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Part of a series on Red Pill. [View Related Entries]



Greenpill is the name of a character from a series of MS Paint webcomics from 4chan's /x/ (Paranormal)[1] and /pol/ (Politically Incorrect)[2] board. The comics are satires of conspiracy theory culture, with different 'pill' characters for different conspiracy theorist archtypes.


The term 'Greenpill' comes from 'Redpill' a term used in the conspiracy theory community and on /pol/ to denote knowledge of conspiracy theories. It originates from the 1999 science-fiction action film The Matrix[3], in which the character Morpheus (played by Laurence Fishburne[4]) offers Neo (played by Keanu Reaves[5]) two pills; a blue one and a red one. Due to the popularity of the film in conspiracy theory circles, the terms 'blue pill' and 'red pill' became widespread. 'Greenpill' was created as an alternative.

The first instance of the Greenpill character designs comes from a 4chan comic portraying stereotypes of different college students[6]. A 4chan user later re-tweaked the characters into becoming the modern pill characters.

Liberal Arts Student Science Student Engineering Student Rational Intelligent on an interpersonal level Able to improvise on the go Healthy social life Many girlfriends Never alone Missed when cannot attend a party Bright academic future Respected by society Odorous Stubborn Strange racist beliefs Never talks to anyone Watches anime and hentai daily Showers never Handholdless virgin Avoids talking to people Easily frightened Makes angry posts online Frightens people easily Creeps girls out just with a glance Furry, p--------, often homosexual Cannot comprehend non-numerical logic Imaginary anime character friends Only talks to his TI- 85 Very often autistic Cries self to sleep nightly


The original Greenpill comic was posted on /x/ sometime in the mid-2000s, and featured Greenpill, a caricature of /x/ users, Redpill, a caricature of /pol/ users, and a Reptilian.

You dont understand, Red Pill It's all the JEW plotting against me. He wants to stop me getting a A---- gf and he even plots genocide against al whitesl They don't let N------ into Israel, because they lnow the secretl They're plotting to keep themselves pure while contaminating everyone elsel Have ye not eyes to see, Red Pil? Was not Memorandum 200 written by Kissinger, in which he tergets not white nations but third world countries for depopulation? And have not principled Jews ike Norman Finkestein suftered much at the hands of our elite oppressors seeking to conceal the truth from us? And is not Israel the creation of the Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner plot to control the world ia an Angk American Empire? Yea, tis true that Jews are involwed in the conspiracy, but to say it is a Jewish conspiracy is naught but foly Our llluminab overlords would be glad of such near-sightedness You dont understand Red Pill I can feel something..some sort of corruption near at hand What else could it be f not the Jewn Draconian! Must your kind plague me through all my lifetimes? Let this innocent go and return to your realm of existence! Waay, Red Pill. his sssuffering f you will but lord of all the wish te feed off ve him me shall make thee よmereerssss! Fool! Have you, oh demon of egotism, not learnt in all your travels that the world is but a passing thing? Have you never guessed that possession of oneself is the only worthy possession? What would it profit a man to gain the multiverse and lose his very self? BE GONE, THEN! BACK TO TARTARUS! Red Pil, I feel a sudden change coming over mel S Tel me, what has happened? All in good time Red Pill'" All in good ime...

New Greenpill comics were created by various users, who also created new characters to fit other archtypes, such as Iron Pill, a stereotype of a user of 4chan's /fit/ (Fitness & Health) board[7], White Pill, a caricature of ignorance and /b/[8], and Brown Pill, a spiritualist, among others.
- Enigmatic, charismatic & intelligent - Spiritual & philosophical Wise, secluded, but pessimistic Views the struggles of Green pill against the impossible to offend in any way, to the point Believes materialism corrupts everything and Suspects that the world is f----- but doesn't care enough to understand how or why Incapable of independent thought - Believes people opt out of debates will bore you to death with lectures if you - Concerned only with social standing Is easily swayed by the arguments of boring sidequests to g----------- skill and not because his irrationality is the powerful and those in authority Supports degeneracy and social decay from the shadows in order to intentionally -Has seen the "other realm" during meditation Believes ushering in the newworld order Depends on lies to provide comfort in ethnic group in lieu of encountering the complexites of global politics - Believes use of the word "n-----' is a Plans to side with whoever winsin the battle eutral towards Illuminati NWC

Notable Examples


Main characters

GREEN PILL BLUE PILL RED PILL - Enigmatic, charismatic & intelligent - Spiritual& philosophical - Opponent of the llluminat - Political Non-Euclidean - Aura of contentment and wisdom - Latent psychic abilities - Expert in sexual tantra - Has been contacted by ETs - Has seen the FNORDs Unpleasant - Argumentative and opinionated - Indoctrinated - Still believes in Left vs Right - Easily offended - Herd mentality - Addicted to distractions - Incapable of independent thought - Concerned only with social standing - Is easily swayed by the arguments of the powerful and those in authority - Fearful - Depends on lies to provide comfort in a chasm of meaninglessness Compensates for lack of personal accomplishment by identifying with the success of his face Delusions of persecution - Believes people opt out of debates with him because of his argumentative skill and not because his irrationality is evidence of an inability to argue at all - Blames the world's problems on ethnic group in lieu of encountering the complexities of global politics - Believes use of the word "n-----" is a revolutionary act Mind-Control- Waves We aligned chakras causes him to emit healing energy Neo-Nazi Literature (Now with less citations!) Aspartame BREAD&CIRCUS Corn-Syrup


Greenpill is the main character of most of the comics. He is a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist, and a believer in Gnosticism[9] and the Demiurge[10], the Illuminati, Hollow Earth[11], and Reptilians. As such, he is used as a representation of /x/ users. He wears a tinfoil hat over blonde hair, carries the 1983 spirituality book Prometheus Rising[12], and wears a scarf and anti-Illuminati button.


Redpill is a caricature of /pol/ users, and as such is a racist, sexist and homophobe. His name comes from the frequent use of the term 'red pill' on /pol/. He wears a black cape, Nazi T-shirt, and is balding with a signature toothbrush mustache.


Bluepill is an average 'brainwashed' person. He is obese, wears a Bread & Circus T-shirt, and carries a can of Diet Coke. He is often manipulated by the Illuminati, Reptilians or other antagonists.

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External References

[1] 4chan – /x/

[2] 4chan – /pol/

[3] IMDb – The Matrix

[4] IMDb – Laurence Fishburne

[5] IMDb – Keanu Reeves

[6] 4archive – Greenpill Thread

[7] 4chan – /fit

[8] 4chan – /b/

[9] Wikipedia – Gnosticism

[10] Wikipedia – Demiurge

[11] Wikipedia – Hollow Earth

[12] Amazon – Prometheus Rising

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Part of a series on Red Pill. [View Related Entries]

Updated May 19, 2021 at 05:47AM EDT by Y F.

Added Oct 22, 2014 at 05:46PM EDT by Ganzorf.

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Greenpill is the name of a character from a series of MS Paint webcomics from 4chan's /x/ (Paranormal)[1] and /pol/ (Politically Incorrect)[2] board. The comics are satires of conspiracy theory culture, with different 'pill' characters for different conspiracy theorist archtypes.


The term 'Greenpill' comes from 'Redpill' a term used in the conspiracy theory community and on /pol/ to denote knowledge of conspiracy theories. It originates from the 1999 science-fiction action film The Matrix[3], in which the character Morpheus (played by Laurence Fishburne[4]) offers Neo (played by Keanu Reaves[5]) two pills; a blue one and a red one. Due to the popularity of the film in conspiracy theory circles, the terms 'blue pill' and 'red pill' became widespread. 'Greenpill' was created as an alternative.

The first instance of the Greenpill character designs comes from a 4chan comic portraying stereotypes of different college students[6]. A 4chan user later re-tweaked the characters into becoming the modern pill characters.
Liberal Arts Student Science Student Engineering Student Rational Intelligent on an interpersonal level Able to improvise on the go Healthy social life Many girlfriends Never alone Missed when cannot attend a party Bright academic future Respected by society Odorous Stubborn Strange racist beliefs Never talks to anyone Watches anime and hentai daily Showers never Handholdless virgin Avoids talking to people Easily frightened Makes angry posts online Frightens people easily Creeps girls out just with a glance Furry, p--------, often homosexual Cannot comprehend non-numerical logic Imaginary anime character friends Only talks to his TI- 85 Very often autistic Cries self to sleep nightly


The original Greenpill comic was posted on /x/ sometime in the mid-2000s, and featured Greenpill, a caricature of /x/ users, Redpill, a caricature of /pol/ users, and a Reptilian.
You dont understand, Red Pill It's all the JEW plotting against me. He wants to stop me getting a A---- gf and he even plots genocide against al whitesl They don't let N------ into Israel, because they lnow the secretl They're plotting to keep themselves pure while contaminating everyone elsel Have ye not eyes to see, Red Pil? Was not Memorandum 200 written by Kissinger, in which he tergets not white nations but third world countries for depopulation? And have not principled Jews ike Norman Finkestein suftered much at the hands of our elite oppressors seeking to conceal the truth from us? And is not Israel the creation of the Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner plot to control the world ia an Angk American Empire? Yea, tis true that Jews are involwed in the conspiracy, but to say it is a Jewish conspiracy is naught but foly Our llluminab overlords would be glad of such near-sightedness You dont understand Red Pill I can feel something..some sort of corruption near at hand What else could it be f not the Jewn Draconian! Must your kind plague me through all my lifetimes? Let this innocent go and return to your realm of existence! Waay, Red Pill. his sssuffering f you will but lord of all the wish te feed off ve him me shall make thee よmereerssss! Fool! Have you, oh demon of egotism, not learnt in all your travels that the world is but a passing thing? Have you never guessed that possession of oneself is the only worthy possession? What would it profit a man to gain the multiverse and lose his very self? BE GONE, THEN! BACK TO TARTARUS! Red Pil, I feel a sudden change coming over mel S Tel me, what has happened? All in good time Red Pill'" All in good ime...
New Greenpill comics were created by various users, who also created new characters to fit other archtypes, such as Iron Pill, a stereotype of a user of 4chan's /fit/ (Fitness & Health) board[7], White Pill, a caricature of ignorance and /b/[8], and Brown Pill, a spiritualist, among others.
- Enigmatic, charismatic & intelligent - Spiritual & philosophical Wise, secluded, but pessimistic Views the struggles of Green pill against the impossible to offend in any way, to the point Believes materialism corrupts everything and Suspects that the world is f----- but doesn't care enough to understand how or why Incapable of independent thought - Believes people opt out of debates will bore you to death with lectures if you - Concerned only with social standing Is easily swayed by the arguments of boring sidequests to g----------- skill and not because his irrationality is the powerful and those in authority Supports degeneracy and social decay from the shadows in order to intentionally -Has seen the "other realm" during meditation Believes ushering in the newworld order Depends on lies to provide comfort in ethnic group in lieu of encountering the complexites of global politics - Believes use of the word "n-----' is a Plans to side with whoever winsin the battle eutral towards Illuminati NWC

Notable Examples


Main characters

GREEN PILL BLUE PILL RED PILL - Enigmatic, charismatic & intelligent - Spiritual& philosophical - Opponent of the llluminat - Political Non-Euclidean - Aura of contentment and wisdom - Latent psychic abilities - Expert in sexual tantra - Has been contacted by ETs - Has seen the FNORDs Unpleasant - Argumentative and opinionated - Indoctrinated - Still believes in Left vs Right - Easily offended - Herd mentality - Addicted to distractions - Incapable of independent thought - Concerned only with social standing - Is easily swayed by the arguments of the powerful and those in authority - Fearful - Depends on lies to provide comfort in a chasm of meaninglessness Compensates for lack of personal accomplishment by identifying with the success of his face Delusions of persecution - Believes people opt out of debates with him because of his argumentative skill and not because his irrationality is evidence of an inability to argue at all - Blames the world's problems on ethnic group in lieu of encountering the complexities of global politics - Believes use of the word "n-----" is a revolutionary act Mind-Control- Waves We aligned chakras causes him to emit healing energy Neo-Nazi Literature (Now with less citations!) Aspartame BREAD&CIRCUS Corn-Syrup


Greenpill is the main character of most of the comics. He is a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist, and a believer in Gnosticism[9] and the Demiurge[10], the Illuminati, Hollow Earth[11], and Reptilians. As such, he is used as a representation of /x/ users. He wears a tinfoil hat over blonde hair, carries the 1983 spirituality book Prometheus Rising[12], and wears a scarf and anti-Illuminati button.


Redpill is a caricature of /pol/ users, and as such is a racist, sexist and homophobe. His name comes from the frequent use of the term 'red pill' on /pol/. He wears a black cape, Nazi T-shirt, and is balding with a signature toothbrush mustache.


Bluepill is an average 'brainwashed' person. He is obese, wears a Bread & Circus T-shirt, and carries a can of Diet Coke. He is often manipulated by the Illuminati, Reptilians or other antagonists.

Search Interest

External References

[1] 4chan – /x/

[2] 4chan – /pol/

[3] IMDb – The Matrix

[4] IMDb – Laurence Fishburne

[5] IMDb – Keanu Reeves

[6] 4archive – Greenpill Thread

[7] 4chan – /fit

[8] 4chan – /b/

[9] Wikipedia – Gnosticism

[10] Wikipedia – Demiurge

[11] Wikipedia – Hollow Earth

[12] Amazon – Prometheus Rising

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