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The Elder Scrolls General

Last posted Feb 19, 2012 at 07:51PM EST. Added Nov 09, 2011 at 09:42AM EST
163 posts from 32 users

Alright guys. TES5: Skyrim is released in a couple of days. In honor of that, I'm making an Elder Scrolls thread. What have been your best memories in the Elder Scrolls games, like Oblivion, Morrowind and so on? What about your worst? If it's in the Elder Scrolls, talk about it here.

MY favorite was Sheogorath. Hands down. He was delightfully insane. Insanely delightful. Just like the Daedric prince of madness should be.

Remembering my pet rat from Morrowind..

I also had that ice armor, and kicked ass like a bad mother fucker.

Dark brother hood would try and kill you in your sleep, shit was not cash.

@Skitch the Wolf

If only there was more of those scrolls!

Last edited Nov 09, 2011 at 03:01PM EST

Sweatie Killer wrote:

Remembering my pet rat from Morrowind..

I also had that ice armor, and kicked ass like a bad mother fucker.

Dark brother hood would try and kill you in your sleep, shit was not cash.

@Skitch the Wolf

If only there was more of those scrolls!

Shit was SO cash. To noob characters, that Dark Brotherhood armor was some expensive AND strong armor.

And as for the scrolls, they were the "Scrolls of Icarian Flight"
…We all know what happened to Icarus.

Last edited Nov 09, 2011 at 03:17PM EST
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>mfw I first hear about Elder Scrolls 5

All i know about it is that the developer sued Mojang for Makeing a game called Scrolls.

Skitch the Wolf, KYM Community Pet wrote:

Shit was SO cash. To noob characters, that Dark Brotherhood armor was some expensive AND strong armor.

And as for the scrolls, they were the "Scrolls of Icarian Flight"
…We all know what happened to Icarus.

I know, but they'd only show up at the worst time possible.

Also has anyone ever beaten the liche king?

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Skitch the Wolf, KYM Community Pet wrote:

>MFW your mfw

Sorry for that.
Just just that i never played Elder Scrolls.

Last edited Nov 09, 2011 at 04:23PM EST

Skitch the Wolf, KYM Community Pet wrote:

Shit was SO cash. To noob characters, that Dark Brotherhood armor was some expensive AND strong armor.

And as for the scrolls, they were the "Scrolls of Icarian Flight"
…We all know what happened to Icarus.

Ugh, those guys, always showing up at the worst time, and somehow in the oddest of places. I had a mod that created a floating island above one of the towns, and they still managed to get into my house while I was sleeping.

Skitch the Wolf, KYM Community Pet wrote:

Then what are you doing in this thread?

All i can say is that I wanted to be a troll
I lost no common sense for a few minutes.
Well you forgive me if i gived you a internet cookie?

NottaWotta wrote:

All i can say is that I wanted to be a troll
I lost no common sense for a few minutes.
Well you forgive me if i gived you a internet cookie?

The sheer failure of your "trolling" will not be forgiven. I have already sent a contract to the Dark Brotherhood.

Sithis will be pleased…

Skitch the Wolf, KYM Community Pet wrote:

The sheer failure of your "trolling" will not be forgiven. I have already sent a contract to the Dark Brotherhood.

Sithis will be pleased…

Ashki wrote:

Ugh, those guys, always showing up at the worst time, and somehow in the oddest of places. I had a mod that created a floating island above one of the towns, and they still managed to get into my house while I was sleeping.

They had levitation spells in Morrowind.

Sweatie Killer wrote:

They had levitation spells in Morrowind.

And potions as well, but I don't recall the Dark Brotherhood ever using them, or at least if they did, I don't remember it.

Last edited Nov 09, 2011 at 06:01PM EST

Ashki wrote:

And potions as well, but I don't recall the Dark Brotherhood ever using them, or at least if they did, I don't remember it.

Recall&mark too.

Ashki wrote:

And potions as well, but I don't recall the Dark Brotherhood ever using them, or at least if they did, I don't remember it.

I think the actual spell for Levitation is player-exclusive. There was a part where you had to visit a wizard in his home and there are no stairs. NPC's told you wizards don't use stairs, they levitate. Yet I never saw him do it. He would just be standing in that SAME spot forever on the second or third floor.

Skitch the Wolf, KYM Community Pet wrote:

I think the actual spell for Levitation is player-exclusive. There was a part where you had to visit a wizard in his home and there are no stairs. NPC's told you wizards don't use stairs, they levitate. Yet I never saw him do it. He would just be standing in that SAME spot forever on the second or third floor.

But then how does he poop?

Me: I just can't wait what the new game will be li-
Guard: Stop right there criminal scum, pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, Your inpatients are now forfeit.

Me: FFFFFFUUUU- wait is this a good or bad thing?
Guard: Yes….
Me: What does that mean exactly?
Guard: Then pay with your blood!
Me: Oh god not this shit again!!!

I just noticed Skyrim is gonna be the next terrible thing to happen, it is gonna take over the internet.

Last edited Nov 09, 2011 at 08:12PM EST

Skitch the Wolf, KYM Community Pet wrote:

Oh! Thanks for reminding me, Tesla!

For those of you who don't know, I heard that in Skyrim, if someone catches you committing a crime, it's not just instantly reported. The NPC has to ACTUALLY find a guard to report it to.

Then again, that's just what I heard, but it sounds legit to me.

Hopefully it's true as psychic guards are a pain in the butt.

Ashki wrote:

Hopefully it's true as psychic guards are a pain in the butt.

There was a bug the developers found when making Skyrim. When they play-tested a certain aspect of the crime system, they found that the guards would come, even if no one was around to report it anyway. They were confused, but then found out that the chickens had a bug that would report crimes just like humans. Fortunately, they fixed that bug.

Last edited Nov 09, 2011 at 08:41PM EST

Skitch the Wolf, KYM Community Pet wrote:

There was a bug the developers found when making Skyrim. When they play-tested a certain aspect of the crime system, they found that the guards would come, even if no one was around to report it anyway. They were confused, but then found out that the chickens had a bug that would report crimes just like humans. Fortunately, they fixed that bug.

I can actually see that happening, I'm just imaging the facial features of the chickens.

This is why people shouldn't play god.

Last edited Nov 09, 2011 at 10:01PM EST

Sweatie Killer wrote:

I can actually see that happening, I'm just imaging the facial features of the chickens.

This is why people shouldn't play god.

I think the developers are actually considering putting the Chicken-Reporting back in as a customizable option… I THINK. If not, sorry for misinformation.

Last edited Nov 09, 2011 at 10:32PM EST

Skitch the Wolf, KYM Community Pet wrote:

I think the developers are actually considering putting the Chicken-Reporting back in as a customizable option… I THINK. If not, sorry for misinformation.

They totally did this as a trolling attempt huh?

The site I pre-ordered my copy send them out a day too early.

I am currently holding, in my hand, Skyrim. With the first few hours of gameplay already taken from it.

Next to me is a bottle of Cleanex and a box of tissues to deal with all the fangasms my screen has to suffer.

RandomMan wrote:

The site I pre-ordered my copy send them out a day too early.

I am currently holding, in my hand, Skyrim. With the first few hours of gameplay already taken from it.

Next to me is a bottle of Cleanex and a box of tissues to deal with all the fangasms my screen has to suffer.

I just found out that my campus's mailroom is closed tomorrow for Veteran's Day. And it's gonna be closed on Saturday, too. I have to wait until Monday to play Skyrim…

Sweatie Killer wrote:

Is this true?

If you play with one-hand melee only, yes. And then you still have to force yourself to play like that.

But if you include magic, archery, other melee weapons, sneak, etc. Plus the larger variety of enemies. And blocking. And the rest. Then no.

Last edited Nov 10, 2011 at 04:05PM EST

Skitch the Wolf, KYM Community Pet wrote:

There was a bug the developers found when making Skyrim. When they play-tested a certain aspect of the crime system, they found that the guards would come, even if no one was around to report it anyway. They were confused, but then found out that the chickens had a bug that would report crimes just like humans. Fortunately, they fixed that bug.

I always knew chickens were annoying. I've never played Zelda games before, but the chickens in that were evil, and this only proved it.

Glad to hear Bethesda caught that bug though, it'd be annoying as Hell to find out think that the psychic guards were still around, only to find out that it was the chickens reporting you, and kinda odd giving that the Skyrim chickens apparently speak English as well.

The Elder Scrolls has to be one of the worst series in video game history. Every game is the same, almost as bad as CoD. Whats so different about this game? Oh, it has dragons? So does every other RPG. How fucking original. Have fun wasting your money.

rapturjesus wrote:

The Elder Scrolls has to be one of the worst series in video game history. Every game is the same, almost as bad as CoD. Whats so different about this game? Oh, it has dragons? So does every other RPG. How fucking original. Have fun wasting your money.

You can say that for all games. Every game is always the same. Zelda, Mario, CoD, Halo, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Wario Ware, Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong, Sonic, GTA, Resident Evil, Metroid, Street Fighter, Castlevania, Megaman, Pokemon, Pac-Man, Uncharted, Tony Hawk, Mass Effect, Soul Calibur, The Sims, Starfox, Civilization, Madden, Fable, Bioshock, Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton, Marvel vs. Capcom, Jak and Daxter, Infamous, Half-Life, Portal, Left 4 Dead, FIFA, Devil May Cry, Dead or Alive, Assassin's Creed, BattleField, Metal Gear Solid, Saints Row, and a fuckton of others. Name a game that ISN'T the same in a franchise. Seriously. Do it.

Guitar Hero has no repetitive game play what so ever. If you want to be so literal about this then go ahead. Because I saw Madden in your list and I can so without any doubt in my mind that it isnt the same every game.

rapturjesus wrote:

Guitar Hero has no repetitive game play what so ever. If you want to be so literal about this then go ahead. Because I saw Madden in your list and I can so without any doubt in my mind that it isnt the same every game.

Madden: You catch a ball and take it to the other side.

Guitar Hero: You pretend to be a rock star and play music on a plastic guitar.

Yeah, totally not repetitive.

Everything has been done, so you might as well accept it. Now I'm not saying any of these games are bad coughMODERNWARFAREcough, but you can't hate a game just because you find it to be the same thing in every game.

Last edited Nov 10, 2011 at 07:34PM EST

I have a question… and I want a LEGITIMATE answer. Why the hell does everyone hate Argonians? I always play as an Argonian and people always hate on it. Why? You enslave my people, you make us devils in your children's eyes, and you associate us with the skooma!?!? What the heck man! The freaking Khajiit are the ones with that disgusting (although wonderful) drug! I mean, come on! What's wrong with my race?!

I actually have Skyrim's Special Edition pre-ordered (NOT the huge one with the Dragon Statue) but since I have exams on the 14th and 15th, I will not pick it up till then as Jim Sterling notes:

Preparing for a new Elder Scrolls game is like preparing to die. One must ensure they get all their worldly affairs in order, speak with the people who mean everything to them, and have a final meal. After all, once that disc goes in, the user may as well have departed from our mortal world.

Kalmo wrote:

Madden: You catch a ball and take it to the other side.

Guitar Hero: You pretend to be a rock star and play music on a plastic guitar.

Yeah, totally not repetitive.

Everything has been done, so you might as well accept it. Now I'm not saying any of these games are bad coughMODERNWARFAREcough, but you can't hate a game just because you find it to be the same thing in every game.

I dont. I hate them because the repetitive things you do in elder scrolls are boring.

Sweatie Killer wrote:

Reason why MLP season 3 has not come out yet.

Or maybe because season 2 isn't done yet.

@topic, I have it preloaded and ready to play in 13 minutes. Yay.


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