KYFPMM wrote:
You are wall warmongers
No wall is safe.
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Mar 17, 2016 at 11:49AM EDT
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KYFPMM wrote:
You are wall warmongers
No wall is safe.
KYFPMM wrote:
You are wall warmongers
I'm going to make it a goal now to build the largest wall in the world. It will be so large that my builders will have problems breathing due to the low oxygen in the upper atmosphere.
Since two other users shared information about their religion might as well join the short bandwagon. Carimite Heathenry encompassed a heterogeneous variety of disparate beliefs and cultic practices. It is heavily based on Germanic Paganism with only a few things changed to fit with the culture of Carim. While the core beliefs and practices can be found throughout Carim islands tend to have small changes, like the inclusion of certain gods, spirits, supernatural being and stories native to those lands.
I am now writing the turn; no more edits please.
Once again, it may take longer than a day to write, because I am busy with school/work.
You know I've been think. Us south east islands need a better name for us than just south east islands. Anyone got a good name for our group?
CrowTheMagician wrote:
You know I've been think. Us south east islands need a better name for us than just south east islands. Anyone got a good name for our group?
Southern Archipelago? Austral Islands? Don't know why I'm suggesting these but there you go.
Stalemate wrote:
Southern Archipelago? Austral Islands? Don't know why I'm suggesting these but there you go.
I like Southern Archipelago. Any other names?
Same goes for the South-Western continent. We are basically Europe, looking at population density and infrastructure.
Perhaps Olympia? As the name of the continent?
CrowTheMagician wrote:
I like Southern Archipelago. Any other names?
@Triangle: Olympia is good but none of you guys have the Olympic culture that ironically exists in the eastern half. is Amestris a good name for you?
@Black: Oceanica may take the spot. Any of you guys agree on this name or do you all like the other one?
Can we have alchemy if we go with Amestris
This might need to be settled with a vote.
I guess we can settle the questions of the names by voting.
Turn 4
Txabesco (KYFPMM)
Defense Forces: Swordsmen, Skirmisher Warbands, Light Cavalry, Hwacha Rocket Launcher, Rocket Galleys
Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Mandatory Service, Free Trade, Secularism, State Beer Monopoly
Culture: Pacifists, Alcohol Aficionados, Fish Fanatics, Starlove (religion)
Issues: None
-A new religion, known as Starlove, has been born and is sweeping the country. Integral to the new faith is astrology and a strange obsession with not only studying the stars, but actually visiting them. Which is, of course, impossible. But dream on, crazy little zealots. Dream on.
-An amendment is made guaranteeing separation between the clergy and the senate, to keep religious matters out of politics.
-The Hwacha, a kind of incendiary rocket launch platform fitting the role of light artillery, has been invented and is being produced for the armies.
-Military academies have been ordered to establish retirement programs for elderly officers, so that they can find work after their employment in the defense forces.
-The government has established a legal monopoly over beer production. This has driving production costs up, but as the state is now the sole distributor they are able to set sale prices wherever they want them. This proves to be a huge boon to state finances.
Syraus (Stalemate)
Military: Swordsmen, Light Cavalry, Camel Riders, Engineer Corps, Jaguar Infantry, Galleys
Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Inquisition, Spies, Welfare, Mandatory Service
Culture: Teachers, Entertainers
Issues: Grassroots Unitology
-Divisions of camel cavalry are established to patrol the parts of the desert that Syraus is claiming to be under its ownership and protection. Very few people live in this area, and those who do are generally hostile to the sedentary lifestyle of Syraus that enables tax collection, so there is no economic gain to be had in this action. Instead, it serves to extend the military frontier across the wastelands and project power.
-An engineer corps and a jaguar unit are established for easier expansion in jungle territories.
-A spy agency is established for the purpose of espionage.
-In spite of the inquisition, it seems that the Unitologists are still multiplying without Syraus's borders. Their churches are secret and their missions operate exclusively in the impoverished slums of the big cities, where they are unlikely to disturb the upper class nobility and clergymen.
-A welfare program is enacted and a minimum wage established.
-Military service is made mandatory.
Orobostan (ProfessorRivers)
Military: Jaguar Infantry, Skirmisher Warbands, Camel Riders, Galleys
Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Inquisition, Meritocracy, Spies, Welfare
Culture: Militant Patriotism
Issues: War Hawks, Grassroots Unitology
-A public welfare system is set up alongside a major education reform, which brings public education and the standardization of the alphabet, among other things. The funding for this project is also directed towards the establishment of libraries in major cities.
-Traditional pacifist rhetoric is being pushed by the government, but conservative backlash is against it. Although nobody is overtly calling for war, it is clear that few people support this defensive doctrine.
-Unitology continues to spread among the lower classes, who are drawn to the faith by the sense of community that it provides.
Onvast (Roarshack)
Military: Light Infantry, Light Cavalry, Archers, Galleys
Doctrines: None
Culture: Merchants
Issues: Starlove Missions
-Tax and tariff money is sunk into ranches which promise to produce war horses. A new wing of the military, the cavalry, is born.
-The fleet is sent west to claim the islands.
-Missionaries from Txabesco are attempting to spread their faith in Onvast, threatening the established order and greatly upsetting many conservative traditionalists, who cling to the faith of the old gods.
Ambrosia (Triangle Mare)
Military: Pike Square, Swordsmen, Archers, Cavalry, Engineer Corps, Galleons
Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Structured Military, Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies
Culture: Seafarers, Militarists, Diplomats, Christianity (religion), Guilds
Issues: Christian Missions
-Gunpowder has been discovered by the nation's top alchemists and is being peddled about for entertainment purposes, as fireworks and the like. Some entrepreneurial individuals are even experimenting with its use in weaponry.
-A new weapon is stealing the show in the navy: the cannon. As a result of this weapon changing the way ocean warfare is viewed, ships are being redesigned around it, replacing oar teams with decks filled with guns and removing the iron ramming cap from the bow altogether. These lighter, faster, purely wind powered vessels are being called Galleons.
-A new Stadtholder, Willhelm, is elected. Being the son of the previous leader, he adopts the old Stadtholder's plans wholesale, and begins by invading Egypt. Their lightly armed and loosely organized forces stand little chance against the heavily armored and supremely organized Ambrosian legions, and they suffer a devastating series of crushing defeats. The main defensive line has been organized, quite naturally, around Cairo, but the city seems on the fast track to being captured with the full route of Egypt's armies.
-Christian missionaries are making pathways into Ambrosia. Although conservatives are quick to lash out against the change, altogether it seems to have been a peaceful one. Droves of the impoverished are flocking to the new faith, and there is a fear that Orientale bishops may usurp authority in many communities from the established clergy unless something is done.
-A doctor named Nicolaes Tulp has been given special permission from the government to perform dissections and study anatomy. This grant is given in light of serious allegations against Japan for inhumane experimentation and biological threats.
-Guild organization sweeps the country as productive enterprises restructure their organization to be more focussed on job training and succession of the enterprise into the hands of capable workers.
Suiyektu (You Are Reading This)
Military: Engineer Corps, Heavy Cavalry, Cavalry Archers, Barques
Doctrines: Mercantilism, Meritocracy, Spies
Culture: Free Enterprise, Horse Husbandry, Tengrism (religion)
Issues: War Exhaustion (low)
-The Tengrist faith is reaffirmed in Iiumi, where a grand tribute is made to the Eternal Sky during a ceremony codifying the first official religious text.
-Larger sailing vessels are being built. The Barque, a small three-masted sailing ship, is the primary vessel of the fleet.
-War breaks out with Narthuria as the "Golden Horde" of Suiyektu crosses the border while the enemy kingdom simultaneously declares war. The conflict has proven to be the most brutal war yet known in history as both sides attempt to intimidate their respective subjects into surrendering through campaigns of savagery. Plague-infested bodies are thrown via catapult over castle walls, entire cities and towns are leveled and their populations massacred, and wide stretches of farmland are laid waste.
Narthuria (Spider-Byte)
Military: Heavy Pike Phalanxes, Longbowmen, Heavy Cavalry, Cavalry Archers, Engineer Corps, Galleys
Doctrines: Public Investment, Penal Army
Culture: Knights Tharos, Narthos (religion), Warmongerers
Issues: War Exhaustion (low)
-War is declared upon Suiyektu. It proves to be an absolutely catastrophic affair as both sides adopt strategies of intimidation, utilizing mass murder and terrorism to force enemy armies and cities to surrender. As the war drags on each side's resolve becomes greater, and fewer surrenders are had, leading to larger massacres.
-Greater mobility means that Suiyekharti armies are able to outmaneuver Narthurian armies in the field and claim land faster when they are able to push the advantage. However, this is the only advantage they have; greater specialization and stronger leadership means that Narthuria is able to crush Suiyektu in most pitched battles.
Divus (Taryn)
Military: Tercio Infantry, Bronze Mortars, Barques
Doctrines: Harbor Mirrors
Culture: Crab Cruelty, Stellar Surveyors, Tower of Babel (under construction), Sunnism (religion)
Issues: None
-A peasant uprising occurs. The people, upset over some petty and insignificant factor, formed a mob and kidnapped the king. Not having thought any further than that, they are immobilized by indecision until one rogue lumberjack decides to drop the axe and decapitate the old man. The mob is put down with much force, and the new king proves to be much more serious in his disposition.
-The new king, obsessed with things that go boom and aware of the dangerous implications of this new invention called "sunpowder," decides that it is high time that warfare be reinvented. The entire army and navy are restructured in what has come to be called the "sunpowder revolution."
-Tower construction continues as it has been. That is to say, cautiously. New engineering courses are being offered for all workers to make the progress go along smoothly and safely.
-Intolerant of the upstarts from New Khanye, the king commands his new model army to march forth and destroy the city. Unfortunately, New Khanye manages a brilliant encirclement and wipes out the entire Divusian army. At least one thing can be confirmed, however: New Khanye is not, in fact, haunted by spooky ghosts.
Striate (Owen, The Communist Tree)
Military: Axemen, Longbowmen, Galleys
Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Inquisition
Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)
Issues: Unpopular Religious Persecution
-In spite of all attempts to stop the spread of the foreign faith, it seems the Unitology has already gained too much ground with the peasant folks to be removed entirely, and the newly established office of the inquisition is finding its job increasingly impossible as it loses agents to mob attacks and spontaneous conversion.
-Roads are ordered to be built between cities and, where roads cannot go, ferries are established.
-Regno and the opposing shores are heavily fortified.
-An expedition is sent out to chart lands north of Agro Nove. The explorers plant Striate's flag there and claim the lands in the name of their great General King.
Egypt (A Tiny, Tiny, Smug Commander)
Military: Light Infantry, Cavalry Skirmishers
Doctrines: None
Culture: None
Issues: War Exhaustion (very high)
-The army is in full route due to Ambrosian invasion. The superior enemy forces are more heavily armed and armored and have a command structure that is the envy of the modern world. The Egyptian forces have stood absolutely no chance against this indomitable foe and have fallen into full retreat. Unless the tide is stemmed, Cairo will very soon fall into enemy hands and Egypt will cease to function as a state.
-Christian missionaries have swept across the nation, establishing household churches and underground places of worship. Their message of kindness and charity resounds strongly with the people, who suffer greatly from the war.
Kathian (Twisty)
Military: Zealot Paladins, Heavy Cavalry, Cavalry Archers, Engineer Corps, Galleys
Doctrines: Missionary Warriors, Mercantilism, Code of Conduct, Field Promotions
Culture: Perfectionists, Xenophobia, Kruztatlism (religion)
Issues: None
-Construction on a fleet is begun.
-Korea is invaded. Their armies are quickly and effectively routed by Kathian forces, which are much better armed and led. Most battles end in a slaughter with very few Kathian losses. There is only one battlefront upon which the Koreans had any victories, and that was on the sea. The budding Kathian fleet was too small and lacked entrenched and experienced officers, meaning that any attempts to blockade Korean cities prove futile.
-New battlefield formations are experimented with and implemented during the Korean war. Field promotions are instituted to allow promising recruits to rise in the ranks without formal schooling.
-A telescope is built. The guy who owns it says that he can distinguish unique structures on certain stars, but he refuses to let anybody borrow his telescope and see for themselves.
-Charitable missions are established in the neighboring countries to spread the Good Word. Pilgrims from these faraway lands are encouraged to make a trip, at least once per year, to Silam. This is highly impractical for most, but does attract rich converts looking for an ideal vacation spot.
-The defenses of Silam are further fortified.
Sprawl (Sergeant Arch Dornan)
Military: Zealot Halberdiers, Priest Corps, Light Cavalry, Camel Riders, Engineer Corps, Galleys
Doctrines: None
Culture: Alien Admiration, Unitology (religion), Knights of Unity
Issues: None
-A new religious order, the Knights of Unity, is formed to assist the military and manage several frontier fiefs.
-Religious tolerance is struck from the law books, bringing many cheers from the clergy.
-Experimental irrigation is used to settle some of the desert regions with somewhat ready access to water. The nearby mountains prove valuable for aqueduct construction.
-A new religious code is put into effect which mandates that everyone who is able must make a pilgrimage to the original marker in Titan at least once in their life.
-Aegis is attacked in a final surge. Thousands of troops are funneled down the peninsula, through the rough foliage, to lay final siege to the city while the fleet cuts off all access to the outside via sea. The city finally surrenders.
Vilanoa (Cale)
Military: Pike Phalanxes, Light Cavalry, Cavalry Archers, Galleys
Doctrines: Law Codes, Production Subsidies, Caste System
Culture: Xenophobia, Racism
Issues: War Hawks, Sunnism Missions, Kruztatlism Missions
-The rogue senator is promoted to general, dismissed from his elected office, and told to invade Korea with his small force or face "grave repercussions" for his initiative. It has become well known among the voting people that he is a rogue and his ambition threatens democracy; he won't be reelected any time soon.
-Or so you might think. After commissioning a small fleet of galleys to transport his army across the sea, the aspiring general has managed to conquer a large portion of Korea while the Korean armies were distracted fighting Kathian. His popularity is soaring among the masses, especially those who align with the War Hawk faction. Some have even gone so far as to dedicate a statue to him in the capital. The senate has begun to fear that, should he return to the homeland, he may be elected back into office. Using his weight with the army and mass popularity he could topple the republic altogether.
-Kruztatlists and Sunnists are moving into the country in independent attempts to convert the largely traditionalist population to their respective faiths. Vilanoa is becoming split between the two faiths, each of which is gaining a significant following among the lower classes.
Monarchy of the Roses (Tchefuncte Bonaparte)
Military: Spear Warbands, Light Cavalry, Galleys
Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Great Wall (under construction)
Culture: Tulip Traffickers, Rose Retailers, Pyramids
Issues: Mechanarianism Missions
-A university is built adjacent to the Great Library and the nation's top scholars are invited to teach there.
-Construction begins on the Great Wall along Suiyektu's border.
-Faro is taken by a stroke of blind luck. The enemy simply did not realize they were at war, and they left the gates unlocked. The fighting in the streets became very bloody as it was quickly realized that an invasion was occurring, but in the end it proved to be a Rosen victory.
-Westward expansion continues until it can continue no longer.
-Independent missionaries from Zaris have begun establishing missions in Rose, spreading the word of their gospel. Overall the movement has been a gradual one, firstly and primarily affecting the intellectuals and the nobility and then gradually coming to influence the lower classes. The extremist philosophical nature of the religion, which espouses absolutism and man's control over nature, is particularly attractive to students and other youths eager to affect change upon the world.
Orientale (Starscream)
Military: Spear Warbands, Archers, Crossbowmen, Engineer Corps, Galleys
Doctrines: None
Culture: Christianity (religion)
Issues: None
-Engineers expand the ballistae corps into a full blown siege division for the army. They work in civilian fields during this time of peace, maintaining roads and aqueducts.
-Crossbows are implemented into the armies.
-Block printing is invented, although it has limited use in a largely illiterate society. Most people who can afford books and know how to read like them to be handwritten on rare hides, anyway.
-Galleys are sent into the vast oceans to explore the east. They return after a few weeks at sea, having run out of supplies, reporting that there is no land out there.
Cuba (Major Bummer)
Military: Swordsmen, Pikemen, Archers, Crossbowmen, Engineer Corps, Galleys
Doctrines: Penal Slavery
Culture: Fish Fanatics, Christianity (religion)
Issues: None
-With the advent of Christianity in Cuba, more and more people have turned to the clergy rather than the aristocracy. After a lengthy political struggle between the two groups, open hostilities broke out and the army of the bishops marched upon the capital. They achieved swift victory with significant help from the urban poor, living in squalor as they were and desperate for good Christian charity. The king has been decapitated and the nobility dispossessed, much of their lands being divided up into bishoprics and monasteries.
-Under the new leadership the nation's infrastructure is significantly expanded. Roads are paved between cities, post offices are built in frontier towns, and ferry routes are charted and established upon regular schedules.
-The crossbow is added to the national arsenal.
-Minya has fallen to Cuban soldiers. The armies are then mobilized upon the Egyptian border.
Zaris (Tyranid Warrior)
Military: Heavy Infantry, War Priests, Crossbowmen, Galleys
Doctrines: Inquisition
Culture: Engineer Exaltation, Nature Negation, Mechanarianism (religion)
Issues: None
-Crossbows are added to the arsenal. Priests are also added to the ranks as keepers of morale.
-A highway project connects the nation and brings to bear the full weight of colonial settlement. The frontiers are being rapidly filled out by eager pioneers. More and more jungles are being flattened in the name of this march of civilization.
-Attempts to tame wild monkeys ends in disaster as, instead of elevating the brutes to civilization, the scientists in charge of the project devolve into madness and fling their own feces at the animals.
Fittaland (RocketPropelledPanda)
Military: Spearmen, Crossbowmen, Galleys
Doctrines: Patrician Corporatism, Exotic Trade, Spies
Culture: Materialists, Blood Sports, Atheism, Adapted Apes, Large Lizards
Issues: Sunnist Missions, Kruztatlist Missions
-The state becomes involved in milling by buying up water and wind mills for their own production.
-A spy ring is established to counteract other spy rings. It goes as you might expect.
-Missions of the Sunnist and Kruztatlist faiths have appeared nearly simultaneously as the pious people of Divus and Kathian reach out to Fittaland to spread the good word. The country has become a battleground between these two sects, which compete with one another fervently for converts.
-The hourglass is invented. As are the compass, and complex cranes.
-An ambassador is sent to New Khanye to assess relations and attempt to receive forgiveness for their bad history. The doge of New Khanye receives the ambassador well, and gives the impression that it is all "water under the bridge." While in the city the ambassador had the pleasure of watching from the battlements as the Divusian army was blasted into oblivion by thousands of arquebusiers and cannoneers; he recommends that Fittaland take inspiration from these weapons and modernize the army.
Carim (CrowTheMagician)
Military: Assassin Warriors, Lightning Cavalry, Crossbowmen, Engineers, Longboats
Doctrines: Meritocracy, Inquisition, Spies, Free Trade, Welfare, Mandatory Education, Natural Rights
Culture: Gothic, Olympians, Egalitarianism, Occult Studies, Empire of Bliss, Carimite Heathenry (religion)
Issues: Grassroots Unitology
-Trade is promoted with the neighbors.
-More naval defensive structures are built in and around important ports.
-Education is made compulsory. The state is footing the bill for the new schools.
-A bill of rights is amended to the constitution, guaranteeing certain natural rights to all native-born citizens. To really hammer the point home, the bill is distributed to every forum across the country and mandated to be put on display for several years, at least.
-Engineers have developed a fantastic device for the calculation of astronomical phenomena. It is fairly accurate for most things such as eclipses and planet movement.
-Movable type has propagated as literacy rates increase and the demand for books, accordingly, also rises.
-As the upper classes are drawn towards the traditionalist, conservative ideal of Carimite Heathenry, the lower classes are being pulled in a different direction: Unitology. The faith seems to still be alive and spreading, in spite of conservative reaction against it and a lack of foreign missions.
Hessaria (Black Graphic T)
Military: Halberdiers, Heavy Swordsmen, Archers, Engineer Corps, Caravels
Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Religious Tolerance, Military Retirement & Citizenship
Culture: Dragon Detractors, Seafarers, Unitology (religion)
Issues: Heresy
-An engineer corps is established for the construction of ballistae and catapults.
-The roads and ferries are further improved to modern architectural standards.
-Hessaria develops its own brand of Unitology, something of a breakaway sect, fusing local traditions with Unitologist beliefs. Some of the hardliner clergy, opposed to this grassroots conservative movement, have petitioned the government to crack down on heresy and abolish the tolerance laws.
-Citizenship and retirement is offered to anybody who joins the military, causing a large influx of new recruits.
-A fleet of modern caravels, fast little ships, is commissioned for exploration.
Doonald J. Trump (Laud Piestrings)
Military: Halberdiers, Swordsmen, Crossbowmen, Light Cavalry, Engineer Corps, Longboats
Doctrines: Bill of Rights, Meritocracy
Culture: Bear Beholders, Educators, Welfare, Wall Builders
Issues: Extremely High Wall Maintenance, High Debt, Christian Missions
-An engineer corps is established for the construction of trebuchets. They also develop crossbows for the army.
-The galley fleet is gradually replaced with longboats.
-Concrete is invented for the easy construction of, you guessed it, more walls.
-Another, larger, parallel wall is built alongside the Great Doonish Wall, doubling the maintenance cost. Every element of government suffers as the state is rapidly running up a hefty debt maintaining its over-inflated garrisons.
-A little money and expertise is brought in from Ambrosia through a skill trade involving the sending of Doonish architects and cement to help build structures in that country. But only a little; it certainly isn't a windfall.
-Attempts to expand the canals and road systems, among other pieces of infrastructure, are stymied by a lack of funding.
-Christian missions are being established throughout Doon, generally supplanting the traditional polytheistic faiths of the land. This change has not been without opposition; many conservative nobles are calling for restrictions on missions.
Japan (ShiJo)
Military: Samurai, Heavy Cavalry, Archers, Crossbowmen, Engineer Corps, Caravels
Doctrines: Mandatory Schooling, Meritocracy, Biological Warfare, Religious Tolerance, Immigrant Restrictions, Ninjas
Culture: Swordmakers, Closed Society
Issues: Christian Missions
-Immigrants are surveyed for skills and innate abilities; those who fail these tests are typically turned away, but many also vanish, never to be heard from again. Immigration comes to a speedy halt as a result.
-What immigrants can make it into the country and are determined enough to commit themselves to that task tend to be the most zealous Christian missionaries. Their missions are spreading the true faith throughout Japan at a very rapid pace. Some conservatives are hostile to this change, but most of the nobility see it as a simple way of connecting with Japan's neighbors and becoming part of the international community.
-Unit 731 has apparently achieved some kind of success in its endeavors. What this success entails is a secret, so don't tell nobody.
-Secret military drills and maneuvers are also occurring, although from outside the country little can be discerned about the nature of these movements.
-The outdated fleet is secretly replaced with speedy little caravels sporting small cannon decks.
-All of this secret keeping and espionage defense has led to a general feeling of isolation in Japan. The society can be called a closed one, which voluntarily reduces contact with foreigners for national security, among other patriotic reasons.
>Doonald J. Trump
Get your Unitology books today!
It's like a damn cockroaches. Oh well, if you can't beat them, twist them into something else.
absolutely heretical
Praise the stars!!!!!
That's it, we war now.
Striate has declared on Sprawl
Unitology is a conceptual form of cancer. You think you got rid of it only to find out that it was recessive and that it would come back again.
"Greater specialization and stronger leadership means that Narthuria is able to crush Suiyektu in most pitched battles."
Back down.
CrowTheMagician wrote:
Unitology is a conceptual form of cancer. You think you got rid of it only to find out that it was recessive and that it would come back again.
The best way to cure cancer is to never get it, which is why I'm going to start building a large wall and make a border patrol.
Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:
The best way to cure cancer is to never get it, which is why I'm going to start building a large wall and make a border patrol.
Actually I was wrong about it being cancer, cancer is merciful on the fact it can't spread. This is the ideological form of the bubonic plague.
Owen, The Communist Tree wrote:
That's it, we war now.
Striate has declared on Sprawl
Why war when we can be together, united? And the lower class just wants a sense of community, a sense of purpose.
>united by a heretical religion
CrowTheMagician wrote:
Actually I was wrong about it being cancer, cancer is merciful on the fact it can't spread. This is the ideological form of the bubonic plague.
Still, prevention is the best cure, so I will unite all my most Donald Trump-ist engineers to build me a wall so high it'll go into space.
Sergeant Arch Dornan wrote:
Why war when we can be together, united? And the lower class just wants a sense of community, a sense of purpose.
>wanting to become a Sprawl puppet state
No thank you
I refuse to have any of my people be sacrificed to some heathen god and their Marker.
I like my people to worship the Germanic Pagan inspire faith that I thought of than for them to worship the faith that came from somewhere else.
This marker…how big is it?
Black Graphic T wrote:
This marker…how big is it?
Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:
I refuse to have any of my people be sacrificed to some heathen god and their Marker.
Sacrifices? That΄s barabic! Our nation does not sacrifice anyone or anythig. We just wish for nation to be at peace and for our religion to prosper.
CrowTheMagician wrote:
That's a shame. I don't think I have a boat that can carry it back to Old Ostazar.
We could just destroy the Marker you know. Just to be sure.
Stalemate wrote:
We could just destroy the Marker you know. Just to be sure.
I know you can destroy the human-made ones, but can you destroy the original one?
CrowTheMagician wrote:
That's a lot bigger than I was imagining it as. I guess that means Taryn isn't the only one with an anachronistically gigantic building in the medieval era.
if you send any more missionaries in my country im going to have to give you a lick boy
Roarshack wrote:
if you send any more missionaries in my country im going to have to give you a lick boy
Not all missions are being sent by players. Most are spontaneous, done by people who have a passion for spreading the word of the lord and sponsored by churchmen not affiliated with the government.
Elreigh wrote:
That's a lot bigger than I was imagining it as. I guess that means Taryn isn't the only one with an anachronistically gigantic building in the medieval era.
To be honest I'm only saying it's a skyscraper because of the images I'm seeing of it like this one.
Just checking in to say that the next turn will probably go out on Monday. I have a bit of school work to do this weekend.
No more edits tho, I've already started writing it.
Hessaria will protect the marker.
Black Graphic T wrote:
Hessaria will protect the marker.
So you side with Sprawl then?
CrowTheMagician wrote:
So you side with Sprawl then?
This is bound to end in a religious crusade of epic proportions, and I'm not planning to sit on the sidelines of this.
Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:
This is bound to end in a religious crusade of epic proportions, and I'm not planning to sit on the sidelines of this.
We wouldn't be having the possibility of an epic crusade if some nations kept their faith to themselves.
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