Prepare Your Anus
"Prepare Your Anus" is an expression often used to caption image macros featuring photographs of intimidating-looking characters. The image macros are meant to illicit a disturbing or creepy reaction, similar to the "You Gonna Get Raped" series.
One of the earliest known instances of the phrase "prepare your anus" was posted by Team XBox Forums[1] member tenaciousdave as the title of a thread containing a news story speculating that humans will encounter aliens within two decades. The earliest known image macro including the phrase was submitted to the Internet humor site FunnyJunk[3] by user RussianPerson on October 21st, 2009, which featured a screenshot of a CGI chipmunk from the 2007 comedy film Alvin and the Chipmunks (shown below).

On May 6th, 2010, the Internet news blog UpRoxx[2] published a post featuring several notable examples titled "Prepare Your Anus", which included a photograph of an Ewok creature from the Star Wars science fiction franchise (shown below). The image macro contained a watermark from the captioning site Meme Generator,[4] but it is unclear when the "Rape Ewok" generator page was created.

On October 22nd, Urban Dictionary[9] user OrificeLube submitted a definition for "prepare your anus", which defined the phrase as warning of imminent anal sexual intercourse. On September 6th, 2011, Redditor tykeryerson submitted the Ewok image macro in a post to the /r/pics[10] subreddit titled "No matter how many times I look at this, I always laugh," receiving over 1,700 up votes prior to being archived. On August 21st, a Facebook[7] page for "Prepare Your Anus" was created, which received over 19,750 likes within the next year. On January 23rd, 2012, YouTuber Plazmacharge uploaded a video titled "Prepare Your Anus", featuring zoomed in footage of an adolescent boy wearing a devious grin (shown below).
On February 17th, Redditor FenrirIII submitted a post titled "The most disturbing thing I have seen all day",[8] featuring the Ewok photo with the caption 'Bite the pillow / I'm going in dry' (shown below). Prior to being archived, the post received over 6,100 up votes and 150 comments. Additional examples of the meme have spread on the microblogging site Tumblr[5] and the Cheezburger site Memebase[6] under the tag "#prepare your anus."

Notable Examples

Pepper Your Angus
"Pepper your angus" is an expression used interchangeably with "prepare your anus" which is often found on the site BodyBuilding.com as well as the IGN Message Board.[13] On July 17th, 2011, Body Building Forums[12] member JimmyGould submitted a thread about how to avoid being raped in prison, to which member autrefois replied with the phrase "pepper your angus" (shown below).

On December 1st, 2011, YouTuber PepperYourAngus uploaded a remix of the song “Barbara Streisand” by Duck Sauce edited with the phrase “prepare your anus” (shown below, left). The same day, a Facebook[11] page titled “Pepper Your Angus” was created. On January 27th, 2013, YouTuber kochen0 uploaded a video of a crowd chanting the phrase “pepper you angus” (shown below, right).
With the rising popularity of the derivative phrase, several image macros have emerged with the caption "Pepper Your Anus," including a photo of British celebrity chef Ainsley Harriott smiling for the camera while seasoning vegetables (shown below, left).

Search Interest
Search query volume for the keywords "prepare your anus" began rising in April of 2010.
External References
[1] Team Xbox – Prepare Your Anus
[2] UpRoxx – Prepare Your Anus
[3] FunnyJunk – Prepare your anus
[4] Meme Generator – Rape Ewok
[5] Tumblr – #prepare your anus
[6] Memebase – #prepare your anus
[7] Facebook – Prepare Your Anus
[8] Reddit – The most disturbing thing I have seen all day
[9] Urban Dictionary – prepare your anus
[10] Reddit – No matter how many times I look at this I always laugh
[11] Facebook – Pepper Your Angus
[12] BodyBuilding – best way to not get raped in prison
Top Comments
J Buugi
Jan 08, 2013 at 10:43PM EST
The Edgiest [INACTIVE]
Jan 03, 2015 at 12:26PM EST