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Part of a series on Taylor Swift. [View Related Entries]


Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan Contest was an online voting contest by the Boston radio station Kiss 108 FM giving away a chance to meet the American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. In July of 2013, the contest became the target of an online raid by users of the imageboard 4chan.


On July 5th, 2013, the Kiss 108[3] radio station launched the "Are You Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan?" contest, in which contestants submitted a 137 character essay describing why they should be considered Swift's biggest fan. Profiles were subsequently created for each applicant, which could then be voted upon by other Internet users. The contest rules indicated that a winning contestant would receive tickets to a Taylor Swift concert where they would be able to meet and take a photo with the pop star. On July 15th, an anonymous 4chan user submitted a thread (shown below, left) urging other users to vote for 39-year-old Charles Z.[1] on the contest voting page (shown below, right).

쉬) 21%-7:40 PM Boards > Anonymous(ID: rhqH9OLP) File: (7 KB, 225x225, images.jpg) /b/ - Random /b/493437096 07/15/13(Mon)18:18 No. 493437096 This is Taylor Swift. She's f----- hot, you know it. A local radio station has a contest going to give some lucky teeny bopper a chance to meet her. My creepy 39 year old friend named Charles would like to cruslh all those girls dreams(and then sniff Taylor Swifts hair cuz he's into that), by winning this instead. He's made it to 25th place out of over 3000 applicants with just his friends support but he's hitting a plateau. Help him crush the dreams of these girls and give him a chance to make a complete ass of himself by blatantly just sniffing her hair with cameras rolling. Click the link. TLDR: Click the link to help a fat old guy creep on Taylor Swift irl and troll a bunch of whiny teeny boppers Link: 276 posts and 53 image replies omitted Anonymous(ID: cAdfHobx) 0715/13(Mon)19:37 No. 493450852 Voted and bumping Anonymous(ID: dHKdMQ4E) 07/15/13(Mon)19:37 No. 493450910 OP you have my support Vote Charles! Miami Lakes Kia - Sales Event Search Inventory & Daily Specials
HELPCHARLES MEET TAYLOR SWIFT YOU JUST HELPED CHARLES Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Tweet Share on Google+ Share on Tumblr tumblr + fLike 3.7k WHAT THEY HAD TOSAY L0 I'm a 39 year old man and I love Taylor so much and don't care that both adults and children mock me for it. But I feel 22 if that helps. #ad -Charles Z.

Notable Developments

On the same day, Redditor LouReddit submitted a screenshot of the original 4chan thread to the /r/4chan[6] subreddit, receiving over 12,900 up votes and 770 comments in the following 24 hours. On July 16th, Redditor burnafterreading91 posted a screenshot of the contest voting results showing Charles Z. in the lead (shown below) to /r/4chan[5] subreddit, where it garnered more than 11,900 up votes and 450 comments in the next 10 hours.

ARE YOUTAYLOR SWIFT'S BIGGESTFAN? EADERBOARD 1st 2nd 4th 5th Charles Z. Curran L. Karissa Chris K. Tony S

Four hours later, Redditor Capwnski resubmitted the screenshot to the /r/funny[4] subreddit, announcing that 4chan users succeeded in voting Charles Z to the first place position. In the first six hours, the post gained upwards of 24,100 up votes and 1,800 comments. On the same day, the news blogs Gawker,[2] The Daily Dot[7] and Baeble Music[8] published articles about the rigged contest.

Contest Cancelled

On July 19th, Kiss 108FM announced that they had cancelled the contest for being “compromised” on their official website (shown below, left). On July 20th, a Facebook[9] page titled “Justice4Charles” and a[10] petition were launched, urging the radio station to allow Charles Z. to meet Taylor Swift (shown below, right).

...-. AT&T LTE 11:44 PM @127%D Boston's #1 Hit Music Station Listen to Kiss 108 Live HLikeFollow Home Kiss Club On-Air Music Calendar Connect Search/Keyword PLEASEREADTHEIMPORTANT MESSAGE BELOW k 6,138 peaple like this. Sign Up to see what your friends Ike 、 iHeartRADIO MUSIC FESTIVAL LAS VEGAS 201 CHECK OUT THE LINEUP GET TICKETS. SEE EXCLUSIVE CONTENT TAKE ME THERE ENTERTAINMENT NEWS TAYLOR SWIFT'S BIGGEST FAN CONTEST Report: Kanye West allegedly goes postal on another photog Did Amanda Bynes make a front desk girl cry? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Tweet Share on Google+ Share on Tumblr Harry Styles gets a geek-chic makeover IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Avril Lavigne announces new single will be 'Rock N Roll Disappointingly, we have determined that the integrity of the "Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan" contest has been compromised. In accordance with our contest rules, effective immediately, the contest has been terminated. We apologize to all of our loyal listeners who have participated. Kris Jenner reveals why we haven't seen Kim Kardashian just yet Report: Kanye West slams Taylor Swift in shocking leaked audio KISS108 LINKS WATCH: Backstreet Boys support marriage equality with new music video Heart RADIO RED TAYLOR SWIFT Create Taylor Swift Station T. Swift Photos Buy 'RED
Sign this petition with 198 supporters 4 NEEDED First Name Last Name Email Street Address City State Zip Code Why is this important to you? HAS AADEAM Outside U.S Petitioning Kiss 108 Radio Justice4Charles: Give Charles his true justice by allowing him to meet Optional) Taylor Swift. Sign > Display my signature on By signing you scceot Change ong's eims o Petition by Calum Pretious Perth, United Kingdonm A vote is a tool used to give a voice to those who otherwise wouldn't be able to voice their opinions. Kiss 108 is the radio station that recently held Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan' competition. A man called Charles Z won this vote and proved he was her biggest fan, and was then ecstatic that he was actually going to meet his idol. He then found out that the competition had been cancelled, for the reason that he wasn't the expected demographic to win Justice4Charles aims to allow Charles to meet Taylor and give him justice. A year ago, Taylor Swift was due to perform at the Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The contest was also declared void. We cannot let this continue so please sign this petition, make a difference to this innocent man's life and give justice to Charles. #Justice4Charles Recent signatures Diane C KITCHENER CA Mariana Avila YORBA UINDA CA 33m Diane Costa KITCHENER CA 3 Joseph Jeide ENCINITAS CA 34m Sam Pudney LoNDON. Jonathan Goostree LAS VEGAS,NV 1h 28m 53im

On the same day, Charles Z. tweeted that while he was sad he did not win the contest, he was still proud of those who orchestrated the raid.

Selena Gomez Contest

On July 21st, 4chan users launched a raid targeting another contest by the New York pop radio station Z100[13] to help Charles win a chance to meet performer Selena Gomez. However, on the following day, Z100 shut down the contest without an explanation, presumably as a result of 4chan's vote-rigging campaign. Shortly thereafter, Redditor CharlesHook submitted a screenshot (shown below) of the announcement to the /r/4chan[11] subreddit, crediting 4chan users for derailing the contest.

Who is Selena Gomez's Biggest Fan? Watch Selena Gomez perform live at Good Morning America and meet her in person after her performance! Z100 wants to find the biggest Selena Gomez fan in our area! Tell us why you're her biggest fan in 140 characters or less, then get everyone you know to vote for you for your opportunity to watch her perform from the VIP section at the Good Morning America Summer Concert Series in Central Park on July 26 - and MEET her, along with a friend courtesy of Hollywood Records! Enter Now THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED Official Rules A. Dates of Contest: Contest will begin July 9, 2013 at 11:59am EST and end July 23, 2013 at 11:59am EST (Contest Period").

Jonas Brothers Contest

On July 22nd, 4chan users shifted their focus to rigging Z100’s Jonas Brothers contest in favor of Charles Z.[14] The contest was cancelled the following day, leading Redditor CharlesHook to post a screenshot to /r/4chan[12] (shown below) boasting that they had successfully ended yet another contest.

Who is The Jonas Brothers' Biggest Fan? Tell Us Why for a Chance to Meet Them & Get Ridiculous Upfront Seats For Their Show! Z100 wants to find the biggest Jonas Brothers fan in our area! Tell us why you're their biggest fan in 140 characters or less, then get everyone you know to vote for you for your opportunity to spend the day with them! First, you'll sit in on their Z Lounge Lunchtime l n lhuaxkay, .lshy 24, ik Mi k arkakr ilkat righi, wraîch irh irn amazing upfront seats at the PNC Bank Arts Center! Enter Now THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING. THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED. Official Rules A. Dates of Contest: Contest will begin July 17, 2013 at 12:00am EST and end July 24, 2013 at 8:59am EST (Contest Period")

On July 24th, a series of greentext stories chronicling the events of the Charles Z. contests were posted to 4chan, foreshadowing that the raid will continue with the British boy band One Direction as the next target. Later that day, a screenshot of the original post was subsequently submitted to /r/4chan,[15] where it accumulated over 4,900 up votes and 200 comments in the first 24 hours.

The story of Charles Z: From creep to king Chapter 1: Taylor Swift This chapter is about crushed dreams >Charles Z enter kiss 108fm's win tickets to see and meet Taylor Swift competition of his own accord. So he could crush all the little girls dreams and sniff Taylor's hair >With his friends help, Charles Z made it to 25th place of around 3000 applicants A close friend of Charles and apparent lurker posts on /b/ asking for support >/b/ is immediatly enticed by the idea of ruining other little kids chances of winning and meeting Taylor Swift >/b/ votes Charles to the 1st place >Charles is happy, /b/ is happy >Charles develops great popularity on /b/ and is crowned as king kiss 108 removes the competition >Charles is upset, /b/ is outraged >/b/ develops propaganda to inform and manipulate regular internet users to support Charles with #Justice4Charles >/b/ makes plans to attack the kiss108 website but complications occur causing the attack to become messy and innefective Chapter 1.5: Warmachine Charles This chapter is about the warmachine Some bitch in the Taylor Swift contest tweeted to warmachine a pro MMA fighter >He insulted Charles >/b/ is outraged >Warmachine's twitter acc got spammed with pictures of his girl sucking cocks >/b/ made fun of warmachine's dad dying and mom being a crack w---- >/b/ doxed him after he posted a picture of a letter he wrote >warmachine punched himself And that's how /b/ beat up a pro MMA fighter Warmachine Chapter 2: Selena Gomez The quiet before the shitstorm >Soon after the Taylor Swift incident, /b/ discovers another competition is taking place Z100 New York win tickets to see and meet Selena Gomez competition >/b/ enters under Charles identity without his knowing or permission (he noticed that like 24 hours after everything happened) >Due to having only a few days /b/ manages to get Charles to 3rd place with about 14 hours left >The competition rules state that the winner will be selected by judges out of the top 3 positions >/b/ does research into the person in the 1st position >Kristian, male >/b/ picks up on his twitter and realises that he has been slanderous towards Charles >/b/is outraged z100 cuts the competition short, Charles finishes in the 3rd position >/b/ is even more outraged (about 1 day after that kristen admits using scripts) >/b/ finds everything there is to know about Kristian and rips him to shreds Chapter 3: The Jonas Brothers and the raid This chapter is about revenge Kristian >Dox on the guy who wrote news about /b/ and Charles is made, a dragon dildo and some pizzas are sent, but not much >/b/ discovers that z100 New York is hosting another competition win tickets to see and meet the Jonas Brothers realising this could be the perfect oportunnity to annoy z100 whilst making little girls cry >/b/ enters, yet again under the identify of Charles without his permissio >Here is where the >His twitter ac >Kris orm agains kristen begi inese food and dragon dildos were sent om gay scorts, ko t was spammed even more and we got his skypee ac o pizza n deletes his twitter page s flood the site with vote requests with the help of some script, an >all of the sudde everyone wonders what happened >The entire Clear Channel network is DOWN because of /b/, about 850 websites >/b/rothers are full of joy >The compettition ends early with Charles in 4th positio 100 i t working anymore, an s get requests timeout Chapter 4: 1 Directi This ap s about potatos ntwitte up again and he won the competitio t kri >Kris n 2.0 and getting ready to s orm the daily dot faggo Shitstorm agai >/b/ discovers a copetition to meet one direction and again, for the lulz, /b/ enters with no permission

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Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan Contest

Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan Contest

Part of a series on Taylor Swift. [View Related Entries]

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Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan Contest was an online voting contest by the Boston radio station Kiss 108 FM giving away a chance to meet the American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. In July of 2013, the contest became the target of an online raid by users of the imageboard 4chan.


On July 5th, 2013, the Kiss 108[3] radio station launched the "Are You Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan?" contest, in which contestants submitted a 137 character essay describing why they should be considered Swift's biggest fan. Profiles were subsequently created for each applicant, which could then be voted upon by other Internet users. The contest rules indicated that a winning contestant would receive tickets to a Taylor Swift concert where they would be able to meet and take a photo with the pop star. On July 15th, an anonymous 4chan user submitted a thread (shown below, left) urging other users to vote for 39-year-old Charles Z.[1] on the contest voting page (shown below, right).

쉬) 21%-7:40 PM Boards > Anonymous(ID: rhqH9OLP) File: (7 KB, 225x225, images.jpg) /b/ - Random /b/493437096 07/15/13(Mon)18:18 No. 493437096 This is Taylor Swift. She's f----- hot, you know it. A local radio station has a contest going to give some lucky teeny bopper a chance to meet her. My creepy 39 year old friend named Charles would like to cruslh all those girls dreams(and then sniff Taylor Swifts hair cuz he's into that), by winning this instead. He's made it to 25th place out of over 3000 applicants with just his friends support but he's hitting a plateau. Help him crush the dreams of these girls and give him a chance to make a complete ass of himself by blatantly just sniffing her hair with cameras rolling. Click the link. TLDR: Click the link to help a fat old guy creep on Taylor Swift irl and troll a bunch of whiny teeny boppers Link: 276 posts and 53 image replies omitted Anonymous(ID: cAdfHobx) 0715/13(Mon)19:37 No. 493450852 Voted and bumping Anonymous(ID: dHKdMQ4E) 07/15/13(Mon)19:37 No. 493450910 OP you have my support Vote Charles! Miami Lakes Kia - Sales Event Search Inventory & Daily Specials HELPCHARLES MEET TAYLOR SWIFT YOU JUST HELPED CHARLES Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Tweet Share on Google+ Share on Tumblr tumblr + fLike 3.7k WHAT THEY HAD TOSAY L0 I'm a 39 year old man and I love Taylor so much and don't care that both adults and children mock me for it. But I feel 22 if that helps. #ad -Charles Z.

Notable Developments

On the same day, Redditor LouReddit submitted a screenshot of the original 4chan thread to the /r/4chan[6] subreddit, receiving over 12,900 up votes and 770 comments in the following 24 hours. On July 16th, Redditor burnafterreading91 posted a screenshot of the contest voting results showing Charles Z. in the lead (shown below) to /r/4chan[5] subreddit, where it garnered more than 11,900 up votes and 450 comments in the next 10 hours.

ARE YOUTAYLOR SWIFT'S BIGGESTFAN? EADERBOARD 1st 2nd 4th 5th Charles Z. Curran L. Karissa Chris K. Tony S

Four hours later, Redditor Capwnski resubmitted the screenshot to the /r/funny[4] subreddit, announcing that 4chan users succeeded in voting Charles Z to the first place position. In the first six hours, the post gained upwards of 24,100 up votes and 1,800 comments. On the same day, the news blogs Gawker,[2] The Daily Dot[7] and Baeble Music[8] published articles about the rigged contest.

Contest Cancelled

On July 19th, Kiss 108FM announced that they had cancelled the contest for being “compromised” on their official website (shown below, left). On July 20th, a Facebook[9] page titled “Justice4Charles” and a[10] petition were launched, urging the radio station to allow Charles Z. to meet Taylor Swift (shown below, right).

...-. AT&T LTE 11:44 PM @127%D Boston's #1 Hit Music Station Listen to Kiss 108 Live HLikeFollow Home Kiss Club On-Air Music Calendar Connect Search/Keyword PLEASEREADTHEIMPORTANT MESSAGE BELOW k 6,138 peaple like this. Sign Up to see what your friends Ike 、 iHeartRADIO MUSIC FESTIVAL LAS VEGAS 201 CHECK OUT THE LINEUP GET TICKETS. SEE EXCLUSIVE CONTENT TAKE ME THERE ENTERTAINMENT NEWS TAYLOR SWIFT'S BIGGEST FAN CONTEST Report: Kanye West allegedly goes postal on another photog Did Amanda Bynes make a front desk girl cry? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Tweet Share on Google+ Share on Tumblr Harry Styles gets a geek-chic makeover IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Avril Lavigne announces new single will be 'Rock N Roll Disappointingly, we have determined that the integrity of the "Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan" contest has been compromised. In accordance with our contest rules, effective immediately, the contest has been terminated. We apologize to all of our loyal listeners who have participated. Kris Jenner reveals why we haven't seen Kim Kardashian just yet Report: Kanye West slams Taylor Swift in shocking leaked audio KISS108 LINKS WATCH: Backstreet Boys support marriage equality with new music video Heart RADIO RED TAYLOR SWIFT Create Taylor Swift Station T. Swift Photos Buy 'RED Sign this petition with 198 supporters 4 NEEDED First Name Last Name Email Street Address City State Zip Code Why is this important to you? HAS AADEAM Outside U.S Petitioning Kiss 108 Radio Justice4Charles: Give Charles his true justice by allowing him to meet Optional) Taylor Swift. Sign > Display my signature on By signing you scceot Change ong's eims o Petition by Calum Pretious Perth, United Kingdonm A vote is a tool used to give a voice to those who otherwise wouldn't be able to voice their opinions. Kiss 108 is the radio station that recently held Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan' competition. A man called Charles Z won this vote and proved he was her biggest fan, and was then ecstatic that he was actually going to meet his idol. He then found out that the competition had been cancelled, for the reason that he wasn't the expected demographic to win Justice4Charles aims to allow Charles to meet Taylor and give him justice. A year ago, Taylor Swift was due to perform at the Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The contest was also declared void. We cannot let this continue so please sign this petition, make a difference to this innocent man's life and give justice to Charles. #Justice4Charles Recent signatures Diane C KITCHENER CA Mariana Avila YORBA UINDA CA 33m Diane Costa KITCHENER CA 3 Joseph Jeide ENCINITAS CA 34m Sam Pudney LoNDON. Jonathan Goostree LAS VEGAS,NV 1h 28m 53im

On the same day, Charles Z. tweeted that while he was sad he did not win the contest, he was still proud of those who orchestrated the raid.

Selena Gomez Contest

On July 21st, 4chan users launched a raid targeting another contest by the New York pop radio station Z100[13] to help Charles win a chance to meet performer Selena Gomez. However, on the following day, Z100 shut down the contest without an explanation, presumably as a result of 4chan's vote-rigging campaign. Shortly thereafter, Redditor CharlesHook submitted a screenshot (shown below) of the announcement to the /r/4chan[11] subreddit, crediting 4chan users for derailing the contest.

Who is Selena Gomez's Biggest Fan? Watch Selena Gomez perform live at Good Morning America and meet her in person after her performance! Z100 wants to find the biggest Selena Gomez fan in our area! Tell us why you're her biggest fan in 140 characters or less, then get everyone you know to vote for you for your opportunity to watch her perform from the VIP section at the Good Morning America Summer Concert Series in Central Park on July 26 - and MEET her, along with a friend courtesy of Hollywood Records! Enter Now THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED Official Rules A. Dates of Contest: Contest will begin July 9, 2013 at 11:59am EST and end July 23, 2013 at 11:59am EST (Contest Period").

Jonas Brothers Contest

On July 22nd, 4chan users shifted their focus to rigging Z100’s Jonas Brothers contest in favor of Charles Z.[14] The contest was cancelled the following day, leading Redditor CharlesHook to post a screenshot to /r/4chan[12] (shown below) boasting that they had successfully ended yet another contest.

Who is The Jonas Brothers' Biggest Fan? Tell Us Why for a Chance to Meet Them & Get Ridiculous Upfront Seats For Their Show! Z100 wants to find the biggest Jonas Brothers fan in our area! Tell us why you're their biggest fan in 140 characters or less, then get everyone you know to vote for you for your opportunity to spend the day with them! First, you'll sit in on their Z Lounge Lunchtime l n lhuaxkay, .lshy 24, ik Mi k arkakr ilkat righi, wraîch irh irn amazing upfront seats at the PNC Bank Arts Center! Enter Now THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING. THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED. Official Rules A. Dates of Contest: Contest will begin July 17, 2013 at 12:00am EST and end July 24, 2013 at 8:59am EST (Contest Period")

On July 24th, a series of greentext stories chronicling the events of the Charles Z. contests were posted to 4chan, foreshadowing that the raid will continue with the British boy band One Direction as the next target. Later that day, a screenshot of the original post was subsequently submitted to /r/4chan,[15] where it accumulated over 4,900 up votes and 200 comments in the first 24 hours.

The story of Charles Z: From creep to king Chapter 1: Taylor Swift This chapter is about crushed dreams >Charles Z enter kiss 108fm's win tickets to see and meet Taylor Swift competition of his own accord. So he could crush all the little girls dreams and sniff Taylor's hair >With his friends help, Charles Z made it to 25th place of around 3000 applicants A close friend of Charles and apparent lurker posts on /b/ asking for support >/b/ is immediatly enticed by the idea of ruining other little kids chances of winning and meeting Taylor Swift >/b/ votes Charles to the 1st place >Charles is happy, /b/ is happy >Charles develops great popularity on /b/ and is crowned as king kiss 108 removes the competition >Charles is upset, /b/ is outraged >/b/ develops propaganda to inform and manipulate regular internet users to support Charles with #Justice4Charles >/b/ makes plans to attack the kiss108 website but complications occur causing the attack to become messy and innefective Chapter 1.5: Warmachine Charles This chapter is about the warmachine Some bitch in the Taylor Swift contest tweeted to warmachine a pro MMA fighter >He insulted Charles >/b/ is outraged >Warmachine's twitter acc got spammed with pictures of his girl sucking cocks >/b/ made fun of warmachine's dad dying and mom being a crack w---- >/b/ doxed him after he posted a picture of a letter he wrote >warmachine punched himself And that's how /b/ beat up a pro MMA fighter Warmachine Chapter 2: Selena Gomez The quiet before the shitstorm >Soon after the Taylor Swift incident, /b/ discovers another competition is taking place Z100 New York win tickets to see and meet Selena Gomez competition >/b/ enters under Charles identity without his knowing or permission (he noticed that like 24 hours after everything happened) >Due to having only a few days /b/ manages to get Charles to 3rd place with about 14 hours left >The competition rules state that the winner will be selected by judges out of the top 3 positions >/b/ does research into the person in the 1st position >Kristian, male >/b/ picks up on his twitter and realises that he has been slanderous towards Charles >/b/is outraged z100 cuts the competition short, Charles finishes in the 3rd position >/b/ is even more outraged (about 1 day after that kristen admits using scripts) >/b/ finds everything there is to know about Kristian and rips him to shreds Chapter 3: The Jonas Brothers and the raid This chapter is about revenge Kristian >Dox on the guy who wrote news about /b/ and Charles is made, a dragon dildo and some pizzas are sent, but not much >/b/ discovers that z100 New York is hosting another competition win tickets to see and meet the Jonas Brothers realising this could be the perfect oportunnity to annoy z100 whilst making little girls cry >/b/ enters, yet again under the identify of Charles without his permissio >Here is where the >His twitter ac >Kris orm agains kristen begi inese food and dragon dildos were sent om gay scorts, ko t was spammed even more and we got his skypee ac o pizza n deletes his twitter page s flood the site with vote requests with the help of some script, an >all of the sudde everyone wonders what happened >The entire Clear Channel network is DOWN because of /b/, about 850 websites >/b/rothers are full of joy >The compettition ends early with Charles in 4th positio 100 i t working anymore, an s get requests timeout Chapter 4: 1 Directi This ap s about potatos ntwitte up again and he won the competitio t kri >Kris n 2.0 and getting ready to s orm the daily dot faggo Shitstorm agai >/b/ discovers a copetition to meet one direction and again, for the lulz, /b/ enters with no permission

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