Vauthryposting (Video Games On My /v/)
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Vauthryposting, also known as Video Games On My /v/, refers to the practice of posting images of Vauthry (or /V/authry), one of the main villains from Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers that claims to be righteousness and later reveals to be the final lightwarden Innocence. The practice posting began as an expression to provoke certain 4chan moderators as janitors who abuses the power to delete Final Fantasy XIV threads on 4chan's /v/, except they do not delete threads about World of Warcraft. Vauthryposting is mostly used on 4chan's /v/ whenever a Final Fantasy XIV thread is started, or interrupting a World of Warcraft thread with postings of Final Fantasy XIV.
The earliest known of Vauthryposting is around July 2019 during the release of Final Fantasy XIV's third expansion pack Shadowbringers on July 2nd, 2019. Certain 4chan moderators began abusing the power to delete multiple Final Fantasy XIV threads and keeping the threads about World of Warcraft. This begins Anonymous users comparing the certain 4chan moderators to Vauthry as the certain 4chan janitor. A webm video of confronting Vauthry / Innocence in a trial battle was later dubbed to parody the 4chan janitor who hated Final Fantasy XIV threads.
Original Quote
Are you so determined to die? One last chance, villains: bow down and acknowledge your king. Your god!
4chan Dubbed Quote
Video games?! On MY /v/?! Are you so determined to get banned? One last chance, incels! Abandon thread and acknowledge WoW as your king, your god!
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