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Single Topic Blogs are online publications frequently updated with theme-specific media content, in many cases through user-generated contributions. In comparison to other types of collaborative blogs, single topic blog are designed with minimal emphasis on site features and authorship of published materials. Instead, they are heavily geared towards facilitating mass replication of specific memes/media through providing custom image macro generators and relying on user-generated content/submission.


The concept of single topic blogging has existed in various forms for decades, beginning with Usenet newsgroups and niche interest BBS communities in the early 1990s. Following the arrival of CMS publishing platforms like LiveJournal, Blogger in the late 1990s and Wordpress in 2003, it became a common trend to blog about one particular subject rather than many.

In early 2000s, numerous photo blogs focusing on media curation bound by a single theme began to emerge, such as the French photo fad website À Plat Ventre" and the photo-a-day blog Project 365 in 2004 and the contagious media website Crying While Eating in 2005. The format took a leap forward in the late 2000s with the rise of shortform or microblogging platforms like Tumblr and Twitter, which gave way to some of the first single topic blogs like F**k My Life in January 2008, as well as Look At This Fucking Hipster[10] in March 2009.


Following the viral coverage[8][9] of Look At These Fucking Hipsters in early 2009, several other niche-themed photo blogs began to follow suit on Tumblr, including This is Why You're Fat, Stuff White People Like, Pets Who Want to Kill Themselves and Nic Cage as Everyone among others. In June 2009, Slate[3] published an article about the trend of single topic blogs, crediting Tumblr's easy publishing and collaborating methods as the driving force of the meme. In December, internet culture blog Urlesque[1] announced its picks for the Best Single Topic Blogs of 2009, which consisted of Awkward Family Photos, FML, Shit My Dad Says, There I Fixed It and This is Why You're Fat.

Look at this f------ hipster Check it out, even my boob job is ironic.-
This is why you're fat. where dreamis become heart attacks
AWKWARD FAMILY PHOTOs Mike Bender and Doug Chernack

Single topic blogs have since become an integral publishing tool in the meme-making process for various purposes, from introducing experimental ideas to facilitating the growth and spread of existing memes. On Tumblr, the format is used to curate a wide range of viral media and internet memes, most notably advice animal image macros, photoshopped images and animated reaction faces among others.

F Yeah Hipster Kitty Jump to month JANUARY 2011 22 POSTS IRONIC IRONIC FREE PBR? NO NO ME
Chicks With Steve Buscemeyes Jump to month ▼ MAY 2011 87 POSTS
#whatshouldwecallme Jump to month ▼ JUNE 2012 83 POSTS Checking my On Thursday after work, when my When my boytriand doesnit motivation to go to want to watch When I go to ask Waking up early my boss a When someone is Tryling to make i When someone b statament but then realizing making a joke butthrough the then I reace have a job after question but then'sSaturday friend says she. morning without about college the morning after the gym During When my friend whois studying for the Bar Finally getting settled Into after a long day That friend who When Isee people When I find out the When someone changing in the My Attitude Whille When IR've had too When I decide to Ditig Other Giris:M Source RealityTVGis) much to drink and friend & Iwake up cute stoner boyInvites me to a chime in during a meeting at work prescription forand realze we.aym locker room actually has a party with no I think poople actualy react ay etting home When my boyfriend makes a comment about my outft Leaving work to go to happy hour Source When my friend When I try to talk When someone at grades & find out aced a class after a long day to my boytriend while hets boyfriand another magazine before Ive hadsuggests Kardashlan on tries to talk to me tells me my ex Just walked into work starts talking about current something a Source RealityTVOis) Every day at work Hangovers In college: Now What has happened to my life since starting When I squeeze When clothes look great online, and then they come When m high & filirting When I try to uits-task When my adderall When people at work start talking have cable their kilds When I walk Into the gym When fm out to dinner, and my when l o to k bug but then starts fhying Hoaring someone call your name Other grs: Me when someone suggests I should try going out When m trying to in the duvet Sounce: realtytvts) How I feel when When Iwant my Telling my best oundrink my guy boytriend to wake friend about the put my duvet back boytriend tries to put on his TV giri her ex is what ㄴ show new girtriend actualy

Occasionally, the title of a trendsetting single topic blog is replicated by other derivative sites, such as the prefixes "Look at This X," "Fuck Yeah Y" and "Stuff X People Like." In January 2011, the meta Tumblr site Single Topic Blog of Single Topic Blogs[6] was launched to curate the best examples of narrowly themed media.

Fuckyeah! NEW FUCKYEAH BLOGS PER DAY May 2010 Daly ceaon of Auckyeah Apr 2007 Apr 2009 Mar 2011 Creation of fuckyeat Tumbir of luckyeah Tumbis new fuckp Apr 2011 Most tuckyeahbugs createdoasingk da May 200 Mar 2012 Dec 2008 ackh bogs regre 1971 MTV Bes F--- Oeine Musc Oct 20m May 2012 Stllaver 100 tuckyeah Jul 2009 mentioned a a tresd nSate 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

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Single Topic Blogs

Single Topic Blogs

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Updated Jan 30, 2025 at 10:09AM EST by LiterallyAustin.

Added Sep 21, 2009 at 05:33PM EDT by Brad.

PROTIP: Press 'i' to view the image gallery, 'v' to view the video gallery, or 'r' to view a random entry.


Single Topic Blogs are online publications frequently updated with theme-specific media content, in many cases through user-generated contributions. In comparison to other types of collaborative blogs, single topic blog are designed with minimal emphasis on site features and authorship of published materials. Instead, they are heavily geared towards facilitating mass replication of specific memes/media through providing custom image macro generators and relying on user-generated content/submission.


The concept of single topic blogging has existed in various forms for decades, beginning with Usenet newsgroups and niche interest BBS communities in the early 1990s. Following the arrival of CMS publishing platforms like LiveJournal, Blogger in the late 1990s and Wordpress in 2003, it became a common trend to blog about one particular subject rather than many.

In early 2000s, numerous photo blogs focusing on media curation bound by a single theme began to emerge, such as the French photo fad website À Plat Ventre" and the photo-a-day blog Project 365 in 2004 and the contagious media website Crying While Eating in 2005. The format took a leap forward in the late 2000s with the rise of shortform or microblogging platforms like Tumblr and Twitter, which gave way to some of the first single topic blogs like F**k My Life in January 2008, as well as Look At This Fucking Hipster[10] in March 2009.


Following the viral coverage[8][9] of Look At These Fucking Hipsters in early 2009, several other niche-themed photo blogs began to follow suit on Tumblr, including This is Why You're Fat, Stuff White People Like, Pets Who Want to Kill Themselves and Nic Cage as Everyone among others. In June 2009, Slate[3] published an article about the trend of single topic blogs, crediting Tumblr's easy publishing and collaborating methods as the driving force of the meme. In December, internet culture blog Urlesque[1] announced its picks for the Best Single Topic Blogs of 2009, which consisted of Awkward Family Photos, FML, Shit My Dad Says, There I Fixed It and This is Why You're Fat.

Look at this f------ hipster Check it out, even my boob job is ironic.- This is why you're fat. where dreamis become heart attacks AWKWARD FAMILY PHOTOs Mike Bender and Doug Chernack

Single topic blogs have since become an integral publishing tool in the meme-making process for various purposes, from introducing experimental ideas to facilitating the growth and spread of existing memes. On Tumblr, the format is used to curate a wide range of viral media and internet memes, most notably advice animal image macros, photoshopped images and animated reaction faces among others.

F Yeah Hipster Kitty Jump to month JANUARY 2011 22 POSTS IRONIC IRONIC FREE PBR? NO NO ME Chicks With Steve Buscemeyes Jump to month ▼ MAY 2011 87 POSTS #whatshouldwecallme Jump to month ▼ JUNE 2012 83 POSTS Checking my On Thursday after work, when my When my boytriand doesnit motivation to go to want to watch When I go to ask Waking up early my boss a When someone is Tryling to make i When someone b statament but then realizing making a joke butthrough the then I reace have a job after question but then'sSaturday friend says she. morning without about college the morning after the gym During When my friend whois studying for the Bar Finally getting settled Into after a long day That friend who When Isee people When I find out the When someone changing in the My Attitude Whille When IR've had too When I decide to Ditig Other Giris:M Source RealityTVGis) much to drink and friend & Iwake up cute stoner boyInvites me to a chime in during a meeting at work prescription forand realze we.aym locker room actually has a party with no I think poople actualy react ay etting home When my boyfriend makes a comment about my outft Leaving work to go to happy hour Source When my friend When I try to talk When someone at grades & find out aced a class after a long day to my boytriend while hets boyfriand another magazine before Ive hadsuggests Kardashlan on tries to talk to me tells me my ex Just walked into work starts talking about current something a Source RealityTVOis) Every day at work Hangovers In college: Now What has happened to my life since starting When I squeeze When clothes look great online, and then they come When m high & filirting When I try to uits-task When my adderall When people at work start talking have cable their kilds When I walk Into the gym When fm out to dinner, and my when l o to k bug but then starts fhying Hoaring someone call your name Other grs: Me when someone suggests I should try going out When m trying to in the duvet Sounce: realtytvts) How I feel when When Iwant my Telling my best oundrink my guy boytriend to wake friend about the put my duvet back boytriend tries to put on his TV giri her ex is what ㄴ show new girtriend actualy

Occasionally, the title of a trendsetting single topic blog is replicated by other derivative sites, such as the prefixes "Look at This X," "Fuck Yeah Y" and "Stuff X People Like." In January 2011, the meta Tumblr site Single Topic Blog of Single Topic Blogs[6] was launched to curate the best examples of narrowly themed media.

Fuckyeah! NEW FUCKYEAH BLOGS PER DAY May 2010 Daly ceaon of Auckyeah Apr 2007 Apr 2009 Mar 2011 Creation of fuckyeat Tumbir of luckyeah Tumbis new fuckp Apr 2011 Most tuckyeahbugs createdoasingk da May 200 Mar 2012 Dec 2008 ackh bogs regre 1971 MTV Bes F--- Oeine Musc Oct 20m May 2012 Stllaver 100 tuckyeah Jul 2009 mentioned a a tresd nSate 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

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