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Electronic Arts supporting No Pixels For Facists to profile against gamers

Last posted May 24, 2020 at 07:42AM EDT. Added May 06, 2020 at 01:25AM EDT
16 posts from 13 users

This got my attention and thought I'd like to share it here to share the news.

Twitter user Lunar Archivist has found some interesting sources about Electronic Arts going to support a movement known as No Pixels For Facists. From the looks of it, it looks like a anti-gamer & anti-facist campaign to profile against gamers.

But I don't get it. If Electronic Arts is a gaming company, why would they want to support a movement to fight against gamers? That just doesn't make any sense. Are they still mad that Battlefield V and Star Wars Battlefront 2 flopped and ended support? What are your thoughts about all this?

>implying anti fascist it bad
anti fascist doesn’t mean support antifa

it says the majority of gamers aren’t bigots

my issue is the whole whining about misanthropy
seems like a clear “everyone who’s not an optimist is evil” mindset

> Are they still mad that Battlefield V and Star Wars Battlefront 2 flopped and ended support?

Battlefront II actually managed to pull itself back together after its botched release. While not perfect and definitely not as great as it could've been, DICE managed to turn it into a game that was worth the time and money if you're a Star Wars / FPS fan. If you ask me, Battlefront II has one of the greatest gaming comebacks of the decade.

Every time I hear about the state of Battlefield V, I can't help but feel sad. I really liked playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2 when I was younger, and in my opinion, Battlefield 1 was a complete masterpiece. So to see the series go from one of the most talked about games of 2016 to the dumpster fire that is BFV, it makes me doubt Battlefield's ability to ever reach that sort of level ever again. It could have been great, but alas…

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dude, if you don't think fascists are bad then you probably are one. Anti fascist movement is a good thing.

Also, let's be real: Gamers are bad. This is a known fact, and why global voice chat in "gamer" games (as opposed to good games and pleasant co-op) is always toxic and devoid of life and hope. Sadly, almost all of us have already consigned ourselves to the sin of being a gamer, myself included. That doesn't mean we shouldn't, as the charity seems to be saying is what they do, try to better ourselves and make ourselves more civil people.

miriam666 wrote:

dude, if you don't think fascists are bad then you probably are one. Anti fascist movement is a good thing.

Also, let's be real: Gamers are bad. This is a known fact, and why global voice chat in "gamer" games (as opposed to good games and pleasant co-op) is always toxic and devoid of life and hope. Sadly, almost all of us have already consigned ourselves to the sin of being a gamer, myself included. That doesn't mean we shouldn't, as the charity seems to be saying is what they do, try to better ourselves and make ourselves more civil people.

I’d rather see a free voice and text chat than a sterilized one devoid of edge and humor. I like to think that games that enforce reddit babytalk and forced sportsmanship like Overwatch have some of the worst playerbases to interact with because of their pent up passive aggressiveness.

miriam666 wrote:

dude, if you don't think fascists are bad then you probably are one. Anti fascist movement is a good thing.

Also, let's be real: Gamers are bad. This is a known fact, and why global voice chat in "gamer" games (as opposed to good games and pleasant co-op) is always toxic and devoid of life and hope. Sadly, almost all of us have already consigned ourselves to the sin of being a gamer, myself included. That doesn't mean we shouldn't, as the charity seems to be saying is what they do, try to better ourselves and make ourselves more civil people.

You're rude.

You misspelled it as "Facist" and now I cannot stop thinking about faces.



Last edited May 06, 2020 at 09:33AM EDT

It depends, are these guys the type that acts incredibly dogmatic, pressures for stupid stuff lie mandatory censorship and falsely accuse people over stupid stuff, like Nazi jokes, or are they legitimately not retarded and have at least some semblance of sanity and intelligence?

If the later then I don't care, but if they're the former then I can kind of see the problem.

Plus y'know, EA.

I just really hope this doesn't lead to more censorship/sterilization of milsims and historical strategy/shooter games. It's already bad enough that content creators have to perform linguistic artistry to avoid getting demonetized on youtube, it's bad enough that HOI4 and other games have to remove any semblance of nazism (no matter how historical) to comply with Germany's anti-nazism laws, and it's bad enough that every triple-A historical shooter turns into a Saturday morning cartoon cast of characters that conveniently neglect any norms of the period they're in.

If ya wanna discourage the toxic hate speech in mobas and shooters fine, but please stop ruining my historical games.

wisehowl_the_2nd wrote:

I just really hope this doesn't lead to more censorship/sterilization of milsims and historical strategy/shooter games. It's already bad enough that content creators have to perform linguistic artistry to avoid getting demonetized on youtube, it's bad enough that HOI4 and other games have to remove any semblance of nazism (no matter how historical) to comply with Germany's anti-nazism laws, and it's bad enough that every triple-A historical shooter turns into a Saturday morning cartoon cast of characters that conveniently neglect any norms of the period they're in.

If ya wanna discourage the toxic hate speech in mobas and shooters fine, but please stop ruining my historical games.

Imagine believing that Nazism is so irresistibly tempting and powerful that merely gazing at Hitler's portrait or a swastika banner in a game can turn gamers into real life Nazis so you go out of your way to meticulously censor these historical references from all games that are to be sold in your country.

The absolute state of Germany

Kommando_Kaijin wrote:

It depends, are these guys the type that acts incredibly dogmatic, pressures for stupid stuff lie mandatory censorship and falsely accuse people over stupid stuff, like Nazi jokes, or are they legitimately not retarded and have at least some semblance of sanity and intelligence?

If the later then I don't care, but if they're the former then I can kind of see the problem.

Plus y'know, EA.

>Plus y'know, EA.

That makes sense.


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