Your Tears are Delicious
Part of a series on Internet Slang. [View Related Entries]

"Your Tears Are Delicious" is a catchphrase often used in online conversations as a retort to petty grievances or complaints, similar to the usage of the colloquial phrase "why don't you cry about it?"
One of the first uses of "your tears are delicious" online dates back to July 2007 in a thread on the Marriland forums[2] discussing whether or not it was unfair that Japanese Pokemon players were given access to more legendary Pokemon characters than American players. Soon, forum member Disfunction responded with “Cry more. Your tears are delicious,” telling the original poster that life is not fair.
![525.png Posted July 20, 2007 #6 Disfunction Re: Unfair?! [quote =111 MASTER 111] I was skimming throguh an article on a Pokemon fansite about Darkrai. I noticed something though that sickened me. It said that in Japan at the release of the game there were special Nintendo event that gave out alot of legendaries. I clicked on the link and it showed me the Pokemon given out. These Pokemon were downloaded into any of the games. Only Sinnoh Pokemon could only be given to Sinnoh games. I noticed they had a download to get Darkrai! Then it said they gave out Jirachi, Celebi, Deoxys,Mew,Mewtwo, Latios, Latias,Regice,Regirock,and Registeel. These were obtained at different times and events but they all still were unfair. They downloaded them into the games and let you do a special mission as you may call it to get them. What do you think about this? I am kind of angered by them getting Darkrai. It said a total of around 4-5 million Cool Trainer Posts: 1532 Cry more. Your tears are delicious. Life isn't fair. Get over it.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/460/858/525.png)
This phrase may have been inspired by a scene in the July 11th, 2001 South Park episode "Scott Tenorman Must Die"[1] which depicts Cartman licking the tears off of a young man's face, calling them yummy and sweet.
Oh the tears of unfathomable sadness, mmm yummy, yummy.
In 2008, the phrase appeared on the Ask Men forums[3], Gamespot[4] and on 4chan's /tg/[5] (traditional games) board. In February 2009, fantasy writer Patrick Rothfuss[6] depicted himself using the phrase in a comic (shown below, left) about responding to hostile fan mail waiting for his second book. Sometime in 2010, the phrase became associated with an image of a young boy gulping rushing water (shown below, right), which was posted online as early as December 18th that year.[7] In July 2011, a Facebook group[11] for the phrase was created, accruing more than 1100 likes in just under two years. In 2013, the phrase was used as a retort in arguments on a number of gaming forums including GameFAQs[14], the Battlefield 3 Forums[15] and N4G.[16]

Notable Examples
As of April 2012, the phrase can commonly be found in post titles comments on YouTube[12], deviantART[13], Reddit[8], Tumblr[9] and Twitter[10], used most often in response to people being upset over something.

Search Interest
External References
[1] Wikipedia – Scott Tenorman Must Die
[3] Ask Men – Re: Where have all the men gone?
[4] Gamespot – Re: The quest for the last sticker…
[5] /tg/ Archive – Cry more, your tears are delicious.
[6] Patrick Rothfuss – Concerning the Release of Book Two
[7] I Run The Internet – Funny picture #561
[8] Reddit – Search results for "your tears are delicious"
[9] Tumblr – Posts tagged "your tears are delicious"
[10] Twitter – Search results for "your tears are delicious"
[11] Facebook – Your Tears Are Delicious
[12] YouTube – Search results for "your tears are delicious"
[13] deviantART – Search results for "your tears are delicious"
[14] GameFAQs – Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
[15] Battlefield 3 Forums – I use heatseekers in jets
Top Comments
Necro910: That Krieger Dude
Dec 18, 2012 at 02:58PM EST
Dec 13, 2012 at 11:06PM EST