Meme Encyclopedia
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The Silent Protector

Added 5 years ago by Adam • Updated 7 months ago by Rose Abrams
Added 5 years ago by Adam • Updated 7 months ago by Rose Abrams

illustration of a soldier getting hit in the back with missiles and bullets
illustration of a soldier getting hit in the back with missiles and bullets

Category: Meme Status: confirmed Year: 2016 Origin: Facebook Region:
Type: Exploitable
Tags: soldier child bombs meme exploitable utkal gaurab jrotc

Additional References: Meme Generator


The Silent Protector refers to an exploitable object labeling comic depicting a soldier taking missiles and bombs in the back to protect a sleeping child. In the edits, the soldier, bombs, and child are labeled different items and subcultures.


The comic was published by Facebook page Laughing Colours[1] on October 5th, 2016, where it gained over over 491,000 likes and reactions and over 117,000 shares (shown below). It is drawn by comic artist Utkal Gaurab.



Two days after the comic was first posted, it was reposted to /pol/. [2] The comic did not begin becoming an exploitable until midway through 2017. Some early examples centered on the American military. A post from May 2017 depicted the soldier as Roblox YouTubers. A September 30th, 2017 post to /r/MemeEconomy about the JROTC ("Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps") gained over 1,500 points (shown below, right).

Roblox YouTubers @cheetopapit USArmy marines ROTC ents Ungrateful civilians who make fun of ROTC students utkal THIS IS SO SAD

Other edits took the meme in a more abstract direction. A post to /r/dankmemes on May 11th, 2018 depicted the bombs being "meme reviews" attempting to kill a meme, gaining over 2,600 points (shown below, left). A post showing Perry the Platypus protecting "the entire tri-state area" was posted to Imgur on April 11th, 2018 (shown below, right).

This is a secret meme. It is impossible to review, so it cannot be killed perry the platypus the entire tri-state area ut kal ebaseddoggo THIS IS SO SAD

Various Examples

FOR Instagram FC BARCELONA Follow@forfcbarcelona BARÇA FC B Foldwhite girls il Xan @Akademiksthetypeofnigga temale minecraft players NASA plans for mission to Marss utKal THIS IS SO SAD d COLD TACO rtal Original Content PewDiePie New Content Subscribers Funny Content PICTURE SAYS IT ALL ou2D waifus Crippling loneliness ME

Search Interest


External References

[1] Facebook – Laughing Colours

[2] /pol/

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