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Velma (TV Series) - Yes, they obviously spent thousands of money to write a terrible show to piss off randoms on the int...

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In fairness, "this reads like a right-wing attempt at diverse media" isn't necessarily an accusation of false-flagging. It's possible they're just saying "having a racially diverse cast doesn't automatically make a show left-leaning".

The bigger issue here is you can't just reduce everything to single spectrum (let alone a binary) of "left-wing" and "right-wing". Mindy Kaling thinking "bigotry is good as long as I'm the one holding the whip" isn't an inherently progressive nor conservative belief, it's just an asshole identitarian belief on the far end of a different spectrum, running completely independent from and perpendicular to progressivism vs. conservatism.

If you're a self-labeled progressive and you feel Kaling's ideology contradicts yours, you're liable to think she must be an evil conservative, and vice-versa. It's an illusion caused by one-dimensional thinking.


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