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Catcalling is now illegal in Portugal

Last posted Dec 29, 2015 at 08:10AM EST. Added Dec 28, 2015 at 08:25PM EST
15 posts from 10 users

This made the news today but the law was passed since August.

The article is in Portuguese and for some reason no English site is talking about it by the time I am writing this thread ,I will provide translated transcripts with some changes .

{"I would eat you"; "hey babe, do you want on top or below ?/ do you want upfront or behind?; "
I would come three times inside you"; hey star, do you want a comet?"; "hey jewel, come here to the goldsmith." Some examples ,leaving aside the more hairy (not less common, rather) that women from the early adolescence, hear in the Portuguese streets. And that since August is now a criminal offense, as proposed by the PSD, with imprisonment up to one year, or three if they are directed to children under 14.}

{The harassment of teenagers seem to have been decisive for this: "I spoke to cases like that of a 15 year old going on the street and an old man says" I would do this to you and many other things "That touched them most.. The insult or slander have always been provided for in the Penal Code, but a man to tease, to frighten a girl was not committing a crime and one of the arguments against criminalization is that women have to cope with that answer -. but teens too? I have a three year old daughter and I talked about this with my husband, about how we would feel with it to succeed him, as if he could protect her.}

{Carla Rodrigues believes that the concept applies in all circumstances: "at work, in the street, in social groups in any situation where an attacker performs any of these acts.I think women and girls are much more defended with this law. Virtually all the things that are said on the street that harass women is now a crime. Now we must make them aware of it and report it. The existence of this new crime must be widespread. "}

What are your toughs KYM?Will other countries follow?

I agree with the law and think that a lot of Capeverdians who live in Portugal are completely fucked now ,a lot of men do this in Cape Verde and probably would continue since the majority of them go to Portugal and live with other Capeverians who probably have some of these bad habits.I think other countries will follow for sure.

I think most of the kind of catcalling described in the article are horrible and no one should ever do it but making it a legal issue I am against. I'd say this goes under free speech and people shouldn't have to face the government for saying these things. A law like this sets a dangerous precedent for limiting free speech. Like there's a difference between legal free speech and freedom from consequences. Evil dick bags who catcall like this should stop but it shouldn't be a legal thing. I also believe people should be able to be sexist, racist, or discriminatory in any way through their words and the law can't stop them even if ai personally think they should stop. Like if you start stopping the right to say certain things where will you draw the line.

I think there's a pretty obvious line between catcalling and blatant sexual harassment.
All of those example phrases are blatant sexual harassment.
I would fucking curb stomp anybody who said anything like that to me, idc where we are. :|

Does it say how they're going to enforce that though? How do you prove that someone actually said what you claim? How do you even go about reporting the incident? That's been the enduring problem with these kinds of anti-harassment laws.

lisalombs wrote:

I think there's a pretty obvious line between catcalling and blatant sexual harassment.
All of those example phrases are blatant sexual harassment.
I would fucking curb stomp anybody who said anything like that to me, idc where we are. :|

Does it say how they're going to enforce that though? How do you prove that someone actually said what you claim? How do you even go about reporting the incident? That's been the enduring problem with these kinds of anti-harassment laws.

Well, if this shit is that common in Portugal, then maybe some women should start wearing their own version of dashcams on their shirts to record these fucks. "Catcam" seems catchy enough. Of course, there has to be away to make sure that the footage isn't doctored.

Something I forgot to add is that there is no aggravating in the law if the victim is between 14 to 17 years old . Dumb technical error.

@Sam this is a problem that plagues Latin countries if a drastic measure wil help to cut it down, so be it

@Lisa in the article there is only a brief mention of the pedagogical effects of spreading the law.

Maybe it's because i'm a weird guy, but although these examples of catcalling annoy me for bordering dangerously close/outright being sexual harassment, i'm similarly/more annoyed in the aspect that i find it, to be blunt, pathetic. As in, obviously judging by content of character is out of possibilities, literally finding people moments ago in the street, and declaring sexual intent so early is a bad step regardless of the type of relationship, and try to be softer and more creative on the compliments to the body.

More on topic, how common are the people who catcall? (ie, not the amount of victims or the amount of cases) To put a comparison, people who commit certain crime are likely to commit the same crime again, for exaple a rapist will likely attempt to rape various people, stopping a single rapist prevents a number of rapes, would this be a similar case for this law?

Last edited Dec 29, 2015 at 05:03AM EST

Black Graphic T wrote:

How long till people start being sent to prison on false charges by bratty teens? I'm betting 3 months.

Sending to prison parents/close relatives ?
Edit :@Glacier Latin countries are more likely to have people who catcalls being Spain, Italy and South American countries the biggest offenders.

Ps:I checked if an English site has picked this up and nothing yet. Only the r/sargonofakkad is talking about it

Last edited Dec 29, 2015 at 05:36AM EST

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