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Part of a series on Dream. [View Related Entries]


Dream Grooming Allegations refers to a controversy following unconfirmed evidence being presented by a female Twitter user (@oxeclean) in October 2022 that accused Minecraft YouTuber and speedrunner Dream of allegedly grooming her in 2020 when she was a minor (17 years old) over Twitter DMs, text messages and Snapchat. After the accusations surfaced on Twitter, many started using the hashtag "#dreamisafreak" to circulate discourse and memes. Dream later denounced the claims as false on his private Twitter account, sparking more backlash and controversy. In November 2023, following the Dream vs. Gumball controversy, an unverified recording claiming to be of Dream sending his moans to a minor on Snapchat surfaced and was spread on social media, reigniting the allegations. In December 2023, Dream addressed the allegations in a 1 hour and 22 minute long video titled "The Truth."


Due to the buzz surrounding Dream's Face Reveal, on October 3rd, 2022, Twitter[1] user oxeclean (private) started a thread that claimed Dream had been Snapchat friends with her since March 19th, 2020, and that he had groomed her when she was a minor (screenshots shown below). She alleged that other minors had similar stories, specifically referencing a precursor grooming scandal involving Dream that surfaced on February 15th, 2022, levied by Twitter[2] user howyougonnafin1 who provided Discord screenshots that purportedly showed Dream's interactions with a 13-year-old in 2017 and 2018. These claims are also unconfirmed, however, and have been disputed by Twitter[3] users who don't believe them.

个 Anastasia @oxeclean 2 tired/real life struggling to get involved but the youtuber trending rn already face revealed 2 me yrs ago when he was flirting w me when i was a minor. thru his personal snap, number, and twitter. the s--- u c is probably real of others w similar stories. funny draft tho. Public Thread he's only face revealing bc he's scared i'll do it first عد LIVE Following For You Breaking NEWS X
Anastasia @oxeclean. 10/3/22 There's more but i'm too tired guys i'm borderline homeless rn 22 1 1 AA 1 7 Anastasia @oxeclean. 10/3/22 guys should i do it... i'm scared... #dreamfacereveal ok now y'all can stop riding his d--- and realize most of the men u idolize r someone else's nightmare. It's life. don't be so quick to defend ppl u don't know in real life. I doubt i'm the only girl. 10 Anastasia @oxeclean - 10/3/22 I just can't believe the s--- i'm seeing abt him talking to 13/15 year olds plus the power imbalance of him having subscribers... gross. I don't even wanna look into it. 1 27 7 Anastasia @oxeclean 10/3/22 just screenshot the friendship profile he's gonna come c this def cus we dmed on here hi clay maybe find a day job and a girl of legal age Friends with Clay since March 19, 2020.

Twitter[1] user oxeclean started a new thread on October 4th, 2022, providing a screen-recording of various Twitter DMs that she allegedly shared with Dream in 2020, using it as evidence. The DMs, messages and various exchanges between oxeclean and Dream outlined how Dream knew that she was 17-years-old when he was 20-years-old and that he repeatedly invited her to his house and engaged in explicit and suggestive language. After oxeclean went private, the thread was lost, however, on October 13th, 2022, Twitter[4] user paulieponzi tweeted a screen-recording of it, gaining over 2,000 likes in less than a day (shown below).

Also on October 13th, 2022, the Twitter[5] account burner39413705 started a thread that included screenshots and screen-recordings of oxeclean's archived thread. The primary tweet[5] of burner39413705's thread received roughly 13,000 likes in one day (shown below) and predominantly spread oxeclean's accusations to a wider audience, causing discussion en masse that continued into the remainder of October 2022.

Other oxeclean evidence reposted by Twitter[5] account burner39413705 were images of text messages that Dream sent to oxeclean in 2020 (shown below).

Anastasia @oxeclean here's some texts and that's all i'm gonna show rn. It's cringe and gross I covered the heart eye emojis on his contact bc it's on my old phone and I'm not comfortable putting that out there but my phone won't let me change it. He sent me photos of his house prior. lots of you should turn up come quarantine W jkik nah u prolly got the rona I'll see u after quarantine you can get it from me bb slurp that corona yummmm corona virus de served yummmmmmmmmm oh bet? 1 dinners quarantine be bringing the horny out of everyone w-- HAHAH HAHAHA thas jus you 19 Quote Tweets 13 Likes bedroom omg you're so welcome 22 wtffff no yes kitchen burnt quesadilla what's up sexy LMAOOO 4:53 PM 10/4/22 Twitter for iPhone Apr 10, 2020, 0:54 AM HA ... get bling ringed HAHAHAH SIKE do u want a Apr 10, 2020, 2:07 PM nothin much how bout u
you should turn up come quarantine jkjk you can get it from me bb slurp that corona yummmm corona virus O O A nah u prolly got the rona i'll see u after quarantine served quarantine be bringing the horny out of everyone w-- HAHAHA thas jus you HA HA oh bet? yummmmmmmmmmdinners Text Messagé HAHAH 个

it is omg i'll believe it when u invite me you can get in the kitchen or the omg you're so bedroom welcome yes kitchen burnt quesadilla wtffff no I want some 5 star stuff HA HA D get bling ringed HAHAHAH SIKE do u want a it is 5star i am 5star therefore
40 what's up sexy LMAOOO Breaking Lay NEWS Apr 10, 2020, 9:54 AM HA HA Apr 10, 2020, 2:07 PM nothin much how bout u 100 guess what i hav proof word hunt takes off


Dream's Response on Private Account

Later on October 13th, 2022, Dream responded to the accusations on his private Twitter account dreamsecretclub, levying a three-post thread that dismissed the claims, stating that they were "disgusting false accusations" (shown below). The thread was screenshotted and reposted by many so that others not following the private account could see it, including this post by Twitter[6] user DWTUPDATEE on October 13th, who received over 28,100 likes in one day.

DREAM @dreamsecretclub. 19s dream wake up to people making up disgusting false accusations for the millionth time. I'm going to enjoy my last couple days in LA and not let people try and ruin it. my heart goes out to actual victims who get questioned in their hardest moments because of stuff like this. 6 2,380 DREAM @dreamsecretclub. 18s dream f--- you if you abuse concern around horrible real issues out of spite. it's sad to see the trend that whenever there's something big going on for me or for friends of mine, people try and use those moments to spread negativity and lies. hopefully everyone's day isn't ruined. 1 17 946
dream DREAM @dreamsecretclub and also the Minecraft sex mod thing is being brought up again, which is still the most ridiculous p--- accusation I've ever seen, I made a plug-in in Minecraft where it makes two characters shift on each other. I didn't groom a 13 year old ??? get a life

2023 Snapchat Moaning Audio

On November 18th, 2023, following the initial phase of the Dream vs. Gumball controversy, burner X[10] account @b88221141 posted a screenshot of a Discord conversation between two users (purportedly friends of Dream) in which they discuss Dream allegedly sending explicit images and sexting 16- or 17-year-old user @LUVsklrl on Snapchat in 2017 (original post, context post and screenshots of the conversation shown below). The post received over 730 reposts and 2,800 likes on X in three days, while a later repost[11] of the screenshots gained over 2,200 reposts and 8,600 likes in the same period.

Burner 22 @b88221141 Dream @Dream /@dreamwastaken knowingly and willingly received explicit images and sxted a 16/17 year old in 2019 when he was 20 He has a history of being inappropriate with minors going back years This man is a groomer Jamie // kageyama ugliest mf OLUVSKIRI 96 0:04 Her u go I guess 8/31/19, 10:06 PM Start a message @LUVSKIRI 9:35 AM • Nov 18, 2023 277.5K Views 0:04 Cathelijn Of Bl Robin Boterenbrood Her u go I guess 8/31/19, 10:06 PM f--- yes your t--- nice w--
Burner 22 @b88221141 The account the video had been sent to was suspended a while back, and it seems Jamie left the internet and privated her accounts back in 2020 The conversation below was between 2 of Dreams friends where 1 says Dream continued to talk to after and admitted to sexting Jamie I mean... 4/29/2020 9:11 AM she sent me videos and pictures Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:11 AM HUH? 04/29/2020 9:11 AM and i confronted him and he admitted it Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:11 AM SHE SAVED IT??? yup 04/29/2020 9:11 AM Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM thats f----- but for whatever reason he continued to follow her on twitter and talk to her from time to time which kinda hurt ngl Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM is she an online friend? 04/29/2020 9:12 AM she was not anymore bc of that Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:13 AM what's her twit 10:13 : 04/2 /2020 9:13 AN Jamie // kageyama ugliest mf @LUVSKIRI

E Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:11 AM yea he never sent me anything either so why do i kinda doubt he sent you friend stuff... i mean... 4/29/2020 9:11 AM she sent me videos and pictures Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:11 AM HUH? 04/29/2020 9:11 AM and i confronted him and he admitted it Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:11 AM SHE SAVED IT??? yup 04/29/2020 9:11 AM Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM thats f----- 29/2020 9:12 AM yeah it was mega f----- Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM no thats funkod > Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM no thats f----- u dont save someones nudes... 04/29/2020 9:12 AM but for whatever reason he continued to follow her on twitter and talk to her from time to time which kinda hurt ngl Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM is she an online friend? she was not anymore bc of that 04/29/2020 9:12 AM Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:13 AM what's her twit < 10:13 04/29/2020 9:13 AM Jamie // kageyama ugliest mf @LUVSKIRI Dream Drean Stefan S Cathelin O >
BL chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:13 AM what's her twit 10:13 04/29/2020 9:13 AM Jamie // kageyama ugliest mf @LUVSKIRI 0:04 yeah Friends Stefan S Of B Her u go I guess 8/31/19, 10:06 PM Robin Boterenbrood f--- yes your t an @LUVSKIRI Start a message chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:14 AM she's 17... 4/29/2020 9:15 AM 10:13 Jamie // kageyama ugliest mf @LUVSKIRI 0:04 Q Friends Dream Dream GIF Stan Dream Laur Stefan S Cathelijn Her u go Ol Blij Robin Boterenbrood I guess 8/31/19, 10:06 PM f--- yes your t--- so nice w-- Start a message i f--- yes your t--- so nice w--

Later on November 18th, X[12][13] users @reyDNI and @morritician made posts confirming that Dream had a Snapchat account in 2019 and that his handle was Dream Dream, the same as seen in the alleged screenshots.

On November 20th, @b88221141[14] posted two clips of sexually explicit texts with audio sent to @LUVsklrl on Snapchat in which a person, purportedly Dream, moans in a sexual manner. The post (shown below) received over 15,000 reposts and 38,000 likes on X in one day.

On November 21st, 2023, Dream announced[15] that he would be posting a response video to recent controversies, asking everyone to withhold judgment (shown below).

dream dream @dreamwastaken Working on a video responding to everything going on, and it's my top priority as it's incredibly serious. "DREAM DID WHAT" I was assaulted & lied about by a drunk voice actor I had just met, and then a burner account posted a second hand claim, telling stories for a "victim" that doesn't agree or even know what's going on. This is people's lives, I'm begging you to listen to what I have to say and watch my video when it's out, it's not this weeks joke. It's not just "haha Minecraft YouTuber is a p---”, or “haha cringe speed run guy got beat up by Gumball!" it's incredibly serious and impacts so many lives, my friends, my family, my employees, and all actual victims of abuse, physical & sexual. This is terrible and not “haha dream moan audio just dropped". As a prior victim of domestic violence, and someone who was just assaulted, seeing essentially unsubstantiated "revenge p---" of me be spread as 'proof I diddle kids', and people championing someone that assaulted me and a random Uber driver, has really impacted my mental state. it's incredibly difficult for me to have a level headed thoughtful response given the circumstances, but I am working on a video, and will be as gracious as I can towards everyone with concern, even if I'm incredibly frustrated. I'm not a p---, I didn't groom anyone, and what's being spread in this particular instance is black and white, and I will lay everything out in my video. Including the situation with me being assaulted, and other situations that are incredibly serious. Just a temporary statement before my video. Please withhold judgement. 12:25 PM . Nov 21, 2023 76.4K Views

Dream's Response / "The Truth"

On December 19th, 2023, Dream uploaded a 1 hour 22 minute response video titled "The Truth" to YouTube, where it accumulated over 2.5 million views in one day (shown below).

In the video, Dream addresses the grooming allegations put against him in 2022 and 2023, as well as the 2023 Dream vs. Gumball Uber incident. Over the course of the video, Dream interviews several people involved into the controversies, provides screenshots of conversations and conversation logs with alleged victims, and disproves that any legal action was ever taken against him.

Online Reactions

As Twitter[5] account burner39413705's thread of oxeclean screenshots went viral on October 13th, 2022, many reacted to the accusations on Twitter and elsewhere. The hashtag #dreamisafreak started circulating. Many joked about a "pipeline" that existed between becoming a famous Minecraft YouTuber and grooming allegations. For instance, on October 13th, Twitter[7] user godownaslovers captioned Cristiano Ronaldo Winning an Award with, "minecraft youtubers when it’s their turn to groom a minor," gaining over 6,000 likes in one day (shown below).

Others humorously referenced Dream's history of tweeting[8] something to the effect of, "love you guys <3," after scandalous accusations and his loyal fanbase instantly forgiving and forgetting. For instance, on October 13th, 2022, Twitter[9] user snxwtuft tweeted a Men in Black meme that referenced the phenomenon, claiming that it was, "dream in a few hours." The tweet received roughly 21,400 likes in less than a day (shown below).

snow #savefallguys @snxwtuft dream in a few hours #dreamisafreak dream @dreamwastaken love you guys ♥♥ 4:36 PM Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone :

In November 2023, the controversy was reignited by the Dream vs. Gumball feud and was further boosted by the unverified Snapchat video that surfaced shortly after it.

In December 2023, Dream's "The Truth" response garnered viral reactions and sparked discussions on social media, including both support for the creator and for his accusers.

DarkViperAU @DarkViperAU People who believe Dream made and monetized his video to make himself money are insane. "He might not donate it as he said!" Dream has 4 billion YouTube views. He can retire. If he turned on ads to demonstrate the brainrot and gullibility of those who hate him he is a genius. 11:03 PM Dec 19, 2023 60.9K Views

Various Reactions

Will!!!! 52/180 @sootyspritez i mean really what did we expect from a man that holds a passing resemblance to both shane dawson and onision #dreamisafreak TEA TE M6910 4:35 PM Oct 13, 2022 Twitter for iPhone ... OHMYCODOHMYGO
Johei @Real_Johei #dreamisafreak I'm sure its been done before but >when the random e-celeb you dislike for just being dumb and annoying and unfunny finally is outed for a legitimate reason to dislike them 4:28 PM Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter Web App Fis :
mixy!! @MXMONARCHY You're telling me a minecraft youtuber turned out to be a groomer? I can't believe this! #dreamisafreak 4:28 PM . Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter Web App : O
ReDead @redead_v2 #dreamisafreak KAM My sons Wedding Dream grooming allegations SYAR 10:42 PM Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone :
Gumby's World @GumbyCentral dream saw this tweet and took it literally #dreamisafreak TommyInnit @tommyinnit : HE LAW DOES NOT APPLY TO ME. AM A YOUTUBER. 13 AM - Oct 13, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 7:19 PM Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter Web App
wenir licker @wenir_licker #dreamisafreak the meme holds true once again hal racism minecraft youtubers when they get popular 10:31 PM - Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter for Android : p---------

Search Interest

External References

[1] Twitter – private @oxeclean

[2] Twitter – @howyougonnafin1

[3] Twitter – @krlsdaisy

[4] Twitter – @paulieponzi

[5] Twitter – @burner39413705

[6] Twitter – @DWTUPDATEE

[7] Twitter – @godownaslovers

[8] Twitter – @dreamwastaken

[9] Twitter – @snxwtuft

[10] Twitter – @b88221141

[11] Twitter – @b88221141

[12] Twitter – @reyDNI

[13] Twitter – @morritician

[14] Twitter – @b88221141

[15] Twitter – @dreamwastaken

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An image of Minecraft YouTuber Dream next to alleged grooming allegations.

Dream Grooming Allegations

Part of a series on Dream. [View Related Entries]

Updated Dec 30, 2024 at 07:57PM EST by LiterallyAustin.

Added Oct 14, 2022 at 09:42AM EDT by Owen.

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This entry contains content that may be considered sensitive to some viewers.


Dream Grooming Allegations refers to a controversy following unconfirmed evidence being presented by a female Twitter user (@oxeclean) in October 2022 that accused Minecraft YouTuber and speedrunner Dream of allegedly grooming her in 2020 when she was a minor (17 years old) over Twitter DMs, text messages and Snapchat. After the accusations surfaced on Twitter, many started using the hashtag "#dreamisafreak" to circulate discourse and memes. Dream later denounced the claims as false on his private Twitter account, sparking more backlash and controversy. In November 2023, following the Dream vs. Gumball controversy, an unverified recording claiming to be of Dream sending his moans to a minor on Snapchat surfaced and was spread on social media, reigniting the allegations. In December 2023, Dream addressed the allegations in a 1 hour and 22 minute long video titled "The Truth."


Due to the buzz surrounding Dream's Face Reveal, on October 3rd, 2022, Twitter[1] user oxeclean (private) started a thread that claimed Dream had been Snapchat friends with her since March 19th, 2020, and that he had groomed her when she was a minor (screenshots shown below). She alleged that other minors had similar stories, specifically referencing a precursor grooming scandal involving Dream that surfaced on February 15th, 2022, levied by Twitter[2] user howyougonnafin1 who provided Discord screenshots that purportedly showed Dream's interactions with a 13-year-old in 2017 and 2018. These claims are also unconfirmed, however, and have been disputed by Twitter[3] users who don't believe them.

个 Anastasia @oxeclean 2 tired/real life struggling to get involved but the youtuber trending rn already face revealed 2 me yrs ago when he was flirting w me when i was a minor. thru his personal snap, number, and twitter. the s--- u c is probably real of others w similar stories. funny draft tho. Public Thread he's only face revealing bc he's scared i'll do it first عد LIVE Following For You Breaking NEWS X Anastasia @oxeclean. 10/3/22 There's more but i'm too tired guys i'm borderline homeless rn 22 1 1 AA 1 7 Anastasia @oxeclean. 10/3/22 guys should i do it... i'm scared... #dreamfacereveal ok now y'all can stop riding his d--- and realize most of the men u idolize r someone else's nightmare. It's life. don't be so quick to defend ppl u don't know in real life. I doubt i'm the only girl. 10 Anastasia @oxeclean - 10/3/22 I just can't believe the s--- i'm seeing abt him talking to 13/15 year olds plus the power imbalance of him having subscribers... gross. I don't even wanna look into it. 1 27 7 Anastasia @oxeclean 10/3/22 just screenshot the friendship profile he's gonna come c this def cus we dmed on here hi clay maybe find a day job and a girl of legal age Friends with Clay since March 19, 2020.

Twitter[1] user oxeclean started a new thread on October 4th, 2022, providing a screen-recording of various Twitter DMs that she allegedly shared with Dream in 2020, using it as evidence. The DMs, messages and various exchanges between oxeclean and Dream outlined how Dream knew that she was 17-years-old when he was 20-years-old and that he repeatedly invited her to his house and engaged in explicit and suggestive language. After oxeclean went private, the thread was lost, however, on October 13th, 2022, Twitter[4] user paulieponzi tweeted a screen-recording of it, gaining over 2,000 likes in less than a day (shown below).

Also on October 13th, 2022, the Twitter[5] account burner39413705 started a thread that included screenshots and screen-recordings of oxeclean's archived thread. The primary tweet[5] of burner39413705's thread received roughly 13,000 likes in one day (shown below) and predominantly spread oxeclean's accusations to a wider audience, causing discussion en masse that continued into the remainder of October 2022.

Other oxeclean evidence reposted by Twitter[5] account burner39413705 were images of text messages that Dream sent to oxeclean in 2020 (shown below).

Anastasia @oxeclean here's some texts and that's all i'm gonna show rn. It's cringe and gross I covered the heart eye emojis on his contact bc it's on my old phone and I'm not comfortable putting that out there but my phone won't let me change it. He sent me photos of his house prior. lots of you should turn up come quarantine W jkik nah u prolly got the rona I'll see u after quarantine you can get it from me bb slurp that corona yummmm corona virus de served yummmmmmmmmm oh bet? 1 dinners quarantine be bringing the horny out of everyone w-- HAHAH HAHAHA thas jus you 19 Quote Tweets 13 Likes bedroom omg you're so welcome 22 wtffff no yes kitchen burnt quesadilla what's up sexy LMAOOO 4:53 PM 10/4/22 Twitter for iPhone Apr 10, 2020, 0:54 AM HA ... get bling ringed HAHAHAH SIKE do u want a Apr 10, 2020, 2:07 PM nothin much how bout u you should turn up come quarantine jkjk you can get it from me bb slurp that corona yummmm corona virus O O A nah u prolly got the rona i'll see u after quarantine served quarantine be bringing the horny out of everyone w-- HAHAHA thas jus you HA HA oh bet? yummmmmmmmmmdinners Text Messagé HAHAH 个
it is omg i'll believe it when u invite me you can get in the kitchen or the omg you're so bedroom welcome yes kitchen burnt quesadilla wtffff no I want some 5 star stuff HA HA D get bling ringed HAHAHAH SIKE do u want a it is 5star i am 5star therefore 40 what's up sexy LMAOOO Breaking Lay NEWS Apr 10, 2020, 9:54 AM HA HA Apr 10, 2020, 2:07 PM nothin much how bout u 100 guess what i hav proof word hunt takes off


Dream's Response on Private Account

Later on October 13th, 2022, Dream responded to the accusations on his private Twitter account dreamsecretclub, levying a three-post thread that dismissed the claims, stating that they were "disgusting false accusations" (shown below). The thread was screenshotted and reposted by many so that others not following the private account could see it, including this post by Twitter[6] user DWTUPDATEE on October 13th, who received over 28,100 likes in one day.

DREAM @dreamsecretclub. 19s dream wake up to people making up disgusting false accusations for the millionth time. I'm going to enjoy my last couple days in LA and not let people try and ruin it. my heart goes out to actual victims who get questioned in their hardest moments because of stuff like this. 6 2,380 DREAM @dreamsecretclub. 18s dream f--- you if you abuse concern around horrible real issues out of spite. it's sad to see the trend that whenever there's something big going on for me or for friends of mine, people try and use those moments to spread negativity and lies. hopefully everyone's day isn't ruined. 1 17 946 dream DREAM @dreamsecretclub and also the Minecraft sex mod thing is being brought up again, which is still the most ridiculous p--- accusation I've ever seen, I made a plug-in in Minecraft where it makes two characters shift on each other. I didn't groom a 13 year old ??? get a life

2023 Snapchat Moaning Audio

On November 18th, 2023, following the initial phase of the Dream vs. Gumball controversy, burner X[10] account @b88221141 posted a screenshot of a Discord conversation between two users (purportedly friends of Dream) in which they discuss Dream allegedly sending explicit images and sexting 16- or 17-year-old user @LUVsklrl on Snapchat in 2017 (original post, context post and screenshots of the conversation shown below). The post received over 730 reposts and 2,800 likes on X in three days, while a later repost[11] of the screenshots gained over 2,200 reposts and 8,600 likes in the same period.

Burner 22 @b88221141 Dream @Dream /@dreamwastaken knowingly and willingly received explicit images and sxted a 16/17 year old in 2019 when he was 20 He has a history of being inappropriate with minors going back years This man is a groomer Jamie // kageyama ugliest mf OLUVSKIRI 96 0:04 Her u go I guess 8/31/19, 10:06 PM Start a message @LUVSKIRI 9:35 AM • Nov 18, 2023 277.5K Views 0:04 Cathelijn Of Bl Robin Boterenbrood Her u go I guess 8/31/19, 10:06 PM f--- yes your t--- nice w-- Burner 22 @b88221141 The account the video had been sent to was suspended a while back, and it seems Jamie left the internet and privated her accounts back in 2020 The conversation below was between 2 of Dreams friends where 1 says Dream continued to talk to after and admitted to sexting Jamie I mean... 4/29/2020 9:11 AM she sent me videos and pictures Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:11 AM HUH? 04/29/2020 9:11 AM and i confronted him and he admitted it Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:11 AM SHE SAVED IT??? yup 04/29/2020 9:11 AM Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM thats f----- but for whatever reason he continued to follow her on twitter and talk to her from time to time which kinda hurt ngl Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM is she an online friend? 04/29/2020 9:12 AM she was not anymore bc of that Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:13 AM what's her twit 10:13 : 04/2 /2020 9:13 AN Jamie // kageyama ugliest mf @LUVSKIRI

E Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:11 AM yea he never sent me anything either so why do i kinda doubt he sent you friend stuff... i mean... 4/29/2020 9:11 AM she sent me videos and pictures Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:11 AM HUH? 04/29/2020 9:11 AM and i confronted him and he admitted it Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:11 AM SHE SAVED IT??? yup 04/29/2020 9:11 AM Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM thats f----- 29/2020 9:12 AM yeah it was mega f----- Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM no thats funkod > Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM no thats f----- u dont save someones nudes... 04/29/2020 9:12 AM but for whatever reason he continued to follow her on twitter and talk to her from time to time which kinda hurt ngl Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:12 AM is she an online friend? she was not anymore bc of that 04/29/2020 9:12 AM Chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:13 AM what's her twit < 10:13 04/29/2020 9:13 AM Jamie // kageyama ugliest mf @LUVSKIRI Dream Drean Stefan S Cathelin O > BL chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:13 AM what's her twit 10:13 04/29/2020 9:13 AM Jamie // kageyama ugliest mf @LUVSKIRI 0:04 yeah Friends Stefan S Of B Her u go I guess 8/31/19, 10:06 PM Robin Boterenbrood f--- yes your t an @LUVSKIRI Start a message chia seeds 04/29/2020 9:14 AM she's 17... 4/29/2020 9:15 AM 10:13 Jamie // kageyama ugliest mf @LUVSKIRI 0:04 Q Friends Dream Dream GIF Stan Dream Laur Stefan S Cathelijn Her u go Ol Blij Robin Boterenbrood I guess 8/31/19, 10:06 PM f--- yes your t--- so nice w-- Start a message i f--- yes your t--- so nice w--

Later on November 18th, X[12][13] users @reyDNI and @morritician made posts confirming that Dream had a Snapchat account in 2019 and that his handle was Dream Dream, the same as seen in the alleged screenshots.

On November 20th, @b88221141[14] posted two clips of sexually explicit texts with audio sent to @LUVsklrl on Snapchat in which a person, purportedly Dream, moans in a sexual manner. The post (shown below) received over 15,000 reposts and 38,000 likes on X in one day.

On November 21st, 2023, Dream announced[15] that he would be posting a response video to recent controversies, asking everyone to withhold judgment (shown below).

dream dream @dreamwastaken Working on a video responding to everything going on, and it's my top priority as it's incredibly serious. "DREAM DID WHAT" I was assaulted & lied about by a drunk voice actor I had just met, and then a burner account posted a second hand claim, telling stories for a "victim" that doesn't agree or even know what's going on. This is people's lives, I'm begging you to listen to what I have to say and watch my video when it's out, it's not this weeks joke. It's not just "haha Minecraft YouTuber is a p---”, or “haha cringe speed run guy got beat up by Gumball!" it's incredibly serious and impacts so many lives, my friends, my family, my employees, and all actual victims of abuse, physical & sexual. This is terrible and not “haha dream moan audio just dropped". As a prior victim of domestic violence, and someone who was just assaulted, seeing essentially unsubstantiated "revenge p---" of me be spread as 'proof I diddle kids', and people championing someone that assaulted me and a random Uber driver, has really impacted my mental state. it's incredibly difficult for me to have a level headed thoughtful response given the circumstances, but I am working on a video, and will be as gracious as I can towards everyone with concern, even if I'm incredibly frustrated. I'm not a p---, I didn't groom anyone, and what's being spread in this particular instance is black and white, and I will lay everything out in my video. Including the situation with me being assaulted, and other situations that are incredibly serious. Just a temporary statement before my video. Please withhold judgement. 12:25 PM . Nov 21, 2023 76.4K Views

Dream's Response / "The Truth"

On December 19th, 2023, Dream uploaded a 1 hour 22 minute response video titled "The Truth" to YouTube, where it accumulated over 2.5 million views in one day (shown below).

In the video, Dream addresses the grooming allegations put against him in 2022 and 2023, as well as the 2023 Dream vs. Gumball Uber incident. Over the course of the video, Dream interviews several people involved into the controversies, provides screenshots of conversations and conversation logs with alleged victims, and disproves that any legal action was ever taken against him.

Online Reactions

As Twitter[5] account burner39413705's thread of oxeclean screenshots went viral on October 13th, 2022, many reacted to the accusations on Twitter and elsewhere. The hashtag #dreamisafreak started circulating. Many joked about a "pipeline" that existed between becoming a famous Minecraft YouTuber and grooming allegations. For instance, on October 13th, Twitter[7] user godownaslovers captioned Cristiano Ronaldo Winning an Award with, "minecraft youtubers when it’s their turn to groom a minor," gaining over 6,000 likes in one day (shown below).

Others humorously referenced Dream's history of tweeting[8] something to the effect of, "love you guys <3," after scandalous accusations and his loyal fanbase instantly forgiving and forgetting. For instance, on October 13th, 2022, Twitter[9] user snxwtuft tweeted a Men in Black meme that referenced the phenomenon, claiming that it was, "dream in a few hours." The tweet received roughly 21,400 likes in less than a day (shown below).

snow #savefallguys @snxwtuft dream in a few hours #dreamisafreak dream @dreamwastaken love you guys ♥♥ 4:36 PM Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone :

In November 2023, the controversy was reignited by the Dream vs. Gumball feud and was further boosted by the unverified Snapchat video that surfaced shortly after it.

In December 2023, Dream's "The Truth" response garnered viral reactions and sparked discussions on social media, including both support for the creator and for his accusers.

DarkViperAU @DarkViperAU People who believe Dream made and monetized his video to make himself money are insane. "He might not donate it as he said!" Dream has 4 billion YouTube views. He can retire. If he turned on ads to demonstrate the brainrot and gullibility of those who hate him he is a genius. 11:03 PM Dec 19, 2023 60.9K Views JUA $8? asian guy 5 @slensquared DREAM JUST CONFIRMED THAT THIS WAS HIM... STARTING OFF THE VIDEO BY ADMITTING ABOUT LYING... 5:47 PM Dec 19, 2023 1.3M Views ORLAND CITY SOCCER U URLANDC adidas DRI NDOT

Various Reactions

Will!!!! 52/180 @sootyspritez i mean really what did we expect from a man that holds a passing resemblance to both shane dawson and onision #dreamisafreak TEA TE M6910 4:35 PM Oct 13, 2022 Twitter for iPhone ... OHMYCODOHMYGO Johei @Real_Johei #dreamisafreak I'm sure its been done before but >when the random e-celeb you dislike for just being dumb and annoying and unfunny finally is outed for a legitimate reason to dislike them 4:28 PM Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter Web App Fis : mixy!! @MXMONARCHY You're telling me a minecraft youtuber turned out to be a groomer? I can't believe this! #dreamisafreak 4:28 PM . Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter Web App : O ReDead @redead_v2 #dreamisafreak KAM My sons Wedding Dream grooming allegations SYAR 10:42 PM Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone : Gumby's World @GumbyCentral dream saw this tweet and took it literally #dreamisafreak TommyInnit @tommyinnit : HE LAW DOES NOT APPLY TO ME. AM A YOUTUBER. 13 AM - Oct 13, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 7:19 PM Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter Web App wenir licker @wenir_licker #dreamisafreak the meme holds true once again hal racism minecraft youtubers when they get popular 10:31 PM - Oct 13, 2022 · Twitter for Android : p---------

Search Interest

External References

[1] Twitter – private @oxeclean

[2] Twitter – @howyougonnafin1

[3] Twitter – @krlsdaisy

[4] Twitter – @paulieponzi

[5] Twitter – @burner39413705

[6] Twitter – @DWTUPDATEE

[7] Twitter – @godownaslovers

[8] Twitter – @dreamwastaken

[9] Twitter – @snxwtuft

[10] Twitter – @b88221141

[11] Twitter – @b88221141

[12] Twitter – @reyDNI

[13] Twitter – @morritician

[14] Twitter – @b88221141

[15] Twitter – @dreamwastaken

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Look I don't know, could be true but there's also a big part of the internet that fucking hates this guy and the grooming shit looks like an easy way of cancelling him because it's been used multiple times in the past.
You know the story of the guy that screams "wolf!" over and over until at some point people stops believing him? Feeling the same right now.


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