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Part of a series on 4chan. [View Related Entries]


Internet Theme Days are little weekly practices within image boards and forums wherein which they have special threads created in them for the sole purpose of sharing a certain theme of images.


Caturday was the first of this string of Internet Theme Days.

Originating on 4chan's random board, /b/, this day is dedicated to the posting of LOLCat images.

1674044S CATURDAY C-c-c-co0430 BREAK syaes 12/o 524 26N 17033181 awayneas 120oosuja6 30 02 № 17033411 a48 33131,27000184 53 KB.AT335 21203033 SERIOUS BUSINESS Anrywe t)15 23 30 No 17033154 >> □ Aundnyaures 1209/06sd16 30 34 17033441 34306 o.17033327 Pil LEA (19 12,40ad09, 노'-».ptc-anh.julpg) » □ Ahmmon, 120906pt)I6 3120 No 7033478 (105 3,39337.1164422136604 noua (43 K 597ms, 1 263280121004

It popularized the idea of "Everyday is Caturday", inspiring the usage of the phrase to say the same about other theme days ("Every day is X Day"), most infamously "Repost Day". See Repost Day below for more information.

A plethora of theme days have been created over the years following Caturday. Some examples of popular theme days include:


In similar vein to Caturday being a day to post images of cats, Bunday is a theme day on Monday where pictures of rabbits are often shared.

F40PH Friday

Also known as F40PHriday, F40PH Friday is a theme day when people post pictures of EMD F40PH passenger trains to counteract the posting of furry art on an overlapping theme day, Furry Friday. See Overlapping Theme Days below for more information.

Furry Friday

Furry Friday is one of the more popular theme days wherein which large amounts of furry art, usually pornographic in nature, is often posted on image boards, most infamously 4chan. This is done mostly to troll the sites.

COULD EVER R--- A NO TRAINER )IT3 ATLEAST LEVEL 30, IT D KICK 3)IT KNOW3 DOUELE TEAMBY DEFAULT. ADoymou 0523 0a:y053931No 30721050 ADoymou 0523 0a:y054032No 30721101 NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A IT ATLEAST LEVEL 30, ITDKICKYOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUBLE TEAMBY DEFAULT 2 IT KNOWS TELEPORT BY DEFAULT. ITS AT LEAST LEVEL s0 )ITSAT LEAST LEVEL 30, ITD KICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUELE TEAMBY DEFAULT. Aoymou 0523.0a:y05 390No 30121053 2)IT KNOWS TELEPORT SY DEFAULT. IT KNOWS TELEPORT BY DEFAULT Aoymo 05 23 078a:)05 404 No 30721113 Fde :1157952451655-(24 KB, 30400, 110056981632 geg) Aoymo 05 23 07a:)05 400 No.30721072 NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A 1)ITS ATLEAST LEVEL 30, ITDKICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUBLE TEAMBY DEFAULT NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A ITAT LEAST LEVEL 30, ITD KICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUELE TEAMBY DEFAULT. ADoymou 0523 0a:y05 39 10 No 30721034 IT KNOWS TELEPORT BY DEFAULT. ) IT KNOWS TELEPORT SY DEFAULT NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A ITAT LEAST LEVEL 30, ITD KICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUBLE TEAMBY DEFAULT GTFO! Anonymous 05230784100 No 30721124 File :113439360039 iE(126 KB, 681x966, 1180037003613 jpg) ADoymou 0523 0a:y054013 No 30721084 2) IT KNOWS TELEPORT SY DEFAULT. NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A 1) ITS AT LEAST LEVEL 30, ITD KICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUBLE T NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A ITA 30, ITD KICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUELE TEAMBY DEFAULT. ATLEAST LEVEL ADoymou 0523 0a:y05 39 17 No 30721043 EAMBY DEFAULT 2) IT KNOWS TELEPORT SY DEFAULT IT KNOWS TELEPORT BY DEFAULT Aweoaymope: 062507(3a5)06 40 19c o30721055 ADoymou 0523 0a:y0541:14< No 30721136 19569 ipE-(145 KB, 653x900, Fuary - Yiffy - SexyFue e) ADoymou 0523 0a:y05392S No 30721043 Fle 115 39516491-(47 KB4500, 1130036830508 pag NO TRAINER COULD EVER RAPEA O TRAINER COULD EVER RAPEA )ITSAT LEAST LEVEL 30, ITD KICK YOUR

Miku Monday

On Miku Monday, threads are created on image boards and forums for the sole purpose of sharing usually pornographic pictures of Miku Hatsune, a popular character created for a Japanese voice synthesizing program known as Vocaloid. Often times, other images of Vocaloids are posted as well.


Thorsday, or Thor's Day as it is also called, is a theme day where people post pictures of the Norse god of thunder, Thor, on Thursdays in an attempt to post something manly.

>> □Anonymous 04/22/10(Do117 290 No2196 231845797177 Daratymous 04/22/10(Thu)16:53:0 No.219656264 Hey. h's THORSdy.nowpostsoae fudki o! >> AxayTaous 04/22/ignall6:53:4 No2 19656457 » □ AnArynras 04/22/10 Doj17:13 :3 No2196626 9 1 File >> □ Anesymous >> □ Animous 04/22/10(Do117:202 %219667293 04/22Λ0(Doil 7:14 3102196629 70 i appacve ofthis File 99 KB、1920 1200. 1222120078073,pg) PPPPOASTINO >> □Antayraous 04/22/10(Dall6:542 No2 19656666 Hail >> □Anrymous 04/22/10(Do117:31:1 No21966807 File >> □ aamoas 04/22/10( 17:14:3 No2 19663113 File 131970801 35147 K40000 Tor ipg) the dhristime? >> □ Anonymeus 04/22/1Onu)16:56 ONo 219657204 HERD yaous 04/22/10TDou)1:17:2 No 219663839 File 171971045011 ps (174 B300, 1267339862136 jPE) 199 (127 B,724x1024, 125674283359 jpg) appy THUNORSDAEG Anomes 04/22/10(16 57:1 Ho219657527 >> □ anaynous 04/22/10(Dm)17:17:2 №ュ19663868 Pile 127197 1049737 98 KB.44038, thorlpg) You donotfac Thor, Thor fadks you, md if you do not die ofintemal bleedie Tho he biessed Artayraeus 04/22Λ0(Dal17352 No.219669248 22219668073 Yes Let's s0422/10 16:s71 Ho219657 32 Odin Thot

It should be noted that the day, Thursday's, etymology comes from the English name of this mythological god, Thunor, making it "Thunor's Day" (the "no" dropped later on so as to sound more like the god's Norse name).

Overlapping Theme Days

Since there are only seven days in a week, the possible choice days for an Internet Theme Day is rather limited. This causes threads dedicated to a certain theme day being spammed with images regarding other theme days. A popular example of this would be F40PH Friday and Furry Friday.

「88 Lanced Jack 06/26/09(Fri)14:52 No.22559 135 Reply][Quick Reply100 9 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view. Taiga 06/26/09(Fri)15:01 No.225593560 prefer Gatomon Everyone is Furry for Renamon Juiz is my Concierge MAP kUST 062609(Fn)15:02 No 2255936800 File 1246042930 ipg-(187 KB, 640x480) Yiff this motherfuckert 06/26/09 Anonymous(Fri)15:02 No. 22559384 O O File 1246042952 jpg-77 KB, 586x900) Juiz is my Concierge M p kuSTi 062609(Fri)15:03 No.2255939500 File : 1246043000 jpg-(77 KB, 200x273) Jesus, it has been a long time since I have used these. 4oPM Taiga 06/26/09(Fri)15:03 No.2255941 1000 File : 1246043034jpg-23 KB, 398x285)

Wrong Days

Some people, on the other hand, post threads regarding a certain theme day on the "wrong" day of the week, usually proclaiming that they either missed the real date, there wasn't enough images posted on the real date, or that they don't care that it's not the real date.

>> □ Anonymous 062307(Sat)06:28:45< No.30720484 File :1182594525549 png-(34 KB, 800x640, 1024820 (1).png) 30720398 F--- THERE WAS NONE ON FRIDAY LET'S CANCER UP /b/!

Repost Day

A popular derivative theme day is a phenomenon known as Repost Day, wherein which it is claimed that every single post made on the site the theme day is being celebrated on is copypasta of an older post made before it.

Forum/image board users often state that "Everyday is Repost Day" and claim that "Every Post is Repost of a Repost".

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Internet Theme Days

Internet Theme Days

Part of a series on 4chan. [View Related Entries]

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This entry contains content that may be considered sensitive to some viewers.


Internet Theme Days are little weekly practices within image boards and forums wherein which they have special threads created in them for the sole purpose of sharing a certain theme of images.


Caturday was the first of this string of Internet Theme Days.

Originating on 4chan's random board, /b/, this day is dedicated to the posting of LOLCat images.

1674044S CATURDAY C-c-c-co0430 BREAK syaes 12/o 524 26N 17033181 awayneas 120oosuja6 30 02 № 17033411 a48 33131,27000184 53 KB.AT335 21203033 SERIOUS BUSINESS Anrywe t)15 23 30 No 17033154 >> □ Aundnyaures 1209/06sd16 30 34 17033441 34306 o.17033327 Pil LEA (19 12,40ad09, 노'-».ptc-anh.julpg) » □ Ahmmon, 120906pt)I6 3120 No 7033478 (105 3,39337.1164422136604 noua (43 K 597ms, 1 263280121004

It popularized the idea of "Everyday is Caturday", inspiring the usage of the phrase to say the same about other theme days ("Every day is X Day"), most infamously "Repost Day". See Repost Day below for more information.

A plethora of theme days have been created over the years following Caturday. Some examples of popular theme days include:


In similar vein to Caturday being a day to post images of cats, Bunday is a theme day on Monday where pictures of rabbits are often shared.

F40PH Friday

Also known as F40PHriday, F40PH Friday is a theme day when people post pictures of EMD F40PH passenger trains to counteract the posting of furry art on an overlapping theme day, Furry Friday. See Overlapping Theme Days below for more information.

Furry Friday

Furry Friday is one of the more popular theme days wherein which large amounts of furry art, usually pornographic in nature, is often posted on image boards, most infamously 4chan. This is done mostly to troll the sites.

COULD EVER R--- A NO TRAINER )IT3 ATLEAST LEVEL 30, IT D KICK 3)IT KNOW3 DOUELE TEAMBY DEFAULT. ADoymou 0523 0a:y053931No 30721050 ADoymou 0523 0a:y054032No 30721101 NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A IT ATLEAST LEVEL 30, ITDKICKYOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUBLE TEAMBY DEFAULT 2 IT KNOWS TELEPORT BY DEFAULT. ITS AT LEAST LEVEL s0 )ITSAT LEAST LEVEL 30, ITD KICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUELE TEAMBY DEFAULT. Aoymou 0523.0a:y05 390No 30121053 2)IT KNOWS TELEPORT SY DEFAULT. IT KNOWS TELEPORT BY DEFAULT Aoymo 05 23 078a:)05 404 No 30721113 Fde :1157952451655-(24 KB, 30400, 110056981632 geg) Aoymo 05 23 07a:)05 400 No.30721072 NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A 1)ITS ATLEAST LEVEL 30, ITDKICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUBLE TEAMBY DEFAULT NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A ITAT LEAST LEVEL 30, ITD KICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUELE TEAMBY DEFAULT. ADoymou 0523 0a:y05 39 10 No 30721034 IT KNOWS TELEPORT BY DEFAULT. ) IT KNOWS TELEPORT SY DEFAULT NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A ITAT LEAST LEVEL 30, ITD KICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUBLE TEAMBY DEFAULT GTFO! Anonymous 05230784100 No 30721124 File :113439360039 iE(126 KB, 681x966, 1180037003613 jpg) ADoymou 0523 0a:y054013 No 30721084 2) IT KNOWS TELEPORT SY DEFAULT. NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A 1) ITS AT LEAST LEVEL 30, ITD KICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUBLE T NO TRAINER COULD EVER R--- A ITA 30, ITD KICK YOUR 3)IT KNOW3 DOUELE TEAMBY DEFAULT. ATLEAST LEVEL ADoymou 0523 0a:y05 39 17 No 30721043 EAMBY DEFAULT 2) IT KNOWS TELEPORT SY DEFAULT IT KNOWS TELEPORT BY DEFAULT Aweoaymope: 062507(3a5)06 40 19c o30721055 ADoymou 0523 0a:y0541:14< No 30721136 19569 ipE-(145 KB, 653x900, Fuary - Yiffy - SexyFue e) ADoymou 0523 0a:y05392S No 30721043 Fle 115 39516491-(47 KB4500, 1130036830508 pag NO TRAINER COULD EVER RAPEA O TRAINER COULD EVER RAPEA )ITSAT LEAST LEVEL 30, ITD KICK YOUR

Miku Monday

On Miku Monday, threads are created on image boards and forums for the sole purpose of sharing usually pornographic pictures of Miku Hatsune, a popular character created for a Japanese voice synthesizing program known as Vocaloid. Often times, other images of Vocaloids are posted as well.


Thorsday, or Thor's Day as it is also called, is a theme day where people post pictures of the Norse god of thunder, Thor, on Thursdays in an attempt to post something manly.

>> □Anonymous 04/22/10(Do117 290 No2196 231845797177 Daratymous 04/22/10(Thu)16:53:0 No.219656264 Hey. h's THORSdy.nowpostsoae fudki o! >> AxayTaous 04/22/ignall6:53:4 No2 19656457 » □ AnArynras 04/22/10 Doj17:13 :3 No2196626 9 1 File >> □ Anesymous >> □ Animous 04/22/10(Do117:202 %219667293 04/22Λ0(Doil 7:14 3102196629 70 i appacve ofthis File 99 KB、1920 1200. 1222120078073,pg) PPPPOASTINO >> □Antayraous 04/22/10(Dall6:542 No2 19656666 Hail >> □Anrymous 04/22/10(Do117:31:1 No21966807 File >> □ aamoas 04/22/10( 17:14:3 No2 19663113 File 131970801 35147 K40000 Tor ipg) the dhristime? >> □ Anonymeus 04/22/1Onu)16:56 ONo 219657204 HERD yaous 04/22/10TDou)1:17:2 No 219663839 File 171971045011 ps (174 B300, 1267339862136 jPE) 199 (127 B,724x1024, 125674283359 jpg) appy THUNORSDAEG Anomes 04/22/10(16 57:1 Ho219657527 >> □ anaynous 04/22/10(Dm)17:17:2 №ュ19663868 Pile 127197 1049737 98 KB.44038, thorlpg) You donotfac Thor, Thor fadks you, md if you do not die ofintemal bleedie Tho he biessed Artayraeus 04/22Λ0(Dal17352 No.219669248 22219668073 Yes Let's s0422/10 16:s71 Ho219657 32 Odin Thot

It should be noted that the day, Thursday's, etymology comes from the English name of this mythological god, Thunor, making it "Thunor's Day" (the "no" dropped later on so as to sound more like the god's Norse name).

Overlapping Theme Days

Since there are only seven days in a week, the possible choice days for an Internet Theme Day is rather limited. This causes threads dedicated to a certain theme day being spammed with images regarding other theme days. A popular example of this would be F40PH Friday and Furry Friday.

「88 Lanced Jack 06/26/09(Fri)14:52 No.22559 135 Reply][Quick Reply100 9 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view. Taiga 06/26/09(Fri)15:01 No.225593560 prefer Gatomon Everyone is Furry for Renamon Juiz is my Concierge MAP kUST 062609(Fn)15:02 No 2255936800 File 1246042930 ipg-(187 KB, 640x480) Yiff this motherfuckert 06/26/09 Anonymous(Fri)15:02 No. 22559384 O O File 1246042952 jpg-77 KB, 586x900) Juiz is my Concierge M p kuSTi 062609(Fri)15:03 No.2255939500 File : 1246043000 jpg-(77 KB, 200x273) Jesus, it has been a long time since I have used these. 4oPM Taiga 06/26/09(Fri)15:03 No.2255941 1000 File : 1246043034jpg-23 KB, 398x285)

Wrong Days

Some people, on the other hand, post threads regarding a certain theme day on the "wrong" day of the week, usually proclaiming that they either missed the real date, there wasn't enough images posted on the real date, or that they don't care that it's not the real date.

>> □ Anonymous 062307(Sat)06:28:45< No.30720484 File :1182594525549 png-(34 KB, 800x640, 1024820 (1).png) 30720398 F--- THERE WAS NONE ON FRIDAY LET'S CANCER UP /b/!

Repost Day

A popular derivative theme day is a phenomenon known as Repost Day, wherein which it is claimed that every single post made on the site the theme day is being celebrated on is copypasta of an older post made before it.

Forum/image board users often state that "Everyday is Repost Day" and claim that "Every Post is Repost of a Repost".

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