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Part of a series on GamerGate. [View Related Entries]


#FullMcIntosh is a Twitter hashtag primarily used by the pro-GamerGate camp to mock various arguments put forth by pop culture critic Jonathan McIntosh and other social justice bloggers in the gaming world that they perceive as being illogical and absurd.


The term #FullMcIntosh was coined on October 16th, 2014, after Jonathan McIntosh retweeted an article posted by Badass Digest author Devin Faraci.[2] That same day, Twitter user @Sargon_Of_Akkad took a screencap of the tweets and criticized both McIntosh and Faraci, while coining the hashtag #FullMcIntosh in the process,[3] in reference to the expression "You Just Went Full Retard". The message was favorited 92 times and was retweeted 85 times.

Sargon of Akkad Follow 0Akkad This is why you never go #Ful!McIntosh, compadres. #GamerGate #NotYourShield 匐Jonathan McIntosh @radicalbytes Sh "Why #GamerGate Already Lost" badassdigest.com/201 4/1 0/1 5why. @badassdigest Vla Why GamerGate Already Lost Misogynist gamers sent terror threats to Anita Sarkeesian, but their own actions prove their undoing 5UFFRAGISTSON THE WAR PATH JUMP ONHIM 641 HE IS ONLY A MERE MArN FAVORITES 106 118 10:26 AM- 16 Oct 2014 わt3 ★

Jonathan McIntosh

Jonathan McIntosh, the subject of the hashtag, is a producer and writer of the divisive "Tropes VS Women" video series hosted by Anita Sarkeesian. His presence on Twitter[1] exploded during the events of the GamerGate controversy, which he became involved in.


On October 20rd, Twitter user @Scrumpmonkey[9] posted a line chart illustrating the range of the so-called McIntosh Scale, which garnered over 110 retweets and more than 100 favorites in less than a week.

The Mclntosh ScaleGamerGate is 100% over guys!" Stop Weponizing Charity! You're devaluing my trust fund! ::丰田 "I know literally every woman in gaming and can speak for all of them." "I'm a superior being to you in every way. Go eat some AAA slop" Being Kyle Oriand "I'm staying Neurta. FULL McIntosh 5 mins later* StopGamerGate2014!!!!" 0.5

In the following days, the usage of the hashtag increased exponentially when McIntosh compared the colors on Vivian James's t-shirt to Piccolo Dick, implicitly equating the color scheme to rape.[4] In response, many detractors began mocking his statement by indiscriminately labeling characters that are drawn in green-and-purple color scheme as rapists.


In addition to #FullMcIntosh, similar hashtag #BeyondMcIntosh is used for particularly extreme statements.[5] The hashtag spread to Tumblr shortly afterward, where one post that explained the significance of the term gained 12 notes.[6] The hashtag eventually caught Jonathan McIntosh's attention on October 27, 2014, at which point he objected to the criticism.

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Part of a series on GamerGate. [View Related Entries]

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#FullMcIntosh is a Twitter hashtag primarily used by the pro-GamerGate camp to mock various arguments put forth by pop culture critic Jonathan McIntosh and other social justice bloggers in the gaming world that they perceive as being illogical and absurd.


The term #FullMcIntosh was coined on October 16th, 2014, after Jonathan McIntosh retweeted an article posted by Badass Digest author Devin Faraci.[2] That same day, Twitter user @Sargon_Of_Akkad took a screencap of the tweets and criticized both McIntosh and Faraci, while coining the hashtag #FullMcIntosh in the process,[3] in reference to the expression "You Just Went Full Retard". The message was favorited 92 times and was retweeted 85 times.

Sargon of Akkad Follow 0Akkad This is why you never go #Ful!McIntosh, compadres. #GamerGate #NotYourShield 匐Jonathan McIntosh @radicalbytes Sh "Why #GamerGate Already Lost" badassdigest.com/201 4/1 0/1 5why. @badassdigest Vla Why GamerGate Already Lost Misogynist gamers sent terror threats to Anita Sarkeesian, but their own actions prove their undoing 5UFFRAGISTSON THE WAR PATH JUMP ONHIM 641 HE IS ONLY A MERE MArN FAVORITES 106 118 10:26 AM- 16 Oct 2014 わt3 ★

Jonathan McIntosh

Jonathan McIntosh, the subject of the hashtag, is a producer and writer of the divisive "Tropes VS Women" video series hosted by Anita Sarkeesian. His presence on Twitter[1] exploded during the events of the GamerGate controversy, which he became involved in.


On October 20rd, Twitter user @Scrumpmonkey[9] posted a line chart illustrating the range of the so-called McIntosh Scale, which garnered over 110 retweets and more than 100 favorites in less than a week.

The Mclntosh ScaleGamerGate is 100% over guys!" Stop Weponizing Charity! You're devaluing my trust fund! ::丰田 "I know literally every woman in gaming and can speak for all of them." "I'm a superior being to you in every way. Go eat some AAA slop" Being Kyle Oriand "I'm staying Neurta. FULL McIntosh 5 mins later* StopGamerGate2014!!!!" 0.5

In the following days, the usage of the hashtag increased exponentially when McIntosh compared the colors on Vivian James's t-shirt to Piccolo Dick, implicitly equating the color scheme to rape.[4] In response, many detractors began mocking his statement by indiscriminately labeling characters that are drawn in green-and-purple color scheme as rapists.


In addition to #FullMcIntosh, similar hashtag #BeyondMcIntosh is used for particularly extreme statements.[5] The hashtag spread to Tumblr shortly afterward, where one post that explained the significance of the term gained 12 notes.[6] The hashtag eventually caught Jonathan McIntosh's attention on October 27, 2014, at which point he objected to the criticism.

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