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Editor's Note: Not to be confused with This is Snek.
Snek refers to images of snakes with interior monologue captioning applied. The captions often use a form of English that omits prepositions and/or spells words incorrectly; in addition, the word "heck" is often substituted for profanity.
The word snek derives from This Is Snek, the popularity of which led to an entire subreddit, /r/snek,[6] devoted to images of snakes with and without the additional interior monologue captioning. The earliest known example including interior monologue captioning (below) was posted to the Facebook community "Snek" on October 16th, 2015.[4] It obtained over 100 likes and 20 shares in 5 months.

The next earliest known example(below, left) was posted on November 11th, 2015, by FunnyJunk user therealdolan.[3] It attained over 100 score and 8,000 views in about 4 months. On February 6th, 2016, one variation (below, right) was uploaded[5] to Imgur. It obtained over 100,000 views in less than two months.

On February 12th, 2016, Imgur user RonSwansonApproves uploaded several examples to an Imgur gallery.[1] It obtained over 40,000 views, 1,000 favorites, and 1,750 points (1,903 up and 144 down) in about a month.
On February 21st, 2016, Facebook community "Snek" posted a version (below) with a hognose snake. It obtained over 3,500 likes, 4,000 shares, and 400 comments in about a month.[2]

Various Examples

External References
[1] Imgur – Snek stuf / February 12th, 2016
[2] Facebook – Watch out by Snek / February 21st, 2016
[3] FunnyJunk – Next earliest known example / November 11th, 2015
[4] Facebook – Earliest known example / October 16th, 2015
[5] Imgur – Early example / February 6th, 2016
Top Comments
Astatine, Resident Hijab Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2016 at 01:45PM EDT
Calwings Moderator
Mar 22, 2016 at 01:44PM EDT