"Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life" written on a classroom wall

What Is 'Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life?' The Copypasta Meme And Its Origin Explained

After a 4chan user proclaimed that "Shrek is love, Shrek is life" in a graphic story, he managed to ruin the innocence of millions of Shrek fans everywhere who stumbled upon his unfortunate words. For those who have always wondered where this meme began, the following awkward and disturbing information should answer any lingering questions.

Before delving further into this, it should be noted that "Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life" does contain depictions of (fictional) sexual assault. So naturally, the following explainer is also going to be a bit NSFW.


Where Did ‘Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life’ Come From?

"Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life" was first birthed on 4chan. On January 14th, 2013, an anonymous user of the site posted the following greentext story that changed the world forever:

ile: 1358148753159.ipg-(105 KB, 300x300, 300.shrek.forever.lr.121809.jpg) Anonymous (ID: CBcH+zLI) 01/14/13 (Mon)02:32:33 No.450921803 Replies: 24509 >I was only 9 years old > I loved shrek so much, I had all the merchandise and movies > I pray to shrek every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given > "Shrek is love" say. "Shrek is life" > My dad hears me and he calls me a f----- > I knew he was just jealous of my devotion for Shrek > I called him a c--- > He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep Im crying now, and my face hurts > I lay in bed and its really cold >A warmth i > I feel something touch me > Its shrek > I am so happy > He whispers in to ear, "this is my swamp > He grabs me with his powerful ogre hands and puts me on my hands and knees s moving towards me > I'm ready > I spread my ass cheeks for Shrek > He penetrates my butthole > It hurts so much but I do it for Shrek > I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water > I push against his force I want to please Shrek > He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love > My dad walks in > Shrek looks him straight in the eye and says. "Its all ogre now" > Shrek leaves through my window > Shrek is love, Shrek is life Anonymous (ID: fBWBqNjg) 01/14/13(Mon)02:33:51 No.450922048 what the f---

After that, it became a copypasta, but remained in relative obscurity outside of 4chan. Then, it began to appear on YouTube. First, it was in the form of dramatic readings of the original text, the most famous of which was uploaded by SgtSnuggleButt in February 2013, but the original video is no longer available.

How Is ‘Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life’ Discussed Online?

Soon after SgtSnuggleButt uploaded the dramatic reading, it became a challenge of sorts to watch the video, creating a minor "Don’t Google" trend in the early 2010s. While it wasn’t as scarring as some of the other trends people were looking up at the time, it quickly became an entertaining reference.

For all those who had heard or read the copypasta themselves, they understood the many onion layers of the phrase "Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life." Thus, people began to declare their love for Shrek in just about any situation, both online and in real-world social situations.

Then, some creators animated the scene, creating some truly bizarre animation videos of the ever-popular copypasta. At the same time, more sexual greentexts about Shrek appeared on 4chan, like this one:

File (149 KB, 1232x1616, OnionKnightShrek.jpg) Anonymous (ID: prra5SQw) 03/05/13(Tue)18:34:46 No.463106060 Replies: 463106863463107554 Be 14 >Bring shrek 1 & 2 to class >Tell teacher we must watch shrek >Teacher makes class vote for which movie to watch >shrek 2 has majority vote >feelsgoodman.jpeg >Then, Francis pulls out Despicable Me and hands it to teacher >Everyone in class votes for it and laughs at me >Teacher throws my shreks back at me and puts Despicable Me in DVD player >As the disc loads, I hear loud footsteps from outside. The rumbling shakes the desks and chairs The smell of onions filled the room. >Suddenly, naked Shrek bursts through the wall and looks at DVD menu of Despicable Me in anger > "Ogre m'aye dead bodeh >Shrek throws two onionades at the tv and kills the teacher ad a deaf girl >"Dohble Keel" >Shrek punches through a kid's chest, pulls out his heart and replaces it with an onionade >kid explodes > Treeple Kehl >Shrek grabs Francis as he tries to escape and bends him over >He pulls out Francis' intestines through his butthole and ties an onion to it >Shrek then tosses the onion out the window and Francis is dragged out with it >Francis falls 8 stories to his death >Shrek turns around to rest of the class >He quietly whispers, "Thees is the pahrt whehre you run away >Entire class jumps out of windows to their death > SHREKSTERMINATION >Shrek turns to me >He looks me in the eve and smiles > Bet yeh weren't shrekspecting thAt. >-ls it....ogre? ask >"It's ogre when Aye say it's ogre" >I fall to my knees at his majesty was ready to please Shrek. >He pulled out his massive ogresized eshrekt c--- and lodged it in my throat >My eyes filled with tears mfw they were happy tears >Shrek let out a loud ogre roar as he filled my esophagus with sour c-- and onion sauce >He pulled his c--- out of my mouth but as I wiped away my tears, I noticed he was already gone >Shrek is love, shrek is life Discuss

Sometimes, people even combine the original copypasta with a new character and their references, which became a subtrend of the original:

l was only 9 years old -I loved Donald Trump so much -l had all the merchandise -Every night I pray to Trump, thanking him for deporting illegal immagrants. -Trump is love" say "Trump is life." -My dad hears me and calls me a racist. -I knew he was jealous of my devotion for Donald Trump. -I call him a c---. -He slaps me and sends me to bed. -lm crying now, and my face hurts. -l feel a warmth approach me. -It was Donald Trump -Im so happy. -He whispers to me "We need to build a wall" -He then gets me out of bed and reaches in his pocket -Im ready -l open my wallet for Donald -He gives me a small loan of a million dollars -It hurts so much, but I do it for Donald -I feel my wallet tearing as he puts the money in -He roars a mighty roar, as he fills up my wallet. -My dad walks in. -Donald Trump looks him straight in the eye and says "You're fired". Trump leaves through my window. -Trump is love. Trump is life.

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For the full history of "Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life," be sure to check out our entry on the TikTok trend here for even more information.

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