You Cannot Fast Travel
Part of a series on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. [View Related Entries]
You Cannot Fast Travel When Enemies Are Nearby is a notification message displayed in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim whenever a player attempts to use the fast travel ability when hostile non-player characters are in the immediate vicinity.
On November 11th, 2011, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was released, which would prevent players from fast travelling whenever enemies were near. On November 15th, 2015 Redditor Nilsss reposted the Travolta GIF to /r/gaming,[2] where it gained over 49,000 points and 870 comments prior to being archived.

On December 15th, 2015, Twitter user @VGFGamers[7] posted an "I Will Find You and I Will Kill You" image macro accompanied by the "you cannot fast travel" caption (shown below, left). On June 22nd, 2016, Redditor Death_Machine_ posted a photoshopped picture of Spongegar in a Skyrim scene with the caption "You cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby" (shown below). Prior to being archived, the post gained over 5,400 points (93% upvoted) on /r/BikiniBottomTwitter.[6]

On June 30th, the Confused Travolta GIF was reposted to /r/confusedtravolta[1] and /r/skyrim.[4] On February 21st, 2017, Redditor Leffigi submitted a post asking if the "you cannot fast travel" image macros were a "good investment" to /r/MemeEconomy,[8] along with a captioned image of Abraham Lincoln being assassinated by John Wilkes Booth (shown below, left). On March 18th, Redditor JourneyIntoMystery83 uploaded a screenshot of Anakin Skywalker confronting a group of "younglings" followed by the "You cannot fast travel" caption (shown below, right). Within two months, the post gained over 2,300 points (98% upvoted) on /r/PrequelMemes.[5]

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External References
[1] Reddit – /r/confusedtravolta
[2] Reddit – MRW Skyrim says
[3] Reddit – Anakin Skyrimmer
[4] Reddit – /r/skyrim repost
[5] Reddit – /r/PrequelMemes
[6] Reddit – Dam dragons!
[7] Twitter – @VGFGamers
[8] Reddit – Are you cannot fast travel while enemies are nearby memes a good investment
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May 30, 2017 at 06:27PM EDT
May 30, 2017 at 06:36PM EDT