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This entry contains mainly videos, images and sources in Spanish.


Manuel Arturo Coronado Preciado, better known online as Doomentio or Perezoso Doom is a Mexican[32] YouTube critic and animation reviewer. Despite having less than 70,000 subscribers on his YT channel as of November 2022, he is well very well-known on the Spanish-speaking internet due to many controversies and drama surrounding him, mainly due to his political opinions and attitudes.[1] This has led to him being widely mocked and antagonized by a large part of the Hispanic internet community while being labelled as a lolcow, becoming the subject of many memes.

Online History

Most of the criticism around Doomentio comes from a Facebook group named "La Pasión del Doomposting" (The Passion of Doomposting), a group exclusively dedicated to making fun of him and his friends: La Oveja, Skiso, Kalcifer Vallarta and Nancysauria, other controversial Spanish-speaking cartoon YouYubers.

Doomentio's antics have been followed by the Hispanic imageboard Hispachan since at least the year 2016.[26][27][28] A thread on him would be later created on the Kiwi Farms Internationale Clique subforum on October 22, 2020. [2]


Arturo opened his first YouTube channel back on the year 2008, along with a friend of his named Luis, and went by the alias "Youquendo".[2] His videos were made using the speech synthesizer named Loquendo, very popular among Spanish-speaking YouTubers. He was known to be 13 years old at this time. [2]

His videos on Youquendo mainly focused on western animation. He strongly criticized anime, considering it to be overrated, these statements made him very hated among his fellow "loquenderos" (Users who use Loquendo to make their videos), and he was often subject to insults and criticism. [3]

The Youquendo channel was removed by YouTube in 2011, following a copyright infringement claim. [3]

Perezoso Doom

Arturo quickly came back to the YouTube stage, creating a second channel named NoireDoom, uploading the same type of content as on Youquendo. Here he uploaded his current most-viewed video, a Dragon Ball creepypasta. [4]

He later renamed his channel to "Perezoso Doom" and began making videos using his own voice, stopping using the Loquendo altogether, he became part of a group of Spanish-speaking reviewers known as Brotchaman. He also collaborated with another well-known Mexican cartoon reviewer named La Zona Cero (a.k.a. Chucho Calderón), gaining popularity in the Hispanic cartoon community. [2]

He later created his own reviewer group named "Grupo PHY" (PHY Group), where the members were, excluding Doomentio, his friends named Indagación del Ocio, La Oveja and Midori Prism. He revealed his face and real name to his audience in 2017. This later lead to him and his family being doxxed.

[This video has been removed]


In 2018, Arturo renamed his channel again to its current alias, Doomentio, and while seemingly successful, his downfall began shortly thereafter, when he made a video strongly criticizing One Punch Man. [2]

He later began criticizing many of his former friends and peers, making himself even more controversial and hated by people online. [2][1][30]

Team Loco

Team Loco was a Latin American streaming project created by former employees of the Locomotion[33] channel, an old Latin American TV channel.

Team Loco proposed to be an experience free of corporate interventions and any type of restriction and censorship, where one of the main characteristics would be that subscribers would have direct contact with those responsible for the project, where the possibility of collaborating and being part would be something that would be within everyone's reach. Being an entirely independent project, it sustained itself using crowdfunding. [7]


Doomentio and his friends saw an opportunity to become known persons in the Hispanic animation medium through this project, so they began supporting it, moving together to Mexico City to work with it, with Oveja even coming from Colombia to support the project. [8]

However, the "dreams" of Team Loco ended after another Mexican reviewer, known as "Mi Vida Bajo El Puente" (a.k.a Jerry) began making videos criticizing the project, accusing it of being a "fraud." Doomentio and some of his friends, along with other persons involved in the project, started uploading videos defending Team Loco from Jerry. [2]


In the end, Jerry ended up being right and the Team Loco project ultimately failed after a series of controversies including bad publicity, a badly-made website, a suspicious use of the money gained with the crowdfunding, and the fact that Team Loco uploaded a video of a (fake) cat being roadkilled just to shock people. [8]

This made Doomentio, Ocio and Oveja end up living in a state of poverty and misery in Mexico City. Ocio later left the house after having personal issues with Doomentio, accusing him of not helping to pay the rent and not working to sustain the house, along with other harsh accusations. [11]

Political Opinions

The main source of criticism and hatred towards Doomentio revolves around his controversial political views. He has been frequently labeled by many people as a nazi and a fascist, claims he has denied, but, he has admitted to being part of the alt-right. [12] Despite these denials, Doomentio has been seen frequently praising the Third Reich politics, including its racist and anti-semitic ideologies. He has denied the Holocaust [34] many times, even debating about its veracity. [13][29] It is also known that Doomentio is homophobic[35], transphobic[56] and misogynistic. [37][12][29]

He has also been labeled as a white supremacist[38], something considered by many funny or ironic, because, as many people can tell, he is actually a mestizo[39], and is brown-skinned, although he has referred to himself as a white person on several occasions.[12] He is often considered a "Morenazi" (A despective term used to describe non-white people who show support or apology for nazi and racist ideologies). [24][29]

Kali Yuga Expert @WhiteZeitgeist 1d Then they aren't our friends, they have their ethnic interests, and we have ours. ♡ 3 2 Nabucodonosor @walpurgizzs. 17h Can I ask why you refer to white Americans as "we"?, you're Mexican. 22 1 22 Kali Yuga Expert @WhiteZeitge... 17h "We" as of "We the White people", not "We the White Americans". This applies to White people around the world, Whites have their own interests, and non-Whites have theirs. 1 1 17 Nabucodonosor @walpurgizzs. 12h I always thought you were mixed (and that's ok, it's ok to be mixed and support white rights), I didn't mean to pry but people are always sharing pictures of you and your family (you got lots of haters out there), and well, they/you don't look so white. 27

Doom @Doomentio Follow Replying to @ElNuwanda @JohnNotnofx @LanaLokteff Of course Negroes are no Spaniards. I'm a Mexican of almost completely Spanish blood, and the Spaniards have my eternal loyalty, I'll always have a preference for White Europeans. padre blanco español.JPG

Doomentio has also been accused of having ties with the neo-nazi terrorist group known as Attomwaffen[40] because Doomentio uploaded a video where he gave an interview to a member of this group on his BitChute channel. Many people have wondered how Doomentio even managed to contact said group in the first place.[14]

He has confirmed multiple times that he is a frequent reader of the /pol/ board on 4chan. [25] He has primarily expressed these views on his various Twitter accounts, the current one being @VeteranAnon. [31]

¿Soy tu aliado? NO, THANKS

Skiso's pedophilia Allegations

Skiso is another friend of Doomentio; he moved to his house shortly after Ocio left, it is known that Skiso mainly served as the chef of the house. [22]

Skiso was exposed on a livestream by Ocio, another loquendero named Super Wario Man and a former friend of Doomentio, Ken L Wright, leaking screenshots of Skiso's conversations with an underage female fan, where he sends sexually-charged messages to her.

[This video has been removed]

After this happened, Skiso was accused of being a pedophile. Doomentio tried to defend him to no avail, ending with an even worse image in the public. To this day Doomentio, keeps defending him, saying that the conversations between Skiso and the minor were just roleplay. [22]

Skiso is often depicted as a slug or snail in many memes and drawings, at least on the Spanish-speaking internet, as being represented as a slug/snail is synonymous with being a pedophile.



Nostrafort is a publisher of digital comics. The editorial is run by Doomentio and other affiliated people like Kalcifer Vallarta and Aeter Aureus, with Doom leading the publication as its CEO.[15]

The publication has been widely criticized by many people, mainly for its exorbitant comics price (30$), and other factors like its mediocre drawings and "ridiculous" plots. This has led to the publication being mocked online and its comics being the subject of many memes.[16] Nostrafort has been a frequent victim of online piracy.[42]

The Nostrafort project apparently ended on March 9th, 2022, after they announced on Twitter that the publication would go on a "hiatus", that has yet to end.[17] Its website would be taken down shortly thereafter.


"Secret" Discord Server and CP Accusations

On June 7th, 2022, Jerry (Mi Vida Bajo El Puente) "infiltrated" a Discord server owned by Doomentio and made a livestream. Jerry exposed conversations where Doomentio and Kalcifer were shown celebrating the 2019 Christchurch Mosque Shootings, with Doomentio and Kalcifer even talking about their intentions to do their own shootouts. Doomentio deleted the server and privatized his Twitter account during Jerry's livestream.

Jerry also showed conversations where it's been implied that Doomentio has been hosting Child Pornography[43] on his server. These series of accusations provoked a harsh wave of criticism and hatred against Doomentio on Twitter.

Doomentio later uploaded a video on his YT channel where he defended himself against this series of accusations, admitting that the conversations were real but argued that these no longer represented his current ideas as the leaked chats were from the year 2019. Along with this, he denied having hosted any sort of illegal material on his server.

However, shortly after this, Doomentio uploaded photography of a naked young girl to his Twitter account, stating that this was not pornography but "historical material."[18] He later was widely denounced by many different Twitter users because of this and his account ended up being forbidden from posting any sort of tweets, a status that the account still retains as of November 2022.

Ruinaversal Livestreams

The YouTube channel of a Mexican satirical news network[44] known as Ruinaversal hosted a series of livestreams where Doomentio debated against different people that opposed him, mainly Jerry but also Ken L Wright, who ended up humiliating and bringing Doomentio to tears during the livestream. However, later he and his followers have denied that this even happened.

Shortly after these livestreams, Kalcifer was doxxed,.Doomentio has been accused of being the person mainly responsible for this.[19] He has denied these claims.

Personal Life

Manuel Arturo Coronado was born on November 27th, 1995 in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico. He came from a lower-middle-class family, and according to him, he grew up in a "violent environment" while having poor social skills. [2] Much of what was his youth outside the internet is unknown but it is known that he did a school video-project against discrimination during his years in high school. [21]

Me encanta ser blanco

Me encanta ser blanco (I love being white) refers to a phrase said by Doomentio on a now-deleted YouTube video, where he expressed his admiration for white people and European culture. This phrase was widely mocked and parodied, becoming the subject of many memes, and eventually being the most well-known phrase of Doomentio. The original video has been reposted a lot of times, often with humorous edits.

Dum Chikito and Ariopose

Dum Chikito (Small Dum) is an edited picture of Doomentio in which he is edited to look the size of a child. This image has led to many memes and is arguably the most well-known picture of Doomentio.

desmotivaciones.es dum chikito dum chikito

This image originally came from a photo uploaded by a friend of Doomentio named Haru, where he, Doom and Oveja were supposedly making JoJo's Poses. This image has been subsequently dubbed as the Ariopose (Aryan Pose), with people mocking how Doomentio stands up in the picture. This image is commonly parodied in fan art and edits where different fictional characters are depicted as Doomentio, Haru and Oveja.


40 125 Li 05 WWWCA MERLY

With 6 manyakko! 2021

Mamy ba 允 80



#Doomentio100k was an online campaign made by Doomentio and his followers to help his YouTube channel reach 100k subscribers. This campaign failed after he realized he couldn't quickly reach that subscriber count. This campaign was mostly mocked and its title is often included in meme videos about Doomentio.


Ya te vi Dum

Ya te vi Dum (I already saw you Dum) refers to a phrase commonly said on Doomentio's threads in Hispachan, this phrase is mostly used when someone shows support to Doomentio, jokingly accusing said person of being Doomentio himself. Doomentio is often referred to as "El Dum" (The Dum).


Mirenle la carita

Mirenle la carita (Look at her little face) refers to a phrase said by Doomentio while he was still known as NoireDoom, on a Google+ post in the year 2014. In this post, Doomentio admitted to masturbating more than 10 times to a hentai image. He deleted the post sometime later but an unknown person preserved it after taking a screenshot. This has become his second most well-known phrase after "Me encanta ser blanco".

This screenshot is mostly used to mock and accuse Doomentio of being a coomer. He has actually admitted this but has argued that this post does not represent him anymore since it was made back in 2014.

The screenshot later resurfaced after Doomentio affirmed being part of the NoFap[45] community.

Doomentio Público 13 mar. 2014 OK, creo que ya me he masturbado como 10 viendo este hentai. Madre santa de Dios por favor, esta mujer pequeña de caricatura es tan linda, denle un premio al diseñador por favor, esta animación tiene muchas de mis debilidades juntas soy un enfermo mental. Mirenle la carita


The Doomverse is the internet community built around Doomentio, including other people like his friends, enemies, places and events where he was part of. The Doomverse is a fictional universe parodying other fictional universes like the MCU and is mostly referred to jokingly as "an ongoing anime and manga", based on the fact that Doomentio is an anime critic. This fictional universe concept is quite similar to Chris-Chan's "Christory" and "Sagas" concepts.



Ariopandilla (Aryan Gang) is a term used to refer Doomentio's circle of friends, mainly the aforementioned Oveja, Skiso, Kalcifer and Nancysauria, but also including other friends and followers of his like Aeter Aureus, MangaNull, DJ Harmony, Shadow! or SwordiNet, this term is usually accompanied by drawings and memes of Doomentio and his friends.

Search Interest

External References

[1] Incel Wiki – Doomentio

[2] Kiwi Farms – DOOMENTIO / Doom / Perezoso Doom / Manuel Arturo Coronado Preciado/ CEO de la estafa llamada Nostrafort/ estafado por TeamLoko

[3] Loquendo Wiki – Doomentio

[4] YouTube – Creepypasta – El capitulo perdido de Dragon ball

[7] Wikipedia – Team Loco

[8] Inciclopedia – Doomentio – Saga del Team Loco

[11] YouTube – Ocio habla de su situacion con Doomentio, Oveja, Kalcifer y Spark

[12] YouTube – Doomentio y las Mentiras Descaradas

[13] Web Archive – Debate: El holocausto – Mike vs Doom


[15] Nostrafort Wiki – Nostrafort

[16] Inciclopedia – Doomentio – Saga de Nostrafort

[17] Twitter – @Nostrafort

[18] Twitter – @Depri_HelpX

[19] Twitter – @Cream_Durazno

[21] YouTube – La Discriminación

[22] Inciclopedia – Doomentio – Rostizando un caracol


[24] YouTube – Critica a Doomentio Punto Final

[25] Facebook – Página de publicaciones de Doomentio

[26] Hispafiles – Doomentio 5

[27] Krautchan – Hilo de apreciacion a Doomentio

[28] Hispafiles – Doomentio: Nostrafort Ball Run

[29] YouTube – Critica a Doomentio punto 8

[30] Inciclopedia – Doomentio

[31] Twitter – @veterananon

[32] Wikipedia – Mexico

[33] Wikipedia – Locomotion

[34] Wikipedia – The Holocaust

[35] Wikipedia – Homophobia

[36] Wikipedia – Transphobia

[37] Wikipedia – Misogyny

[38] Wikipedia – White supremacy

[39] Wikipedia – Mestizo

[40] Wikipedia – Atomwaffen_Division

[41] Wikipedia – Pedophilia

[42] Wikipedia – Online piracy

[43] Wikipedia – Child pornography

[44] Wikipedia – News satire

[45] Wikipedia – NoFap

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This entry contains mainly videos, images and sources in Spanish.


Manuel Arturo Coronado Preciado, better known online as Doomentio or Perezoso Doom is a Mexican[32] YouTube critic and animation reviewer. Despite having less than 70,000 subscribers on his YT channel as of November 2022, he is well very well-known on the Spanish-speaking internet due to many controversies and drama surrounding him, mainly due to his political opinions and attitudes.[1] This has led to him being widely mocked and antagonized by a large part of the Hispanic internet community while being labelled as a lolcow, becoming the subject of many memes.

Online History

Most of the criticism around Doomentio comes from a Facebook group named "La Pasión del Doomposting" (The Passion of Doomposting), a group exclusively dedicated to making fun of him and his friends: La Oveja, Skiso, Kalcifer Vallarta and Nancysauria, other controversial Spanish-speaking cartoon YouYubers.

Doomentio's antics have been followed by the Hispanic imageboard Hispachan since at least the year 2016.[26][27][28] A thread on him would be later created on the Kiwi Farms Internationale Clique subforum on October 22, 2020. [2]


Arturo opened his first YouTube channel back on the year 2008, along with a friend of his named Luis, and went by the alias "Youquendo".[2] His videos were made using the speech synthesizer named Loquendo, very popular among Spanish-speaking YouTubers. He was known to be 13 years old at this time. [2]

His videos on Youquendo mainly focused on western animation. He strongly criticized anime, considering it to be overrated, these statements made him very hated among his fellow "loquenderos" (Users who use Loquendo to make their videos), and he was often subject to insults and criticism. [3]

The Youquendo channel was removed by YouTube in 2011, following a copyright infringement claim. [3]

Perezoso Doom

Arturo quickly came back to the YouTube stage, creating a second channel named NoireDoom, uploading the same type of content as on Youquendo. Here he uploaded his current most-viewed video, a Dragon Ball creepypasta. [4]

He later renamed his channel to "Perezoso Doom" and began making videos using his own voice, stopping using the Loquendo altogether, he became part of a group of Spanish-speaking reviewers known as Brotchaman. He also collaborated with another well-known Mexican cartoon reviewer named La Zona Cero (a.k.a. Chucho Calderón), gaining popularity in the Hispanic cartoon community. [2]

He later created his own reviewer group named "Grupo PHY" (PHY Group), where the members were, excluding Doomentio, his friends named Indagación del Ocio, La Oveja and Midori Prism. He revealed his face and real name to his audience in 2017. This later lead to him and his family being doxxed.

[This video has been removed]


In 2018, Arturo renamed his channel again to its current alias, Doomentio, and while seemingly successful, his downfall began shortly thereafter, when he made a video strongly criticizing One Punch Man. [2]

He later began criticizing many of his former friends and peers, making himself even more controversial and hated by people online. [2][1][30]

Team Loco

Team Loco was a Latin American streaming project created by former employees of the Locomotion[33] channel, an old Latin American TV channel.

Team Loco proposed to be an experience free of corporate interventions and any type of restriction and censorship, where one of the main characteristics would be that subscribers would have direct contact with those responsible for the project, where the possibility of collaborating and being part would be something that would be within everyone's reach. Being an entirely independent project, it sustained itself using crowdfunding. [7]


Doomentio and his friends saw an opportunity to become known persons in the Hispanic animation medium through this project, so they began supporting it, moving together to Mexico City to work with it, with Oveja even coming from Colombia to support the project. [8]

However, the "dreams" of Team Loco ended after another Mexican reviewer, known as "Mi Vida Bajo El Puente" (a.k.a Jerry) began making videos criticizing the project, accusing it of being a "fraud." Doomentio and some of his friends, along with other persons involved in the project, started uploading videos defending Team Loco from Jerry. [2]


In the end, Jerry ended up being right and the Team Loco project ultimately failed after a series of controversies including bad publicity, a badly-made website, a suspicious use of the money gained with the crowdfunding, and the fact that Team Loco uploaded a video of a (fake) cat being roadkilled just to shock people. [8]

This made Doomentio, Ocio and Oveja end up living in a state of poverty and misery in Mexico City. Ocio later left the house after having personal issues with Doomentio, accusing him of not helping to pay the rent and not working to sustain the house, along with other harsh accusations. [11]

Political Opinions

The main source of criticism and hatred towards Doomentio revolves around his controversial political views. He has been frequently labeled by many people as a nazi and a fascist, claims he has denied, but, he has admitted to being part of the alt-right. [12] Despite these denials, Doomentio has been seen frequently praising the Third Reich politics, including its racist and anti-semitic ideologies. He has denied the Holocaust [34] many times, even debating about its veracity. [13][29] It is also known that Doomentio is homophobic[35], transphobic[56] and misogynistic. [37][12][29]

He has also been labeled as a white supremacist[38], something considered by many funny or ironic, because, as many people can tell, he is actually a mestizo[39], and is brown-skinned, although he has referred to himself as a white person on several occasions.[12] He is often considered a "Morenazi" (A despective term used to describe non-white people who show support or apology for nazi and racist ideologies). [24][29]

Kali Yuga Expert @WhiteZeitgeist 1d Then they aren't our friends, they have their ethnic interests, and we have ours. ♡ 3 2 Nabucodonosor @walpurgizzs. 17h Can I ask why you refer to white Americans as "we"?, you're Mexican. 22 1 22 Kali Yuga Expert @WhiteZeitge... 17h "We" as of "We the White people", not "We the White Americans". This applies to White people around the world, Whites have their own interests, and non-Whites have theirs. 1 1 17 Nabucodonosor @walpurgizzs. 12h I always thought you were mixed (and that's ok, it's ok to be mixed and support white rights), I didn't mean to pry but people are always sharing pictures of you and your family (you got lots of haters out there), and well, they/you don't look so white. 27

Doom @Doomentio Follow Replying to @ElNuwanda @JohnNotnofx @LanaLokteff Of course Negroes are no Spaniards. I'm a Mexican of almost completely Spanish blood, and the Spaniards have my eternal loyalty, I'll always have a preference for White Europeans. padre blanco español.JPG

Doomentio has also been accused of having ties with the neo-nazi terrorist group known as Attomwaffen[40] because Doomentio uploaded a video where he gave an interview to a member of this group on his BitChute channel. Many people have wondered how Doomentio even managed to contact said group in the first place.[14]

He has confirmed multiple times that he is a frequent reader of the /pol/ board on 4chan. [25] He has primarily expressed these views on his various Twitter accounts, the current one being @VeteranAnon. [31]

¿Soy tu aliado? NO, THANKS

Skiso's pedophilia Allegations

Skiso is another friend of Doomentio; he moved to his house shortly after Ocio left, it is known that Skiso mainly served as the chef of the house. [22]

Skiso was exposed on a livestream by Ocio, another loquendero named Super Wario Man and a former friend of Doomentio, Ken L Wright, leaking screenshots of Skiso's conversations with an underage female fan, where he sends sexually-charged messages to her.

[This video has been removed]

After this happened, Skiso was accused of being a pedophile. Doomentio tried to defend him to no avail, ending with an even worse image in the public. To this day Doomentio, keeps defending him, saying that the conversations between Skiso and the minor were just roleplay. [22]

Skiso is often depicted as a slug or snail in many memes and drawings, at least on the Spanish-speaking internet, as being represented as a slug/snail is synonymous with being a pedophile.



Nostrafort is a publisher of digital comics. The editorial is run by Doomentio and other affiliated people like Kalcifer Vallarta and Aeter Aureus, with Doom leading the publication as its CEO.[15]

The publication has been widely criticized by many people, mainly for its exorbitant comics price (30$), and other factors like its mediocre drawings and "ridiculous" plots. This has led to the publication being mocked online and its comics being the subject of many memes.[16] Nostrafort has been a frequent victim of online piracy.[42]

The Nostrafort project apparently ended on March 9th, 2022, after they announced on Twitter that the publication would go on a "hiatus", that has yet to end.[17] Its website would be taken down shortly thereafter.


"Secret" Discord Server and CP Accusations

On June 7th, 2022, Jerry (Mi Vida Bajo El Puente) "infiltrated" a Discord server owned by Doomentio and made a livestream. Jerry exposed conversations where Doomentio and Kalcifer were shown celebrating the 2019 Christchurch Mosque Shootings, with Doomentio and Kalcifer even talking about their intentions to do their own shootouts. Doomentio deleted the server and privatized his Twitter account during Jerry's livestream.

Jerry also showed conversations where it's been implied that Doomentio has been hosting Child Pornography[43] on his server. These series of accusations provoked a harsh wave of criticism and hatred against Doomentio on Twitter.

Doomentio later uploaded a video on his YT channel where he defended himself against this series of accusations, admitting that the conversations were real but argued that these no longer represented his current ideas as the leaked chats were from the year 2019. Along with this, he denied having hosted any sort of illegal material on his server.

However, shortly after this, Doomentio uploaded photography of a naked young girl to his Twitter account, stating that this was not pornography but "historical material."[18] He later was widely denounced by many different Twitter users because of this and his account ended up being forbidden from posting any sort of tweets, a status that the account still retains as of November 2022.

Ruinaversal Livestreams

The YouTube channel of a Mexican satirical news network[44] known as Ruinaversal hosted a series of livestreams where Doomentio debated against different people that opposed him, mainly Jerry but also Ken L Wright, who ended up humiliating and bringing Doomentio to tears during the livestream. However, later he and his followers have denied that this even happened.

Shortly after these livestreams, Kalcifer was doxxed,.Doomentio has been accused of being the person mainly responsible for this.[19] He has denied these claims.

Personal Life

Manuel Arturo Coronado was born on November 27th, 1995 in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico. He came from a lower-middle-class family, and according to him, he grew up in a "violent environment" while having poor social skills. [2] Much of what was his youth outside the internet is unknown but it is known that he did a school video-project against discrimination during his years in high school. [21]

Me encanta ser blanco

Me encanta ser blanco (I love being white) refers to a phrase said by Doomentio on a now-deleted YouTube video, where he expressed his admiration for white people and European culture. This phrase was widely mocked and parodied, becoming the subject of many memes, and eventually being the most well-known phrase of Doomentio. The original video has been reposted a lot of times, often with humorous edits.

Dum Chikito and Ariopose

Dum Chikito (Small Dum) is an edited picture of Doomentio in which he is edited to look the size of a child. This image has led to many memes and is arguably the most well-known picture of Doomentio.

desmotivaciones.es dum chikito dum chikito

This image originally came from a photo uploaded by a friend of Doomentio named Haru, where he, Doom and Oveja were supposedly making JoJo's Poses. This image has been subsequently dubbed as the Ariopose (Aryan Pose), with people mocking how Doomentio stands up in the picture. This image is commonly parodied in fan art and edits where different fictional characters are depicted as Doomentio, Haru and Oveja.


40 125 Li 05 WWWCA MERLY

With 6 manyakko! 2021

Mamy ba 允 80



#Doomentio100k was an online campaign made by Doomentio and his followers to help his YouTube channel reach 100k subscribers. This campaign failed after he realized he couldn't quickly reach that subscriber count. This campaign was mostly mocked and its title is often included in meme videos about Doomentio.


Ya te vi Dum

Ya te vi Dum (I already saw you Dum) refers to a phrase commonly said on Doomentio's threads in Hispachan, this phrase is mostly used when someone shows support to Doomentio, jokingly accusing said person of being Doomentio himself. Doomentio is often referred to as "El Dum" (The Dum).


Mirenle la carita

Mirenle la carita (Look at her little face) refers to a phrase said by Doomentio while he was still known as NoireDoom, on a Google+ post in the year 2014. In this post, Doomentio admitted to masturbating more than 10 times to a hentai image. He deleted the post sometime later but an unknown person preserved it after taking a screenshot. This has become his second most well-known phrase after "Me encanta ser blanco".

This screenshot is mostly used to mock and accuse Doomentio of being a coomer. He has actually admitted this but has argued that this post does not represent him anymore since it was made back in 2014.

The screenshot later resurfaced after Doomentio affirmed being part of the NoFap[45] community.

Doomentio Público 13 mar. 2014 OK, creo que ya me he masturbado como 10 viendo este hentai. Madre santa de Dios por favor, esta mujer pequeña de caricatura es tan linda, denle un premio al diseñador por favor, esta animación tiene muchas de mis debilidades juntas soy un enfermo mental. Mirenle la carita


The Doomverse is the internet community built around Doomentio, including other people like his friends, enemies, places and events where he was part of. The Doomverse is a fictional universe parodying other fictional universes like the MCU and is mostly referred to jokingly as "an ongoing anime and manga", based on the fact that Doomentio is an anime critic. This fictional universe concept is quite similar to Chris-Chan's "Christory" and "Sagas" concepts.



Ariopandilla (Aryan Gang) is a term used to refer Doomentio's circle of friends, mainly the aforementioned Oveja, Skiso, Kalcifer and Nancysauria, but also including other friends and followers of his like Aeter Aureus, MangaNull, DJ Harmony, Shadow! or SwordiNet, this term is usually accompanied by drawings and memes of Doomentio and his friends.

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External References

[1] Incel Wiki – Doomentio

[2] Kiwi Farms – DOOMENTIO / Doom / Perezoso Doom / Manuel Arturo Coronado Preciado/ CEO de la estafa llamada Nostrafort/ estafado por TeamLoko

[3] Loquendo Wiki – Doomentio

[4] YouTube – Creepypasta – El capitulo perdido de Dragon ball

[7] Wikipedia – Team Loco

[8] Inciclopedia – Doomentio – Saga del Team Loco

[11] YouTube – Ocio habla de su situacion con Doomentio, Oveja, Kalcifer y Spark

[12] YouTube – Doomentio y las Mentiras Descaradas

[13] Web Archive – Debate: El holocausto – Mike vs Doom


[15] Nostrafort Wiki – Nostrafort

[16] Inciclopedia – Doomentio – Saga de Nostrafort

[17] Twitter – @Nostrafort

[18] Twitter – @Depri_HelpX

[19] Twitter – @Cream_Durazno

[21] YouTube – La Discriminación

[22] Inciclopedia – Doomentio – Rostizando un caracol


[24] YouTube – Critica a Doomentio Punto Final

[25] Facebook – Página de publicaciones de Doomentio

[26] Hispafiles – Doomentio 5

[27] Krautchan – Hilo de apreciacion a Doomentio

[28] Hispafiles – Doomentio: Nostrafort Ball Run

[29] YouTube – Critica a Doomentio punto 8

[30] Inciclopedia – Doomentio

[31] Twitter – @veterananon

[32] Wikipedia – Mexico

[33] Wikipedia – Locomotion

[34] Wikipedia – The Holocaust

[35] Wikipedia – Homophobia

[36] Wikipedia – Transphobia

[37] Wikipedia – Misogyny

[38] Wikipedia – White supremacy

[39] Wikipedia – Mestizo

[40] Wikipedia – Atomwaffen_Division

[41] Wikipedia – Pedophilia

[42] Wikipedia – Online piracy

[43] Wikipedia – Child pornography

[44] Wikipedia – News satire

[45] Wikipedia – NoFap

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