See The Winner Of December 2020's Meme Of The Month!

And the meme of December 2020 goes to. . . .

Cyberpunk 2077 memes have taken the winner's circle, with 28% of the total votes. The long-awaited game from legendary developers CD Projekt Red was finally released in December (for better or for worse), and on its journey to store shelves it brought with it a trail of memes. It was hard to escape memes about the game in December. Beyond glitch showcases, we saw memes showcasing the strange way the protagonist sleeps (shown below, left), absurd character creations (below, middle), and a lot of memes about the game's genital customization options (below, right). Congratulations, Cyberpunk 2077, for being an exceptional meme.

Mr. Krabs Overdoses on Ketamine
Mr. Krabs Overdoses on Ketamine ties for second, with 12% of the total votes. What started as a simple, absurd series of memes about Spongebob Squarepants character Mr. Krabs overdosing on ketamine back in 2019 became a lowkey phenomenon in December with the release of Mr. Krabs Overdoses On Ketamine the video game. It became an even bigger deal when Moistcr1tikal started speedrunning it, achieving a pretty amazing score. What a time to be alive.

Among Drip
Among Drip ties for second with 12% of the total votes. Among Us was a big deal in the memeverse and beyond in 2020, so it was only a matter of time before an ironic variant came along. Among Drip is that variant, anchored by a 3D rendering of crewmates wearing Nike Jordans and looking a little too drippy.

When the Imposter Is Sus / Sus Jerma
Sus Jerma comes in third with a close 11% of the total votes. Another ironic Among Us format, this one hinges on an extremely unnerving photoshop of streamer Jerma985 smiling wide accompanied by absurd captions. The meme evolved past Among Us into straight-up weird territory, and likely won't leave our collective nightmares any time soon.

Thank You For Changing My Life
Thank You For Changing My Life comes in 4th with 8% of the total votes. This Wojak-centric format sees people thanking inanimate objects and properties for changing their lives. There's really nothing else to it, but memers had a field day applying the format to everything under the sun, with some truly memorable memes coming from it.

I Wish All Lesbians a Very Pleasant Evening
I Wish All Lesbians a Pleasant Evening lands in 5th with 7% of the total votes. This wildly polite, ironic meme format, featuring a very drippy Bugs Bunny in a tuxedo, is used to wish various groups of people a pleasant time. It's simple, it's malleable, and the image of Bugs in a tux was just asking to be meme'd.

Hai Phut Hon
Hai Phut Hon dances into a tie for 5th place, with 7% of the total votes. The Vietnamese song blew up on TikTok with a dance trend in December thanks largely to an accompanying video of Darling In The Franxx' number one waifu Zero Two doing the ME!ME!ME! dance that's hard not to simp for.
Circle K Twisted Tea Fight
Circle K Twisted Tea Fight comes in 6th with 6% of the total votes. This video of a man absolutely SMACKING what appears to be a wildly intoxicated racist in a Circle K made echoes across the web, and lead to more than a few memes about the secret power of Twisted Tea. If you haven't seen the video, do yourself a favor.

Black Wojaks
Black Wojaks come in 7th, with 5% of the total votes. It's kind of crazy how long it took memers to make Black wojaks, so when they finally arrived at the end of November they didn't go unnoticed. Used in much the same way as other wojaks, Black wojaks are a welcome addition to the roster and are unlikely to go anywhere any time soon.

Negro Solstice / On December 21st Our Real DNA Will Be Unlocked
Negro Solstice / On December 21st Our Real DNA Will Be Unlocked comes in 8th, with 4% of the total votes. This one comes from the comedians over on Black Twitter, who started tweeting out a conspiracy theory/obvious joke in December about how the 21st of the month would unlock superpowers for Black people. Did it end up happening? I don't know, but the memes were pretty entertaining.

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