I Bet There Will Be Flying Cars in the Future
"I Bet There Will Be Flying Cars in the Future" is an image macro series featuring a quote attributed to someone from the past who speculates that flying cars will exist in the future, followed by various humorous photographs of modern products and inventions labeled "2017".
On February 21st, 2017, The Dankness Facebook[1] page posted a photoshopped picture of a Doc Martens boot combined with a Crocs foam clog captioned with a quote from someone living in the 1980s expecting that "there will be flying cars in the future" (shown below). Within three months, the post gained over 2,900 reactions, 2,400 shares and 740 comments.

On March 6th, 2017, Redditor Fallen Archduke submitted a "I bet there will be flying cars in the future" image macro featuring a Dr. Phil M&M illustration to /r/dankmemes, where it received upwards of 1,800 points (98% upvoted) and 25 comments within two months (shown below, left). On April 1st, Redditor MrSchipunov submitted a screenshot of the "Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise" copypasta written on Reddit's /r/place canvas captioned with the "flying cars" quote (shown below, right). Within five weeks, the post received more than 21,600 points (91% upvoted) and 240 comments on /r/PrequelMemes.[4]

On May 6th, Redditor MrSchipunov posted a photograph of a flying car along with the caption to /r/wholesomememes[3] (shown below, left). On May 7th, the Exploding Fish Shitposting and Senseless Drivel, Inc Facebook[2] page posted a photograph of a flying car captioned with a quote about fidget spinner videos attributed to someone from 1952 (shown below, right).

That day, Redditor mindblasters submitted a version of the image macro featuring a screen cap from a television new segment titled "PB&J Sandwiches: Are they racist?" (shown below). Within 24 hours, the post gathered upwards of 29,100 points (84% upvoted) and 270 comments on /r/MemeEconomy.[5]

Various Examples

Search Interest
External References
[1] Facebook – The Dankness
[2] Facebook – Exploding Fish Shitposting and Senseless Drivel Inc
[3] Reddit – Flying Cars
[4] Reddit – I bet there will be flying cars in the future
[5] Reddit – I feel like this meme has value
Top Comments
May 08, 2017 at 07:36PM EDT
May 08, 2017 at 07:07PM EDT