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Part of a series on Dream. [View Related Entries]


#DreamOUT refers to a social media controversy surrounding Minecraft YouTuber Dream that started with a Twitter interaction between Dream and another person, who subsequently set their account to private over fears of being harassed and doxxed by Dream's fanbase, with Dream later gloating over the person privating their account. In the following days, #DreamOUT hashtag went viral on Twitter as users discussed Dream's controversial behavior, with some demanding the creator to be canceled and deplatformed.


On April 10th, 2022, streamer and YouTuber HasanAbi tweeted[1] that his video titled "Dear Conservatives: GAY PEOPLE EXIST" was removed by YouTube, with Dream replying[2] with a joke tweet which received 1,500 retweets and 85,900 likes (shown below, left). In the same thread, Dream's friend and fellow Dream SMP member Antfrost doubled on the joke,[3] writing, "gay people don't exist I heard," with Dream replying in a now-deleted tweet, "they exist in your disgusting fantasies you FREAK" (shown below, right).

hasanabi @hasanthehun · Apr 10 cmon @YouTube this is a wild one to demonetize YouTube 11:06 AM To: Hasan Piker > Limited or no ads remain on your video Dear Conservatives: GAY PEOPLE EXIST YouTube Hi HasanAbi, After manually reviewing your video, we've confirmed that it isn't suitable for all advertisers. As a result, it will continue to run limited or no ads. • "Dear Conservatives: GAY PEOPLE EXIST" Your video remains playable and is still eligible to earn subscription revenue from YouTube Premium. You can find more information about our advertiser-friendly guidelines in our Help Center. Sincerely, The YouTube Team 261 17 1,503 80.3K dream dream @dreamwastaken Replying to @hasanthehun and @YouTube I mean it is controversial, do they REALLY exist? I heard gay people was a myth made up by the gay frogs in my water. solid move by youtube imo. 2:26 PM · Apr 10, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone
dream @dreamwastaken · 11m aream I mean it is controversial, do they REALLY exist? I heard gay people was a myth made up by the gay frogs in my water. solid move by youtube imo. 1,407 27 1,945 29.1K @Antfrost 10m gay people don't exist I heard Antfrost O O 88 2I 188 11.7K dream dream @dreamwastaken they exist in your disgusting fantasies you FREAK

Several users on Twitter raised questions with the exchange, accusing Dream of homophobia, with Dream defending himself in replies. On April 11th, Dream tweeted,[4] "I’m not gay I think women are very attractive, some men are ok too I guess" on his main Twitter account, with the tweet gaining over 12,200 retweets and 300,000 likes in three days (shown below). The tweet also served as a response to previous accusations of queebaiting put against Dream on social media.

Dream @Dream I'm not gay I think women are very attractive, some men are ok too I guess 12:50 PM · Apr 11, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone

Within one hour, Twitter[5] user @mikupilled quote tweeted Dream's tweet, writing, "but if i say hes only saying this bc hes under fire for making homophobic jokes?." with Dream then replying[6] to her that only on Twitter people could confuse mocking homophobia with homophobia (both tweets since deleted; exchange shown below, center and right). @mikupilled[7] then set their account to private over fears of Dream's fanbase doxxing and harassing her, adding that she was in a dangerous life position making her especially vulnerable (tweet shown below, right).

- ruby @mikupilled · 34 min - but if i say hes only saying this bc hes under fire for making homophobic jokes? Traduire le Tweet Dream @Dream · 1h I'm not gay I think women are very attractive, some men are ok too l guess 8 27 64 241 A Don Afficher cette discussion
Tweet This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author. Learn more t7 MC & Cheese retweeted Dream O @Dream Replying to @mikupilled only twitter can confuse mocking homophobia in clear support of gay people, in the replies of one of the persons best friends (who is gay), as homophobia. only twitter! 3:54 am · 12 Apr 22 · Twitter for iPhone 83 Retweets 43 Quote Tweets 921 Likes
yeah priv for safety ô @mikupilled someone ss and qrt with this i am afraid of getting doxxed because i live with my bfs parents. we live in an unsafe neighborhood and i dont anyone want to be hurt and i dont want to be put back into my abusive family's care bc of this situation. nothing about this is funny morningstar 12 @materialwhxre 54m pls don't doxx me i live with my boyfriends parents i don't want anyone getting hurt /c

Dream later posted a tweet[10] on his private @dreamsecretclub account in which he gloated about people setting their account to privat after replying to them "to call them out on bs" (shown below, left).

In the following hours, multiple users on Twitter raised an issue with Dream's online behavior. For example, Twitter[8] user @platdva made a tweet sharing screenshots of Dream's tweet and @mikupilled setting her account to priave, with the tweet gaining over 1,200 retweets and 7,500 likes in three days (shown below, center). Twitter[9] user @falltubbo made a similar tweet that gained over 12,300 retweets and 112,000 likes in the same period (shown below, right).

DREAM O dream @dreamsecretclub seeing people private their twitter and delete their tweet after I reply to them calling them out on bs is so satisfying. "you're sending your community to harass random innocent people!" I'm calling out their BS, they can turn off their phone and reflect on their dumbassery 2:26 PM · 4/11/22 · Twitter for iPhone 10 Quote Tweets 23K Likes
phoebe / evie m @platdva if u don't see a problem with this idk what to tell you she it fai doll 16 Idla---shroud.V @Dream # Joined March 2022 355 Following 219 Followers Replying to @mikupilled only twitter can confuse mocking homophobia in clear support of gay people, in the replies of one of the These Tweets are protected. persons best friends (who is gay), as homophobia. only twitter! Only confirmed followers have access to @idiawifey's Tweets and complete profile. Tap 1:54 PM · 4/11/22 Twitter for iPhone so much better 7 27 3 136 490 Retweets 1,362 Quote Tweets 11.3K Likes daisy 9 @oopsiexdaisy_ · 25s ?? what about the person being harassed? this man is like 20 years old chase O @thekinokokid · 51m Replying to @Dream chantelle @imnotchantelle 50m people are weird! love you dream, we appreciate all ur support :) <33 Replying to @Dream 2:52 PM · Apr 11, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone
A becky @falltubbo you're sending millions of followers after it? look at her bio? do you not see a problem with that ?? DREAM A ream @dreamsecretclub seeing people private their twitter and delete their tweet after I reply to them calling them out on bs is so satisfying. Follow "you're sending your community to harass random innocent people!" ah priv for safety ô awifey I'm calling out their BS, they can turn off their phone and reflect on their dumbassery ved accounts for safety please dont dox me with my boyfriends parents he it fai doll 16 P idia---shroud. ined March 2022 2:26 PM · 4/11/22 · Twitter for iPhone Following 219 Followers 10 Quote Tweets 23K Likes 2:57 PM · Apr 11, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone


Starting on April 11th, multiple users on Twitter[10][11][12] made tweets in which they demanded Dream to take responsibility for his fanbase and brought up examples of the YouTuber's controversial behavior in the past, with some demanding that Dream gets canceled and deplatformed (examples shown below).

xiomara/halimede 9 |I USE HE/FAE | BDAY IN 36 @DIRTYCOMPUTER I'm not sorry for saying this but Dream needs to be deplatformed. It's proven time and time again he weaponizes his fanbase and deliberately does this to cause those with a disadvantage against him to deactivate. 3:52 PM · Apr 11, 2022 · Twitter Web App
Big Account McGee ... @AboutNintendo Like this post if you think Dream should loose his fanbase and have his Twitter account permanently banned (get it trending) DREAM A dream @dreamsecretclub seeing people private their twitter and delete their tweet after I reply to them calling them out on bs is so satisfying. “you're sending your community to harass random innocent people!" I'm calling out their BS, they can turn off their phone and reflect on their dumbassery 2:26 PM · 4/11/22 · Twitter for iPhone 10 Quote Tweets 23K Likes 4:24 PM · Apr 12, 2022 · Twitter for Android
Scott 'Parody' Wozniak @NotTheWoz_ dream? more like jesus christ what the f--- is wrong with this man DREAM 6 dream @dreamsecretclub seeing people private their twitter and delete their tweet afterI reply to them calling them out on bs is so satisfying. “you're sending your community to harass random innocent people!" I'm calling out their BS, they can turn off their phone and reflect on their dumbassery 2:26 PM · 4/11/22 · Twitter for iPhone 10 Quote Tweets 23K Likes 7:25 PM · Apr 11, 2022 · Twitter for Android

On April 12th, Dream changed the color scheme of the profile picture and the header of his second account @dreamwastaken,[13][14] changing his handle to "nightmare" (screenshot shown below, left).

16:40 1 TikTok bad dream Following nightmare @dreamwastaken Follows you i love all of you he/him E Joined June 2020 452 Following 1.8M Followers
quinn with cat ears ... @kidcorvidcos when mcdonalds gives me 9 chicken nuggets instead of 10 4:51 1 il 5G I ANGRY ANGRY bad dream Follow nightmare @dreamwastaken 5:19 PM · Apr 12, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone ANGR

On April 12th, 2022, streamer Mizkif tweeted,[15] "i hate that dream guy," with the tweet gaining over 1,200 retweets and 35,800 likes.

Dream's Response

On April 13th, 2022, Dream addressed the controversy on his Twitch account (YouTube[16] upload shown below).

I wish that people weren't hateful towards me, I wish people weren't hateful towards people who don't like me, I wish that people weren't hateful in general.


The Twitter discussion eventually led to the creation of #dreamOUT hashtag which was used to collect examples of Dream's controversial behaviour and to demand Dream to be canceled and deplatformed. On April 13th, 2022, Twitter[17] user @Cherry_9O made the first viral tweet with the hashtag, a Cosmo Yelling meme that gained over 970 retweets and 8,800 likes, launching the trend (shown below, left). In the following hours, multiple users made tweets with the hashtag (examples shown below, center and right).

cherry! @Cherry_90 ... "Dream was young when he said those racist things!!" RACISM IS STILL RACISM NO MATTER WHAT AGE YOU ARE #dream #dreamOUT 6:37 PM · Apr 13, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone
Ethan 923 ... @yoshi_9233 The fact that Dream has gotten away with so much s--- for this long and hasn't had any consequences is completely absurd. Like do yell remember this #dreamOUT while flicking your tongue around. Of course war is offensive, people die. Saying "vive la resistance" is Il'm sure offensive to french people. Plus, I literally have native american in my blood. 2 ♡ 45 Dream @DreamWasTaken · 31 Jan Faream Says who? The language police? You don't get to go around enforcing your own language rules on behalf of other people. It's a descriptive word, and has been used to describe slow development for a long time. Just as offensive as "dumb" and "idiot", do you ever use those O 131 O 1,579 dream2 a @dreamwastaken2 - 11m If you're offended, f--- off, literally could care less. It's not offensive and don't be a baby. Get off my account if you want to critique people having fun in a block words? game. 11 ♡ 90 Q 279 231 ♡ 1,542 mjopa @_mattparkin · 31 Jan a grown man so determined to say a slur that he'd put this much energy arguing with teenagers online dream2 a @dreamwastaken2.7m It's not education. War cries are across every race, sexual orientation, and creed. Spongebob isn't any less "offensive". Sometimes people need to recognize it's been established that you shouldn't cav clurs don't sav cluure why is this the. that not everything they see on the 7:04 PM · Apr 13, 2022 · Twitter for Android

On April 13th, 2022, Twitter[18][19] user @ballslover32, the person whose interaction with Dream spawned a meme in March 2022, successfully ratio'd Dream's tweet, with the YouTuber then deleting his post (shown below).

Thread silly @ballslover32 can i ratio dream? A dream @dreamwastaken · 18h bro your last like 50 tweets are about me after I unfollowed you and chose to ignore you, it's okay, you'll be okay. if I tweeted the stuff you've tweeted you'd have a field day about me "spreading hate"... 5:58 am · 14 Apr 22 · Twitter for iPhone 12.5K Retweets 1,324 Quote Tweets 156K Likes

Various Examples

I'm not gay I think women are very attractive, some men are ok to l guess
Normal influencer MENTAL GYMNASTICS When I argue with strangers my fans harass them My fans will sometimes dox strangers i argue with I shouldnt argue with strangers Dream MENTAL GYMNASTICS Its awesome when I argue with strangers and they are forced to private because of Im not in control my insufferable of my fanbase its Even if my fanbase doxxed before it barely Doxxing isnt even happened so who cares that bad lol fanbase not my fault anyways

TheJosiahTurner(APACHE @TheJosTurner Dream at a random child's funeral after a pipe bomb was mailed to their door explaining how the death could have been prevented if they simply didn't choose to fight some speedrun cheating eboy with an army of 14 year old sewer rats at his disposal on twitter dot com #dreamOUT GIF ALT 8:38 AM · Apr 14, 2022 · Twitter Web App
SolidusSnake#928 @DannyDevitosLad Dream when he sees me outside his house with a pipe bomb but it's okay since being doxxed isn't even that bad and what're the odds of me doing anything #dreamOUT 5:44 AM · Apr 14, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone

Search Interest

External References

[1] Twitter – @hasanthehun

[2] Twitter – @dreamwastaken

[3] Twitter – @Antfrost

[4] Twitter – @Dream

[5] Twitter – @Caatnipp_

[6] Twitter – @imnotchantelle

[7] Twitter – @falltubbo

[8] Twitter – @platdva

[9] Twitter – @falltubbo

[10] Twitter – @DIRTYC0MPUTER

[11] Twitter – @AboutNintendo

[12] Twitter – @NotTheWoz_?

[13] Twitter – @xInfinityx1D

[14] Twitter – @kidcorvidcos

[15] Twitter – @REALMizkif

[16] YouTube – Dream Responds To Homophobic Controversy

[17] Twitter – @Cherry_9O

[18] Twitter – @ballslover32

[19] Twitter – @sIeepyboisinc

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Part of a series on Dream. [View Related Entries]

Updated Apr 14, 2022 at 05:58PM EDT by Philipp.

Added Apr 14, 2022 at 02:36PM EDT by Philipp.

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#DreamOUT refers to a social media controversy surrounding Minecraft YouTuber Dream that started with a Twitter interaction between Dream and another person, who subsequently set their account to private over fears of being harassed and doxxed by Dream's fanbase, with Dream later gloating over the person privating their account. In the following days, #DreamOUT hashtag went viral on Twitter as users discussed Dream's controversial behavior, with some demanding the creator to be canceled and deplatformed.


On April 10th, 2022, streamer and YouTuber HasanAbi tweeted[1] that his video titled "Dear Conservatives: GAY PEOPLE EXIST" was removed by YouTube, with Dream replying[2] with a joke tweet which received 1,500 retweets and 85,900 likes (shown below, left). In the same thread, Dream's friend and fellow Dream SMP member Antfrost doubled on the joke,[3] writing, "gay people don't exist I heard," with Dream replying in a now-deleted tweet, "they exist in your disgusting fantasies you FREAK" (shown below, right).

hasanabi @hasanthehun · Apr 10 cmon @YouTube this is a wild one to demonetize YouTube 11:06 AM To: Hasan Piker > Limited or no ads remain on your video Dear Conservatives: GAY PEOPLE EXIST YouTube Hi HasanAbi, After manually reviewing your video, we've confirmed that it isn't suitable for all advertisers. As a result, it will continue to run limited or no ads. • "Dear Conservatives: GAY PEOPLE EXIST" Your video remains playable and is still eligible to earn subscription revenue from YouTube Premium. You can find more information about our advertiser-friendly guidelines in our Help Center. Sincerely, The YouTube Team 261 17 1,503 80.3K dream dream @dreamwastaken Replying to @hasanthehun and @YouTube I mean it is controversial, do they REALLY exist? I heard gay people was a myth made up by the gay frogs in my water. solid move by youtube imo. 2:26 PM · Apr 10, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone dream @dreamwastaken · 11m aream I mean it is controversial, do they REALLY exist? I heard gay people was a myth made up by the gay frogs in my water. solid move by youtube imo. 1,407 27 1,945 29.1K @Antfrost 10m gay people don't exist I heard Antfrost O O 88 2I 188 11.7K dream dream @dreamwastaken they exist in your disgusting fantasies you FREAK

Several users on Twitter raised questions with the exchange, accusing Dream of homophobia, with Dream defending himself in replies. On April 11th, Dream tweeted,[4] "I’m not gay I think women are very attractive, some men are ok too I guess" on his main Twitter account, with the tweet gaining over 12,200 retweets and 300,000 likes in three days (shown below). The tweet also served as a response to previous accusations of queebaiting put against Dream on social media.

Dream @Dream I'm not gay I think women are very attractive, some men are ok too I guess 12:50 PM · Apr 11, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone

Within one hour, Twitter[5] user @mikupilled quote tweeted Dream's tweet, writing, "but if i say hes only saying this bc hes under fire for making homophobic jokes?." with Dream then replying[6] to her that only on Twitter people could confuse mocking homophobia with homophobia (both tweets since deleted; exchange shown below, center and right). @mikupilled[7] then set their account to private over fears of Dream's fanbase doxxing and harassing her, adding that she was in a dangerous life position making her especially vulnerable (tweet shown below, right).

- ruby @mikupilled · 34 min - but if i say hes only saying this bc hes under fire for making homophobic jokes? Traduire le Tweet Dream @Dream · 1h I'm not gay I think women are very attractive, some men are ok too l guess 8 27 64 241 A Don Afficher cette discussion Tweet This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author. Learn more t7 MC & Cheese retweeted Dream O @Dream Replying to @mikupilled only twitter can confuse mocking homophobia in clear support of gay people, in the replies of one of the persons best friends (who is gay), as homophobia. only twitter! 3:54 am · 12 Apr 22 · Twitter for iPhone 83 Retweets 43 Quote Tweets 921 Likes yeah priv for safety ô @mikupilled someone ss and qrt with this i am afraid of getting doxxed because i live with my bfs parents. we live in an unsafe neighborhood and i dont anyone want to be hurt and i dont want to be put back into my abusive family's care bc of this situation. nothing about this is funny morningstar 12 @materialwhxre 54m pls don't doxx me i live with my boyfriends parents i don't want anyone getting hurt /c

Dream later posted a tweet[10] on his private @dreamsecretclub account in which he gloated about people setting their account to privat after replying to them "to call them out on bs" (shown below, left).

In the following hours, multiple users on Twitter raised an issue with Dream's online behavior. For example, Twitter[8] user @platdva made a tweet sharing screenshots of Dream's tweet and @mikupilled setting her account to priave, with the tweet gaining over 1,200 retweets and 7,500 likes in three days (shown below, center). Twitter[9] user @falltubbo made a similar tweet that gained over 12,300 retweets and 112,000 likes in the same period (shown below, right).

DREAM O dream @dreamsecretclub seeing people private their twitter and delete their tweet after I reply to them calling them out on bs is so satisfying. "you're sending your community to harass random innocent people!" I'm calling out their BS, they can turn off their phone and reflect on their dumbassery 2:26 PM · 4/11/22 · Twitter for iPhone 10 Quote Tweets 23K Likes phoebe / evie m @platdva if u don't see a problem with this idk what to tell you she it fai doll 16 Idla---shroud.V @Dream # Joined March 2022 355 Following 219 Followers Replying to @mikupilled only twitter can confuse mocking homophobia in clear support of gay people, in the replies of one of the These Tweets are protected. persons best friends (who is gay), as homophobia. only twitter! Only confirmed followers have access to @idiawifey's Tweets and complete profile. Tap 1:54 PM · 4/11/22 Twitter for iPhone so much better 7 27 3 136 490 Retweets 1,362 Quote Tweets 11.3K Likes daisy 9 @oopsiexdaisy_ · 25s ?? what about the person being harassed? this man is like 20 years old chase O @thekinokokid · 51m Replying to @Dream chantelle @imnotchantelle 50m people are weird! love you dream, we appreciate all ur support :) <33 Replying to @Dream 2:52 PM · Apr 11, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone A becky @falltubbo you're sending millions of followers after it? look at her bio? do you not see a problem with that ?? DREAM A ream @dreamsecretclub seeing people private their twitter and delete their tweet after I reply to them calling them out on bs is so satisfying. Follow "you're sending your community to harass random innocent people!" ah priv for safety ô awifey I'm calling out their BS, they can turn off their phone and reflect on their dumbassery ved accounts for safety please dont dox me with my boyfriends parents he it fai doll 16 P idia---shroud. ined March 2022 2:26 PM · 4/11/22 · Twitter for iPhone Following 219 Followers 10 Quote Tweets 23K Likes 2:57 PM · Apr 11, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone


Starting on April 11th, multiple users on Twitter[10][11][12] made tweets in which they demanded Dream to take responsibility for his fanbase and brought up examples of the YouTuber's controversial behavior in the past, with some demanding that Dream gets canceled and deplatformed (examples shown below).

xiomara/halimede 9 |I USE HE/FAE | BDAY IN 36 @DIRTYCOMPUTER I'm not sorry for saying this but Dream needs to be deplatformed. It's proven time and time again he weaponizes his fanbase and deliberately does this to cause those with a disadvantage against him to deactivate. 3:52 PM · Apr 11, 2022 · Twitter Web App Big Account McGee ... @AboutNintendo Like this post if you think Dream should loose his fanbase and have his Twitter account permanently banned (get it trending) DREAM A dream @dreamsecretclub seeing people private their twitter and delete their tweet after I reply to them calling them out on bs is so satisfying. “you're sending your community to harass random innocent people!" I'm calling out their BS, they can turn off their phone and reflect on their dumbassery 2:26 PM · 4/11/22 · Twitter for iPhone 10 Quote Tweets 23K Likes 4:24 PM · Apr 12, 2022 · Twitter for Android Scott 'Parody' Wozniak @NotTheWoz_ dream? more like jesus christ what the f--- is wrong with this man DREAM 6 dream @dreamsecretclub seeing people private their twitter and delete their tweet afterI reply to them calling them out on bs is so satisfying. “you're sending your community to harass random innocent people!" I'm calling out their BS, they can turn off their phone and reflect on their dumbassery 2:26 PM · 4/11/22 · Twitter for iPhone 10 Quote Tweets 23K Likes 7:25 PM · Apr 11, 2022 · Twitter for Android

On April 12th, Dream changed the color scheme of the profile picture and the header of his second account @dreamwastaken,[13][14] changing his handle to "nightmare" (screenshot shown below, left).

16:40 1 TikTok bad dream Following nightmare @dreamwastaken Follows you i love all of you he/him E Joined June 2020 452 Following 1.8M Followers quinn with cat ears ... @kidcorvidcos when mcdonalds gives me 9 chicken nuggets instead of 10 4:51 1 il 5G I ANGRY ANGRY bad dream Follow nightmare @dreamwastaken 5:19 PM · Apr 12, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone ANGR

On April 12th, 2022, streamer Mizkif tweeted,[15] "i hate that dream guy," with the tweet gaining over 1,200 retweets and 35,800 likes.

Dream's Response

On April 13th, 2022, Dream addressed the controversy on his Twitch account (YouTube[16] upload shown below).

I wish that people weren't hateful towards me, I wish people weren't hateful towards people who don't like me, I wish that people weren't hateful in general.


The Twitter discussion eventually led to the creation of #dreamOUT hashtag which was used to collect examples of Dream's controversial behaviour and to demand Dream to be canceled and deplatformed. On April 13th, 2022, Twitter[17] user @Cherry_9O made the first viral tweet with the hashtag, a Cosmo Yelling meme that gained over 970 retweets and 8,800 likes, launching the trend (shown below, left). In the following hours, multiple users made tweets with the hashtag (examples shown below, center and right).

cherry! @Cherry_90 ... "Dream was young when he said those racist things!!" RACISM IS STILL RACISM NO MATTER WHAT AGE YOU ARE #dream #dreamOUT 6:37 PM · Apr 13, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone Ethan 923 ... @yoshi_9233 The fact that Dream has gotten away with so much s--- for this long and hasn't had any consequences is completely absurd. Like do yell remember this #dreamOUT while flicking your tongue around. Of course war is offensive, people die. Saying "vive la resistance" is Il'm sure offensive to french people. Plus, I literally have native american in my blood. 2 ♡ 45 Dream @DreamWasTaken · 31 Jan Faream Says who? The language police? You don't get to go around enforcing your own language rules on behalf of other people. It's a descriptive word, and has been used to describe slow development for a long time. Just as offensive as "dumb" and "idiot", do you ever use those O 131 O 1,579 dream2 a @dreamwastaken2 - 11m If you're offended, f--- off, literally could care less. It's not offensive and don't be a baby. Get off my account if you want to critique people having fun in a block words? game. 11 ♡ 90 Q 279 231 ♡ 1,542 mjopa @_mattparkin · 31 Jan a grown man so determined to say a slur that he'd put this much energy arguing with teenagers online dream2 a @dreamwastaken2.7m It's not education. War cries are across every race, sexual orientation, and creed. Spongebob isn't any less "offensive". Sometimes people need to recognize it's been established that you shouldn't cav clurs don't sav cluure why is this the. that not everything they see on the 7:04 PM · Apr 13, 2022 · Twitter for Android

On April 13th, 2022, Twitter[18][19] user @ballslover32, the person whose interaction with Dream spawned a meme in March 2022, successfully ratio'd Dream's tweet, with the YouTuber then deleting his post (shown below).

Thread silly @ballslover32 can i ratio dream? A dream @dreamwastaken · 18h bro your last like 50 tweets are about me after I unfollowed you and chose to ignore you, it's okay, you'll be okay. if I tweeted the stuff you've tweeted you'd have a field day about me "spreading hate"... 5:58 am · 14 Apr 22 · Twitter for iPhone 12.5K Retweets 1,324 Quote Tweets 156K Likes

Various Examples

I'm not gay I think women are very attractive, some men are ok to l guess DREAM TAKE RESPONSIBUITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS OR draw 25 UNO Normal influencer MENTAL GYMNASTICS When I argue with strangers my fans harass them My fans will sometimes dox strangers i argue with I shouldnt argue with strangers Dream MENTAL GYMNASTICS Its awesome when I argue with strangers and they are forced to private because of Im not in control my insufferable of my fanbase its Even if my fanbase doxxed before it barely Doxxing isnt even happened so who cares that bad lol fanbase not my fault anyways
TheJosiahTurner(APACHE @TheJosTurner Dream at a random child's funeral after a pipe bomb was mailed to their door explaining how the death could have been prevented if they simply didn't choose to fight some speedrun cheating eboy with an army of 14 year old sewer rats at his disposal on twitter dot com #dreamOUT GIF ALT 8:38 AM · Apr 14, 2022 · Twitter Web App SolidusSnake#928 @DannyDevitosLad Dream when he sees me outside his house with a pipe bomb but it's okay since being doxxed isn't even that bad and what're the odds of me doing anything #dreamOUT 5:44 AM · Apr 14, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone REPOSTIFYOUR ACCOUNTIS ean IS NOTASAFESPACE FOR DREAM

Search Interest

External References

[1] Twitter – @hasanthehun

[2] Twitter – @dreamwastaken

[3] Twitter – @Antfrost

[4] Twitter – @Dream

[5] Twitter – @Caatnipp_

[6] Twitter – @imnotchantelle

[7] Twitter – @falltubbo

[8] Twitter – @platdva

[9] Twitter – @falltubbo

[10] Twitter – @DIRTYC0MPUTER

[11] Twitter – @AboutNintendo

[12] Twitter – @NotTheWoz_?

[13] Twitter – @xInfinityx1D

[14] Twitter – @kidcorvidcos

[15] Twitter – @REALMizkif

[16] YouTube – Dream Responds To Homophobic Controversy

[17] Twitter – @Cherry_9O

[18] Twitter – @ballslover32

[19] Twitter – @sIeepyboisinc

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"If you're a guy with like, 7 followers on Twitter, and my followers dox your personal info, like… the odds of something happening to you in your life are… astronomically small."

OH, so this speedrun cheater's gonna lecture us about ODDS now, huh?


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