![Date Specific Memes Date Specific Memes](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/square/000/012/009/october3.gif)
Date Specific Memes
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Date Specific Memes are prominent during certain days of the year. Many are fandom-related, but quickly spread due to the high volume of images, phrases, or macros.
Days of the Week
Notable Dates
October 3 – Commonly associated with the Mean Girls fandom. In the movie, the date October Third is given special significance as it is the first instance of two characters talking to each other.
November 5 – Associated with V for Vendetta and anonymous. The phrase "Remember, remember, the fifth of November" is prominent.
November 1 – Associated with The Nightmare Before Christmas. In the movie, a character says "We only have 365 days till next Halloween!" and another character corrects him with "364!"
April 30 – The phrase "It's gonna be May" is thrown around. It is usually seen in the form of an image macro containing Justin Timberlake
May 4 – Commonly celebrated by Star Wars fanboys, accompanied with the phrase "May the Fourth be with you", in reference to the Force.
Recent Videos
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Top Comment
Quantum Meme
Jan 03, 2013 at 11:40AM EST