Aqua x Nishiki S support conversation

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Aqua x Nishiki A support conversation

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Aqua x Nishiki B support conversation

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Aqua x Nishiki C support conversation

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Azura x Lazwald/Inigo S support

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Azura x Lazwald/Inigo A support
![Fire Emblem Fates Lazwald x Aqua Inigo is more outright about the reasons for why he danced better, talking about trying to be more self-confident, this is changed to the weird "I remembered what you said and tried to channel my inner Azura.". Him mentioning the difficulty of the ordeal is absent, the original has him be bright red" which means either embarrassment or fatigued because of trying hard/fatigue The original makes Inigo's reaction to Aqua's pendant out to be that she's a good singer regardless of where her power comes from (to which Aqua responds accordingly by encouraging Inigo), while the localization makes Inigo's seem in disbelief, changing his reaction to the pendant in question and making it more seem as if Aqua herself is the one with the power A smaller change is how Queen Mikoto is seen in the original versus the localization. While the original it's more the plea of a mother towards the child so the child could sing with more confidence the localization portrayed this as more of an ultimatum, either Aqua sings with confidence, or have her waste her talent in fear. This changes Aqua's motivation for gaining confidence, albeit slightly #Torrential Downpour upport Translation Original Nintendo of America Ver [ラズワルド] Laslow: Lady Azura, I've you! Did you see me dancing today? ou ア 見つけまし Aqua: Lazwald [アクア] ラズワルド…▼ [ラズワルド] Lazwald: Um..About the dance on todays 今日の戦場での踊りなんですが…▼ Aqua: Yes, I know. You seemed like a changed Azura: Yes! At first, I didn't even recognize you ou あなた、別人みたいだった. ▼ 別人みたいに 素敵だったわ。▼ 良か 今日はアクア様の言う通り 自分に自信を持って踊ったんです。▼ 「僕を見て」「この踊りを見て」って Lazwald: !! Im glad.. Like Aqua-sama said, I Laslow: I remembered what you said and tried tried dancing with self confidence today. While to channel my inner Azura thinking "Look at me!" and "Look at my dance!" .It was really difficult though. すごく難しかったですけどね。▼ I see. [BLANK] You あなた、顔が真っ赤だったもの。▼ [ラズワルド] Aqua: But, it was your most wonderful yet. It Azura: Well, your passion was contagious. We felt like there was power throughout your whole could all feel it. |body でも、 今までで一番素敵だったわ。 体じゅうから、力が湧いてくるぐらい. アクア様の助言のおかげですよ。▼ ごめんんさい ▼ Laslow: It's all thanks to your advice, milady Aqua: Im sorry...I said some cruel things the ! other day Azura: Actually, I wanted to apologize about この前は、あなたに酷いことを言ったわね [ラズワルド] Lazwald: No, I was in the wrong. I really didn't Laslow: You were extremely harsh, but have any confidence when I was dancing on the everything you said was true battlefield until now. What would I do if-it was 僕がわるかったんですよ。▼ 本当は、今までずっと..戰場で踊碍に 自分に自信がなかったんです。▼ 上手くいかなかったらどうしよう。 男のくせにって思われたらどうしようって。 Even Aqua: Lazwald....You really are just like my ラズワルド…▼ やっぱりあなた [ラズワルド] 昔のアクア様 Aqua: Yes. I also always thought the same as Azura: I didn't tell you this, but I used to get you. If I couldn't sing like my mother, and I had stage fright. My mother was so talented... I no self confidence in my singing.. .I sang while knew I'd never measure up! I always worried thinking everyone would make fun of me 私もず あなたと同じことを思っていたの。▼ お母様のように歌えなくて 歌うことに自信がなくて…▼ みんなに馬鹿にされるんじゃないかって 思いながら歌っていたことがあった…▼ ould me [ラズワルド] Laslow: Really? I had no idea あなたの歌は素晴ら いつでも、どんな時でも 私それから変われたの。 Aqua: But, at that time....Queen Mikoto said to Azura: One day, Queen Mikoto pulled me aside me, "Your voice is wonderful...but it comes to She told me my voice was beautiful. I could nothing if you're scar confidence no matter who you're singing for." at waste my talent being afraid. That was a turning that time. And from then on I changed. So It's ed. Please s either learn to sing with confidence, or I 相手が誰でも point for me. I decided to be brave every time I on ら…同じことをあなたにも伝えたかっ Lazwald: So you were worried about me...Thank Laslow: I hope I can perform with such power you, Aqua-sama. I'll try harder. I want to use a one day 僕を心配してくれたんですね クア様みたいな力を、 僕も使えるよ ア [ラズワルド] Lazwald: The mysterious power that Aqua uses Laslow: Your voice has a special power. Out on 戦場でアクア様が使ってらっしゃる 不思議な力のことです。▼ 見た人や聴いた人が元気になって いつもより活躍できる…そんな力。▼ 僕の母も、戦場でそんな踊りを踊って みんなの力になったんですよ。▼ watching and listening the battlefield , you inspire the soldiers. When become energised, and more active than before... you sing, you give them strength and encourage That power. My mother also danced a dance like them to keep fighting! My mother was the same on gave ever Aqua: power can't be used without this Azura: I'm afraid you're wrong. My power comes pendant. So it's not a good goal for you でも…私の力は from this pendant. It's not me ンダントが無いと使えないわ.▼ だから あなたに目標にされるほど 立派なものではないの. ▼ [ラズワルド] そうなんですか..▼ でも、そのペンダントが無くたって 例えが使えなくたって…▼ アクア様の歌が素敵なことに 変わりはありませんよ. ▼ was gone, and that power was gone...the fact Laslow: Hmm. I find that hard to believe Thank you. You'll certainly become a Azura: Well, if you keep dancing like you did あなたはきっと 素晴らしいダンサーになるわ. ▼ 人を勇気づけて、笑顔にする そんな力を使う人に、きっとなれる。 wonderful dancer. Someone who can cheertoday, everyone will be asking you to dance people up, and make them'll have that kind of power ▼ はい 今はまだ全然届かないですが いつか必ず、そうなってみせます. ▼ Lazwald: Yes...I'm not there yet, but I'll become Laslow: I promise to save a dance for you like that one day I'll sing Azura:I wouldn't mind taking you up on that celebration of your first step. Will to offer right now. What if I sing and you dance? それじゃあ今日は 夢への第一歩のお祝いに歌を歌わせて. 私の歌で 踊ってくれるからしら。 素敵なダンサーさん?▼ ▼ [ラズワルド] ald: Gladly, Miss Be Laslow: I would love that, mi 麗しの歌姫様. ▼ And you shall be my muse! a:](
![Fire Emblem Fates Lazwald x Aqua Inigo is more outright about the reasons for why he danced better, talking about trying to be more self-confident, this is changed to the weird "I remembered what you said and tried to channel my inner Azura.". Him mentioning the difficulty of the ordeal is absent, the original has him be bright red" which means either embarrassment or fatigued because of trying hard/fatigue The original makes Inigo's reaction to Aqua's pendant out to be that she's a good singer regardless of where her power comes from (to which Aqua responds accordingly by encouraging Inigo), while the localization makes Inigo's seem in disbelief, changing his reaction to the pendant in question and making it more seem as if Aqua herself is the one with the power A smaller change is how Queen Mikoto is seen in the original versus the localization. While the original it's more the plea of a mother towards the child so the child could sing with more confidence the localization portrayed this as more of an ultimatum, either Aqua sings with confidence, or have her waste her talent in fear. This changes Aqua's motivation for gaining confidence, albeit slightly #Torrential Downpour upport Translation Original Nintendo of America Ver [ラズワルド] Laslow: Lady Azura, I've you! Did you see me dancing today? ou ア 見つけまし Aqua: Lazwald [アクア] ラズワルド…▼ [ラズワルド] Lazwald: Um..About the dance on todays 今日の戦場での踊りなんですが…▼ Aqua: Yes, I know. You seemed like a changed Azura: Yes! At first, I didn't even recognize you ou あなた、別人みたいだった. ▼ 別人みたいに 素敵だったわ。▼ 良か 今日はアクア様の言う通り 自分に自信を持って踊ったんです。▼ 「僕を見て」「この踊りを見て」って Lazwald: !! Im glad.. Like Aqua-sama said, I Laslow: I remembered what you said and tried tried dancing with self confidence today. While to channel my inner Azura thinking "Look at me!" and "Look at my dance!" .It was really difficult though. すごく難しかったですけどね。▼ I see. [BLANK] You あなた、顔が真っ赤だったもの。▼ [ラズワルド] Aqua: But, it was your most wonderful yet. It Azura: Well, your passion was contagious. We felt like there was power throughout your whole could all feel it. |body でも、 今までで一番素敵だったわ。 体じゅうから、力が湧いてくるぐらい. アクア様の助言のおかげですよ。▼ ごめんんさい ▼ Laslow: It's all thanks to your advice, milady Aqua: Im sorry...I said some cruel things the ! other day Azura: Actually, I wanted to apologize about この前は、あなたに酷いことを言ったわね [ラズワルド] Lazwald: No, I was in the wrong. I really didn't Laslow: You were extremely harsh, but have any confidence when I was dancing on the everything you said was true battlefield until now. What would I do if-it was 僕がわるかったんですよ。▼ 本当は、今までずっと..戰場で踊碍に 自分に自信がなかったんです。▼ 上手くいかなかったらどうしよう。 男のくせにって思われたらどうしようって。 Even Aqua: Lazwald....You really are just like my ラズワルド…▼ やっぱりあなた [ラズワルド] 昔のアクア様 Aqua: Yes. I also always thought the same as Azura: I didn't tell you this, but I used to get you. If I couldn't sing like my mother, and I had stage fright. My mother was so talented... I no self confidence in my singing.. .I sang while knew I'd never measure up! I always worried thinking everyone would make fun of me 私もず あなたと同じことを思っていたの。▼ お母様のように歌えなくて 歌うことに自信がなくて…▼ みんなに馬鹿にされるんじゃないかって 思いながら歌っていたことがあった…▼ ould me [ラズワルド] Laslow: Really? I had no idea あなたの歌は素晴ら いつでも、どんな時でも 私それから変われたの。 Aqua: But, at that time....Queen Mikoto said to Azura: One day, Queen Mikoto pulled me aside me, "Your voice is wonderful...but it comes to She told me my voice was beautiful. I could nothing if you're scar confidence no matter who you're singing for." at waste my talent being afraid. That was a turning that time. And from then on I changed. So It's ed. Please s either learn to sing with confidence, or I 相手が誰でも point for me. I decided to be brave every time I on ら…同じことをあなたにも伝えたかっ Lazwald: So you were worried about me...Thank Laslow: I hope I can perform with such power you, Aqua-sama. I'll try harder. I want to use a one day 僕を心配してくれたんですね クア様みたいな力を、 僕も使えるよ ア [ラズワルド] Lazwald: The mysterious power that Aqua uses Laslow: Your voice has a special power. Out on 戦場でアクア様が使ってらっしゃる 不思議な力のことです。▼ 見た人や聴いた人が元気になって いつもより活躍できる…そんな力。▼ 僕の母も、戦場でそんな踊りを踊って みんなの力になったんですよ。▼ watching and listening the battlefield , you inspire the soldiers. When become energised, and more active than before... you sing, you give them strength and encourage That power. My mother also danced a dance like them to keep fighting! My mother was the same on gave ever Aqua: power can't be used without this Azura: I'm afraid you're wrong. My power comes pendant. So it's not a good goal for you でも…私の力は from this pendant. It's not me ンダントが無いと使えないわ.▼ だから あなたに目標にされるほど 立派なものではないの. ▼ [ラズワルド] そうなんですか..▼ でも、そのペンダントが無くたって 例えが使えなくたって…▼ アクア様の歌が素敵なことに 変わりはありませんよ. ▼ was gone, and that power was gone...the fact Laslow: Hmm. I find that hard to believe Thank you. You'll certainly become a Azura: Well, if you keep dancing like you did あなたはきっと 素晴らしいダンサーになるわ. ▼ 人を勇気づけて、笑顔にする そんな力を使う人に、きっとなれる。 wonderful dancer. Someone who can cheertoday, everyone will be asking you to dance people up, and make them'll have that kind of power ▼ はい 今はまだ全然届かないですが いつか必ず、そうなってみせます. ▼ Lazwald: Yes...I'm not there yet, but I'll become Laslow: I promise to save a dance for you like that one day I'll sing Azura:I wouldn't mind taking you up on that celebration of your first step. Will to offer right now. What if I sing and you dance? それじゃあ今日は 夢への第一歩のお祝いに歌を歌わせて. 私の歌で 踊ってくれるからしら。 素敵なダンサーさん?▼ ▼ [ラズワルド] ald: Gladly, Miss Be Laslow: I would love that, mi 麗しの歌姫様. ▼ And you shall be my muse! a:](
Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Azura x Lazwald/Inigo B support

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Charlotte x Kamui significant S support alterations

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Charlotte x Kamui significant A support alterations

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Charlotte x Kamui significant B support alterations

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Azura x Ryoma - S support

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Azura x Ryoma - A support

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Dwyer x Midori

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Voices missing in the NA version - Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Azura x Ryoma - B support

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy
Azura x Ryoma - C support

Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy