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Alpha as Fuck is an expression used to describe a statement or action that can be characterized as overtly dominant or aggressive in nature. The phrase is often used ironically in green text stories or in reference to men who exhibit beta male behavior.


While the exact origin of “alpha is fuck” is unknown, the phrase appears to have been popularized through its usage on pickup artist discussion forums. On June 3rd, 2008, PUA Forums[1]member mrmtzyztplktehtrd replied to a thread about films and television series with assertive male protagonists by referring to the character Lt. Winters in the 2001 war drama miniseries Band of Brothers as “alpha as fuck” (shown below).


Precursor: "As Fuck"

In online conversations, the phrasal template "X as fuck" has been used as an intensifier to emphasize one's statement or impression, with some of the most notable examples being "rich as fuck," "high as fuck," "awesome as fuck" and majestic as fuck.


On September 11th, 2009, Attraction Forums[7] member kyle990546 submitted a thread titled "Standing out among alpha as fuck standoutters." On August 13th, 2011, YouTuber HappyCabbie uploaded a video titled "Alpha as Fuck," in which he simulates sex with his computer desk chair (shown below).

On November 22nd, an anonymous 4chan user posted a spaghetti story about a failed first date ending with the phrase "alpha as fuck" (shown below).

File 1321999849.ipg-(8 KB, 206x187, 1314158691333.jpg) O Anonymous 11/22/11 (Tue)17:10:49 No.384235659 go to a restaurant for my first date with a girl pick the table closest to the bathroom so I won't have to walk too far when I go for my postprandial crap the waiter asks what we'd like to drink >she orders white wine, I ask for a banana mikshake the waiter tells me they don't serve milkshake so l ask for a bowl of icecream instead my girtriend asks why I ordered desert 기 tell her I'm going to mush the icecream up and then drink it, and she's probably very impressed but doesnt show it the waiter sighs and walks away there's an awkward silence so l ask what her favorite dinosaur is she says she doesn't know, so l inform her that mine is the pterodactyl several minutes later, after Ive finished recounting the plot of Jurassic Park 3', her wine arrives l ask where my icecream is the waiter says he will bring it after weve finished our meals l tut loudly but don't complain >she tells the waiter that she's ready to order and asks for the lobster bisque Phe turns to me sno, it's okay, I brought my own food," I inform him as I place my container of spaghetti on the table he exclaims something in French and hurries off to the kitchen Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:15:12 No.364236232 after a few more minutes of silence she says something, but I'm not concentrating l just laugh and say, "so truel" >what the f---? You think it's funny that my dad has cancer? >I choke on my spaghetti and it sprays all over the table reactively reach over and start picking the chunks of spaghetti out of her glass of wine she looks like she's about to throw up and runs into the bathroom glass of wine pursue her and try to tell her that only a tiny bit got on her dress, but she won't listen hursue her and ty to teil her thos uo and runs nto the bachrot >she slams the cubicle door in my face and I can hear her spewing >an old woman comes out of another cubicle and screams at the sight of me >"pervert! Pervert! >what? Nol My girlfriend is feeling ill and I'm just checking f she's alright! from behind the cubicle my girlfriend shouts, "I'm not your girfriend!" the old lady whacks me around the head with her handbag the strap hits me in the eye sin a moment of (literally) blind fury I yell Shuryuken! and lunge at her with an uppercut miss spectacularly and fall to the floor no waiters burst in and drag me into the kitchen where they tell me that after l pay i have to leave suddenly remember I spent all my money on my new fedora al try to make a dash for it but trip on my cape and go crashing into the lobster tank the lobsters start attacking me so l grab a shard of glass and slash them all to death everyone is horrified by the massacre I just committed and they flinch away from me as I colect my spaghetti and leave >stop in the doorway and take one last look at the havoc Id wreaked everyone cowers in fear alpha as f---

On December 2nd, Urban Dictionary[3] user the weasel of change submitted an entry for "alpha as fuck," defining it as an expression used to describe rude behaviors. On September 1st, 2012, Redditor OMIbro posted a screenshot of a green text story about a weight lifter wearing Pikachu onesie pajamas ending with the phrase "alpha as fuck" to /r/4chan[5] (shown below). Before the post was archived, it gained over 3,800 votes (95% upvoted) and 130 comments.


On December 24th, Redditor djnewton123 submitted a green text story titled "Anon alpha as fuck" to the /r/4chan[4] subreddit, where it garnered more than 2,400 votes (93% upvoted) and 35 comments prior to being archived (shown below).


On March 13th, 2013, a Facebook[2] page titled "Alpha as Fuck" was launched. On May 12th, 2014, Redditor The_Horse_Yeller posted a screenshot of a green text story in which God refers to himself as "alpha as fuck" and "omega as fuck" to /r/4chan,[6] where it accumulated upwards of 5,300 votes (96% upvoted) and 270 comments prior to being archived.


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Alpha as Fuck

Alpha as Fuck

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Alpha as Fuck is an expression used to describe a statement or action that can be characterized as overtly dominant or aggressive in nature. The phrase is often used ironically in green text stories or in reference to men who exhibit beta male behavior.


While the exact origin of “alpha is fuck” is unknown, the phrase appears to have been popularized through its usage on pickup artist discussion forums. On June 3rd, 2008, PUA Forums[1]member mrmtzyztplktehtrd replied to a thread about films and television series with assertive male protagonists by referring to the character Lt. Winters in the 2001 war drama miniseries Band of Brothers as “alpha as fuck” (shown below).


Precursor: "As Fuck"

In online conversations, the phrasal template "X as fuck" has been used as an intensifier to emphasize one's statement or impression, with some of the most notable examples being "rich as fuck," "high as fuck," "awesome as fuck" and majestic as fuck.


On September 11th, 2009, Attraction Forums[7] member kyle990546 submitted a thread titled "Standing out among alpha as fuck standoutters." On August 13th, 2011, YouTuber HappyCabbie uploaded a video titled "Alpha as Fuck," in which he simulates sex with his computer desk chair (shown below).

On November 22nd, an anonymous 4chan user posted a spaghetti story about a failed first date ending with the phrase "alpha as fuck" (shown below).

File 1321999849.ipg-(8 KB, 206x187, 1314158691333.jpg) O Anonymous 11/22/11 (Tue)17:10:49 No.384235659 go to a restaurant for my first date with a girl pick the table closest to the bathroom so I won't have to walk too far when I go for my postprandial crap the waiter asks what we'd like to drink >she orders white wine, I ask for a banana mikshake the waiter tells me they don't serve milkshake so l ask for a bowl of icecream instead my girtriend asks why I ordered desert 기 tell her I'm going to mush the icecream up and then drink it, and she's probably very impressed but doesnt show it the waiter sighs and walks away there's an awkward silence so l ask what her favorite dinosaur is she says she doesn't know, so l inform her that mine is the pterodactyl several minutes later, after Ive finished recounting the plot of Jurassic Park 3', her wine arrives l ask where my icecream is the waiter says he will bring it after weve finished our meals l tut loudly but don't complain >she tells the waiter that she's ready to order and asks for the lobster bisque Phe turns to me sno, it's okay, I brought my own food," I inform him as I place my container of spaghetti on the table he exclaims something in French and hurries off to the kitchen Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:15:12 No.364236232 after a few more minutes of silence she says something, but I'm not concentrating l just laugh and say, "so truel" >what the f---? You think it's funny that my dad has cancer? >I choke on my spaghetti and it sprays all over the table reactively reach over and start picking the chunks of spaghetti out of her glass of wine she looks like she's about to throw up and runs into the bathroom glass of wine pursue her and try to tell her that only a tiny bit got on her dress, but she won't listen hursue her and ty to teil her thos uo and runs nto the bachrot >she slams the cubicle door in my face and I can hear her spewing >an old woman comes out of another cubicle and screams at the sight of me >"pervert! Pervert! >what? Nol My girlfriend is feeling ill and I'm just checking f she's alright! from behind the cubicle my girlfriend shouts, "I'm not your girfriend!" the old lady whacks me around the head with her handbag the strap hits me in the eye sin a moment of (literally) blind fury I yell Shuryuken! and lunge at her with an uppercut miss spectacularly and fall to the floor no waiters burst in and drag me into the kitchen where they tell me that after l pay i have to leave suddenly remember I spent all my money on my new fedora al try to make a dash for it but trip on my cape and go crashing into the lobster tank the lobsters start attacking me so l grab a shard of glass and slash them all to death everyone is horrified by the massacre I just committed and they flinch away from me as I colect my spaghetti and leave >stop in the doorway and take one last look at the havoc Id wreaked everyone cowers in fear alpha as f---

On December 2nd, Urban Dictionary[3] user the weasel of change submitted an entry for "alpha as fuck," defining it as an expression used to describe rude behaviors. On September 1st, 2012, Redditor OMIbro posted a screenshot of a green text story about a weight lifter wearing Pikachu onesie pajamas ending with the phrase "alpha as fuck" to /r/4chan[5] (shown below). Before the post was archived, it gained over 3,800 votes (95% upvoted) and 130 comments.


On December 24th, Redditor djnewton123 submitted a green text story titled "Anon alpha as fuck" to the /r/4chan[4] subreddit, where it garnered more than 2,400 votes (93% upvoted) and 35 comments prior to being archived (shown below).


On March 13th, 2013, a Facebook[2] page titled "Alpha as Fuck" was launched. On May 12th, 2014, Redditor The_Horse_Yeller posted a screenshot of a green text story in which God refers to himself as "alpha as fuck" and "omega as fuck" to /r/4chan,[6] where it accumulated upwards of 5,300 votes (96% upvoted) and 270 comments prior to being archived.


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