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Related Explainer: Why Is Streamer xQc Facing Flack For His 'Reaction' Content? The xQc Vs. Ethan Klein Debate Explained


xQc Reaction Content Controversy refers to a series of internet discussions among streamers and their fans regarding the quality of Kick streamer xQc's "react" content. xQc is a former professional Overwatch player who often streams himself watching content or playing video games. In late July and August 2023, various creators (including SomeOrdinaryGamers and Ethan Klein from H3H3) accused xQc of profiting off other people's content while providing no additional value by streaming himself "reacting" to it. This claim was supported by footage of xQc leaving the room he is streaming from while a video by YouTuber neoexplains continues to play on his stream.


On July 24th, 2023, YouTuber[1] LEMMiNO posted a nearly hour-and-a-half-long video titled, "The Kennedy Assassination: Inside the Book Depository." The video gathered over 5 million views and favorable reviews from viewers.

Also on July 24th, streamer xQc posted a video "reacting" to LEMMiNO's video, titled, "The Kennedy Assassination | xQc Reacts to LEMMiNO." The video gathered over 400,000 views in 10 days.[2]

On July 28th, 2023, Twitter user @FilmsBub[3] posted a screenshot of xQc's upload with the caption, "lemmino spends months researching, scripting, and editing a video just for react streamers to reupload the entire thing and provide zero input." The post gathered over 70,000 likes in a week.

Twitter[4] user and YouTuber OrdinaryGamers quote tweeted the post saying, "Just a shame garbage like this fills the recommended tab," gathering over 100,000 likes in a week (seen below).

Mutahar @OrdinaryGamers Just a shame garbage like this fills the recommended tab. Bub Films @FilmsBub Jul 28 lemmino spends months researching, scripting, and editing a video just for react streamers to reupload the entire thing and provide zero input 1:53:36 7:48 PM. Jul 28, 2023 · 11.3M Views The Kennedy Assassination | xQc Reacts to LEMMINO 301K views 3 days ago COP xQc Subscribe #xQc #jfk #conspiracy. New 4,373 Retweets 175 Quotes 118.9K Likes 2,190 Bookmarks


On July 29th, 2023, xQc and OrdinaryGamers's Mutahar exchanged a series of tweets, with xQc defending his react-style content by saying, "I’m watching a vid I like to my people. That’s it." The tweet[5] gathered over 15,000 likes in a week (seen below, left). Mutahar[6] responded to xQc's statement by outlining the ways in which reaction content can be repetitive and cannibalize the original content's viewership (seen below, right).

Mutahar @OrdinaryGamers · Jul 28 Just a shame garbage like this fills the recommended tab. Bub Films @FilmsBub Jul 28 lemmino spends months researching, scripting, and editing a video just for react streamers to reupload the entire thing and provide zero input 858 4,548 26 1:53:36 xQc @xQc The Kennedy Assassination | xQc Reacts to LEMMINO 301K views 3 days ago xQc #xQc #jfk #conspiracy. New 118.9K xQc @xQc • Jul 29 I wonder what triggers people like you so much. Revenue share? Audience split, algorithm? I've heard this complaint a million times and most "public figures" try to attack it from multiple angles, just to fall flat on their face. I'm watching a vid I like to my people. That's it 1,430 1 794 15.9K 11.3M Ryannn @OneOfTheRyans Jul 29 im a fan of the reacts videos but i feel its extremely unfair, the original video's provider needs to get a portion of the income from your reacts videos, a 50/50 or more for him 17 22 7,248 : 12.2M ₁950.7K : : They can claim the whole f------ thing and they do a lot of times. I swear you guys just make s--- up for the hell of it. My stuff gets re-uploaded for the "YouTube frogs" that miss the stream. Get me contradictory analytics, or facts. Anything else is zzzzzz 6:49 AM Jul 29, 2023 2.3M Views
Mutahar @OrdinaryGamers I know you're not the brightest but I didn't expect you to be this intellectually dishonest. Subscribe Nothing inherently is triggering when you view live content on a different platform. It's when you reupload the content to the same platform and have it copy the same metadata to further cannibalize. I get it depends on the creator who's content your free booting. But in your own words just now you claim that you were just sharing a video with your fans with no intention to critique or transform it for fair use purposes. We demonized individuals like Jinx back in 2017. In large we do so as well today. This type of content is even frowned upon by YouTube in large or any web page as "repetitive and duplicate" content. YouTube will often change its algorithm to fight algorithm abusive content like this (e.g, reply era, initial reactions in 2017-era). I know you've watched The Dark Knight and anime's like HunterXHunter. Why not reupload those as well. You also realize claiming content isn't a task any creator can just do? It requires access to elevated content management systems only the larger studios and media groups have. Educate yourself. xQc @xQc. Jul 29 Replying to @OrdinaryGamers I wonder what triggers people like you so much. Revenue share? Audience split, algorithm? I've heard this complaint a million times and most "public figures" try to attack it from multiple angles, just to fall flat on their face. I'm watching a vid I like to my people. That's it Last edited 3:07 PM Jul 29, 2023 7.1M Views 2,670 Retweets 252 Quotes 65.9K Likes 1,932 Bookmarks

xQc and Mutahar continued to exchange tweets debating the ethics of making and monetizing reaction content on the same platform where the original work is hosted (seen below, left).[6][7] Later on July 29th, OrdinaryGamers posted a tweet[8] quoting xQc saying, "Reacting to good content instead of whatever you post" alongside a screenshot of xQc reacting to his video (seen below, right). The post gathered over 80,000 likes in a week.

xQc @xQc Damn, I knew you liked using big words so that people would give your takes more importance but filling your unfounded criticism full of personal attacks and using anecdotal evidence to prove that the content is cannibalistic by nature. I get it now, it's all for show, you have no substance, I guess it makes sense that you are upset everyone is reacting to actual good content instead of whatever you post. Little brother used a 2017 example twice and tried to cash in his win early. This might get you twitter drone likes, but you know how this works internally, you have the stats to back it up. You didn't use any, because you know how it will show the exact opposite of the phenomenon. Also, I talk to most of the YouTubers I take big content pieces from to react to. Maybe send @ddofinternet a call and compare numbers on uploads/reacts. I'm on the defense so, I'll let you pull some stats up, after all I'm the dumb one right? Until then, keep malding, little brother. We both know why you posted that tweet in the first place. Insecurity is a f------ bitch isn't it? Bites when you least expect it and makes you look weak. : Also, don't make a money argument type, I'm probably the one that cares the least about residual YouTube adrev, it comprises of maybe 1% of my total income. I do it to please my community. You know this already anyway, you just keep pretending you don't. Now write another essay to farm some impressions, maybe you generate enough twitter rev to shut the f--- up the next time you wake up and feel like a weak ass soyboy. Take care 5:37 PM. Jul 29, 2023 8.6M Views 217 Retweets 496 Quotes 11K Likes 364 Bookmarks
@OrdinaryGamers "Reacting to good content instead of whatever you post." Lmao 17 Mutahar coldlockjaw 5:57 PM. Jul 29, 2023 · 6.2M Views 3,292 Retweets Subscribe top D: Milethe $50.00 quirino: $1.00 196 Quotes 87.4K Likes 2,011 Bookmarks 3722 Sesi they aren't always wwwwww 32227Matakow Watch the video 3722 777m work ANTI-CHEAT-BACKDOOR? 37222TREAD NOT LIKE THAT 3222 77777777 37.2 cryptlake WUDIITT mm 3722 deinerd Smjolnir NOT OVERWATCH 3724 DOUBTING MUSTA 37.24 3724 DOUBTING MUTA 6 DOUBTING MUTA DOLBSTING MATA 37.24 WATCH THE VIDEO wherearethejuice inchunter25 SMP SMP SMP xQc @xQc • Jul 29 Replying to @OrdinaryGamers Damn, I knew you liked using big words so that people would give your takes more importance but filling your unfounded criticism full of personal attacks and using anecdotal evidence to prove that the content is cannibalistic by nature. I get it now, it's all for show, you have... Show more 37.34777 3724hemideki SELLOUT 32.34 bust WHAT ARE YOU SAYING 37.24synthe ACTUAL TRUE 37.24 Serial 37243alenciaga2: ??????????? 32:24 Xeryzz WCH THE VIDEO BEFORE SAYING ANYTHING 3724ica GOOD ANTICHEAT BTW GOOD ANTICHEAT ETW GOOD ANI

On August 1st, Twitter[9] user and YouTuber NeoExplains posted a clip showing xQc reacting to his video and leaving the stream for several minutes while the video continues to play. The post gathered over 90,000 likes in four days.

Twitter[10] user @AltHistCody quoted the post to add, "I don’t think xQc can even comprehend how this is bad. / His neurons can’t connect two and two together. / In his mind he thinks just streaming something makes it his content automatically / It’s why he streamed Dark Knight and was shocked Kick got pissed." The post gathered over 100,000 likes in four days (seen below).

On August 3rd, 2023, H3H3 productions hosted a stream guest starring Hasan Piker in which they discussed the recent debates over xQc's reaction content.[11]

Twitter[12] user @AugieRFC posted a clip from the stream with the caption, "BASED Ethan Klein rips Hasan a new asshole in the new H3 Podcast, where they debate about xQc and reaction content. / an unconfident Hasan squirms as Ethan effortlessly gets him to admit that stealing is "cool" / Ethan Klein also calls xQc a "thief bitch" and calls for a LAWSUIT" (shown below).

Ethan Klein (H3H3) Debates xQc

On August 4th, 2023, Ethan Klein[13] posted a tweet that read, "I'd like to say publicly that @xQc is a content thief, and if you think that is defamation PLEASE sue me bitch. Destroying morons in court is my favorite hobby. And if you want me to explain why you are content thief, I'm happy to chat with you anytime." The post gathered over 12,000 likes in a day (seen below).

Ethan Klein @h3h3productions I'd like to say publicly that @xQc is a content thief, and if you think that is defamation PLEASE sue me bitch. Destroying morons in court is my favorite hobby. And if you want me to explain why you are content thief, I'm happy to chat with you anytime. 12:33 AM. Aug 4, 2023 · 1M Views 349 Retweets 124 Quotes 12.6K Likes 196 Bookmarks

On August 7th, 2023, H3H3's YouTube[14] channel streamed the debate between Ethan Klein and xQc, gathering over 500,000 views in a day (seen below, left). Also on August 7th, YouTube channel xQc Clips[15] posted a clip of Ethan Klein leaving the debate, gathering over 27,000 views in a day (seen below, right).

On August 8th, 2023, Mutahar posted a clip to his Twitter[16] where he can be seen watching the debate with a gun to his mouth, gathering over 13,000 likes in a day (seen below).

The debate between Klein and xQc contained a section where Klein read a message from Twitter user @_vincevantage, where he outlines the differences between xQc reacting to his content versus Hasan Piker reacting to his content. Vince says that xQc reuploads entire videos while Hasan makes an effort to send his followers to engage with his original content as well. @Vorloe[17] uploaded a clip from Hasan's stream to Twitter on August 7th, 2023 (seen below).

@_Vincevantage[18] posted a clip from the debate to his Twitter on August 7th, 2023, where xQc can be heard calling him a "paid actor" for his aforementioned comment differentiating Hasan and xQc (seen below).

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External References

[1] YouTube – LEMMiNO

[2] YouTube – xQc

[3] Twitter – FilmsBub

[4]  Twitter – OrdinaryGamers

[5] Twitter – xQc

[6] Twitter – OrdinaryGamers

[7] Twitter – xQc

[8] Twitter – OrdinaryGamers

[9] Twitter – NeoExplains

[10] Twitter – AltHistCody

[11] YouTube – h3h3 productions

[12] Twitter – AugieRFC

[13] Twitter – h3h3productions

[14] YouTube – h3h3 productions

[15] YouTube – xQc Clips

[16] Twitter – OrdinaryGamers

[17] Twitter – Vorloe

[18] Twitter – _vincevintage

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A tweet commenting on the xQc Reaction Content Controversy.

xQc Reaction Content Controversy

Part of a series on xQc. [View Related Entries]
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Updated Aug 08, 2023 at 09:38AM EDT by sakshi.

Added Aug 04, 2023 at 10:19AM EDT by sakshi.

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Related Explainer: Why Is Streamer xQc Facing Flack For His 'Reaction' Content? The xQc Vs. Ethan Klein Debate Explained

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xQc Reaction Content Controversy refers to a series of internet discussions among streamers and their fans regarding the quality of Kick streamer xQc's "react" content. xQc is a former professional Overwatch player who often streams himself watching content or playing video games. In late July and August 2023, various creators (including SomeOrdinaryGamers and Ethan Klein from H3H3) accused xQc of profiting off other people's content while providing no additional value by streaming himself "reacting" to it. This claim was supported by footage of xQc leaving the room he is streaming from while a video by YouTuber neoexplains continues to play on his stream.


On July 24th, 2023, YouTuber[1] LEMMiNO posted a nearly hour-and-a-half-long video titled, "The Kennedy Assassination: Inside the Book Depository." The video gathered over 5 million views and favorable reviews from viewers.

Also on July 24th, streamer xQc posted a video "reacting" to LEMMiNO's video, titled, "The Kennedy Assassination | xQc Reacts to LEMMiNO." The video gathered over 400,000 views in 10 days.[2]

On July 28th, 2023, Twitter user @FilmsBub[3] posted a screenshot of xQc's upload with the caption, "lemmino spends months researching, scripting, and editing a video just for react streamers to reupload the entire thing and provide zero input." The post gathered over 70,000 likes in a week.

Twitter[4] user and YouTuber OrdinaryGamers quote tweeted the post saying, "Just a shame garbage like this fills the recommended tab," gathering over 100,000 likes in a week (seen below).

Mutahar @OrdinaryGamers Just a shame garbage like this fills the recommended tab. Bub Films @FilmsBub Jul 28 lemmino spends months researching, scripting, and editing a video just for react streamers to reupload the entire thing and provide zero input 1:53:36 7:48 PM. Jul 28, 2023 · 11.3M Views The Kennedy Assassination | xQc Reacts to LEMMINO 301K views 3 days ago COP xQc Subscribe #xQc #jfk #conspiracy. New 4,373 Retweets 175 Quotes 118.9K Likes 2,190 Bookmarks


On July 29th, 2023, xQc and OrdinaryGamers's Mutahar exchanged a series of tweets, with xQc defending his react-style content by saying, "I’m watching a vid I like to my people. That’s it." The tweet[5] gathered over 15,000 likes in a week (seen below, left). Mutahar[6] responded to xQc's statement by outlining the ways in which reaction content can be repetitive and cannibalize the original content's viewership (seen below, right).

Mutahar @OrdinaryGamers · Jul 28 Just a shame garbage like this fills the recommended tab. Bub Films @FilmsBub Jul 28 lemmino spends months researching, scripting, and editing a video just for react streamers to reupload the entire thing and provide zero input 858 4,548 26 1:53:36 xQc @xQc The Kennedy Assassination | xQc Reacts to LEMMINO 301K views 3 days ago xQc #xQc #jfk #conspiracy. New 118.9K xQc @xQc • Jul 29 I wonder what triggers people like you so much. Revenue share? Audience split, algorithm? I've heard this complaint a million times and most "public figures" try to attack it from multiple angles, just to fall flat on their face. I'm watching a vid I like to my people. That's it 1,430 1 794 15.9K 11.3M Ryannn @OneOfTheRyans Jul 29 im a fan of the reacts videos but i feel its extremely unfair, the original video's provider needs to get a portion of the income from your reacts videos, a 50/50 or more for him 17 22 7,248 : 12.2M ₁950.7K : : They can claim the whole f------ thing and they do a lot of times. I swear you guys just make s--- up for the hell of it. My stuff gets re-uploaded for the "YouTube frogs" that miss the stream. Get me contradictory analytics, or facts. Anything else is zzzzzz 6:49 AM Jul 29, 2023 2.3M Views Mutahar @OrdinaryGamers I know you're not the brightest but I didn't expect you to be this intellectually dishonest. Subscribe Nothing inherently is triggering when you view live content on a different platform. It's when you reupload the content to the same platform and have it copy the same metadata to further cannibalize. I get it depends on the creator who's content your free booting. But in your own words just now you claim that you were just sharing a video with your fans with no intention to critique or transform it for fair use purposes. We demonized individuals like Jinx back in 2017. In large we do so as well today. This type of content is even frowned upon by YouTube in large or any web page as "repetitive and duplicate" content. YouTube will often change its algorithm to fight algorithm abusive content like this (e.g, reply era, initial reactions in 2017-era). I know you've watched The Dark Knight and anime's like HunterXHunter. Why not reupload those as well. You also realize claiming content isn't a task any creator can just do? It requires access to elevated content management systems only the larger studios and media groups have. Educate yourself. xQc @xQc. Jul 29 Replying to @OrdinaryGamers I wonder what triggers people like you so much. Revenue share? Audience split, algorithm? I've heard this complaint a million times and most "public figures" try to attack it from multiple angles, just to fall flat on their face. I'm watching a vid I like to my people. That's it Last edited 3:07 PM Jul 29, 2023 7.1M Views 2,670 Retweets 252 Quotes 65.9K Likes 1,932 Bookmarks

xQc and Mutahar continued to exchange tweets debating the ethics of making and monetizing reaction content on the same platform where the original work is hosted (seen below, left).[6][7] Later on July 29th, OrdinaryGamers posted a tweet[8] quoting xQc saying, "Reacting to good content instead of whatever you post" alongside a screenshot of xQc reacting to his video (seen below, right). The post gathered over 80,000 likes in a week.

xQc @xQc Damn, I knew you liked using big words so that people would give your takes more importance but filling your unfounded criticism full of personal attacks and using anecdotal evidence to prove that the content is cannibalistic by nature. I get it now, it's all for show, you have no substance, I guess it makes sense that you are upset everyone is reacting to actual good content instead of whatever you post. Little brother used a 2017 example twice and tried to cash in his win early. This might get you twitter drone likes, but you know how this works internally, you have the stats to back it up. You didn't use any, because you know how it will show the exact opposite of the phenomenon. Also, I talk to most of the YouTubers I take big content pieces from to react to. Maybe send @ddofinternet a call and compare numbers on uploads/reacts. I'm on the defense so, I'll let you pull some stats up, after all I'm the dumb one right? Until then, keep malding, little brother. We both know why you posted that tweet in the first place. Insecurity is a f------ bitch isn't it? Bites when you least expect it and makes you look weak. : Also, don't make a money argument type, I'm probably the one that cares the least about residual YouTube adrev, it comprises of maybe 1% of my total income. I do it to please my community. You know this already anyway, you just keep pretending you don't. Now write another essay to farm some impressions, maybe you generate enough twitter rev to shut the f--- up the next time you wake up and feel like a weak ass soyboy. Take care 5:37 PM. Jul 29, 2023 8.6M Views 217 Retweets 496 Quotes 11K Likes 364 Bookmarks @OrdinaryGamers "Reacting to good content instead of whatever you post." Lmao 17 Mutahar coldlockjaw 5:57 PM. Jul 29, 2023 · 6.2M Views 3,292 Retweets Subscribe top D: Milethe $50.00 quirino: $1.00 196 Quotes 87.4K Likes 2,011 Bookmarks 3722 Sesi they aren't always wwwwww 32227Matakow Watch the video 3722 777m work ANTI-CHEAT-BACKDOOR? 37222TREAD NOT LIKE THAT 3222 77777777 37.2 cryptlake WUDIITT mm 3722 deinerd Smjolnir NOT OVERWATCH 3724 DOUBTING MUSTA 37.24 3724 DOUBTING MUTA 6 DOUBTING MUTA DOLBSTING MATA 37.24 WATCH THE VIDEO wherearethejuice inchunter25 SMP SMP SMP xQc @xQc • Jul 29 Replying to @OrdinaryGamers Damn, I knew you liked using big words so that people would give your takes more importance but filling your unfounded criticism full of personal attacks and using anecdotal evidence to prove that the content is cannibalistic by nature. I get it now, it's all for show, you have... Show more 37.34777 3724hemideki SELLOUT 32.34 bust WHAT ARE YOU SAYING 37.24synthe ACTUAL TRUE 37.24 Serial 37243alenciaga2: ??????????? 32:24 Xeryzz WCH THE VIDEO BEFORE SAYING ANYTHING 3724ica GOOD ANTICHEAT BTW GOOD ANTICHEAT ETW GOOD ANI

On August 1st, Twitter[9] user and YouTuber NeoExplains posted a clip showing xQc reacting to his video and leaving the stream for several minutes while the video continues to play. The post gathered over 90,000 likes in four days.

Twitter[10] user @AltHistCody quoted the post to add, "I don’t think xQc can even comprehend how this is bad. / His neurons can’t connect two and two together. / In his mind he thinks just streaming something makes it his content automatically / It’s why he streamed Dark Knight and was shocked Kick got pissed." The post gathered over 100,000 likes in four days (seen below).

On August 3rd, 2023, H3H3 productions hosted a stream guest starring Hasan Piker in which they discussed the recent debates over xQc's reaction content.[11]

Twitter[12] user @AugieRFC posted a clip from the stream with the caption, "BASED Ethan Klein rips Hasan a new asshole in the new H3 Podcast, where they debate about xQc and reaction content. / an unconfident Hasan squirms as Ethan effortlessly gets him to admit that stealing is "cool" / Ethan Klein also calls xQc a "thief bitch" and calls for a LAWSUIT" (shown below).

Ethan Klein (H3H3) Debates xQc

On August 4th, 2023, Ethan Klein[13] posted a tweet that read, "I'd like to say publicly that @xQc is a content thief, and if you think that is defamation PLEASE sue me bitch. Destroying morons in court is my favorite hobby. And if you want me to explain why you are content thief, I'm happy to chat with you anytime." The post gathered over 12,000 likes in a day (seen below).

Ethan Klein @h3h3productions I'd like to say publicly that @xQc is a content thief, and if you think that is defamation PLEASE sue me bitch. Destroying morons in court is my favorite hobby. And if you want me to explain why you are content thief, I'm happy to chat with you anytime. 12:33 AM. Aug 4, 2023 · 1M Views 349 Retweets 124 Quotes 12.6K Likes 196 Bookmarks

On August 7th, 2023, H3H3's YouTube[14] channel streamed the debate between Ethan Klein and xQc, gathering over 500,000 views in a day (seen below, left). Also on August 7th, YouTube channel xQc Clips[15] posted a clip of Ethan Klein leaving the debate, gathering over 27,000 views in a day (seen below, right).

On August 8th, 2023, Mutahar posted a clip to his Twitter[16] where he can be seen watching the debate with a gun to his mouth, gathering over 13,000 likes in a day (seen below).

The debate between Klein and xQc contained a section where Klein read a message from Twitter user @_vincevantage, where he outlines the differences between xQc reacting to his content versus Hasan Piker reacting to his content. Vince says that xQc reuploads entire videos while Hasan makes an effort to send his followers to engage with his original content as well. @Vorloe[17] uploaded a clip from Hasan's stream to Twitter on August 7th, 2023 (seen below).

@_Vincevantage[18] posted a clip from the debate to his Twitter on August 7th, 2023, where xQc can be heard calling him a "paid actor" for his aforementioned comment differentiating Hasan and xQc (seen below).

Search Interest


External References

[1] YouTube – LEMMiNO

[2] YouTube – xQc

[3] Twitter – FilmsBub

[4]  Twitter – OrdinaryGamers

[5] Twitter – xQc

[6] Twitter – OrdinaryGamers

[7] Twitter – xQc

[8] Twitter – OrdinaryGamers

[9] Twitter – NeoExplains

[10] Twitter – AltHistCody

[11] YouTube – h3h3 productions

[12] Twitter – AugieRFC

[13] Twitter – h3h3productions

[14] YouTube – h3h3 productions

[15] YouTube – xQc Clips

[16] Twitter – OrdinaryGamers

[17] Twitter – Vorloe

[18] Twitter – _vincevintage

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Derptastic Derp Man
Derptastic Derp Man

It really isn’t that hard to you know…. React to a video. Like you know, have more to say like pause and commentate on the video. Not just sit there slack jawed and only say “wow that’s crazy”. But this is a dude who speaks in a perpetual overwatch accent and is about as sharp as a dull spoon.


honestly , I am surprised by 2 things here :

1)How long streamers have been able to "get away" with doing this for as long as they have…. sort of … there was a short amount of time when streamers ACTUALLY put effort into reaction content, but they quickly got complacent with "The meta" and got lazy AF.

2)How fucking dense xQc is showing himself to be.


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