@Windigo with salad
In a situation like that, I would not provoke a bothersome user like that. It's stooping down to their level, and it only exacerbates the situation. Feel free to caution them, but mocking them is unnecessary. Either let it go or let a moderator know what's up.
When I get some time, I need to watch some Rarity episodes.
<img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZE6k___y6MU/TrgvJq7ME8I/AAAAAAAATRU/Vr-SmpvEFlk/s1600/81802+-+artist+solar-slash+rarity+wet_hair+wet_hairity+wet_mane.png" height="500" / >
Also, for some of the newer users here. Sometimes, we have SynchTube parties. Due to a few reasons, we haven't had them as often.
But basically, a lot of users from the thread get together on a SynchTube channel and watch pony episodes and chat. It's a good way to talk without spamming the thread or to talk without the focus of the conversation be solely ponies.
If you see a link, then please check it out. I'm much less serious in a chat setting than I am here, as are most users. You don't have to talk or anything either. Just…pick a name close to your username so we know who you are.
Speaking of, would you guys be interested in a SynchTube at 7pm Eastern (11pm GMT)? Let me entice you with more Rarity.