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BBC posts video on the "Great Meme War"

Last posted Apr 12, 2017 at 05:55PM EDT. Added Apr 10, 2017 at 03:40AM EDT
10 posts from 10 users

Even as a lefty libcuck, it is simultaneously embarrassing and entertaining to watch the mainstream media get this worked by Meme Frog over and over. Bonus points to the Beeb for the forced attempt to demonise "gaming websites" at 2:01.

5,000 dislikes and counting.

A rare YouTube video where the comments are absolute gold, examples include:

"This is like when your grandma tries to understand your humor."

Pretty much nailed it there son, enjoy top comment.

"This took a full 10 minutes of research on Encyclopedia Dramatica and Know your meme. Absolute joke use of my license fee"

Thanks for the shout out there, random YouTuber.

And finally my personal favourite, "Ironic Reverse SJW":


Why do you think it is mainstream media fails so hard at knowing their memes? Is it simply a lack of familiarity with the sarcastic culture of shitposting, or is it something else? I don't even know what to make of all this.

I think it's more a matter of the left media failing to realize how large the right wing is. The media cannot accept that right-wing politicians are being voted in by mild-mannered working-class majority who are not very outspoken so they target the one outspoken oddball internet minority despite them not being primary voters.

I think there is this perception that as the years have gone by cultures have become more progressive and thus voters have become more progressive, it's a perception I notice with some people but not one that's based in statistic so call it a hunch. This perception, if it is as widespread as I think, could be what is causing the left media to hunt bogeymen (alt-right, Russia, Pepe, whatever) rather than accept the mundane truth that the right-wing is just as prominent as the left, maybe moreso.

In an alternate world if Trump were more evangelical and had a more active Christian backing I would imagine the media trying to spin Christians as being the source of a right-wing takeover. This is all just speculation on my part, so take it with a grain of salt.

TL;DR: Memes are an easy target for the left media to fearmonger


  • This is as much research as most journalists do for anything. When they research a topic, they don't become competent. They give a baseline, and they might miss the mark. After this, they have a deadline to meet on another, shrieking different topic.
  • Meme culture is absurd. It doesn't make sense. You have to be in the culture or actively study it to get it.
  • We're geeks. We're socially awkward. People on YouTube might dislike the video, but most people accept it.

I haven't looked at the video, but I don't think it will surprise me. Other subcultures feel as if issues involving their communities are misrepresented too.

EDIT: Actually, I'm going to step back, say I had the video pegged incorrectly, and eat crow. That was a little bit of reporting, but that was mostly agenda.

Last edited Apr 10, 2017 at 08:14AM EDT

I've stopped paying attention to anything the BBC publishes about the whole alt-right x memes bullshit because they clearly are just grasping for clicks.

Oh wait, I didn't pay any attention in the first place.

No wonder following politics today is such a joke with how the media treats it.

Last edited Apr 10, 2017 at 11:56AM EDT

The BBC's kind of infamous for doing cringy internet videos, like the autistic manga store.

It reminds me of a saying I heard a long time ago about the mainstream media reporting on memes and the like: if they can badly report about this, just imagine how badly they report the regular news.

xTSGx wrote:

The BBC's kind of infamous for doing cringy internet videos, like the autistic manga store.

It reminds me of a saying I heard a long time ago about the mainstream media reporting on memes and the like: if they can badly report about this, just imagine how badly they report the regular news.

I was hoping that that video was a joke.

xTSGx wrote:

The BBC's kind of infamous for doing cringy internet videos, like the autistic manga store.

It reminds me of a saying I heard a long time ago about the mainstream media reporting on memes and the like: if they can badly report about this, just imagine how badly they report the regular news.

Well, this is my first time seeing this video, and i want to say, the comments on it are a thing of beauty.

xTSGx wrote:

The BBC's kind of infamous for doing cringy internet videos, like the autistic manga store.

It reminds me of a saying I heard a long time ago about the mainstream media reporting on memes and the like: if they can badly report about this, just imagine how badly they report the regular news.

They didn't even answer the question they put forward on the title.


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