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Hardest Bosses you've ever fought

Last posted Sep 19, 2015 at 04:53PM EDT. Added Aug 09, 2015 at 10:50PM EDT
60 posts from 50 users

This guy is fucking unbelievably hard, without a doubt, in the entirety of the kingdom hearts universe, he is the absolute hardest. I still haven't beat him

I've only ever beaten this fucker once or twice, but on hard mode, i just can't do it, no matter how hard it try.

The data battles for these guys are fucking frustrating. I've beaten 7 of them. I've been working on Axel, but his lava floor bullshit fucks me up so much.

Last edited Aug 09, 2015 at 10:52PM EDT

I'll be honest and although I thoroughly believe dark souls isn't the only hard game in existence as a lot of people seem to think, pikachu and snorlax took me days to actually beat on my first run. Even with help.

Holy hell, this is EASILY the hardest boss I've ever had the displeasure of facing in recent memory. He hits hard, fast, has tons of HP, is resistant to nearly every kind of magic, and breaks your guard in a single swing. I give you, the Fume Knight. And that's only his first form. Once he's down the half HP, he'll power up that huge sword of his and ditch his small one entirely, and if he hits you even ONCE, you'll die and have to redo the whole fight. He also lunges whenever you try to heal.

Final boss of Magicka 2 (not gonna spoil it). I had paired with a stranger who jumped in my public room and we fought at that thing for 4 hours straight. I wish I could've friended him afterwards, but it was late and we both went off to sleep. Never been more in love with a random stranger in my life…

It may look easy but that's only because if you can't make God Hand look easy on lvl die you're probably already dead.

I'm not gonna lie, I haven't actually faced this boss yet, there were like around 5 more consecutive bosses I haven't beaten before unlocking the challenge to fight this guy, but this is probably the most difficult fight to ever grace video game history. Aside from needing literally split-second reflexes, you need to be lucky, and you need to have a plan of attack that will most likely be risky, like that thing the guy did with turning his back and jumping backwards to avoid the double shaolin palm strike.

(Master Core, Super Smash Bros. Wii U on 9.0)

Fuck. This. Annoying. Asshole. From being able to apparently attack you WHILE YOU'RE FUCKING ROLLING to wasting your shield in seconds, all while never FUCKING STOPPING FOR TWO SECONDS, this piece of shit is one of the few bosses I've yet to defeat. And I've come close too, always shafted by bullshit.
(Lingering Will, KH2 Final Mix)

I've never seen the death screen more in my fucking life since. Yet I managed to take this fucker down on Proud Mode. (My friend had an imported PS2 and copy.)
(Mysterious Figure/Xehanort's Armor/Pretty Much Anytime You Fight Xehanort's Incarnations in KH)

Let me just say this. And this alone. These fuckers are the entire reason I have this username. Their entire battle style seems designed to fuck with you and be a complete fuckin' dick. No wonder everyone calls him "Trollanort." (LOL Self References!!)

>Nightmare Fuel; Check
>Fast as all hell attacks that move outside of human reaction time; check
>Annoying lackey; check
>Takes forever to kill; FUCKING CHECK (No joke, took me 2 hours to beat him when I finally did)
>Designed to Troll the FUCK out of you; Sweet Rayquaza, check.
Amazing how a licensed game managed to have such a fucking hard yet fucking awesome boss.
(Dark Gaia, Sonic Unleashed, All versions)

Holy fuck. Sonic has fought some strong foes, but Dark Gaia is undoubtedly the strongest. And it shows. Persistent, Attacks with absolutely retarded speed, has some of the tightest reaction times in THE SERIES, is pure Nightmare Fuel, hits like a truck, can hurt Super Sonic, and overall makes Perfect Chaos look like a pansy in base form. The only boss that could possibly be canonically stronger is Solaris, and he doesn't exist.
Fitting that the most powerful Sonic villain (Sans POSSIBLY Time Eater) is the bar none hardest final boss in the series.

Last edited Aug 10, 2015 at 03:38AM EDT

I'll break this up into two categories: Main game bosses, and optional/super bosses

Main game

Kingdom Hearts 2-Xaldin
He strikes fast, and although he doesn't do high damage, his attacks have almost no knock-back so he will stun lock you into taking his full combo if you get hit by any part of the attack. Then once his health is down to the last 1/3, he will use his strongest move does a full screen attack you cant block. The only way to survive this attack is to have as much health as you can and get hit towards the end of the attack. Also he loves to SPAM this move which if nothing else draws out the fight since is puts him in a state of COMPLETE INVINCIBILITY.

Dark Souls-Four Kings
While I've played played most of the Souls series i've never came across a true roadblock like others tend to. Not to say i never died or had to do a fight dozens of times, but i always would deal with bosses with relative ease. Orenstien and Smough? I never had a problem the first time i fought them.
That all changed when i fought these bastards. The first few time i fought them i kept panicking since they don't spawn at certain points, but rather at certain intervals of time so if you don't kill each king before the next one shows up, you'll eventually get gang banged. Plus for added giggles even though they are called the FOUR kings, they don't stop spawning after the fourth one shows up. So you can get beat down by an increasingly larger mob until you either beat them or die.

Optional/Secret bosses due to the fact i'm a completionist i tend to almost always fight the bonus bosses regardless of difficulty or tediousness required to win.

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep-Mysterious Figure
i could rant for a long time about this fight, but i think it's simpler to show how insane this fight is.

Yup, same boss that Milotic mentioned. Seriously, fuck Fume Knight. I thought Squalid Queen Elana was difficult, but Fume Knight alone is responsible for way over half of all the deaths of my character. That Ring of Life protection came in really handy.

Needless to say, I'm not too good at dodging, can't hit anything unless I'm locked on, and play a relatively slow strength character. I didn't beat him until I got a +5 Pursuer Sword, leveled adaptability to 30 for the agility, and brute forced him while Steelheart Ellie tanked him, and even that was with a good amount of luck.

Oreo and Smore were pushovers in comparison to Fume Knight.

Like Trollanort said Dark Gaia is a bitch. It's a very well designed and badass final battle with perfect music but it took me literal hears to beat the thing. I kept randomly picking up the game and seeing if maybe I could beat the thing for years on end until one random time I actually beat it. It's mainly the last phase that gets you since you burn health by just sitting still, getting hit, burns health faster, and you expend a lot to attack and if you fail an attack you lose even more. I feel like I beat it with dumb luck.

And I bring this up a lot but Disciple Aihtirol from Xenoblade is a biiiitch. If the game wasn't a leveled RPG with the option for quests and grinding I probably could never have beaten it even with the deep determination I had to beat it. The boss is really hard and also just really cheap since it has a defence buff that makes it practically invincible and is impossible to turn off, paralyzing attacks, and most of the battlefield is just acid. I had to grind for like 5 hours straight, not even exaggerating just no breaks, 5 hours of perpetual grinding because I was so determined until I beat the whore, and still barely. The game doesn't even give you anything good to fight story-wise before the boss to prepare you for it it's kind of just a 10 level jump.


Do touhou bosses count? Because if so then it's definitely this vampiric asshole. Besides the fact that I've only reached her one time even on normal mode this boss is absolutely nightmarish.

Shadow Queen was the only thing that made me unable to beat Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for almost 10 years. If there was one thing I learned from my almost ten-year long time away from the game it's that you get a lot better at item management and equipment when you're an adult. Even with my greater intelligence I still had a hard time trying to defeat her and finally beat the game.

It's kinda bizarre, when I played Birth by Sleep I had more problems with Vanitas Remnant than the hooded figure itself, which only gave me problems while using Terra, in fact I distinctively remember trying only 3 times with Aqua and getting it right the 4th time, it was almost a breeze when I learned the pattern

Nyx from Persona 3:

I though I was prepared for this boss, but far from it, ended being extremely difficult, the personas I had were pretty bad, it may sound stupid but I was intimidated because of all the buildup they gave this guy

Kaiser Sigma from Megaman x3:

I had few parts of the armor, only one sub tank, I had already beaten Megaman x2 but this guy was still incredibly difficult kept trying for almost two weeks as soon as I arrived from school until one day I managed to defeat it, I wish I could have recorded that….

Nue Houjuu from Touhou 12

Even to this day I haven't been able to defeat this alien sucker, eventually stopped trying, those freakin' Ufo's always make me nervous

I'll break it down by a few genres since difficulty comes in many flavors.

RPG: Darkest Dungeon – The Hag

This game prides itself on difficulty. It's not always fair, but in many cases, the unfairness can be recovered from. Most of the bosses are pretty manageable too. The Necromancer was a joke with a proper setup. Swine Prince? Hard, but manageable if you know what you're doing. Sonorous Prophet? Pathetic. (And his benches are oddly valuable.) Formless Flesh? Play defensive, bring more DoTs. Brigand cannon? Don't let them light the bitch at all costs.

And then there's this fat fuck.

At the start of the battle, she will attempt to throw one of your party members into her cauldron. Of all the times I've fought her, this attack has missed exactly once. The character is removed for your party lineup until out of the pot, taking damage after each character's action. There are only two ways to get them out. Either you waste character's turns attacking the pot, which has high damage resistance and will almost certainly not be toppled in one hit, or you wait until your hero's flesh roasts an unhealthy toasty brown and they're automatically removed from the pot at the front of the line and at death's door. (Massive stat penalties and any damage can permanently kill them.) Your heroes are very dependant on their position in the lineup to use their abilities. For example, a Vestal can only cast her healing spells in the back two rows. An Arbalest is pretty defanged at the front. You cannot destroy the pot and the hag is always in the back. This means that if you don't have really good ranged DPS, you WILL fail. Also keep in mind that while a hero's in the pot, she will do an attack called "Taste the Stew" which ratchets up their stress levels and a hero being placed at death's door (constant in this fight) will also increase the stress of everyone in the party. Yeah, fuck this bitch.

More in other posts, that was long.

Trunkos from Spectrobes. I looked up walkthroughs and tips and always spent lots of time grinding to beat him, on the several times I played the game. He always completely destroyed me, and probably dessicated my corpse each time, too. To get to him, you have to go through an area that damages your Spectrobes (battling monsters) as you walk, unless you have a certain type. Of course, he's the same type, meaning unless you bring a lot of healing potions to keep them alive, you can't have a type advantage. That jerk can run after me faster than I could move, with a high-damaging close-range attack that stuns me so he can keep smacking me. When I gain distance from him, he can use a long-range attack that puts lava on the ground that does a truckload of damage as well as limiting where I can move for the next time he tries to whack me (of course he isn't hurt by his own lava, if I remember me correctly). This game isn't particularly complicated either, meaning no high-level strategy, just hoping you do every last thing perfectly.

MIMU wrote:

I'll break it down by a few genres since difficulty comes in many flavors.

RPG: Darkest Dungeon – The Hag

This game prides itself on difficulty. It's not always fair, but in many cases, the unfairness can be recovered from. Most of the bosses are pretty manageable too. The Necromancer was a joke with a proper setup. Swine Prince? Hard, but manageable if you know what you're doing. Sonorous Prophet? Pathetic. (And his benches are oddly valuable.) Formless Flesh? Play defensive, bring more DoTs. Brigand cannon? Don't let them light the bitch at all costs.

And then there's this fat fuck.

At the start of the battle, she will attempt to throw one of your party members into her cauldron. Of all the times I've fought her, this attack has missed exactly once. The character is removed for your party lineup until out of the pot, taking damage after each character's action. There are only two ways to get them out. Either you waste character's turns attacking the pot, which has high damage resistance and will almost certainly not be toppled in one hit, or you wait until your hero's flesh roasts an unhealthy toasty brown and they're automatically removed from the pot at the front of the line and at death's door. (Massive stat penalties and any damage can permanently kill them.) Your heroes are very dependant on their position in the lineup to use their abilities. For example, a Vestal can only cast her healing spells in the back two rows. An Arbalest is pretty defanged at the front. You cannot destroy the pot and the hag is always in the back. This means that if you don't have really good ranged DPS, you WILL fail. Also keep in mind that while a hero's in the pot, she will do an attack called "Taste the Stew" which ratchets up their stress levels and a hero being placed at death's door (constant in this fight) will also increase the stress of everyone in the party. Yeah, fuck this bitch.

More in other posts, that was long.

Fuck the hag so much.

I felt like mentioning this bitch for every reason you've stated, but i didn't feel like a boss that EXTREMELY unfair truly counts as a hardest boss.

I've prided myself on not losing anyone while killing every boss minus the Lvl 3 Hag and getting everyone to Lvl 6. However when i went to take her out i had my team reach the room before the boss fight at FULL health and ZERO stress. Used all the camp buffs, and didn't get ambushed in the night. In other words i had stacked the deck completely in my favor to fight her, but ended up losing 3 heroes simply cause i couldn't beat her in a DPS race before she destroyed my team.

The problem with the Hags design in general is whoever is in the pot take FAR too much damage cause they get hit 6 time in one turn, and she unfairly gets two moves per turn which often are in-a-row. Plus you flat out can't destroy the pot cause of it's god-tier protection and shitloads of health. Also WHY THE FUCK CAN A STATIONARY CAULDRON DODGE ONCOMING ATTACKS?!

Last edited Aug 11, 2015 at 02:09AM EDT

Dante in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
Mostly in hard has two attacks can't be dodge and one with a chance of instant kill i lose 3 times in the first battle and 10 times in second battle.
Fire Emblem Tharcia 776 final boss
If the game wasn't hard already is more harder.

Wait, not a single mention to ANY fighting game boss? Oh right, becouse most of them are stupidly hard, beyond broken and irritating as a punch in the junk.

I remember fighting the Elder Princess Shroob in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. The battle took forever to finish, mostly because of her range of attacks that include the aid of spaceships, swirling her tentacles continuously and playing freaking tennis with her.

I also remember Moloch from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. I was only able to defeat him using Quan Chi and a specific combo with his broadswords. Using any other character ended in utter disaster.

And, most recently, trying to deal with Steven Armstrong in the Jetstream Sam DLC of Metal Gear Rising was also an insane effort to bypass, much more than in the main story.

Time for a skyrim mod to be on here!

This is Vulthurkrah, a dragon from a Dragonborn-sized mod called Wyrmstooth.

This thing is a BEAST.

Egg Emperor from Sonic Heroes. There's only a certain amount of time when you can attack it, and you have to disarm its defense somehow, but I've only been able to do it with a Team Blast. Not to mention you have to keep moving through the level and there's countless guns trying to fire at you as well. I still have yet to beat it.

Suspended wrote:

Wait, not a single mention to ANY fighting game boss? Oh right, becouse most of them are stupidly hard, beyond broken and irritating as a punch in the junk.

Superman in Injustice was a real pain in the ass.

I remember several years ago when I was still loosely into fighting games, one of my buddies introduced me to Arcana Hearts 3. I was an alright game overall, fast, fun and alike, but then I made the mistake of trying score attack…. THAT'S WHEN I MET THIS MONSTROSITY!

Parace FUCKING L'sia

This… THING is the bane of my existence… quick, nearly inescapable combos, the ability to put up a shield while she heals mid fight, can warp to anywhere on the arena, even in rapid succession, and constant super move spams inbetween standard moves that are already pretty strong, which she relentlessly pummels you with. I seriously I don't recall a single moment when she stopped attacking, unless she was healing.

Just… just watch…

Not to sound like a broken record, since several others have already mentioned it, but seriously, fuck the Fume Knight.

I still can't manage to beat that guy…

Trollanort's mention of Spongebob reminded me of a challenge I made for myself way back when. It was for the "Spongebob Squarepants Movie Game". My challenge was I couldn't use any skill or health upgrades for the entire game. For the most part it was no big deal… then I got to the final few levels and the final boss. The levels were bad enough with there being enemies with heat seeking missiles that splintered off into multiple others when they got close to you, and they could only be harmed with a single steered projectile skill that makes you a sitting duck while you use it. but then the final boss…

Buckethead King Neptune

This dude comes in two phases, first phase is pretty simple, just walk around, avoid some attacks, and hit em when he's open. But then phase two starts… he destroys 75% of the flooring, restricting you to small platforms surrounded by death pits, summons two flying enemies that launch projectiles at you, which if they, or any attack really, hits you in mid air the knock back will send you straight into a death pit. But if it hits you on the ground it makes all of your movements slow and slippery, all while Neptune's covering large sections of the remaining floor in sweeping waves of electricity, which also have a good chance to sweep you into a death pit. Top that with a short life bar, limited healing items, and you got a decently annoying challenge.

I'm not hyping em up to be the hardest thing ever, but for a kids game, it's a pretty meaty challenge.

Last edited Aug 11, 2015 at 05:16PM EDT

Fuck. Kalameet from Dark Souls 1.

I would gladly take on Ornstein and Smough, or Raime (Fume Knight) solo than fight Kalameet even with help. Cheapest boss with fire that will practically instant kill you no matter what fire resistance you have. He is the only boss in the entire Dark Souls series I have yet to kill.

Marvelous Jared, Fluffy Tail Toucher wrote:

Fuck. Kalameet from Dark Souls 1.

I would gladly take on Ornstein and Smough, or Raime (Fume Knight) solo than fight Kalameet even with help. Cheapest boss with fire that will practically instant kill you no matter what fire resistance you have. He is the only boss in the entire Dark Souls series I have yet to kill.

A good strategy for him is to use either the Black Iron Shield, or Havel's Shield, and basically tank his hits, and hit him when he's open. It'll take forever, but it works.

This fucker, from Metal Slug 3.

Not only do you have a limited platform to jump on, a LOT of projectiles coming your way, a small weak point and a nearly unavoidable attack, but the tempo of the fight keeps getting more frenetic. And since this is Metal Slug,every mistake means insta-death. Thankfully I have the anthology on PS2, so I didn't have to throw a truckload of coins its way.

You hear people go on, and on, and on about Whitney. About Red. About at times Clair.
But I have never fought a Pokemon battle more difficult than the fight against Cynthia.
Whitney could be trivialized easily due to Gold and Silver being the easiest games in the series (X and Y had OPTIONAL ease, Gold and Silver are just naturally absurdly easy). Red could be trivialized due to his shitty movesets in gen 2 and the mass amount of Pokemon to catch in Gen 4, like Groudon. Clair is just a weak gym leader that can be stomped with minimal grinding. But Cynthia?! The only fucking way to make Cynthia easy is to either grind like hell or trade for an uberhax strong mon. Even then, your victory is not guaranteed, I repeat, it is not a guarantee. Cynthia's Pokemon are ALL super strong and tough enough to ruin your day. All of them have absurdly good moves and perfect EVs/IVs all alongside them being able to switch to each other with perfect coverage. But the cornerstone of this hellish fight is that motherfucking GARCHOMP WITH SOME OF THE STRONGEST MOVES IN THE GODDAMN GAME!! Giga Impact outright KO's anything that isn't strong against normal types, bulky, or just plain Level 75+. Earthquake has STAB and is stupidly strong. Stone Edge kills Ice Types and Flying types, and Dragon Rush obliterates any chances of another Dragon Type defeating it outside of sheer luck. This fucker once KO'd my LEVEL 92 EMPOLEON (Granted, yeah Earthquake, but FOR FUCK'S SAKE). If you aren't a grindfreak then you cannot beat her through brute force or using a Legendary to trivialize the fight, I am not fucking with you when I say using a Giratina, Dialga, or Palkia will not save your ass, that Garchomp will likely OHKO them unless they are VERY high leveled.
Defeating this bitch is a matter of sheer strategy. Rayquaza help you if you are doing a Low Level Run, in which case she is nigh-impossible thanks to that fucking Garchomp (In a Low Level Run, your only hope of defeating that Garchomp is either a Weavile or a bulky staller.) If you cannot abuse her Pokemon's weaknesses or manage to outmuscle her due to level difference you have already lost. Cynthia is the bar none hardest Champion battle in the series.

I'd just like to follow up my previous post about Remilia Scarlet to let you all know that I finally beat her. It took all three continues with max lives and it was super close at the end, but I finally fucking did it. Now I just need to work on doing it with no continues.

Seriously. He's possible, but really easy to die to.

Don't know him? He's Wart, from SMB USA (The one that's a ripoff DokiDoki Panic? That one)

That game was BRUTAL in the first place, but the last level was the cream of the crop. Here's the layout of the level (I played Super Mario Advance, but the level is the exact same:

You have to mostly avoid getting shocked by Sparks. falling on enemies, and so on.

So after that, you have to fight THE GATE TO HIS THRONE ROOM. It never attacked before!

Anyway, on to the fight. The music is pretty jarring, the music is usually pretty happy or pumping you up, but…

Pretty jarring from this, right?:

You have to throw vegetables in his mouth 7 times to choke him, and those bubbles he blows makes it WORSE. They can not only kill you, but destroy the veggetable you threw!

I only beat him 3 times, and the first time, I RIPPED OUT the cartridge, so I had to do it again!

ShiJo wrote:

It's kinda bizarre, when I played Birth by Sleep I had more problems with Vanitas Remnant than the hooded figure itself, which only gave me problems while using Terra, in fact I distinctively remember trying only 3 times with Aqua and getting it right the 4th time, it was almost a breeze when I learned the pattern

Nyx from Persona 3:

I though I was prepared for this boss, but far from it, ended being extremely difficult, the personas I had were pretty bad, it may sound stupid but I was intimidated because of all the buildup they gave this guy

Kaiser Sigma from Megaman x3:

I had few parts of the armor, only one sub tank, I had already beaten Megaman x2 but this guy was still incredibly difficult kept trying for almost two weeks as soon as I arrived from school until one day I managed to defeat it, I wish I could have recorded that….

Nue Houjuu from Touhou 12

Even to this day I haven't been able to defeat this alien sucker, eventually stopped trying, those freakin' Ufo's always make me nervous

FUUUCK NYX AVATAR. For those who aren't familiar with Persona 3, lemme give you the beef on this prehistoric bitch.14 phases of bullshit! First 13 phases have 1500 HP each, last one has 6000. That's a total of 25500 HP! Not to mention your party members are dumb as bricks! Mitsuru, I need you to heal me! LOL, nope, Mind Charge. Aigis will you heal me? How bout she just gives you useless buffs instead! Nyx's WEAKEST attack hits the entire party for almighty damage! She is the only enemy in the entire game who get's two actions per turn. Once you get her down to her final phase she starts using a move that makes her completely invincible for three turns. If you or your dumbass party members attacker her in any way, she'll counter with an INSTANT KILL. You have to specifically tell your party not to do ANYTHING, not even heal since there's still a chance they might suicide rush Nyx. And since Nyx can still attack during this invincible phase, you still have to worry about healing yourself. And then, there's the creme dela creme of bullshit. Her strongest attack, Night Queen. This attack hits your entire team for massive damage. I was at level 80, had defense buffs, and was at full health and this attack took of half of my HP. Did I mention she can do this attack twice per turn? But that's not the worst part of this attack, oh no not by a fucking mile. The worst part is that it inflicts random status effects to your entire team including: Poison, charm, panic, rage, fear, and distress. I had one attempt where I had her down to less than 10% of her HP and still had one full healing item left. She used Night Queen. I survived thinking but Aigis was charmed. For the first time in the entire battle Aigis used Mediarahan and FULLY HEALED NYX. I almost broke my controller in half. An entire hour long fight WASTED at the last possible moment. If there wasn't an accessory that makes the user immune to status effects, I don't think I would've defeated the boss.

I'd like to specify this before I continued, I did not know how to block the entire game up until this point. So when I fought this guy and quickly discovered that one of the only ways to survive this fight was to know how to block and have mastered it, I entered the hell zone of having to do it again, and again, and again, until I finally got it on the 28th try ((I kept count.))

Monsoon from Metal Gear Rising kicked my ass. And I still can't hear "Does it Hurt" without getting pretty goddamn rustled.

Senator Armstrong from the Jetstream Sam dlc though…that guy was a goddamn nightmare.

Merasmus from Team Fortress 2

Has an insane amount of health, like to teleport around the battlefield, and will pull out Prop Hunt trick once his health is around 50% and less than 10%. Did I mention that you only have 90 seconds to defeat him?

Replayed my old Toy Story 2 PSX game just for nostalgia's sake and it has rekindled my hatred for one particular boss.
The Slime

Toy Story 2 is an average game with pretty easy bosses if you know what you are doing. Most of them die in one of three ways: Buzz's laser, Buzz's wings, Buzz's special weapons available to him such as the Disc Launcher. The Slime's weakness is Buzz's laser but there is a catch: HE FUCKING GROWS IF YOU DO NOT SHOOT AT HIM CONTINOUSLY!
[calms down]
His gimmick of growing larger after you take down a bit of ehalth from him becomes difficult as you are required to stand and continuously shoot at him. If you do not do this, he will simply grow larger while jumping around the stage and shooting his projectile at you. At low health, the green laser powerup spawns which makes the battle go 90% quicker. Gee, that would have been helpful a few hours minutes ago…

Since I'm already on the topic of Toy Story, I'll talk about another childhood horror of mine.
The Claw

I would count this guy as a boss since the tokens are akin to health in this battle but to more important matters: this guy is a pain in the ass. Not only does its movement pattern change depending on its health but the hardest thing about him is the wire that follows and damages Woody. The strategy is to hit the Aliens at an angle and stop the Claw from moving farther away with Buzz.

To be honest, Toy Story the video game was pretty brutal for a licensed game. What the hell were the developers thinking!?

Nearly every goddamn member of Organization XIII in Kingdom Hearts II, but here's my personal "favorites."

Demyx: "Dance, water, dance!"

Fucking hell, even when I played on Beginner Mode when I was little, I had trouble beating this fucker. He loves jumping around and limiting your movement by trapping you with his water geysers, which, if you get hit by them, tend to juggle you around for massive pain. Then there's his goddamn "water clone attack", which forces you to kill a bunch of water clones of him within an extremely short timespan. If the time limit expires, BAM, you're dead for some reason. Game over. Oh, and his voice is annoying as shit.

Xaldin: "Where's the fun in this?"

My thoughts exactly. Even after getting some catharsis by seeing Belle hit him and preventing him from forcing the Beast to make a Sadistic Choice, you'll be fuming with rage when you get your ass kicked by him. He has ludicrous range with his multitude of lances, tossing you in combo after combo after combo. He never lets you get close to him because of this. Oh, and there's his "wind dragon attack", in which he jumps on his lances and flies away to avoid you, for getting his lances to form a giant dragon thing and shoot out a giant stream of wind, sweeping the entire battlefield with it. It's damn near impossible to avoid it, so I hope that you have some potions or Cure ready to heal you when you inevitably get hit, because if you don't, you're fucked.

Xigbar: "Let's see how you dance."

This is best described as "Teleport Spam: The Fucking Boss Battle." He has a fetish for warping all over the place and spam-shooting you with his guns. He also likes to do a special "sniper scope" attack which forces you to run around and waste your time avoiding his shots while he's happily chilling above you. And since he can manipulate space, he can change the battlefield at will, so he can force you in a very unfavorable position very quickly. Then there's his Desperation Attack, in which he decides to crank up his warping and shooting Up To Eleven, basically flooding the entire screen with bullets and knocking you back and forth so he can shoot you even more!

And all of these battles are made even more frustrating by the fact that you have an extremely high chance of randomly activating Anti-mode if you use a Drive Form, which would normally be your saving grace! Fuck these guys; Seriously.

Last edited Sep 05, 2015 at 11:19AM EDT

Oh, and here's one of the very few Kingdom Hearts Bonus Bosses that I've ever defeated. He's in KH 3D, and I beat him with both Sora and Riku. It wasn't easy.

Julius, from Runaway Brain.

This cunt is hatred incarnate, and it will make you foam at the mouth because of how difficult he is to beat. He's got a gigantic health bar. He attacks and moves at incomprehensibly high speeds, despite his huge size. He jumps from the top of a building to butt-slam you from anywhere on the battlefield, so you don't have a single moment of rest. He's got a grab attack that hits you with a bajillion status effects at the same time. Many of his attacks are unblockable. Your Dream-Eaters are not present during the fight, so no Link Attacks for you! And when he's at low health, he super-charges his attacks and releases a night-unavoidable burst of electricity that locks several your Commands for the rest of the fight! So you better have more than a single Curaga command, or You're Already Dead.

Last edited Sep 05, 2015 at 11:38AM EDT

This asshole of a legendary.

Party hard
ether in PMD Blue/Red or fighting it in the main Pokemon games. This fucker is real bitch to fight…. Don't get my started on his mega evol. The times I've seen this thing online is pretty much why I don't fight comp anymore. I was never really a comp player to begin with anyways. I mostly remember him from PMD Blue for giving me the hardest times. I've died too many times to him (This was the first time I've ever played a MD game) and even to this day he can be a pain to deal with if you don't have a fuck ton of sleep seeds or some shit.

Oh, almost forgot about this guy:

The Van Driver, from Hotline Miami

Even the guy who made this video has a hard time beating him, and he knew he was coming. If you don't, odds are you're going to be run over from the guy while badly armed, and since the checkpoint is just right after the thing breaks in you're going to be spawnkilled over, and over, and over, and over, and over, AND OVER, AND OVER AND OVER AND I CAN'T STAND THAT BRAKING SOUND ANYMORE AAAAAARGGGHHH

The fight itself is no pushover either, unless you get lucky and he starts killing his own men.

Last edited Sep 05, 2015 at 01:35PM EDT

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