's hair, and he captioned it "Trump trying not to tweet for the last hour." The tweet (shown below) received more than 3,000 retweets and 7,400 likes in 36 hours.

Trump trying not to tweet for the last hour. #Comeyhearings

The following day, President Trump responded to Comey's testimony on Twitter. In a tweet, he said, "Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication…and WOW, Comey is a leaker!" The tweet (shown below) received more than 27,000 retweets and 90,000 likes in 12 hours.[37]

Twitter published a Moments paged dedicated to President Trump's response, as well.[38]

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication...and WOW, Comey is a leaker!

Additionally, President Trump's legal counsel said that they will file a complaint against Comey (video below). The Twitter account for NBC News PR posted that "a source close to the president's outside legal team tells NBC News Marc Kasowitz will be filing a complaint with the DOJ's Inspector General and the Senate Judiciary Committee given Comey's statements about leaking memos of his conversation with the President.

However, because Comey is a private citizen, the Department of Justice, does not have much jurisdiction on Comey, a former employee. Twitter user @rebeccagberg[40] tweeted a screen cap of a CNN[42] article about the complain. She said, "If they were to follow thru (Trump has bluffed before), worst possible outcome for Comey is a note on his file." The tweet (shown below) garnered more than 200 retweets and 400 likes.

Twitter also published a Moments page about Trump filing a complaint.[38]

If they were to follow thru (Trump has bluffed before), worst possible outcome for Comey is a note on his file The Justice Department, however, has limited jurisdiction over former employees. They can investigate but the remedy in the event of finding wrongdoing would be to make a note in Comey's file should he ever seek to be employed by the DOJ again.


ABC Interview

About two weeks before James Comey's April 15th interview with ABC News, as well as the release of his memoir, A Higher Loyalty, the Republican National Committee (RNC) launched a website called "" that questions former FBI director's credibility.[46] The site states, "While Democrats feigned outrage over President Trump’s firing of James Comey, they had long questioned Comey’s ability to lead the FBI and even called for him to be fired." The site features various prominent democratic politicians questioning Comey's conduct.

According to the bottom of the website, the site was paid for by the RNC.


On April 11th, 2018, Axios[45] reported that during his interview with ABC News, Comey compared President Trump to a mob boss. That day, ABC News tweeted[47] a preview for the exclusive interview in which George Stephanopoulos askes Comey, "How strange is it for you to sit here and compare the president to a mob boss?" The post (shown below) received more than 690 retweets and 1,600 likes in 24 hours.

During the interview, Comey stated that he believe President Trump does not have the moral fortitude to be fit for the presidency. He said, "A person who sees moral equivalence in Charlottesville, who talks about and treats women like they're pieces of meat, who lies constantly about matters big and small and insists the American people believe it, that person's not fit to be president of the United States, on moral ground."

Memoir Release

On April 17th, 2018, Comey's memoir A Higher Loyalty was released in the United States.


Memo Leak

On April 19th, the memo Comey claimed to have made after his meetings with Trump were released to congress by the Department of Justice.[48] Less than one hour after the release, the memos were obtained by the Associated Press.[49]

The leaked memos helped corroborate the claims that Comey made during his testimony, particularly in Trump's interest in the Steele Dossier, their conversations about Michael Flynn and his trips to Russia prior to the presidency.[54] Throughout the evening, people tweeted excerpts and details from the memos.

Fox News reporter Chad Pergram tweeted,[50] "In Comey memo sent to CapHill, Comey says he told Trump the Russians 'allegedly had tapes involving him and prostitutes' in Moscow, circa 2013. Comey says Trump replied 'there were no prostitutes; there were never prostitutes.' Says Trump presumed hotels he stayed in were 'wired.'" The tweet (shonw below, left) received more than 270 retweets and 462 likes in 24 hours.

The Daily Beast's Justin Miller tweeted[51] an excerpt from the memos with the caption, "NEW: Priebus asked Comey, 'Do you have a FISA order on Mike Flynn?' on Feb. 8, 2017, according to Comey memo." The post (shown below, center) received more than 90 retweets and 170 comments in 24 hours. Additionally, Daily Beast reporter Andrew Desiderio tweeted (shown below, right),[53] "In one of his memos, Comey says Trump told him, 'I need loyalty.'"

In Comey memo sent to CapHill, Comey says he told Trump the Russians "allegedly had tapes involving him and prostitutes" in Moscow, circa 2013. Comey says Trump replied "there were no prostitutes; there were never prostitutes." Says Trump presumed hotels he stayed in were "wired" 13
NEW: Priebus asked Comey, "Do you have a FISA order on Mike Flynn?" on Feb. 8, 2017, according to Comey memo He then asked me if this was a "private conversation." I replied that it was. He then said he wanted to ask me a question and I could decide whether it was apprupriaie w aswer. He Uieu asked, "Du yuu ave a FiS^ urier un Mike Fly?" i a paused for a few seconds and then said that I would answer here, but that this illustrated the kind of question that had to be asked and answered through established channels. I said the answe channel was from DOl leadership to the WH counsel about such things. then explained that the normal I would normally make sure the AG and DAG werc aware and they would likely inform the WH Counsel and he could decide whether to inform the COS. I explained that it was important that communications about any particular case go through that channel to protect us and to protect the WH from any accusations of improper influence.
In one of his memos, Comey says Trump told him, "l need loyalty. The President then spoke again about being glad I wanted to stay. He said Mattis sald great things about me, as did Sessions. He explained he had asked a lot of people about me and heard great things. He then returned to loyalty, saying "I need loyalty." I replied that he would always get honesty from me. He paused and said that's what he wants, "honest loyalty." I replied "you will get that from me." (It is possible we understood that phrase differently, but chose to understand it as consistent with what I had said throughout the conversation: I will serve the President with loyalty to the office, the country, and the truth. 1 decided it would not be productive to push the subject further.)

The AP tweeted,[52] "BREAKING: Comey memo: Trump said Vladimir Putin told him, 'We have some of the most beautiful hookers in the world.'" Within 24 hours, the tweet (shown below) received more than 1,300 retweets and 14,000 likes.

AP The Associated Press @AP BREAKING: Comey memo: Trump said Vladimir Putin told him, 'We have some of the most beautiful hookers in the world

That evening, Trump responded to the memos on Twitter.[55] He wrote, "James Comey Memos just out and show clearly that there was NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. Also, he leaked classified information. WOW! Will the Witch Hunt continue?" The first post (shown below, left) received more than 21,000 retweets and 82,000 likes in 24 hours.

The following morning, he tweeted,[56] "So General Michael Flynn’s life can be totally destroyed while Shadey James Comey can Leak and Lie and make lots of money from a third rate book (that should never have been written). Is that really the way life in America is supposed to work? I don’t think so!" The post (shown below, right) received more than 22,000 retweets and 76,000 likes in 24 hours.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump James Comey Memos just out and show clearly that there was NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. Also, he leaked classified information. WOW! Will the Witch Hunt continue?
a Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump So General Michael Flynn's life can be totally destroyed while Shadey James Comey can Leak and Lie and make lots of money from a third rate book (that should never have been written). Is that really the way life in America is supposed to work? I don't think so!

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External References

[1] The Washington Post –
Comey timeline: Everything that led up to his firing

[2] The New York Times – The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

[3] The Washington Post –
‘Comey best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton,’ Trump tweets

[4] ProPublica – James Comey’s Testimony on Huma Abedin Forwarding Emails Was Inaccurate

[5] Wikipedia – Dismissal of FBI Director James Comey

[6] CNN – Trump's letter firing FBI Director James Comey

[7] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump's Tweet

[8] Twitter – Trump strikes back on Comey firing: Critics 'will be thanking me'

[9] Reddit – Video of James Comey leaving FBI Headquarters after being fired

[10] Reddit – Megathread: FBI Director Comey fired

[11] Twitter – @SarahFoxes

[12] CNN – Nixon Library weighs in: Comey firing '#notNixonian'

[13] The Daily Dot – Nixon Library distances itself from latest Trump action with ‘FUN FACT’ tweet

[14] Twitter – @NixonLibrary's Tweet

[15] The New York Post – Nixon library no fan of Comey, Watergate comparisons

[16] Twitter – Remarks With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Before Their Meeting

[17] Twitter – Chris Pratt suggests FBI replacement for James Comey

[18] Twitter – @ prattprattpratt's Tweet

[19] CNN – Anderson Cooper's eyeroll is all of us right now

[20] Twitter – @chillmage's Tweet

[21] Twitter – Search 'anderson cooper eye roll'

[22] Twitter – @RusEmbUSA's Tweet

[23] CNN – Trump says he considered 'this Russia thing' before firing FBI Director Comey

[24] The New York Times – Is President Trump Obstructing Justice?

[25] The Washington Post – Trump must be impeached. Here’s why.

[26] Twitter – @sppeoples' Tweet

[27] Reddit – Discussion Megathread: James Comey Testifies before Senate Intelligence Committee

[28] Twitter – Bars across America are packed with patrons for Comey Day

[29] Reddit – The Testimony

[30] Twitter – @TwitterData's Tweet

[31] Twitter – @TwitterData's Tweet":

[32] The Washington Post – Sen. John McCain’s bizarre questioning of Comey

[33] Twitter – "@Mikel_Jollett's Tweet"

[34] The New York Times – What Was Behind Those Befuddling McCain Questions?

[35] - Reddit – AnsweredWhat's going on with John McCaine suddenly?

[36] The Washington Post – 7 takeaways from Comey’s extraordinary testimony about what Trump told him to do

[37] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump's Tweet

[38] Twitter – President Trump weighs in on the Comey testimony

[39] Twitter – Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey, reports say

[40] Twitter – @rebeccagberg's Tweet

[41] Twitter – @Travon's Tweet

[42] CNN – Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey over memos

[43] The Washington Post – McCain: Maybe I shouldn’t stay up late watching Diamondbacks games

[44] Twitter – @Dbacks' Tweet

[45] Axios – ABC: Comey compares Trump to mob boss

[46] Lyin' Comey – Lyin' Comey

[47] Twitter – @ABC's Tweet

[48] Twitter – @KatieBoWill's Tweet

[49] Associated Press – The Latest: Trump claims vindication after memos released

[50] Twitter – @ChadPergram's Tweet

[51] Twitter – @justinjm1's Tweet

[52] Twitter – @AP's Tweet

[53] Twitter – @desiderioDC's Tweet

[54] Document Cloud – Ex-FBI Director James Comey's memos

[55] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump's Tweet

[56] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump's Tweet

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Dismissal of FBI Director James Comey

Dismissal of FBI Director James Comey

Part of a series on Russiagate. [View Related Entries]

Updated Jan 27, 2025 at 04:56PM EST by LiterallyAustin.

Added May 10, 2017 at 11:15AM EDT by Matt.

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The Dismissal of FBI Director James Comey was ordered by United States President President Donald Trump in May 2017 amid allegations that Comey had lied under oath. However, due to Comey’s ongoing investigation into Trump’s possible ties to Russia, the sudden termination of Comey created a wave of criticism and concern among Washington, the media and the public.


Since May 2016, the FBI, led by former Director James Comey, had been investigating Hillary Clinton potentially criminal use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State under President Barack Obama. On July 5th, he said that he would not recommend criminal charges against her, which Republicans in Washington criticized.[1]

While this remained an open source of outrage for the GOP throughout the 2016 Presidential Election, in late October Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders stating that they found emails regarding the Clinton investigation on the laptop of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. The politics and poll analysis blog FiveThirtyEight[2] later reported that the letter cost Clinton the election.

During this time, James Comey also led the investigation into Trump's potential ties to Russia. On October 7th, the Obama administration accused Russia of meddling into the Presidential election. Roughly six months later, Comey confirmed that the FBI has been investigating links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

On May 2nd, Hillary Clinton publicly blamed Comey for her election loss, saying "If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president.” Later that day, President Trump tweeted his outrage towards Clinton’s statements (shown below).

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony... Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election. Perhaps Trump just ran a great campaign?

The next day, Comey testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the reopening the Clinton investigation. During his testimony, he alleged that Abedin had forwarded "hundreds and thousands of emails," which may contain classified information, to her husband Anthony Weiner.

The following day, ProPublica reported that Comey had exaggerated the number of emails sent to Weiner, writing that "Abedin forwarded only a handful of Clinton emails to her husband for printing -- not the 'hundreds and thousands' cited by Comey."[4] On May 9th, the FBI sent a letter to congress correcting Comey's statements.


On May 9th, following council and recommendations from Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Session's deputy Deputy Rod Rosenstein, President Trump fired James Comey, sending a letter to the director while he was in California. The letter from Trump (shown below)), which contained references to the ongoing Russia investigation, caused outrage and criticism.[5][6]

THE WHITK HOUSE ASHINGTON May 9, 2017 Dear Director Comey: I have received the attached letters from the Attormey General and Deputy Attormey General of the United States recommending your dismissal as the Director of the Federal Burcau of Investigation. I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately. ile I greatly appreciate you infomming me, on throe separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores publie trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Donald J. Trump

While Trump cited Comey's inaccurate characterization of the Abedin email scandal, many online found the second paragraph of Trump's letter a cause for concern. It reads, "While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau." Many online saw this as reason for an independent investigation into potential Russian ties.

Emmy Bengtson @EmmyA2 INDDENT Josh Schwerin @JoshSchwerin There needs to be an independent investigation ASAP. No other option at this point

Trump's Response

President Trump defended his decision to dismiss Comey on Twitter. In a series of Tweets, Trump said, "Cryin' Chuck Schumer stated recently, "I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer." Then acts so indignant. #draintheswamp. The Democrats have said some of the worst things about James Comey, including the fact that he should be fired, but now they play so sad! James Comey will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job, bringing back the spirit and prestige of the FBI."[7] On May 9th, Twitter published a Moments[8] page regarding Trump's response.

Donald J. Trump o @realDonaldTrump Cryin' Chuck Schumer stated recently, "I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer." Then acts so indignant. #draintheswamp Donald J. Trump > 兰/| @realDonaldTrump The Democrats have said some of the worst things about James Comey, including the fact that he should be fired, but now they play so sad! Donald J. Trump /l @realDonaldTrump James Comey will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job, bringing back the spirit and prestige of the FBl.

On May 11th, in an interview with NBC's Lester Holt (shown below), President Trump said he had considered the Russia investigation in his decision to fire Comey.[23] He said, "And in fact when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said 'you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won'."

Trump's comments led to even more criticism of the President with many saying that Trump had the right to fire Comey, however, doing so may have been an obstruction of justice.[24][25]

Russian Government Response

Later that day, CBS News correspondent Elizabeth Palmer questioned Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was in skates and a full hockey pads on his way to the rink for a game. When asked about Comey's dismissal, Putin responded, “We have nothing to do with that. President Trump is acting in accordance with his competence and in accordance with his law and constitution."

Additionally, on May 10th, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was in Washington, DC on a diplomatic mission with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and when asked about Comey, Lavrov responded, "Was he fired?" After confirming that Comey was in fact terminated, he said, "You're kidding. You're kidding.[16]

Later that day, Trump held a closed-door meeting with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the man who's meetings with various Trump campaign official has led to a number of controversies in the last year, including the recusal of Attorney General Sessions from the Russia investigation. The White House barred American press from the event, but the United States Russian Embassy tweeted a picture of Trump with the infamous diplomat (shown below).[22]

Russia in USA @RusEmbUSA Ambassador Kislyak and President Trump /

Online Reaction

The response online to Comey's firing has been a mix of alarm and mockery. Redditor George_Washingtonne posted a gif of the comedic character Mr. Bean giving the middle finger under the subject line "Video of James Comey leaving FBI Headquarters after being fired" to the /r/gifs subreddit. The post (shown below) received more than 2,400 points (90% upvoted) and 70 comments.[9]

Also on Reddit, the PoliticsModeratorBot posted a Megathread regarding the dismissal of James Comey, linking to the various conversations throughout Reddit about Comey.. The post revcevied more than 55,000 points (88% upvoted).[10]

Anderson Cooper Eye Roll

On the evening of May 9th, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper interviewed White House Senior Council Kellyanne Conway about Comey's firing. During the interview, Cooper cut to a clip of President Trump praising Comey for his "guts" on re-opening the Clinton email investigation. Conyway responded, "Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I was on your show often last fall saying we were going to win Michigan and how we were going to do it, so that was fun." Cooper then rolled his eyes on camera (shown below).[19]

Cooper's eye roll became something of a phenomenon on Twitter, where users posted gifs, videos, and comments about Cooper's response. The most popular came from Twitter user @chillmage,[20] who posted a gif with the caption "this anderson cooper eyeroll at kellyanne conway is… choice." The tweet (shown below) received more than 2,700 retweets and 6,900 likes in less than 24 hours.

tc @chillmage this anderson cooper eyeroll at kellyanne onway is... choice

FBI Warning

Since the removal of James Comey, a number of people on Twitter began posting the joke "Quick, while we don't have an FBI Director, copy all of the VHS tapes you can!" along with a either a gif or a picture of the FBI warning on VHS tapes. The first to post them together was Twitter user @SarahFoxes, who received more than 58,000 retweets and 109,000 likes for her May 8th post.[11]

Sarah Fox @SarahFoxes Quick while we don't have a FBl Director, copy all the VHS tapes you have! No one can stop you! WARNING FBI nai penatties for the unauthorized copyighted moton pictures and vCE tapes. (Title 17, United States Code Sections 501 and 505). The Federal Bureau of investgaten vestigates alegatens trmna coy. right intringement. (Title 17、 Unted States Code. Section 505)

New FBI Director

On Twitter, people joked about who they think should replace the FBI director. Some of the most popular (shown below) were catalogued in a Moment by Twitter.[12]

Ben Greenman @bengreenman Trump's nominee for new FBI director. @UrBroYo FBI Director James Comey's replacement just announced

One of the most popular responses to the director search referenced FBI agent Burt Macklin, the alter-ego of Andy Dwyer, Chris Prat's character from television sitcom Parks and Recreation. Pratt himself[18] posted a tweet (shown below) of a compilation of Macklin's scenes with the caption "Just lemme know" and received more than 29,000 retweets and 60,000 likes. Pratt's tweet was so popular that Twitter published a Moments page about the tweet.[17]

chris pratt @prattprattpratt Just lemme know

Nixon Library Tweet

One of the most popular responses to the firing came from the Twitter account of the Richard Nixon Library.[15] On May 9th, the account @NixonLibrary tweeted "FUN FACT: President Nixon never fired the Director of the FBI #FBIDirector #notNixonian," which many people read as a subtweet directed at President Trump. The post received more than 34,200 retweets and 45,900 likes and was covered by such news sites as CNN,[12] The Daily Dot,[13] The New York Post,[16] and more.

RichardNixonLibrary @NixonLibrary FUN FACT: President Nixon never fired thee Director of the FBI #FBI Director #notNixonian 憾!

Senate Intelligence Committee Testimony

On June 7th, James Comey released his written testimony for the Senate Intelligence Committee.[34] In the statement, he detailed private conversations with the President. During these conversations, President Trump said to Comey that "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty," placing Comey in a difficult and awkward position because of the independent nature of the FBI, which is traditionally an apolitical organization. In reference to the ongoing Michael Flynn investigation, Trump said, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go." Many have claimed this to be the reason for Comey's firing and could therefore be read as an obstruction of justice. Finally, on the Russiagate investigation, Comey wrote:

"On the morning of March 30, the President called me at the FBI. He described the Russia investigation as 'a cloud' that was impairing his ability to act on behalf of the country. He said he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and had always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia. He asked what we could do to 'lift the cloud.' I responded that we were investigating the matter as quickly as we could, and that there would be great benefit, if we didn’t find anything, to our having done the work well. He agreed, but then re-emphasized the problems this was causing him."

The next day, June 8th, James Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Comey testified so that the Committee could determine whether his firing was due to the Michael Flynn and Russia investigations and a potential obstruction of justice.

During the hearing Comey revealed many things about his nine conversations with President Trump. Among the many revelations, Comey believes that Trump asking Comey for his "loyalty," asking him to "lift the cloud" of Russia, and to drop the Flynn investigation were all interferences into active FBI investigations and challenged the autonomy of the FBI. Comey also said he was concerned the President would lie about their meetings, which is why he took notes. When Trump did comment on Twitter about Comey's firing on May 12th, and hinted at the existence of tapes (shown below). To this Comey said, "Lordy, I hope there are tapes." However, Comey said that while Trump never explicitly asked him to stop the Flynn investigation, he did take Trump's words "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go" as a directive. Ultimately, Comey believes he was fired because he refused to drop the Russia investigation.[36]

The hearing became an extremely popular television event. Thousands on Twitter used the #ComeyDay Twitter user @sppeoples tweeted a picture of a packed bar in Brooklyn, NY with the caption "Dead silence here in Brooklyn bar as patrons watch Comey's testimony." The tweet (shown below) received more than 2,900 retweets and 6,800 likes in three hours.

Dead silence here in Brooklyn bar as patrons watch Comey's testimony. ie Seagrams

Throughout the morning, more users posted pictures of bars filled with people watching the Comey testimony (examples below). Twitter[28] published a Moments page, highlighting other bars packed with patrons for the Comey testimony.

And here's the standing room only crowd at another Comey watch party at The Partisan Comey hearing watch party at Shaw's Tavern in DC. Guessing couple hundred people here. @fox5do The Comey watch party line at Shaw Tavern stretches down the block #ThisisWashington

That day, Twitter released data on how many people were tweeting about the testimony. Twitter Data[30] tweeted, "3.6 million Tweets were sent 7am-1:30pm discussing Former FBI Director James Comey's testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee." The tweet (shown below, left) received more than 400 retweets and 470 likes. They followed that tweet by announcing the most Tweeted moments: 1) Senator McCain Questions Comey 2) Comey: "Lordy, I hope there are tapes" 3) Comey says "no fuzz" re: Russian interference in US election. The Tweet[31] (shown below, right) received more than 230 reweets and 220 likes.

Twitter Data @TwitterData 3.6 million Tweets were sent 7am-1:30pm discussing Former FBI Director James Comey's testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee Twitter Data @TwitterData These are the top Tweeted moments from Former FBI Director Comey's testimony in the Senate Most Tweeted Moments during Former FBI Director Comey's Senate testimony Sen. McCain questions Comey 12:37pm Comey: "Lordy I hope there are tapes" Comey says "no fuzz" re: Russian interference in US election 11:28am 10:57am Source Twitter. June 8, 2016; 7am-1:30pm EDT

That day, on the subreddit /r/Politics, Redditor english06[27] posted the thread "Discussion Megathread: James Comey Testifies before Senate Intelligence Committee," which received more than 17,000 points (92% upvoted) and 51,000 comments in fours hours. On the subreddit /r/AccidentalRenaissance, Redditor mrwrdy[29] posted a photo (shown below) from the hearing that received more than 23,000 points (23% upvoted) and 690 comments in three hours.

John McCain's Questioning

During the hearing, many online commented on Senator John McCain's line of questioning,[32] which seemed to point out a double standard in the investigation into the Hillary Clinton Email Controversy and President Trump (video below), but left people confused. The general consensus was that he bordered on incoherent. He said:

bq."In the case of Hillary Clinton, you made the statement that there wasn't sufficient evidence to bring a suit against her, although it had been very careless in their behavior, but you did reach a conclusion in that case that it was not necessary to further pursue her. Yet at the same time, in the case of Mr. [Trump], you said that there was not enough information to make a conclusion. Tell me the difference between your conclusion as far as former secretary Clinton is concerned, and Mr. Trump.”

Online, people watching made jokes about what McCain was saying. One tweet from Twitter user @Mikel_Jollett[33] read "KAMALA HARRIS: Let's talk about Sessions JOHN CORNYN: Let's talk about Hillary MARCO RUBIO: Let's talk about me JOHN MCCAIN: I got bingo!" The tweet (shown below) received more than 19,000 retweets and 51,000 likes in less than 36 hours.

KAMALA HARRIS: Let's talk about Sessions JOHN CORNYN: Let's talk about Hillary MARCO RUBIO: Let's talk about me JOHN MCCAIN: I got bingo!

On Reddit, Redditor N8theGr8[35] posted "What's going on with John McCaine suddenly?" in the /r/OutOfTheLoop subreddit. The post received more than 4,000 points (88% upvoted) and 600 comments.

Later that day, McCain[43] commented on his questioning. He said:

"I get the sense from Twitter that my line of questioning today went over people’s heads,” McCain said in a statement issued Thursday afternoon. “Maybe going forward I shouldn’t stay up late watching the Diamondbacks night games. What I was trying to get at was whether Mr. Comey believes that any of his interactions with the President rise to the level of obstruction of justice."

The Diamondbacks responded to this in a tweet,[44] which simply posted a screenshot of the statement and the caption "¯\(ツ)/¯." The tweet (shown below) more than 6,000 retweets and 15,000 likes.

Arizona Diamondbacks @Dbacks STATEMENT BY SENATOR JOHN McCAIN ON SENATE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE HEARING QUESTIONS Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) released the following statement today on his questions at today's Senate Intelligence Committee hearing with former FBI Director James Comey "I get the sense from Twitter that my line of questioning today went over people's heads. Maybe going forward I shouldn't stay up late watching the Diamondbacks night games

Trump's Response

The day of the testimony, many online suspected that the president might be live-tweeting the testimony. Twitter user @Travon[41] posted a variation of Trying to Hold a Fart Next to a Cute Girl in Class. In this tweet, the child has Trump's hair, and he captioned it "Trump trying not to tweet for the last hour." The tweet (shown below) received more than 3,000 retweets and 7,400 likes in 36 hours.

Trump trying not to tweet for the last hour. #Comeyhearings

The following day, President Trump responded to Comey's testimony on Twitter. In a tweet, he said, "Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication…and WOW, Comey is a leaker!" The tweet (shown below) received more than 27,000 retweets and 90,000 likes in 12 hours.[37]

Twitter published a Moments paged dedicated to President Trump's response, as well.[38]

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication...and WOW, Comey is a leaker!

Additionally, President Trump's legal counsel said that they will file a complaint against Comey (video below). The Twitter account for NBC News PR posted that "a source close to the president's outside legal team tells NBC News Marc Kasowitz will be filing a complaint with the DOJ's Inspector General and the Senate Judiciary Committee given Comey's statements about leaking memos of his conversation with the President.

However, because Comey is a private citizen, the Department of Justice, does not have much jurisdiction on Comey, a former employee. Twitter user @rebeccagberg[40] tweeted a screen cap of a CNN[42] article about the complain. She said, "If they were to follow thru (Trump has bluffed before), worst possible outcome for Comey is a note on his file." The tweet (shown below) garnered more than 200 retweets and 400 likes.

Twitter also published a Moments page about Trump filing a complaint.[38]

If they were to follow thru (Trump has bluffed before), worst possible outcome for Comey is a note on his file The Justice Department, however, has limited jurisdiction over former employees. They can investigate but the remedy in the event of finding wrongdoing would be to make a note in Comey's file should he ever seek to be employed by the DOJ again.


ABC Interview

About two weeks before James Comey's April 15th interview with ABC News, as well as the release of his memoir, A Higher Loyalty, the Republican National Committee (RNC) launched a website called "" that questions former FBI director's credibility.[46] The site states, "While Democrats feigned outrage over President Trump’s firing of James Comey, they had long questioned Comey’s ability to lead the FBI and even called for him to be fired." The site features various prominent democratic politicians questioning Comey's conduct.

According to the bottom of the website, the site was paid for by the RNC.


On April 11th, 2018, Axios[45] reported that during his interview with ABC News, Comey compared President Trump to a mob boss. That day, ABC News tweeted[47] a preview for the exclusive interview in which George Stephanopoulos askes Comey, "How strange is it for you to sit here and compare the president to a mob boss?" The post (shown below) received more than 690 retweets and 1,600 likes in 24 hours.

During the interview, Comey stated that he believe President Trump does not have the moral fortitude to be fit for the presidency. He said, "A person who sees moral equivalence in Charlottesville, who talks about and treats women like they're pieces of meat, who lies constantly about matters big and small and insists the American people believe it, that person's not fit to be president of the United States, on moral ground."

Memoir Release

On April 17th, 2018, Comey's memoir A Higher Loyalty was released in the United States.


Memo Leak

On April 19th, the memo Comey claimed to have made after his meetings with Trump were released to congress by the Department of Justice.[48] Less than one hour after the release, the memos were obtained by the Associated Press.[49]

The leaked memos helped corroborate the claims that Comey made during his testimony, particularly in Trump's interest in the Steele Dossier, their conversations about Michael Flynn and his trips to Russia prior to the presidency.[54] Throughout the evening, people tweeted excerpts and details from the memos.

Fox News reporter Chad Pergram tweeted,[50] "In Comey memo sent to CapHill, Comey says he told Trump the Russians 'allegedly had tapes involving him and prostitutes' in Moscow, circa 2013. Comey says Trump replied 'there were no prostitutes; there were never prostitutes.' Says Trump presumed hotels he stayed in were 'wired.'" The tweet (shonw below, left) received more than 270 retweets and 462 likes in 24 hours.

The Daily Beast's Justin Miller tweeted[51] an excerpt from the memos with the caption, "NEW: Priebus asked Comey, 'Do you have a FISA order on Mike Flynn?' on Feb. 8, 2017, according to Comey memo." The post (shown below, center) received more than 90 retweets and 170 comments in 24 hours. Additionally, Daily Beast reporter Andrew Desiderio tweeted (shown below, right),[53] "In one of his memos, Comey says Trump told him, 'I need loyalty.'"

In Comey memo sent to CapHill, Comey says he told Trump the Russians "allegedly had tapes involving him and prostitutes" in Moscow, circa 2013. Comey says Trump replied "there were no prostitutes; there were never prostitutes." Says Trump presumed hotels he stayed in were "wired" 13 NEW: Priebus asked Comey, "Do you have a FISA order on Mike Flynn?" on Feb. 8, 2017, according to Comey memo He then asked me if this was a "private conversation." I replied that it was. He then said he wanted to ask me a question and I could decide whether it was apprupriaie w aswer. He Uieu asked, "Du yuu ave a FiS^ urier un Mike Fly?" i a paused for a few seconds and then said that I would answer here, but that this illustrated the kind of question that had to be asked and answered through established channels. I said the answe channel was from DOl leadership to the WH counsel about such things. then explained that the normal I would normally make sure the AG and DAG werc aware and they would likely inform the WH Counsel and he could decide whether to inform the COS. I explained that it was important that communications about any particular case go through that channel to protect us and to protect the WH from any accusations of improper influence. In one of his memos, Comey says Trump told him, "l need loyalty. The President then spoke again about being glad I wanted to stay. He said Mattis sald great things about me, as did Sessions. He explained he had asked a lot of people about me and heard great things. He then returned to loyalty, saying "I need loyalty." I replied that he would always get honesty from me. He paused and said that's what he wants, "honest loyalty." I replied "you will get that from me." (It is possible we understood that phrase differently, but chose to understand it as consistent with what I had said throughout the conversation: I will serve the President with loyalty to the office, the country, and the truth. 1 decided it would not be productive to push the subject further.)

The AP tweeted,[52] "BREAKING: Comey memo: Trump said Vladimir Putin told him, 'We have some of the most beautiful hookers in the world.'" Within 24 hours, the tweet (shown below) received more than 1,300 retweets and 14,000 likes.

AP The Associated Press @AP BREAKING: Comey memo: Trump said Vladimir Putin told him, 'We have some of the most beautiful hookers in the world

That evening, Trump responded to the memos on Twitter.[55] He wrote, "James Comey Memos just out and show clearly that there was NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. Also, he leaked classified information. WOW! Will the Witch Hunt continue?" The first post (shown below, left) received more than 21,000 retweets and 82,000 likes in 24 hours.

The following morning, he tweeted,[56] "So General Michael Flynn’s life can be totally destroyed while Shadey James Comey can Leak and Lie and make lots of money from a third rate book (that should never have been written). Is that really the way life in America is supposed to work? I don’t think so!" The post (shown below, right) received more than 22,000 retweets and 76,000 likes in 24 hours.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump James Comey Memos just out and show clearly that there was NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. Also, he leaked classified information. WOW! Will the Witch Hunt continue? a Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump So General Michael Flynn's life can be totally destroyed while Shadey James Comey can Leak and Lie and make lots of money from a third rate book (that should never have been written). Is that really the way life in America is supposed to work? I don't think so!

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External References

[1] The Washington Post –
Comey timeline: Everything that led up to his firing

[2] The New York Times – The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

[3] The Washington Post –
‘Comey best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton,’ Trump tweets

[4] ProPublica – James Comey’s Testimony on Huma Abedin Forwarding Emails Was Inaccurate

[5] Wikipedia – Dismissal of FBI Director James Comey

[6] CNN – Trump's letter firing FBI Director James Comey

[7] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump's Tweet

[8] Twitter – Trump strikes back on Comey firing: Critics 'will be thanking me'

[9] Reddit – Video of James Comey leaving FBI Headquarters after being fired

[10] Reddit – Megathread: FBI Director Comey fired

[11] Twitter – @SarahFoxes

[12] CNN – Nixon Library weighs in: Comey firing '#notNixonian'

[13] The Daily Dot – Nixon Library distances itself from latest Trump action with ‘FUN FACT’ tweet

[14] Twitter – @NixonLibrary's Tweet

[15] The New York Post – Nixon library no fan of Comey, Watergate comparisons

[16] Twitter – Remarks With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Before Their Meeting

[17] Twitter – Chris Pratt suggests FBI replacement for James Comey

[18] Twitter – @ prattprattpratt's Tweet

[19] CNN – Anderson Cooper's eyeroll is all of us right now

[20] Twitter – @chillmage's Tweet

[21] Twitter – Search 'anderson cooper eye roll'

[22] Twitter – @RusEmbUSA's Tweet

[23] CNN – Trump says he considered 'this Russia thing' before firing FBI Director Comey

[24] The New York Times – Is President Trump Obstructing Justice?

[25] The Washington Post – Trump must be impeached. Here’s why.

[26] Twitter – @sppeoples' Tweet

[27] Reddit – Discussion Megathread: James Comey Testifies before Senate Intelligence Committee

[28] Twitter – Bars across America are packed with patrons for Comey Day

[29] Reddit – The Testimony

[30] Twitter – @TwitterData's Tweet

[31] Twitter – @TwitterData's Tweet":

[32] The Washington Post – Sen. John McCain’s bizarre questioning of Comey

[33] Twitter – "@Mikel_Jollett's Tweet"

[34] The New York Times – What Was Behind Those Befuddling McCain Questions?

[35] - Reddit – AnsweredWhat's going on with John McCaine suddenly?

[36] The Washington Post – 7 takeaways from Comey’s extraordinary testimony about what Trump told him to do

[37] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump's Tweet

[38] Twitter – President Trump weighs in on the Comey testimony

[39] Twitter – Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey, reports say

[40] Twitter – @rebeccagberg's Tweet

[41] Twitter – @Travon's Tweet

[42] CNN – Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey over memos

[43] The Washington Post – McCain: Maybe I shouldn’t stay up late watching Diamondbacks games

[44] Twitter – @Dbacks' Tweet

[45] Axios – ABC: Comey compares Trump to mob boss

[46] Lyin' Comey – Lyin' Comey

[47] Twitter – @ABC's Tweet

[48] Twitter – @KatieBoWill's Tweet

[49] Associated Press – The Latest: Trump claims vindication after memos released

[50] Twitter – @ChadPergram's Tweet

[51] Twitter – @justinjm1's Tweet

[52] Twitter – @AP's Tweet

[53] Twitter – @desiderioDC's Tweet

[54] Document Cloud – Ex-FBI Director James Comey's memos

[55] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump's Tweet

[56] Twitter – @realDonaldTrump's Tweet

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