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Ironic Meme Counterculture

Last posted Aug 31, 2014 at 11:11AM EDT. Added Aug 30, 2014 at 01:03AM EDT
8 posts from 8 users

I've been noticing and I'm sure you all have too that something of an anti-meme subculture has been growing in popularity recently, possibly more than actual memes (if there is even a distinction). As far as I can tell, this became popular around 2012 when people first started making fun of 9gag and using "le", "maymay", and "xD" ironically. Now the word "meme" itself is something of a meme (and a verb, apparently). Communities I see doing this include 4chan (especially [s4s]), the Montage Parody community, Cringe communities, and many blogs on Tumblr.

Anyone feel free to write this entry, but I won't. I'm just presenting what I've found and we'll see if it goes from here.

Existing entries that are examples of or closely related to this:
Coaxed Into a Snafu
Nice MayMay Man
Peach Time
NEW MEME Face (deadpooled, but quite a lot of views regardless)
Green Text Stories (when greentexting is referred to as "meme arrows" or "le maymay chevrons")
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) / Lenny Face
Le Happy Merchant
Nods Respectfully Towards You (Le Nodding Man)
That Really Rustled My Jimmies (Le Monkey Face)
Expand Dong
Top Gun Hat (Lel, Top Lel, Kek, Topkek)
420 MLG Montages (should be renamed to "Montage Parodies")
Fedora Shaming and Tips Fedora
Shrek (the Brogre "fandom" is chock full of this; it was pretty much founded upon it)
Doge (arguably the most mainstream example)
Sanic Hedgehog and Gotta Go Fast

Example images:

yeah that is pretty much what subreddit colonies from 4chan are (like r/lewronggeneration)

"DAE le queen? back when radio was good now we have justin (gay)ber and lil (gay)ne doing ©rap XDxd" is something you are bound to see there.


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