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Man I'm So Hungry / How Hungry...

Added about a year ago by Autumn Able • Updated about 6 hours ago by Adam
Added about a year ago by Autumn Able • Updated about 6 hours ago by Adam

Man I'm So Hungry / How Hungry...
Man I'm So Hungry / How Hungry...

Category: Meme Status: confirmed Year: 2020 Origin: Twitter Region: United States
Type: Copypasta Exploitable Snowclone
Tags: fresherns cabby porgiexd horse twitter


Man I'm So Hungry / How Hungry… is an exploitable comic by Twitter artist porgiexd based on a tweet by Twitter user cabby. The comic has been used as an exploitable meme that uses different characters in the panels.


The phrase originated on Twitter on August 6th, 2020. Twitter user freshErns posted a Tweet[1] saying the following:

me: wow I am so hungry

horse: *nervously* how hungry

The tweet, a play on the classic idiom "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," received over 700 likes in over two years, but on August 28th, 2022, Twitter user cabby posted a similar tweet[2] which received over 307,000 likes and over 37,000 retweets in almost five months. On August 30th, 2022, Twitter artist porgiexd posted a comic (shown below) of the tweet which received over 69,000 likes and over 13,000 retweets in over four months.

man im so hungry how hungry...


Roughly five months after Porgiexd's comic was first posted, exploitable variations featuring other characters began growing popular on social media. On January 23rd, 2023, Twitter user @yamanxadu[4] posted a variation using Link from Zelda CD-i, gaining over 5,000 retweets and 21,000 likes in one week (shown below, left). On January 24th, user @IkaroKruz[5] posted a comic with the same setup, gaining over 2,100 retweets and 10,000 likes in a similar time frame (shown below, right).


Other variations include a tweet by @Dededaio[6] that used Kirby characters that gained over 230 retweets and 1,200 likes in one week (shown below, left) and a post in Reddit's /r/dragonsfuckingcars[7] by user dullanson that gained over 250 points in two days (shown below, right)

man im so hungry how hungry... man im so horny how horny... 0 14M- C4R

Various Examples

man im so hungry how hungry... w цуу how hungry... Kubuny os u! ubu i'm sooo hungry amii.illustrates hungry? m I'm so hungry... bots How hungry... I'm So hungry how hungry Man Im so hungry How hungry... 局

External References

[1] Twitter – @freshErns

[2] Twitter – @cabby

[3] Twitter: @porgiexd

[4] Twitter – yamanaxadu

[5] Twitter – @IkaroKruz

[6] Twitter – @Dededaio

[7] Reddit – /r/dragonsfuckingcars

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