Go Die! Valentine's Day
Part of a series on Valentine's Day. [View Related Entries]

Go Die! Valentine's Day (Japanese: 死ね!バレンタイン・デー, Shine! Valentine Day) is an anti-Valentine’s Day song by Japanese folk band Fujioka Fujimaki.[1] On the Japanese web, the song has gained a cult status with single men, as well as a series of fan-made animated music videos starring characters from popular anime or manga franchises.
The song “Go Die! Valentine’s Day” was included in Fujioka Fujimaki’s second album, Fujioka Fujimaki III, released on April 18th, 2007. The lyrics reflect the anger and resentment of a single man who did not receive any chocolate on Valentine’s Day, as it is marketed in Japanese culture as the day when women gift men candy as a sign of affection.[2] As of February 2013, a YouTube mirror of the original song has amassed more than 310,000 views.
Sonna ni ureshii ka Shi ne Sonna ni oishii ka Shi ne |
What are you so happy about? Go Die What about them is so delicious? Go Die |
Via: nataku_kun[3]
On February 1st, 2008, an animated video featuring a cover of the original song sung by Hatsune Miku (shown below, left) was uploaded to Nico Nico Douga (NND). This inspired other users to create their own versions, however, they were limited to the NND audience. In late January 2009, NND user Miyuki uploaded a video told from the perspective of the Vocaloid Kaito (shown below, right) which was reuploaded to YouTube two days later. This brought the series attention from the YouTube and English-speaking audience.
Many of the videos draw on homosexual relationships between male characters because this fad is received favorably among Fujoshi, or female Yaoi fans, in particular. As of February 2013, there are nearly 300 search results for "死ね!バレンタイン・デー" on NND[5] and approximately 200 search results on YouTube.[11] Additionally, there are several images tagged "死ね!バレンタイン・デー" on Pixiv.[12]
Notable Examples
These videos often utilize characters from well-known anime or manga including Axis Powers Hetalia[6] (shown below, top left), Persona 4[7] (shown below, top right) JoJo's Bizzare Adventure[8] (shown below, bottom left) and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya[9] (shown below, bottom right).
Search Interest
External References
[1] Wikipedia – Fujioka Fujimaki
[2] Wikipedia – Valentine's Day # Japan
[3] LiveJournal – nataku_kun – 『死ね!バレンタイン・デイ』 lyrics (Kana, romajii and translation)
[4] Nico Nico Douga – KAITO の 死ね!バレンタイン・デー! / Posted on 01-27-2009 (Registration Required)
[5] Nico Nico Douga – Search results for 死ね!バレンタイン・デー (Registration Required)
[6] Nico Nico Douga – ヘタリアで死ね!バレンタインデー / Posted on 10-21-2008 (Registration Required)
[7] Nico Nico Douga – 【手書き】P4で死ね!バレンタイン・デー【ペルソナ4】 / Posted on 02-07-2009 (Registration Required)
[8] Nico Nico Douga – 【手描きジョジョ】億泰で「死ね!バレンタイン・デー!」 / Posted on 02-14-2009 (Registration Required)
[9] Nico Nico Douga – 【手書き】キョン の 死ね!バレンタインデー!【ハルヒ】 / Posted on 02-12-2009 (Registration Required)
[10] Nico Nico Douga – 【初音ミク】 死ね!バレンタイン・デー 【藤岡藤巻】 (Registration Required)
[11] YouTube – Search Results for "死ね!バレンタイン・デー"
Top Comments
Ryuki Satzuki I'mJustADamnCentaur
Feb 12, 2013 at 10:44PM EST
Kittychan the brave
Feb 12, 2013 at 08:45PM EST