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Part of a series on VTubers / Virtual Influencers. [View Related Entries]

Related Explainer: Who Is VTuber Shizzy 'TheGawd' And Why Is He Getting Canceled? The Viral Doxxing Controversy Explained


The Shizzy "TheGawd" VTuber Racism and Doxxing Controversy refers to backlash and discourse surrounding the release of a video by VTuber Shizzy (aka TheGawd and @visecs) in which he criticizes various VTubers and aspects of VTuber culture, most notably for racism and fostering parasocial relationships. The video was criticized for doxxing the identity of VTuber Watson Amelia and using a compilation of VTubers seemingly saying the N-word, which allegedly lacked context. The clips were purportedly removed from the video. Following its release, Shizzy doubled down on the criticism several times. People also began trying to dig up dirt on Shizzy and using it to call him a hypocrite and suggest he is a predator, including claims that he was friends with several professional Super Smash Bros. players who were alleged to be predators that went on a trip to Mexico to prey on children. Purportedly, he deleted posts about taking a trip to Mexico with the players, although aspects of these claims have been contested and are unconfirmed. Shizzy denied all these claims in a response video, saying he cut ties with all accused Smash players at that time.


On May 11th, 2024, VTuber TheGawd, aka Shizzy, posted a video to YouTube[1] titled "Everything WRONG With Vtubers" in which he criticizes numerous aspects of VTuber culture and specific creators. The video includes criticisms that VTubers aren't funny, they all have the same personality, the VTuber community is full of racism, they foster parasocial relationships with their viewers and that they participate in selective outrage. The video gained over 84,000 views in four days (shown below).


Initial Criticism (Racism, Doxxing of Watson Amelia)

On May 12th, 2024, the video was shared to the subreddit /r/kurosanji[2] in a post titled "Bad faith video slandering and doxxing Vtubers," garnering over 600 upvotes in three days. The post claims that the video was edited shortly after it was uploaded, likely due to backlash, to remove an intro segment where Shizzy plays a compilation of VTubers seemingly saying the N-word, with many of the clips supposedly taken out of context (for example, they were saying a Japanese or Chinese word that sounded like the N-word and some VTubers may not know the full context of using the word as they're Japanese), the poster writing:

Many of the clips were non-English speakers either saying things in Japanese and Chinese that sounded like the N-word or said the N-word not knowing what it meant (think the GTAV Lamar clips). The clips also included one from Takanashi Kiara saying the N-word while rushing through a song but edited out the immediate apology she gave for her mistake. The worst clip featured the real life face of Amelia Watson and connected her to her current Hololive persona.

The post goes on to claim that Shizzy is deleting negative comments to support his own arguments. He also purportedly doxxed the identity of VTuber Watson Amelia within the first minute of the video, although this was seemingly removed as well.

Shizzy's First Response

On May 12th, 2024, Shizzy uploaded a video to X[3] responding to criticism he was receiving for the video. In the video, he pretends to apologize then further criticizes Mori Calliope for using the N-word. At the end of the video, he then apologizes for criticizing the Japanese and Korean speakers for using the word. He then shows a compilation of X posts making racist statements towards him for his criticism of the VTuber community. The video gained over 9,700 likes in three days (shown below).

Relationship With Predators Allegations

Following Shizzy's first response, some began to accuse Shizzy of being friends with alleged predators, including alleged predators from the professional Super Smash Bros. community.

For example, on May 12th, 2024, X[4] user @SouthWestGames made a post claiming the doxxing info of Watson was taken from a YouTuber[5] John Usada, who has several videos and memes about Jeffrey Epstein, which the user claims "worships" Epstein, garnering over 2,900 likes in three days (shown below).

Savitar @SouthWestGames Bro, your source, is an actual p--------. You got a dox, and the source was a p--- who hated the VTuber whose face you doxxed. You're gonna get sued. here's some actual criticism without hate-filled lens, anything except the one moment at the intro where you showed a vtuber's face is alright. i understand you got it from a channel named "jhon usada" on youtube but that person is an actual weirdo who worships epstein and does not care for the privacy of the vtubers on his video, your video seems to garner a lot more attention than his though, and something so foul as to spread doxxing of someone might have been overlooked on his small channel, but it's going to be a big problem on yours. i suggest you hop into the youtube editor and take off the clip with the vtuber's face at the intro since that seems to be the only contention point and something that could potentially pose a risk to your channel and brand.

On May 13th, X[6] user @kenshirotism posted a thread alleging that Shizzy was friends with several pro Super Smash Bros. players who were alleged to be predators, sharing links to two posts on /r/smashbros[7][8] that detail the allegations. The second link includes a broken video in which, purportedly, Shizzy calls out alleged Smash predators. However, the X user writes, "at first, Visecs tried to push himself as 'one of the good guys' by 'calling out' the Smash preds and making fun of them. Then the guys he was tight with were outed and he suddenly changed tune on the matter."

Another commenter on the /r/smashbros thread from 2020 also claims this, writing, "Man I like Shizzy and what was said in this clip is great, but all that shit he was tweeting the past few days rubbed me the wrong way and was honestly insulting to the victims (Talking about how the whole community is nasty and making a 'funny' skit talking about the smash community not showering and being predators) and his tune completely changed when one his close friends was outed as a groomer."

The X user also claims Shizzy went on a trip to Mexico with one of the players and that Shizzy was deleting posts related to it (thread shown below).

Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - May 13 Yo, so apparently this dude's source, the guy who doxxed Amelia, might legit be a Smash player who tried to f--- a 15 year old down in Mexico. Dude bitches about racism with Vtubers, but is friends with an ACTUAL P--------. You're unable to view this Post because this account owner limits who can view their Posts. Learn more 137 tl 997 ❤7K ili 604K Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - May 13 Alright, got some more context for the situation. Visecs was in the Smash Bros circle, and was friends with multiple dudes who got outed as being predators. Specifically D1, Nairo, and a guy named PK. Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - May 13 At first, Visecs tried to push himself as "one of the good guys" by "calling out the Smash preds and making fun of them. Then the guys he was tight with were outed and he suddenly changed tune on the matter. The rumors stem from him being tied to them. reddit Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism May 13 Apparently the Mexico rumor came from this dude. Zero clue who he is or if this is just b-------. DH @rageofkyubii Follow All that because he's jealous of Calli. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. He may have also tried to go to Mexico to sleep with a 15 year old when he played Smash competitively. 10:31 PM - 5/12/24 From Earth-299 Views 1 Repost 14 Likes 2741 579 39K Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - May 13 Found another tweet referencing the Mexico thing. This "didn't just pop up out of nowhere, it seems like a rumor that brewed for a bit. Still hoping somebody with damning receipts can clarify everything. Cola Grifter @ColaGrifte64.8m C Yo wait what? Q1 49 Follow Mesugaki Monthly @c91099 Yeah this guy used to be a smash player and he went to Mexico for some 15 year old if I'm remembering correctly 6:57 PM - 5/12/24 From Earth - 43 Views smashbros Summary of sexual and non-sexual allegations Megathread Puppeh's tweet seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back. I am documenting allegations, mainly 15K 5K From the smashbros community on Reddit: Summary of sexual and non-sexual... From 18 1170 1K 128K 1 From the smashbros community on Reddit. A message from VI Seconds From ○ 2 1772 690 46K Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - May 13 Apparently these guys were legit friends, and it wasn't like passing acquaintance from just the same circle. And considering the depths that the Smash Bros p--- ring got to, no wonder this dude has rumors about him. No clue where the Mexico story is from, can't find anything. 04 623 13.55 40K HokutoNoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism So the Mexico rumors seem to stem from when he was hanging out with 1738 Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism this friend group. Apparently they would take trips down to Mexico, and SUPPOSEDLY Visecs deleted a ton of references to these trips when the allegations blew up in the Smash circle. In The Gawd Sape @visecs Subscribe YO @xD1x I JUST F------ SPOKE TO YOU AND YOU ASSURED ME YOU AINT DO ANYTHING! WHAT THE F--- N----?! 4:36 AM - 02 Jul 20 la 27K This is a guy directly referencing it, and we have a quote. HOPEFULLY somebody can explain what the hell is going on... Seiko @SeikoJoG May 12 Replying to @Rev_says_desu He should know about problems in a community, after all. He was apart of the smash community! He also seemed to have some notable friendships with POIs Keitaro, Zero, D1. Show more 3:32 AM - May 13, 2024 34.3K Views

Shizzy's Second Response

On the night of May 13th, 2024, Shizzy posted another response video to X[9] addressing the new set of allegations. He begins by mentioning how people are being racist towards him and again claims he's trying to defend Black VTubers, refusing to apologize.

He discusses the purported Mexico trip and calls it "nasty," saying that he cut friendships with anyone who was outed that day. Shizzy claims he did not go to Mexico with them and that he was never a pro-Smash Bros. player. The video gained over 9,500 likes in two days (seen below).

Shizzy's Final Response

On May 13th, 2024, Shizzy posted a third and "final" statement to X, garnering over 7,700 likes in two days. In the video, he denies doxxing Watson, claiming the information he shared could already be found online. He further refuses to apologize for standing up for Black VTubers.

Allegations From Woofy / Woofinz (Shizzy's Ex)

On May 14th, 2024, X[12] user and streamer @Woofinz, who claims to be Shizzy's ex and was purportedly working on a VTuber model for him, made a thread alleging problematic behavior from Shizzy. The thread alleges that Shizzy made fun of a cancer patient and criticizes Shizzy for making fun of "deep voice" VTubers. She claims that Shizzy has not paid her for the work she did on the VTuber model.

Among other claims, she also said he deleted their Discord messages in which Shizzy acted toxic towards her, providing screenshots of the deleted DMs (shown below). The post gained over 7,800 likes in a day.

*。°C °. Woofer. °C °.* @Woofinz I need to get this off my chest... I've seen the videos of Shizzy 'TheGawd' buzzing around this platform *。°C °. Woofer. * *.* @Woofinz Talking about deep voice vTubers: the past few days and I just need to point out some hypocrisy and bring Shizzy, 'TheGawd' mocks the deep voice vTubers but also says if your up some points. I'll speak on this categorically so that it's an easy TLDR read. For anyone who needs additional outside context: I am Woofy (Bri), I dated Shizzy 'TheGawd' at the beginning of Covid (4.20.2020) and we broke up about a year after. I worked on his first model around December of 2020. And started working on a 2.0 model in the Spring of 2023 and sent files in November 2023 but worked on additions throughout December. (Model below) MAIN COLORS- JEWELRY -DREADS 1 2 19 1 2 natural voice is deep then it's all good. Interesting considering he @Woofinz Woofer. 4 Talks about VTuber assets: He brings up VTuber assets and how there are none for melanated models, while this is true for most poc creators, this is not true for Shizzy. I am his 1.0 and tba 2.0 model designer/artist (you'd probably never know and who knows if I will receive credit in the future). I have made around 40 UNIQUE toggles from hands, to faces, to recolors and clothing for HIS model, especially since it is very unique and will not mix well with available assets that DO come in melanated shades. Even after receiving the final files, Shizzy still owes money on his 2D model and is currently behind 3 months ($1500) on his agreed upon monthly payments. I am blocked on all forms of communication so I can't even ask about it, I just have to trust that he will pay the agreed upon total of $6000 by December 2024. He has prioritized purchasing a new 3D and gummy model instead of paying towards the owed model. He is also using the exact art from the asking or crediting me (some of the assets are LITERAL copy pastes of my art from the original. Just redraw it man! I don't want to be upset with the artists but I kinda am since a lot of it is literally ripped and not redrawn). Idk who made the 3D model or gummi model but using my art without crediting or changing it is frustrating. I tried to handle things privately for months but again, blocked everywhere even email and phone. harassed a deep voiced vTuber by calling him a cancer patient or corpse model design for ha curent 3D model AND gummy model without wannabe multiple times. Shizzy also falsely accused him of having herpes (not true) and smoking packs of cigarettes (also not true) in order to get the voice he has. All of which was out of malice because the vTuber involved is close to me and would play games with me regularly. The bout of jealousy resulted in Shizzy talking poorly of the other vTuber, even if it's out of hurt, it doesn't make right. Outside of my own experience with Shizzy, a handful of people in this community Voice Act. If people want to rock a different voice from what is seen as natural, then so be it. Is some of it corny? sure. But if it's not for you, don't watch. This is a creative space and people shouldn't be ashamed to try or do something different. 7:26 PM - May 14, 2024 210.6K Views I just want to be paid so I can move on, heal, and be done with it. I've put a lot of people on a back burner for him and his model because I was promised to be paid for all the rushing and work. On top of being rushed live on streams and threatened in DMs. That's all to say... HE has assets and in 2024 assets are becoming more available and accessible to all. Not everything is going to be free, if you want a certain asset don't complain to creators that are making free assets. Please HIRE someone to make what you are looking for. People doing nice things shouldn't be s--- on for no reason. A handful of black artists and other artists are open and available to help you out. Could there be more? Absolutely. Is there an issue with artists denying service? Yes, and if they do, call them out! But so many of my fellow black creators keep ignoring the artists that ARE available for what they are looking for. I don't get it. Melanin Mafia has lists for your convenience. Again, bringing up the artists that DO refuse working with darker skin SHOULD be outed, now that's a topic I can get behind! (Most of the assets and faces below. Majority cut for full rigging and unique movement. vs the examples of art used for the other models) OUTFIT AND EXPRESSION TOGGLES FOR THE GAND @Woofinz Mocks VTuber audience for shipping: Talks about shipping Tubers based on fan art or commissioned art. Saying you shouldn't force relationships based on a photo. Shizzy literally harassed myself and another vTuber because of a YCH promo I made for my community (I am single). As well as threatening the other VTuber's life because an art piece a mutual friend of ours drew of us for Christmas (not sexual, not even hugging, just standing btw. Again, not dating anyone). He even went as far as no longer hiring the artist anymore, blocking and canceling work with them just because of the art piece. I understand he's quick to anger and obsessive over me and who I talked to. This is STILL not appropriate behavior to exude. Regardless of the fine details of our relationship, innocent parties don't deserve to have their livelihood threatened a multitude of times. Even fearing to show up to conventions due to TheGawd's threats. By no means am I saying that I was perfect in our relationship with one another, but I tried my best to make a neutral space to conduct and finish our business. A lot of toxicity and poor behavior was conducted throughout the past year. I keep my mouth shut about private situations with others, I am not one to expose or talk about s--- that I can handle on my own. But when friends or money is involved, it gets a bit muddy. I have had to deal with a lot while handling my breakup with Shizzy. Between him befriending my friends and other streamers I'm close to in order to keep tabs on me or if it benefitted him (was never interested in my friends prior to our breakup). (Just a fraction of the harassment live in Twitch chat) 3:33 Shizzy Weird? It's F----- art. You're mad over some pixels that I share with my community I no you f----- idiot you drew that s--- with romance n---- holdin a spyro toy, aint wearing a spyro onsie and yall hearts match those the only ones like that are you retarded? cuz you actin like it We had matching ones that I used as bases to sell to others. I do that every time I have a ych. Get over it whatever shorty ♡ ♡ Delivered just like you said i gotta deal with you not changing those trash ass onesies you gotta deal with me not wanting to see it thats the middle ground iMessage Cash *. 'C'. Woofer. 'C'.* @Woofinz On top of deleting EVERY single discord message ever sent to my main and most to the art account to hide all this toxic behavior, threats, and mental/emotional abuse, when he states that he stands on business and not afraid of skeletons. I am tired. I'm tired of reading about how he is a hero to the black community and I'm tired of the black community being ok with someone being aggressive, rude, or hurtful just because they are telling "the truth" and b/c he's an ex-battle rapper. This is vTubing. We aren't battle rapping. These anime waifus/husbandos aren't holding a match to him nor are they trying to. *. * *. Woofer. ˚C *.* @Woofinz Using hot trending topics to bolster a debut, comes off as bait. And it worked. It brought out every racist rage baiter from their holes and also showed who in the black community is ok with violence and disrespect as long as it's coming from the mouth of a big enough creator. Someone admits to being toxic, violent, unapologetic and it's ok to y'all? There could have finally been a constructive convo around racism in the (Just a little example of the deleted messages. Hard to follow with all the community but instead it's been turned into a dumpster fire. There are a deletes. Again, our ENTIRE discord history is deleted now) 7:26 PM - May 14, 2024 170.5K Views lot of REAL examples of racism and "troll ones" were chosen this time round. Even though these topics have been brought up numerous times, it took someone slightly clouted for anyone outside of the black community to finally care. Sad really. You all should want more and better. Take it as you will, I'm just sick of being a quiet little mouse when it comes to s--- I've dealt with and still dealing with over the years. Big streamers get away with a lot and I'm just tired of being someone's stepping stool every time. 7:26 PM - May 14, 2024 163.5K Views

The Gawd Today at 10:18 AM you're still getting your credits regardless. I think YOU'RE s----- as a person but I respect your craft. Bri Kristine Today at 10:18 AM I was just giving an option since you had mentioned wanting no credits. details/ The Gawd Today at 10:19 AM yeah no. after you get your model n s--- we're completely done. this is just so i dont have to see you on my discord anymore. paid. Bri Kristine Today at 10:20 AM Lol that's fine. I gave the invoice months ago so. Idk Thank you. The Gawd Today at 10:20 AM w.e 11:14 302 The Gawd don't have to worry about me contacting you. I could and probably should hold your files til the model is made but I wasn't goin to do that to you because I gave you my word and you gave me yours. You're the only one saying you'd go back on that tho. The Gawd Today at 11:12 AM If you don't think you shat on me the moment you started thottin around with this n----, you're delusional. and of course i feel how i do, you've PROVEN my thoughts lmfaooo nonetheless, im not goin back on my word. I'm gettin you your s--- when its time. i reserve my right to feel a type of way when you SHOWED me the difference in your endeavors with this bum and when were talking i cant call it dating cuz it was a s----- "relationship" and you never called me your boyfriend so you were just a talk lol Bri Kristine Today at 11:14 AM If playing games and being friendly is "thotting" so be it. Regardless I'm single and been single. Get over it already. I don't ask or assume what you're doing. Like you said, this is business. So this is not a conversation I'm having with you. You will receive your files on the 23rd. ...The Gawd is typing... + Message @The Gawd details/IN Lol that's fine. I gave the invoice months ago so. Idk Thank you. Im not home so I'll either have my mom send when she's free or I'll let you know when im available to send them. The Gawd Today at 10:22 AM eta? dont have your mom send me anything dont want her weird ass anywhere near my s--- well when u get back from thottin around hmu. + Message @The Gawd time details," Lol that's fine. I gave the invoice months ago so. Idk Thank you. Im not home so I'll either have my mom send when she's free or I'll let you know when im available to send them. The Gawd Today at 10:54 AM you'll be receiving an email from paypal in regards to a dispute for this since I havent received the files. NEW MESSAGES The Gawd Today at 10:55 AM Have your mother send me the files asap while u out thottin around so I can end the dispute. only did it to protect myself cuz I dont trust you for s---. 302 11:05 @ The Gawd • clear that i never really meant anything to you so its f--- you until you dont exist anymore but this is business so im protecting my ass Bri Kristine Today at 11:04 AM I we haven't spoke in months. I am also a business and understand you are bigger than me and can steal from me way more than I could ever steal from you. Your files will be delivered as soon as I get to my pc on the 23rd* around noon it should be there. The Gawd Today at 11:04 AM Like, you played the s--- outta me. idk why you're expecting me to be nice to you lol Bri Kristine Today at 11:05 AM Do you want the sketches for the alternative outfits or no? The Gawd Today at 11:05 AM no Bri Kristine Today at 11:05 AM Ok The Gawd Today at 11:05 AM i just want the PSD with my finished s--- so I can block you on this let you rot ...The Gawd is typing... 11:15 11:16 302 The Gawd 302 The Gawd + ■ Message @The Gawd and you never called me your boyfriend so you were just a talk already. I don't ask or assume what you're doing. lol Bri Kristine Today at 11:14 AM If playing games and being friendly is "thotting" so be it. Regardless I'm single and been single. Get over it already. I don't ask or assume what you're doing. Like you said, this is business. So this is not a conversation I'm having with you. You will receive your files on the 23rd. I was waiting on you. The Gawd Today at 11:14 AM i mean, its more than just being friendly and playin games considering you over there smuttin around rn lol (edited) so yes ima feel a type of way you shat on me lmao n---- never made an attempt to come see me but hops on a plane for this bum with the quickness Imfaooooo foh Bri Kristine Today at 11:15 AM Totally. Your files will arrive the 23rd. + Message @The Gawd Like you said, this is business. So this is not a conversation I'm having with you. You will receive your files on the 23rd. I was waiting on you. The Gawd Today at 11:14 AM i mean, its more than just being friendly and playin games considering you over there smuttin around rn lol (edited) so yes ima feel a type of way you shat on me lmao n---- never made an attempt to come see me but hops on a plane for this bum with the quickness Imfaooooo foh Bri Kristine Today at 11:15 AM Totally. Your files will arrive the 23rd. The Gawd Today at 11:15 AM good enjoy ya thot time after you get me my s--- die or whatever. idc. i just want my s--- so we can finish this deal and you can maintain ya wash Message @The Gawd The Gawd Bri Kristine 10/27/2023 9:51 PM - chat box bitsx448.png 11 files sent via WeTransfer, the simplest way to send your files around the world Bri Kristine 11/09/2023 10:34 PM you pinged? Bri Kristine 11/15/2023 9:07 AM What's up? November 9, 2023 November 15, 2023 Everything has been ready for over a month? I literally asked you are you ready ages ago you ghosted me lol Bri Kristine 11/15/2023 9:14 AM Invoice is still in your possession at $750 for just the rush and last minute art. 10382.15 = full itemized list and if you want to take my name off everything and never speak again. Full commercial rights no credits. Otherwise Probably 6k for your music and for the model that was promised. And having to communicate again etc with credits. I was just giving an option since you had mentioned wanting no credits. Lol that's fine. I gave the invoice months ago so. Idk Thank you. Im not home so I'll either have my mom send when she's free or I'll let you know when im available to send them. Bri Kristine 11/15/2023 10:00 AM I stepped away from the chat for a few minutes. I will be back at my pc on the 20th. It was sent off for repair by NZXT. Tried to get you your files over a month ago before it was shipped.and you ghosted. There is no reason for me to hold the files. Idk why you are insulting me for no reason. we haven't spoke in months. I am also a business and understand you are bigger than me and can steal from me way more than I could ever steal from you. Your files will be delivered as soon as I get to my pc on the 23rd* around noon it should be there. Do you want the sketches for the alternative outfits or no? Ok Bri Kristine 11/15/2023 10:10 AM No one shat on you. We stopped communicating and I've been focusing on my own things. Idk how thats an issue. Either way you feel the way you do. You still owe me technically, this is why I figured paying 6k would be the better option for you so you don't have to worry about me contacting you. I could and probably should hold your files til the model is made but I wasn't goin to do that to you because I gave you my word and you gave me yours. You're the only one saying you'd go back on that tho. If playing games and being friendly is "thotting" so be it. Regardless I'm single and been single. Get over it already. I don't ask or assume what you're doing.

On May 15th, Shizzy responded to Woffinz through an X[13] post admitting his fault in the DMs and that he has to get his anger "in check," garnering over 1,500 likes in a day (shown below).

The Gawd @visecs Subscribe On some g s--- tho. Although im not in favor of publicizing private conversations for twitter, shorty postin my half of the toxicity from our stained relationship forced me to face the fact that my temper makes me the devil and i gotta get that set in check cuz i bugged out on her. S was yuckypoopoo and very unbecoming of me. Ladies, i owe you a genuine apology for my mouth when dealing with my ex. I apologize. • 11:38 PM. May 15, 2024 76.7K Views

Online Reactions

As the controversy spread in mid-May 2024, Shizzy received both backlash for his claims about the VTuber community and defense from some, with both criticism and defense getting stronger as he responded. Many of his responses resulted in racist memes and posts towards Shizzy, some of which can be seen in his response videos. The controversy also inspired posts calling Shizzy's VTuber design ugly and overdesigned.

Defense for Shizzy

On May 13th, 2024, following Shizzy's second response, X[10] user and YouTuber @MightyKeef made a post defending Shizzy against the allegations against him, in particular the ones related to the Smash Bros. community ties, directly calling out X user @kenshirotism for claiming Shizzy was a pro player and for making the viral thread alleging his ties to the community (shown below).

Mightykeef @MightyKeef Shizzy told a community that they have a huge racist problem, and as a response, a lot of their members went full twitter mode. Deflected towards accusations with literally zero research. These two are perpetuating a lie that Shizzy was part of the smash players who got outted as pedos back in 2020. They didnt even try to do any research. They are confusing him with the pro smash players. THEY THINK SHIZZY WAS A PRO SMASH PLAYER LOL. And when confronted with questions on the validity of their claim they create a narrative founded off of "he said/ she said" and then post an out of context pic that does not even corroborate the claim. This behavior needs to be called out. Reply Related posts Post your reply hba & pyrex fan saksfifthfan27-May 13 he didn't know until after the fact and cut them off after Imfao there's legit a video of him reacting to the fact one of his best friends was a predator and he deadass doesn't talk to him or anything anymore, good job on spreading misinformation 137 UndergroundShell ONicherererShell May 13 He did in fact know before the fact, he flat out tweeted about knowing before the fact, unless you're saying he retroactively lied? Why was he going with them to meet minors in mexico? Dude bitches about racism with Vtubers, but is friends with an ACTUAL You're unable to view this Post because this account ner who can view their Pats La 12:47 AM-May 15, 2004-590.2 views 口 Post your reply 4 AM Neply In The Gawd SORS @visecs Subscribe YO @xD1x I JUST F------ SPOKE TO YOU AND YOU ASSURED ME YOU AINT DO ANYTHING! WHAT THE F--- N----?! HokutoNsTiam (TAL) May 15 Aright, got some more context for the situation Vises was in the Smash Bros circle, and was friends with multiple dudes who got outed as being predators. Specifically D, Nairo, and a guy named smashbros Summary of sexual and non-sexual

On May 14th, @MightyKeef and @Kenshirotism got into an argument on X[11] about the allegations, with @MightyKeef demanding further proof and @Kenshirotism seemingly unable to provide any (shown below).

Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism. 23h >Shizzy told a community they have a racism problem He literally edited clips to make them sound like racial slurs, and doxxed a woman. Then, shocker, people dug into him and found out his connections with Smash predators. Is this *really* the hill you want to die on? Mightykeef MightyKeef - May 14 Shizzy told a community that they have a huge racist problem, and as a response, a lot of their members went full twitter mode. Deflected towards accusations with literally zero research. These two are perpetuating a lie that Shizzy was part of the smash... Show more Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism. 23h >once he found out Nice goalpost move. "SO WHAT IF HE WAS FRIENDS WITH SMASH PEDOPHILES!?" He barged into a community and called them all racist and doxxed a woman. All the while he hung out with actual sex predators. Mightykeef @MightyKeef - 23h Replying to @kenshirotism Where is your evidence he had connections with smash predators once he found out they were predators? Either provide that or admit to eveyeone you're just talking out your ass. 21 163 1.4K 117K 1 Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - 22h It's 100% a goalpost move. The Smash leaks revealed a MASSIVE network of sexual abuse in that circle. It was literally an open secret with big figures involved. And his behavior is sus as f---. Like blocking anyone who references Mexico. Mightykeef @MightyKeef - 22h Replying to @kenshirotism "Once he found out" is a HUGE component in this. Are you dense?????????? That is not a goalpost being moved. That is an important part of someone's actions and intent. Your crawling in a corner, trying to find ways out.... Show more Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - 22h >was friends with *multiple* guys accused of p--------- >scrambled to delete tweets that reference Mexico when it blew up >mass blocked everyone and locked everything down You f------ tell me. Mightykeef @MightyKeef - 22h Replying to @kenshirotism Are you going to provide the proof i asked for, or are you going to be mature enough and tell everyone you're just talking out your ass? You have made like 6 more post and none of them have any proof. YO @xDxI JUST F------ SPOKE TO YOU AND YOU ASSURED ME YOU AINT DO ANYTHING! WHAT THE F--- N----?! Rate proposed Community Notes 12354 Mightykeof @MightyKeef Summary of sexual and non-sexual 3.1K 173K Where is your evidence he had connections with smash predators once he found out they were predators? Either provide that or admit to eveyeone you're just talking out your ass. 2:35 PM - May 14, 2024 120.5K Views Mightykeef @MightyKeef "Once he found out" is a HUGE component in this. Are you dense?????????? That is not a goalpost being moved. That is an important part of someone's actions and intent. Your crawling in a corner, trying to find ways out. You still have provided no proof, like i requested. 3:04 PM - May 14, 2024 - 83.8K Views 25 184 17 1 62 641 ili 46K 1 Mightykeef @MightyKeef Mightykeef @MightyKeef Are you going to provide the proof i asked for, or are you going to be mature enough and tell everyone you're just talking out your ass? You have made like 6 more post and none of them have any proof. 3:21 PM - May 14, 2024 - 99.9K Views 1K Ill 73K I'll just assume this is you admitting you have no actual evidence he was involved, and you are just talking out your ass. I believe we are done here. 3:34 PM - May 14, 2024 108K Views

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External References

[1] YouTube – TheGawd

[2] Reddit – kurosanji

[3] X – visecs

[4] X – SouthWestGames

[5] YouTube – John Usada

[6] X – kenshirotism

[7] Reddit – smashbros

[8] Reddit – smashbros

[9] X – visecs

[10] X – mightykeef

[11] X – MightyKeef

[12] X – woofinz

[13] X – visecs

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Shizzy TheGawd VTuber Racism Doxxing Controversy depicting art of the creator.

Shizzy "TheGawd" VTuber Racism / Doxxing Controversy

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Related Explainer: Who Is VTuber Shizzy 'TheGawd' And Why Is He Getting Canceled? The Viral Doxxing Controversy Explained

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The Shizzy "TheGawd" VTuber Racism and Doxxing Controversy refers to backlash and discourse surrounding the release of a video by VTuber Shizzy (aka TheGawd and @visecs) in which he criticizes various VTubers and aspects of VTuber culture, most notably for racism and fostering parasocial relationships. The video was criticized for doxxing the identity of VTuber Watson Amelia and using a compilation of VTubers seemingly saying the N-word, which allegedly lacked context. The clips were purportedly removed from the video. Following its release, Shizzy doubled down on the criticism several times. People also began trying to dig up dirt on Shizzy and using it to call him a hypocrite and suggest he is a predator, including claims that he was friends with several professional Super Smash Bros. players who were alleged to be predators that went on a trip to Mexico to prey on children. Purportedly, he deleted posts about taking a trip to Mexico with the players, although aspects of these claims have been contested and are unconfirmed. Shizzy denied all these claims in a response video, saying he cut ties with all accused Smash players at that time.


On May 11th, 2024, VTuber TheGawd, aka Shizzy, posted a video to YouTube[1] titled "Everything WRONG With Vtubers" in which he criticizes numerous aspects of VTuber culture and specific creators. The video includes criticisms that VTubers aren't funny, they all have the same personality, the VTuber community is full of racism, they foster parasocial relationships with their viewers and that they participate in selective outrage. The video gained over 84,000 views in four days (shown below).


Initial Criticism (Racism, Doxxing of Watson Amelia)

On May 12th, 2024, the video was shared to the subreddit /r/kurosanji[2] in a post titled "Bad faith video slandering and doxxing Vtubers," garnering over 600 upvotes in three days. The post claims that the video was edited shortly after it was uploaded, likely due to backlash, to remove an intro segment where Shizzy plays a compilation of VTubers seemingly saying the N-word, with many of the clips supposedly taken out of context (for example, they were saying a Japanese or Chinese word that sounded like the N-word and some VTubers may not know the full context of using the word as they're Japanese), the poster writing:

Many of the clips were non-English speakers either saying things in Japanese and Chinese that sounded like the N-word or said the N-word not knowing what it meant (think the GTAV Lamar clips). The clips also included one from Takanashi Kiara saying the N-word while rushing through a song but edited out the immediate apology she gave for her mistake. The worst clip featured the real life face of Amelia Watson and connected her to her current Hololive persona.

The post goes on to claim that Shizzy is deleting negative comments to support his own arguments. He also purportedly doxxed the identity of VTuber Watson Amelia within the first minute of the video, although this was seemingly removed as well.

Shizzy's First Response

On May 12th, 2024, Shizzy uploaded a video to X[3] responding to criticism he was receiving for the video. In the video, he pretends to apologize then further criticizes Mori Calliope for using the N-word. At the end of the video, he then apologizes for criticizing the Japanese and Korean speakers for using the word. He then shows a compilation of X posts making racist statements towards him for his criticism of the VTuber community. The video gained over 9,700 likes in three days (shown below).

Relationship With Predators Allegations

Following Shizzy's first response, some began to accuse Shizzy of being friends with alleged predators, including alleged predators from the professional Super Smash Bros. community.

For example, on May 12th, 2024, X[4] user @SouthWestGames made a post claiming the doxxing info of Watson was taken from a YouTuber[5] John Usada, who has several videos and memes about Jeffrey Epstein, which the user claims "worships" Epstein, garnering over 2,900 likes in three days (shown below).

Savitar @SouthWestGames Bro, your source, is an actual p--------. You got a dox, and the source was a p--- who hated the VTuber whose face you doxxed. You're gonna get sued. here's some actual criticism without hate-filled lens, anything except the one moment at the intro where you showed a vtuber's face is alright. i understand you got it from a channel named "jhon usada" on youtube but that person is an actual weirdo who worships epstein and does not care for the privacy of the vtubers on his video, your video seems to garner a lot more attention than his though, and something so foul as to spread doxxing of someone might have been overlooked on his small channel, but it's going to be a big problem on yours. i suggest you hop into the youtube editor and take off the clip with the vtuber's face at the intro since that seems to be the only contention point and something that could potentially pose a risk to your channel and brand.

On May 13th, X[6] user @kenshirotism posted a thread alleging that Shizzy was friends with several pro Super Smash Bros. players who were alleged to be predators, sharing links to two posts on /r/smashbros[7][8] that detail the allegations. The second link includes a broken video in which, purportedly, Shizzy calls out alleged Smash predators. However, the X user writes, "at first, Visecs tried to push himself as 'one of the good guys' by 'calling out' the Smash preds and making fun of them. Then the guys he was tight with were outed and he suddenly changed tune on the matter."

Another commenter on the /r/smashbros thread from 2020 also claims this, writing, "Man I like Shizzy and what was said in this clip is great, but all that shit he was tweeting the past few days rubbed me the wrong way and was honestly insulting to the victims (Talking about how the whole community is nasty and making a 'funny' skit talking about the smash community not showering and being predators) and his tune completely changed when one his close friends was outed as a groomer."

The X user also claims Shizzy went on a trip to Mexico with one of the players and that Shizzy was deleting posts related to it (thread shown below).

Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - May 13 Yo, so apparently this dude's source, the guy who doxxed Amelia, might legit be a Smash player who tried to f--- a 15 year old down in Mexico. Dude bitches about racism with Vtubers, but is friends with an ACTUAL P--------. You're unable to view this Post because this account owner limits who can view their Posts. Learn more 137 tl 997 ❤7K ili 604K Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - May 13 Alright, got some more context for the situation. Visecs was in the Smash Bros circle, and was friends with multiple dudes who got outed as being predators. Specifically D1, Nairo, and a guy named PK. Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - May 13 At first, Visecs tried to push himself as "one of the good guys" by "calling out the Smash preds and making fun of them. Then the guys he was tight with were outed and he suddenly changed tune on the matter. The rumors stem from him being tied to them. reddit Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism May 13 Apparently the Mexico rumor came from this dude. Zero clue who he is or if this is just b-------. DH @rageofkyubii Follow All that because he's jealous of Calli. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. He may have also tried to go to Mexico to sleep with a 15 year old when he played Smash competitively. 10:31 PM - 5/12/24 From Earth-299 Views 1 Repost 14 Likes 2741 579 39K Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - May 13 Found another tweet referencing the Mexico thing. This "didn't just pop up out of nowhere, it seems like a rumor that brewed for a bit. Still hoping somebody with damning receipts can clarify everything. Cola Grifter @ColaGrifte64.8m C Yo wait what? Q1 49 Follow Mesugaki Monthly @c91099 Yeah this guy used to be a smash player and he went to Mexico for some 15 year old if I'm remembering correctly 6:57 PM - 5/12/24 From Earth - 43 Views smashbros Summary of sexual and non-sexual allegations Megathread Puppeh's tweet seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back. I am documenting allegations, mainly 15K 5K From the smashbros community on Reddit: Summary of sexual and non-sexual... From 18 1170 1K 128K 1 From the smashbros community on Reddit. A message from VI Seconds From ○ 2 1772 690 46K Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - May 13 Apparently these guys were legit friends, and it wasn't like passing acquaintance from just the same circle. And considering the depths that the Smash Bros p--- ring got to, no wonder this dude has rumors about him. No clue where the Mexico story is from, can't find anything. 04 623 13.55 40K HokutoNoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism So the Mexico rumors seem to stem from when he was hanging out with 1738 Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism this friend group. Apparently they would take trips down to Mexico, and SUPPOSEDLY Visecs deleted a ton of references to these trips when the allegations blew up in the Smash circle. In The Gawd Sape @visecs Subscribe YO @xD1x I JUST F------ SPOKE TO YOU AND YOU ASSURED ME YOU AINT DO ANYTHING! WHAT THE F--- N----?! 4:36 AM - 02 Jul 20 la 27K This is a guy directly referencing it, and we have a quote. HOPEFULLY somebody can explain what the hell is going on... Seiko @SeikoJoG May 12 Replying to @Rev_says_desu He should know about problems in a community, after all. He was apart of the smash community! He also seemed to have some notable friendships with POIs Keitaro, Zero, D1. Show more 3:32 AM - May 13, 2024 34.3K Views

Shizzy's Second Response

On the night of May 13th, 2024, Shizzy posted another response video to X[9] addressing the new set of allegations. He begins by mentioning how people are being racist towards him and again claims he's trying to defend Black VTubers, refusing to apologize.

He discusses the purported Mexico trip and calls it "nasty," saying that he cut friendships with anyone who was outed that day. Shizzy claims he did not go to Mexico with them and that he was never a pro-Smash Bros. player. The video gained over 9,500 likes in two days (seen below).

Shizzy's Final Response

On May 13th, 2024, Shizzy posted a third and "final" statement to X, garnering over 7,700 likes in two days. In the video, he denies doxxing Watson, claiming the information he shared could already be found online. He further refuses to apologize for standing up for Black VTubers.

Allegations From Woofy / Woofinz (Shizzy's Ex)

On May 14th, 2024, X[12] user and streamer @Woofinz, who claims to be Shizzy's ex and was purportedly working on a VTuber model for him, made a thread alleging problematic behavior from Shizzy. The thread alleges that Shizzy made fun of a cancer patient and criticizes Shizzy for making fun of "deep voice" VTubers. She claims that Shizzy has not paid her for the work she did on the VTuber model.

Among other claims, she also said he deleted their Discord messages in which Shizzy acted toxic towards her, providing screenshots of the deleted DMs (shown below). The post gained over 7,800 likes in a day.

*。°C °. Woofer. °C °.* @Woofinz I need to get this off my chest... I've seen the videos of Shizzy 'TheGawd' buzzing around this platform *。°C °. Woofer. * *.* @Woofinz Talking about deep voice vTubers: the past few days and I just need to point out some hypocrisy and bring Shizzy, 'TheGawd' mocks the deep voice vTubers but also says if your up some points. I'll speak on this categorically so that it's an easy TLDR read. For anyone who needs additional outside context: I am Woofy (Bri), I dated Shizzy 'TheGawd' at the beginning of Covid (4.20.2020) and we broke up about a year after. I worked on his first model around December of 2020. And started working on a 2.0 model in the Spring of 2023 and sent files in November 2023 but worked on additions throughout December. (Model below) MAIN COLORS- JEWELRY -DREADS 1 2 19 1 2 natural voice is deep then it's all good. Interesting considering he @Woofinz Woofer. 4 Talks about VTuber assets: He brings up VTuber assets and how there are none for melanated models, while this is true for most poc creators, this is not true for Shizzy. I am his 1.0 and tba 2.0 model designer/artist (you'd probably never know and who knows if I will receive credit in the future). I have made around 40 UNIQUE toggles from hands, to faces, to recolors and clothing for HIS model, especially since it is very unique and will not mix well with available assets that DO come in melanated shades. Even after receiving the final files, Shizzy still owes money on his 2D model and is currently behind 3 months ($1500) on his agreed upon monthly payments. I am blocked on all forms of communication so I can't even ask about it, I just have to trust that he will pay the agreed upon total of $6000 by December 2024. He has prioritized purchasing a new 3D and gummy model instead of paying towards the owed model. He is also using the exact art from the asking or crediting me (some of the assets are LITERAL copy pastes of my art from the original. Just redraw it man! I don't want to be upset with the artists but I kinda am since a lot of it is literally ripped and not redrawn). Idk who made the 3D model or gummi model but using my art without crediting or changing it is frustrating. I tried to handle things privately for months but again, blocked everywhere even email and phone. harassed a deep voiced vTuber by calling him a cancer patient or corpse model design for ha curent 3D model AND gummy model without wannabe multiple times. Shizzy also falsely accused him of having herpes (not true) and smoking packs of cigarettes (also not true) in order to get the voice he has. All of which was out of malice because the vTuber involved is close to me and would play games with me regularly. The bout of jealousy resulted in Shizzy talking poorly of the other vTuber, even if it's out of hurt, it doesn't make right. Outside of my own experience with Shizzy, a handful of people in this community Voice Act. If people want to rock a different voice from what is seen as natural, then so be it. Is some of it corny? sure. But if it's not for you, don't watch. This is a creative space and people shouldn't be ashamed to try or do something different. 7:26 PM - May 14, 2024 210.6K Views I just want to be paid so I can move on, heal, and be done with it. I've put a lot of people on a back burner for him and his model because I was promised to be paid for all the rushing and work. On top of being rushed live on streams and threatened in DMs. That's all to say... HE has assets and in 2024 assets are becoming more available and accessible to all. Not everything is going to be free, if you want a certain asset don't complain to creators that are making free assets. Please HIRE someone to make what you are looking for. People doing nice things shouldn't be s--- on for no reason. A handful of black artists and other artists are open and available to help you out. Could there be more? Absolutely. Is there an issue with artists denying service? Yes, and if they do, call them out! But so many of my fellow black creators keep ignoring the artists that ARE available for what they are looking for. I don't get it. Melanin Mafia has lists for your convenience. Again, bringing up the artists that DO refuse working with darker skin SHOULD be outed, now that's a topic I can get behind! (Most of the assets and faces below. Majority cut for full rigging and unique movement. vs the examples of art used for the other models) OUTFIT AND EXPRESSION TOGGLES FOR THE GAND @Woofinz Mocks VTuber audience for shipping: Talks about shipping Tubers based on fan art or commissioned art. Saying you shouldn't force relationships based on a photo. Shizzy literally harassed myself and another vTuber because of a YCH promo I made for my community (I am single). As well as threatening the other VTuber's life because an art piece a mutual friend of ours drew of us for Christmas (not sexual, not even hugging, just standing btw. Again, not dating anyone). He even went as far as no longer hiring the artist anymore, blocking and canceling work with them just because of the art piece. I understand he's quick to anger and obsessive over me and who I talked to. This is STILL not appropriate behavior to exude. Regardless of the fine details of our relationship, innocent parties don't deserve to have their livelihood threatened a multitude of times. Even fearing to show up to conventions due to TheGawd's threats. By no means am I saying that I was perfect in our relationship with one another, but I tried my best to make a neutral space to conduct and finish our business. A lot of toxicity and poor behavior was conducted throughout the past year. I keep my mouth shut about private situations with others, I am not one to expose or talk about s--- that I can handle on my own. But when friends or money is involved, it gets a bit muddy. I have had to deal with a lot while handling my breakup with Shizzy. Between him befriending my friends and other streamers I'm close to in order to keep tabs on me or if it benefitted him (was never interested in my friends prior to our breakup). (Just a fraction of the harassment live in Twitch chat) 3:33 Shizzy Weird? It's F----- art. You're mad over some pixels that I share with my community I no you f----- idiot you drew that s--- with romance n---- holdin a spyro toy, aint wearing a spyro onsie and yall hearts match those the only ones like that are you retarded? cuz you actin like it We had matching ones that I used as bases to sell to others. I do that every time I have a ych. Get over it whatever shorty ♡ ♡ Delivered just like you said i gotta deal with you not changing those trash ass onesies you gotta deal with me not wanting to see it thats the middle ground iMessage Cash *. 'C'. Woofer. 'C'.* @Woofinz On top of deleting EVERY single discord message ever sent to my main and most to the art account to hide all this toxic behavior, threats, and mental/emotional abuse, when he states that he stands on business and not afraid of skeletons. I am tired. I'm tired of reading about how he is a hero to the black community and I'm tired of the black community being ok with someone being aggressive, rude, or hurtful just because they are telling "the truth" and b/c he's an ex-battle rapper. This is vTubing. We aren't battle rapping. These anime waifus/husbandos aren't holding a match to him nor are they trying to. *. * *. Woofer. ˚C *.* @Woofinz Using hot trending topics to bolster a debut, comes off as bait. And it worked. It brought out every racist rage baiter from their holes and also showed who in the black community is ok with violence and disrespect as long as it's coming from the mouth of a big enough creator. Someone admits to being toxic, violent, unapologetic and it's ok to y'all? There could have finally been a constructive convo around racism in the (Just a little example of the deleted messages. Hard to follow with all the community but instead it's been turned into a dumpster fire. There are a deletes. Again, our ENTIRE discord history is deleted now) 7:26 PM - May 14, 2024 170.5K Views lot of REAL examples of racism and "troll ones" were chosen this time round. Even though these topics have been brought up numerous times, it took someone slightly clouted for anyone outside of the black community to finally care. Sad really. You all should want more and better. Take it as you will, I'm just sick of being a quiet little mouse when it comes to s--- I've dealt with and still dealing with over the years. Big streamers get away with a lot and I'm just tired of being someone's stepping stool every time. 7:26 PM - May 14, 2024 163.5K Views

The Gawd Today at 10:18 AM you're still getting your credits regardless. I think YOU'RE s----- as a person but I respect your craft. Bri Kristine Today at 10:18 AM I was just giving an option since you had mentioned wanting no credits. details/ The Gawd Today at 10:19 AM yeah no. after you get your model n s--- we're completely done. this is just so i dont have to see you on my discord anymore. paid. Bri Kristine Today at 10:20 AM Lol that's fine. I gave the invoice months ago so. Idk Thank you. The Gawd Today at 10:20 AM w.e 11:14 302 The Gawd don't have to worry about me contacting you. I could and probably should hold your files til the model is made but I wasn't goin to do that to you because I gave you my word and you gave me yours. You're the only one saying you'd go back on that tho. The Gawd Today at 11:12 AM If you don't think you shat on me the moment you started thottin around with this n----, you're delusional. and of course i feel how i do, you've PROVEN my thoughts lmfaooo nonetheless, im not goin back on my word. I'm gettin you your s--- when its time. i reserve my right to feel a type of way when you SHOWED me the difference in your endeavors with this bum and when were talking i cant call it dating cuz it was a s----- "relationship" and you never called me your boyfriend so you were just a talk lol Bri Kristine Today at 11:14 AM If playing games and being friendly is "thotting" so be it. Regardless I'm single and been single. Get over it already. I don't ask or assume what you're doing. Like you said, this is business. So this is not a conversation I'm having with you. You will receive your files on the 23rd. ...The Gawd is typing... + Message @The Gawd details/IN Lol that's fine. I gave the invoice months ago so. Idk Thank you. Im not home so I'll either have my mom send when she's free or I'll let you know when im available to send them. The Gawd Today at 10:22 AM eta? dont have your mom send me anything dont want her weird ass anywhere near my s--- well when u get back from thottin around hmu. + Message @The Gawd time details," Lol that's fine. I gave the invoice months ago so. Idk Thank you. Im not home so I'll either have my mom send when she's free or I'll let you know when im available to send them. The Gawd Today at 10:54 AM you'll be receiving an email from paypal in regards to a dispute for this since I havent received the files. NEW MESSAGES The Gawd Today at 10:55 AM Have your mother send me the files asap while u out thottin around so I can end the dispute. only did it to protect myself cuz I dont trust you for s---. 302 11:05 @ The Gawd • clear that i never really meant anything to you so its f--- you until you dont exist anymore but this is business so im protecting my ass Bri Kristine Today at 11:04 AM I we haven't spoke in months. I am also a business and understand you are bigger than me and can steal from me way more than I could ever steal from you. Your files will be delivered as soon as I get to my pc on the 23rd* around noon it should be there. The Gawd Today at 11:04 AM Like, you played the s--- outta me. idk why you're expecting me to be nice to you lol Bri Kristine Today at 11:05 AM Do you want the sketches for the alternative outfits or no? The Gawd Today at 11:05 AM no Bri Kristine Today at 11:05 AM Ok The Gawd Today at 11:05 AM i just want the PSD with my finished s--- so I can block you on this let you rot ...The Gawd is typing... 11:15 11:16 302 The Gawd 302 The Gawd + ■ Message @The Gawd and you never called me your boyfriend so you were just a talk already. I don't ask or assume what you're doing. lol Bri Kristine Today at 11:14 AM If playing games and being friendly is "thotting" so be it. Regardless I'm single and been single. Get over it already. I don't ask or assume what you're doing. Like you said, this is business. So this is not a conversation I'm having with you. You will receive your files on the 23rd. I was waiting on you. The Gawd Today at 11:14 AM i mean, its more than just being friendly and playin games considering you over there smuttin around rn lol (edited) so yes ima feel a type of way you shat on me lmao n---- never made an attempt to come see me but hops on a plane for this bum with the quickness Imfaooooo foh Bri Kristine Today at 11:15 AM Totally. Your files will arrive the 23rd. + Message @The Gawd Like you said, this is business. So this is not a conversation I'm having with you. You will receive your files on the 23rd. I was waiting on you. The Gawd Today at 11:14 AM i mean, its more than just being friendly and playin games considering you over there smuttin around rn lol (edited) so yes ima feel a type of way you shat on me lmao n---- never made an attempt to come see me but hops on a plane for this bum with the quickness Imfaooooo foh Bri Kristine Today at 11:15 AM Totally. Your files will arrive the 23rd. The Gawd Today at 11:15 AM good enjoy ya thot time after you get me my s--- die or whatever. idc. i just want my s--- so we can finish this deal and you can maintain ya wash Message @The Gawd The Gawd Bri Kristine 10/27/2023 9:51 PM - chat box bitsx448.png 11 files sent via WeTransfer, the simplest way to send your files around the world Bri Kristine 11/09/2023 10:34 PM you pinged? Bri Kristine 11/15/2023 9:07 AM What's up? November 9, 2023 November 15, 2023 Everything has been ready for over a month? I literally asked you are you ready ages ago you ghosted me lol Bri Kristine 11/15/2023 9:14 AM Invoice is still in your possession at $750 for just the rush and last minute art. 10382.15 = full itemized list and if you want to take my name off everything and never speak again. Full commercial rights no credits. Otherwise Probably 6k for your music and for the model that was promised. And having to communicate again etc with credits. I was just giving an option since you had mentioned wanting no credits. Lol that's fine. I gave the invoice months ago so. Idk Thank you. Im not home so I'll either have my mom send when she's free or I'll let you know when im available to send them. Bri Kristine 11/15/2023 10:00 AM I stepped away from the chat for a few minutes. I will be back at my pc on the 20th. It was sent off for repair by NZXT. Tried to get you your files over a month ago before it was shipped.and you ghosted. There is no reason for me to hold the files. Idk why you are insulting me for no reason. we haven't spoke in months. I am also a business and understand you are bigger than me and can steal from me way more than I could ever steal from you. Your files will be delivered as soon as I get to my pc on the 23rd* around noon it should be there. Do you want the sketches for the alternative outfits or no? Ok Bri Kristine 11/15/2023 10:10 AM No one shat on you. We stopped communicating and I've been focusing on my own things. Idk how thats an issue. Either way you feel the way you do. You still owe me technically, this is why I figured paying 6k would be the better option for you so you don't have to worry about me contacting you. I could and probably should hold your files til the model is made but I wasn't goin to do that to you because I gave you my word and you gave me yours. You're the only one saying you'd go back on that tho. If playing games and being friendly is "thotting" so be it. Regardless I'm single and been single. Get over it already. I don't ask or assume what you're doing.

On May 15th, Shizzy responded to Woffinz through an X[13] post admitting his fault in the DMs and that he has to get his anger "in check," garnering over 1,500 likes in a day (shown below).

The Gawd @visecs Subscribe On some g s--- tho. Although im not in favor of publicizing private conversations for twitter, shorty postin my half of the toxicity from our stained relationship forced me to face the fact that my temper makes me the devil and i gotta get that set in check cuz i bugged out on her. S was yuckypoopoo and very unbecoming of me. Ladies, i owe you a genuine apology for my mouth when dealing with my ex. I apologize. • 11:38 PM. May 15, 2024 76.7K Views

Online Reactions

As the controversy spread in mid-May 2024, Shizzy received both backlash for his claims about the VTuber community and defense from some, with both criticism and defense getting stronger as he responded. Many of his responses resulted in racist memes and posts towards Shizzy, some of which can be seen in his response videos. The controversy also inspired posts calling Shizzy's VTuber design ugly and overdesigned.

Defense for Shizzy

On May 13th, 2024, following Shizzy's second response, X[10] user and YouTuber @MightyKeef made a post defending Shizzy against the allegations against him, in particular the ones related to the Smash Bros. community ties, directly calling out X user @kenshirotism for claiming Shizzy was a pro player and for making the viral thread alleging his ties to the community (shown below).

Mightykeef @MightyKeef Shizzy told a community that they have a huge racist problem, and as a response, a lot of their members went full twitter mode. Deflected towards accusations with literally zero research. These two are perpetuating a lie that Shizzy was part of the smash players who got outted as pedos back in 2020. They didnt even try to do any research. They are confusing him with the pro smash players. THEY THINK SHIZZY WAS A PRO SMASH PLAYER LOL. And when confronted with questions on the validity of their claim they create a narrative founded off of "he said/ she said" and then post an out of context pic that does not even corroborate the claim. This behavior needs to be called out. Reply Related posts Post your reply hba & pyrex fan saksfifthfan27-May 13 he didn't know until after the fact and cut them off after Imfao there's legit a video of him reacting to the fact one of his best friends was a predator and he deadass doesn't talk to him or anything anymore, good job on spreading misinformation 137 UndergroundShell ONicherererShell May 13 He did in fact know before the fact, he flat out tweeted about knowing before the fact, unless you're saying he retroactively lied? Why was he going with them to meet minors in mexico? Dude bitches about racism with Vtubers, but is friends with an ACTUAL You're unable to view this Post because this account ner who can view their Pats La 12:47 AM-May 15, 2004-590.2 views 口 Post your reply 4 AM Neply In The Gawd SORS @visecs Subscribe YO @xD1x I JUST F------ SPOKE TO YOU AND YOU ASSURED ME YOU AINT DO ANYTHING! WHAT THE F--- N----?! HokutoNsTiam (TAL) May 15 Aright, got some more context for the situation Vises was in the Smash Bros circle, and was friends with multiple dudes who got outed as being predators. Specifically D, Nairo, and a guy named smashbros Summary of sexual and non-sexual

On May 14th, @MightyKeef and @Kenshirotism got into an argument on X[11] about the allegations, with @MightyKeef demanding further proof and @Kenshirotism seemingly unable to provide any (shown below).

Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism. 23h >Shizzy told a community they have a racism problem He literally edited clips to make them sound like racial slurs, and doxxed a woman. Then, shocker, people dug into him and found out his connections with Smash predators. Is this *really* the hill you want to die on? Mightykeef MightyKeef - May 14 Shizzy told a community that they have a huge racist problem, and as a response, a lot of their members went full twitter mode. Deflected towards accusations with literally zero research. These two are perpetuating a lie that Shizzy was part of the smash... Show more Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism. 23h >once he found out Nice goalpost move. "SO WHAT IF HE WAS FRIENDS WITH SMASH PEDOPHILES!?" He barged into a community and called them all racist and doxxed a woman. All the while he hung out with actual sex predators. Mightykeef @MightyKeef - 23h Replying to @kenshirotism Where is your evidence he had connections with smash predators once he found out they were predators? Either provide that or admit to eveyeone you're just talking out your ass. 21 163 1.4K 117K 1 Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - 22h It's 100% a goalpost move. The Smash leaks revealed a MASSIVE network of sexual abuse in that circle. It was literally an open secret with big figures involved. And his behavior is sus as f---. Like blocking anyone who references Mexico. Mightykeef @MightyKeef - 22h Replying to @kenshirotism "Once he found out" is a HUGE component in this. Are you dense?????????? That is not a goalpost being moved. That is an important part of someone's actions and intent. Your crawling in a corner, trying to find ways out.... Show more Hokuto NoTism (TAL) @kenshirotism - 22h >was friends with *multiple* guys accused of p--------- >scrambled to delete tweets that reference Mexico when it blew up >mass blocked everyone and locked everything down You f------ tell me. Mightykeef @MightyKeef - 22h Replying to @kenshirotism Are you going to provide the proof i asked for, or are you going to be mature enough and tell everyone you're just talking out your ass? You have made like 6 more post and none of them have any proof. YO @xDxI JUST F------ SPOKE TO YOU AND YOU ASSURED ME YOU AINT DO ANYTHING! WHAT THE F--- N----?! Rate proposed Community Notes 12354 Mightykeof @MightyKeef Summary of sexual and non-sexual 3.1K 173K Where is your evidence he had connections with smash predators once he found out they were predators? Either provide that or admit to eveyeone you're just talking out your ass. 2:35 PM - May 14, 2024 120.5K Views Mightykeef @MightyKeef "Once he found out" is a HUGE component in this. Are you dense?????????? That is not a goalpost being moved. That is an important part of someone's actions and intent. Your crawling in a corner, trying to find ways out. You still have provided no proof, like i requested. 3:04 PM - May 14, 2024 - 83.8K Views 25 184 17 1 62 641 ili 46K 1 Mightykeef @MightyKeef Mightykeef @MightyKeef Are you going to provide the proof i asked for, or are you going to be mature enough and tell everyone you're just talking out your ass? You have made like 6 more post and none of them have any proof. 3:21 PM - May 14, 2024 - 99.9K Views 1K Ill 73K I'll just assume this is you admitting you have no actual evidence he was involved, and you are just talking out your ass. I believe we are done here. 3:34 PM - May 14, 2024 108K Views

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External References

[1] YouTube – TheGawd

[2] Reddit – kurosanji

[3] X – visecs

[4] X – SouthWestGames

[5] YouTube – John Usada

[6] X – kenshirotism

[7] Reddit – smashbros

[8] Reddit – smashbros

[9] X – visecs

[10] X – mightykeef

[11] X – MightyKeef

[12] X – woofinz

[13] X – visecs

Recent Videos 2 total

Recent Images 10 total

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In context, a lot of Japanese streamers aren't aware of the racial weight behind the N-word, to them it's just another funny English swear.

You can criticize it as rude, insensitive, and ignorant, but it lacks the circumstance that makes it racist in an actively harmful manner.

Every community has their bad apples, and in this case you could say it's the people knowingly tricking the VTubbers into saying the word, but that's not a VTubber specific thing by a lightyear.


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