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Part of a series on Donald Trump. [View Related Entries]


The Trump Tapes refers to a video recording of Donald Trump having a vulgar conversation about seducing and groping women with the host of Access Hollywood Billy Bush that was caught on hot microphone in 2005 and later published by The Washington Post in early October 2016 Upon the release of of the recording, the Republican presidential candidate immediately came under criticism from the news media and social media alike, due to the lewd and sexist nature of his comments.


On September 16th, 2005, Donald Trump made a series of vulgar remarks about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women while sharing a bus ride with Billy Bush, the host of Access Hollywood, to the set of The Days of Our Lives to tape his cameo appearance on the popular daytime soap opera. At 12:44 p.m. on October 7th, 2016, two days before the second round of the United States presidential debate, the Washington Post published a three-minute recording of the conversation apparently captured by a hot microphone.

"I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married. And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, 'I'll show you where they have some nice furniture.' I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look."

"I've got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful--I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it, you can do anything. … Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

Notable Developments

Online Reactions

Online, the Washington Post article immediately went viral and sparked a flood of overwhelmingly negative reaction under the hashtag #TrumpTapes, with many mocking some of the most vulgar remarks attributed to Trump, including many actresses and celebrities like Cher, Lena Dunham, Ashley Judd, Robert De Niro (shown below), Jenny Slate and Aisha Tyler, as well as an offshoot discussion on workplace harassment experiences on Twitter.

[This video has been removed]

On October 8th, Mike Dean, a hip hop producer who has worked on tracks with Kanye West and Big Sean, released a remix track sampling Trump's "grab them by the pussy" soundbite on his Soundcloud page.

News Media Coverage

Throughout the day, Donald Trump's Access Hollywood tape became the top trending story on virtually all major social media platforms and online news outlets. By the evening of October 7th, the Washington Post article had become "the most concurrently viewed article in the history of [its] website." One of the most notable moments from the breaking coverage of the Trump Tapes from a splitscreen discussion among CNN political commentators, during which Ana Navarro and Scottie Nell Hughes repeatedly used the word "pussy" in a heated exchange.

Campaign Responses

At 4:55 p.m. (EST), Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton issued a response rebuking Trump's remarks as "horrific" along with a link to the original article, while her running mate Tim Kaine similarly condemned Donald Trump's remark during an interview in the afternoon.

Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton This is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president. David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold I just start kissing them.. Just kiss. I don't even wait, Trump said. "And when you're a star they let you do it." wpo.st/1xm32

Meanwhile, Trump's campaign released a brief statement on the presidential candidate's official website (shown below), in which Trump accused Bill Clinton of saying far worse things and apologized for offending anyone. On the early morning of October 8th, Trump tweeted a longer video statement in which he opened by apologizing for his description of women and pledging to be a better man, though he ended his statement with allegation that former President Bill Clinton had "abused women" and that Hillary Clinton had bullied her husband's victims.

Republican Reaction

On October 8th, several current and former members of the Republican leadership denounced Trump's statements as vulgar and inexcusable, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, as well as Trump's running mate Mike Pence. In addition, dozens of other Republicans rescinded their prior endorsement of Donald Trump, most notably the 2008 presidential nominee John McCain, as well as Governor of Alabama Robert J. Bentley, U.S. Senators Kelly Ayotte, Mike Crapo and U.S. Representatives Bradley Byrne, Jason Chaffetz and Joe Heck, while a smaller faction calling for his withdrawal from the campaign.

Additional Harassment Allegations

On October 13th, the New York Times published an article titled "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately," which accused Trump of previously unknown sexual misconducts, citing detailed accounts from at least two women, Jessica Leads and Rachel Crooks, both of whom alleged Trump of making unwanted sexual advances between the 1980s and 1990s. In response, Trump's campaign released a statement (shown below, left) dismissing the findings of the Times article as "fiction" and having "no merit or veracity," while his attorneys demanded a retraction of the Times article and an apology from the news publication for publishing a "libelous article." Later that day, the New York Times assistant general counsel David McCraw responded to the libel claims made by Trump's legal team with an open letter (shown below, right), in which he flat out declined the demand for retraction by asserting that Trump's reputation is damaged and "could not be further affected" due to his own statements, rather than the New York Times article.

KASOWITZ, BENSON, 1OREES &c FRIEDMAN LLF 1633 ERADVIAY AT ANTA NEW YORK, NEW YOR ICO19.8799 2 2-EOB-1700 FACSIMILE: 212-50S-I2CO IOS ANRFI.FS MIAMI WASH:NGTON, DC October 12, 2016 Via E-Mail ean Baquet Executive Fditor 620 Highth Avenu<e New York, New York 10018 Rc: Demand for Retraction Dear Mr. J3ayuel: We represent Donald J. .ITump. We write in response to the libelous article published Octoher 12, 2016 by The New York Times cntitled Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriateh' Your article is reckless, defamar and constitutcs libel per se. It is apparent from, among olher things, the timing of the article, that it is nothing more than a politically-motivated efTort lo defcat Mr. rump's candidacy. That is why you apparently performed an cntircly inadequate investigation to test thc vcracity of these false and malicious allcgations, includiog why thcsc two individuals waited, in one case, 11 ycars, and, in another case, more than thrcc decades, beľore deciding to come torward with these Talse and defamatory statements. Clearly, The New York Times s willing to provide ǎ platform to anyone wishing to smear Mr. Trump's name and reputation prior to the election irrespective of whether the allcgcd stalements have any basis in fact We hereby demand that you immediately ccase any frther publication of this article, rcmove it from your website and issue a full and immediate retraction and apology. Failurc to do so wili leave my client with no option bul to pursue all available aons and remedics Sinccrely Marc Li. Kasowit/
VI LE Marc E. Kasowitz, Esq Kasowitz, Benson, Torres&Friedman LLP 1633 Broadway New York, NY 10019-6799 Dear Mr. Kasowitz: I write in response to your letter of October 12, 2016 to Dean Baquet concerning your client Donald Trump, the Republican Party nominee for President of the United States. You write concerning our article "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately" and label the article as “libel per se." You ask that we "remove it from [our] website, and issue a full and immediate retraction and apology.” we decline to do so. The essence of a libel claim, of course, is the protection of one's reputation. Mr. Trump has bragged about his non-consensual sexual touching of women. He has bragged about intruding on beauty pageant contestants in their dressing rooms. He acquiesced to a radio host's request to discuss Mr. Trump's own daughter as a "piece of ass." Multiple women not mentioned in our article have publicly come forward to report on Mr. Trump's unwanted advances. Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself But there is a larger and much more important point here. The women quoted in our story spoke out on an issue of national importance- indeed, an issue that Mr. Trump himself discussed with the whole nation watching during Sunday night's presidential debate. Our reporters diligently worked to confirm the women's accounts. They 60907 provided readers with Mr. Trump's response, including his forceful denial of the women's reports. It would have been a disservice not just to our readers but to democracy itself to silence their voices. We did what the law allows: We published newsworthy information about a subject of deep public concern. If Mr. Trump disagrees, if he believes that American citizens had no right to hear what these women had to say and that the law of this country forces us and those who would dare to criticize him to stand silent or be punished, we welcome the opportunity to have a court set him straight. Sincerely, David E. McCraw

In the following days, several former participants of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA publicly alleged that Trump walked into the dressing rooms in various stages of undress, a habitual misconduct that Trump himself had admitted during a 2005 interview on The Howard Stern Show.


On October 14th, Page Six[18] reported that NBC, who had fired Bush after the leak of the tape, was going to pay him a $10 million severance package. The following day, Twitter user @DuncanIdunno[19] responded to a @pattymo tweet expressing disgust at the news by suggesting Bush was going to donate the entire severance to women's charities.

Patrick Monahan@pattymo Oct 15 If you see Billy Bush on the street, try to throw up on him or something Page Six a Billy Bush expected to get $10 million settlement fronm NBC 80 384... Frederick Krueger MD @Bro_Pair Oct 15 @pattymo not a stretch 9 Duncan Idunno @Duncanldunno Follow @Bro_Pair @pattymo nah, Billy Bush is going to donate it all to women's charities

@pattymo[20] then tweeted an idea that if Twitter posted as though Bush had announced he would give the money to women's charities, news organizations would pick it up as real news. Shortly after, he began tweeting[21] the rumor that Bush would be donating his severance package to women's charities with the hashtag #ThanksBilly.

Patrick Monahan @pattymo Following What a guy! #ThanksBilly am donating all $10 million of my NBC Billy Bush severance package to women's charities

People in and outside Weird Twitter who were in on the joke began tweeting their faux-sincere gratitude to Bush. Within a half hour, #ThanksBilly was trending on Twitter,[22] as people began to think the rumor was actually true. The spread of the hashtag was covered by The Daily Dot,[23] Vulture,[24] Complex,[25] and more.

Nick Offerman @Nick Offerman Follow What a great save. Really the only decent thing to do. #ThanksBilly !! Patrick Monahan@pattymo What a guy! #ThanksBilly donatingal S10 milion of m ly Bush
R Christopher Hooks This has been a rough year, and this warms my heart. #ThanksBilly Following @cd hooks Sigh Hersh (scary) eUgarles f you're contrite, your actions will match your words. Blly Bush giving his $t0MM severance to women's charities? Sincerity. #ThanksBilly RETWEETS LIKES 168 1,132OEO
Following @theshrillest Wow, stand-up move for Billy Bush to donate 100 million dollars to women's charities #ThanksBilly The Tweet of Gourd @alexqarbuckle I wish all men could be as honest and strong as Billy Bush, who just donated his $10M NBC payout to women's charities #ThanksBilly

$1 Million Bounty for Trump Tapes

On October 17th, Los Angeles Times reported that Larry Flynt, the publisher of adult magazine Hustler and longtime Democrat supporter, has offered to pay up to $1 million for video or audio recordings of Donald Trump "engaged in illegal behavior or acting in a sexually demeaning manner toward women."

Search Interest

External References

[1] Washington Post – Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

[2] New York Times – Donald Trump Apology Caps Day of Outrage Over Lewd Tape

[3] ET Online – EXCLUSIVE: Nancy O'Dell Reacts to Donald Trump Recording

[4] Daily Mail – Billy Bush slammed on social media as former fans call for him to be fired from NBC

[5] Twitter – 2005 audio catches Donald Trump sexually objectifying women

[6] Twitter – CNN commentator goes viral with truths about Trump's 2005 remarks

[7] New York Times – Paul Ryan, Reluctant Supporter, Weighs Response to Donald Trump’s Remarks

[8] New York Times – Lewd Donald Trump Tape Is a Breaking Point for Many in the G.O.P.

[9] Twitter – Hillary Clinton's Tweet

[10] Donald Trump – Statement from Donald Trump

[11] The Guardian – Tim Kaine's Tweet

[12] USA Today – Here is the list of Republicans who are not supporting Trump

[13] Washington Post – Three dozen Republicans have now called for Donald Trump to drop out

[14] Wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_Access_Hollywood_controversy

[15] Soundcloud – "Mike Dean's Gram 'Em By Da Pussy'

[16] Elite Daily – Kanye’s Producer Samples Trump’s ‘Grab Them By The Pussy’ In Epic Smackdown

[16] Mic – After misogynistic #TrumpTapes leaked, women are sharing stories of their sexual assault

[17] Twitter – Media Results for #TrumpTapes

[18] Page Six – Billy Bush expected to get $10 million settlement from NBC

[19] Twitter – @DuncanIDunno

[20] Twitter – @pattymo

[21] Twitter – @pattymo #ThanksBilly

[22] Twitter – @pattymo Trends Tweet

[23] Daily Dot – Can Twitter shame Billy Bush into giving $10 million to women's charities?

[24] Vulture – Twitter Thanks Billy Bush for Donating His $10 Million Severance to Charity, Despite the Fact This Did Not Happen

[25] Complex – Twitter Users Troll Billy Bush With the Hashtag #ThanksBilly

[26] Washington Post – The hot mic video didn’t affect Trump’s poll numbers with some voters at all. Here’s why.

[27] New York Times – The New York Times’s Response to Donald Trump’s Retraction Letter

[28] Donald J Trump – Demand for Retraction [PDF]

[29] LA Times – Pornographer Larry Flynt offers $1 million for any scandalous Trump tapes

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The Trump Tapes / #TrumpTapes

The Trump Tapes / #TrumpTapes

Part of a series on Donald Trump. [View Related Entries]

Updated Jan 29, 2025 at 07:13PM EST by LiterallyAustin.

Added Oct 08, 2016 at 05:19PM EDT by Brad.

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The Trump Tapes refers to a video recording of Donald Trump having a vulgar conversation about seducing and groping women with the host of Access Hollywood Billy Bush that was caught on hot microphone in 2005 and later published by The Washington Post in early October 2016 Upon the release of of the recording, the Republican presidential candidate immediately came under criticism from the news media and social media alike, due to the lewd and sexist nature of his comments.


On September 16th, 2005, Donald Trump made a series of vulgar remarks about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women while sharing a bus ride with Billy Bush, the host of Access Hollywood, to the set of The Days of Our Lives to tape his cameo appearance on the popular daytime soap opera. At 12:44 p.m. on October 7th, 2016, two days before the second round of the United States presidential debate, the Washington Post published a three-minute recording of the conversation apparently captured by a hot microphone.

"I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married. And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, 'I'll show you where they have some nice furniture.' I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look."

"I've got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful--I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it, you can do anything. … Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

Notable Developments

Online Reactions

Online, the Washington Post article immediately went viral and sparked a flood of overwhelmingly negative reaction under the hashtag #TrumpTapes, with many mocking some of the most vulgar remarks attributed to Trump, including many actresses and celebrities like Cher, Lena Dunham, Ashley Judd, Robert De Niro (shown below), Jenny Slate and Aisha Tyler, as well as an offshoot discussion on workplace harassment experiences on Twitter.

[This video has been removed]

On October 8th, Mike Dean, a hip hop producer who has worked on tracks with Kanye West and Big Sean, released a remix track sampling Trump's "grab them by the pussy" soundbite on his Soundcloud page.

News Media Coverage

Throughout the day, Donald Trump's Access Hollywood tape became the top trending story on virtually all major social media platforms and online news outlets. By the evening of October 7th, the Washington Post article had become "the most concurrently viewed article in the history of [its] website." One of the most notable moments from the breaking coverage of the Trump Tapes from a splitscreen discussion among CNN political commentators, during which Ana Navarro and Scottie Nell Hughes repeatedly used the word "pussy" in a heated exchange.

Campaign Responses

At 4:55 p.m. (EST), Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton issued a response rebuking Trump's remarks as "horrific" along with a link to the original article, while her running mate Tim Kaine similarly condemned Donald Trump's remark during an interview in the afternoon.

Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton This is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president. David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold I just start kissing them.. Just kiss. I don't even wait, Trump said. "And when you're a star they let you do it." wpo.st/1xm32

Meanwhile, Trump's campaign released a brief statement on the presidential candidate's official website (shown below), in which Trump accused Bill Clinton of saying far worse things and apologized for offending anyone. On the early morning of October 8th, Trump tweeted a longer video statement in which he opened by apologizing for his description of women and pledging to be a better man, though he ended his statement with allegation that former President Bill Clinton had "abused women" and that Hillary Clinton had bullied her husband's victims.

Republican Reaction

On October 8th, several current and former members of the Republican leadership denounced Trump's statements as vulgar and inexcusable, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, as well as Trump's running mate Mike Pence. In addition, dozens of other Republicans rescinded their prior endorsement of Donald Trump, most notably the 2008 presidential nominee John McCain, as well as Governor of Alabama Robert J. Bentley, U.S. Senators Kelly Ayotte, Mike Crapo and U.S. Representatives Bradley Byrne, Jason Chaffetz and Joe Heck, while a smaller faction calling for his withdrawal from the campaign.

Additional Harassment Allegations

On October 13th, the New York Times published an article titled "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately," which accused Trump of previously unknown sexual misconducts, citing detailed accounts from at least two women, Jessica Leads and Rachel Crooks, both of whom alleged Trump of making unwanted sexual advances between the 1980s and 1990s. In response, Trump's campaign released a statement (shown below, left) dismissing the findings of the Times article as "fiction" and having "no merit or veracity," while his attorneys demanded a retraction of the Times article and an apology from the news publication for publishing a "libelous article." Later that day, the New York Times assistant general counsel David McCraw responded to the libel claims made by Trump's legal team with an open letter (shown below, right), in which he flat out declined the demand for retraction by asserting that Trump's reputation is damaged and "could not be further affected" due to his own statements, rather than the New York Times article.

KASOWITZ, BENSON, 1OREES &c FRIEDMAN LLF 1633 ERADVIAY AT ANTA NEW YORK, NEW YOR ICO19.8799 2 2-EOB-1700 FACSIMILE: 212-50S-I2CO IOS ANRFI.FS MIAMI WASH:NGTON, DC October 12, 2016 Via E-Mail ean Baquet Executive Fditor 620 Highth Avenu<e New York, New York 10018 Rc: Demand for Retraction Dear Mr. J3ayuel: We represent Donald J. .ITump. We write in response to the libelous article published Octoher 12, 2016 by The New York Times cntitled Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriateh' Your article is reckless, defamar and constitutcs libel per se. It is apparent from, among olher things, the timing of the article, that it is nothing more than a politically-motivated efTort lo defcat Mr. rump's candidacy. That is why you apparently performed an cntircly inadequate investigation to test thc vcracity of these false and malicious allcgations, includiog why thcsc two individuals waited, in one case, 11 ycars, and, in another case, more than thrcc decades, beľore deciding to come torward with these Talse and defamatory statements. Clearly, The New York Times s willing to provide ǎ platform to anyone wishing to smear Mr. Trump's name and reputation prior to the election irrespective of whether the allcgcd stalements have any basis in fact We hereby demand that you immediately ccase any frther publication of this article, rcmove it from your website and issue a full and immediate retraction and apology. Failurc to do so wili leave my client with no option bul to pursue all available aons and remedics Sinccrely Marc Li. Kasowit/ VI LE Marc E. Kasowitz, Esq Kasowitz, Benson, Torres&Friedman LLP 1633 Broadway New York, NY 10019-6799 Dear Mr. Kasowitz: I write in response to your letter of October 12, 2016 to Dean Baquet concerning your client Donald Trump, the Republican Party nominee for President of the United States. You write concerning our article "Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately" and label the article as “libel per se." You ask that we "remove it from [our] website, and issue a full and immediate retraction and apology.” we decline to do so. The essence of a libel claim, of course, is the protection of one's reputation. Mr. Trump has bragged about his non-consensual sexual touching of women. He has bragged about intruding on beauty pageant contestants in their dressing rooms. He acquiesced to a radio host's request to discuss Mr. Trump's own daughter as a "piece of ass." Multiple women not mentioned in our article have publicly come forward to report on Mr. Trump's unwanted advances. Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself But there is a larger and much more important point here. The women quoted in our story spoke out on an issue of national importance- indeed, an issue that Mr. Trump himself discussed with the whole nation watching during Sunday night's presidential debate. Our reporters diligently worked to confirm the women's accounts. They 60907 provided readers with Mr. Trump's response, including his forceful denial of the women's reports. It would have been a disservice not just to our readers but to democracy itself to silence their voices. We did what the law allows: We published newsworthy information about a subject of deep public concern. If Mr. Trump disagrees, if he believes that American citizens had no right to hear what these women had to say and that the law of this country forces us and those who would dare to criticize him to stand silent or be punished, we welcome the opportunity to have a court set him straight. Sincerely, David E. McCraw

In the following days, several former participants of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA publicly alleged that Trump walked into the dressing rooms in various stages of undress, a habitual misconduct that Trump himself had admitted during a 2005 interview on The Howard Stern Show.


On October 14th, Page Six[18] reported that NBC, who had fired Bush after the leak of the tape, was going to pay him a $10 million severance package. The following day, Twitter user @DuncanIdunno[19] responded to a @pattymo tweet expressing disgust at the news by suggesting Bush was going to donate the entire severance to women's charities.

Patrick Monahan@pattymo Oct 15 If you see Billy Bush on the street, try to throw up on him or something Page Six a Billy Bush expected to get $10 million settlement fronm NBC 80 384... Frederick Krueger MD @Bro_Pair Oct 15 @pattymo not a stretch 9 Duncan Idunno @Duncanldunno Follow @Bro_Pair @pattymo nah, Billy Bush is going to donate it all to women's charities

@pattymo[20] then tweeted an idea that if Twitter posted as though Bush had announced he would give the money to women's charities, news organizations would pick it up as real news. Shortly after, he began tweeting[21] the rumor that Bush would be donating his severance package to women's charities with the hashtag #ThanksBilly.

Patrick Monahan @pattymo Following What a guy! #ThanksBilly am donating all $10 million of my NBC Billy Bush severance package to women's charities

People in and outside Weird Twitter who were in on the joke began tweeting their faux-sincere gratitude to Bush. Within a half hour, #ThanksBilly was trending on Twitter,[22] as people began to think the rumor was actually true. The spread of the hashtag was covered by The Daily Dot,[23] Vulture,[24] Complex,[25] and more.

Nick Offerman @Nick Offerman Follow What a great save. Really the only decent thing to do. #ThanksBilly !! Patrick Monahan@pattymo What a guy! #ThanksBilly donatingal S10 milion of m ly Bush R Christopher Hooks This has been a rough year, and this warms my heart. #ThanksBilly Following @cd hooks Sigh Hersh (scary) eUgarles f you're contrite, your actions will match your words. Blly Bush giving his $t0MM severance to women's charities? Sincerity. #ThanksBilly RETWEETS LIKES 168 1,132OEO Following @theshrillest Wow, stand-up move for Billy Bush to donate 100 million dollars to women's charities #ThanksBilly The Tweet of Gourd @alexqarbuckle I wish all men could be as honest and strong as Billy Bush, who just donated his $10M NBC payout to women's charities #ThanksBilly

$1 Million Bounty for Trump Tapes

On October 17th, Los Angeles Times reported that Larry Flynt, the publisher of adult magazine Hustler and longtime Democrat supporter, has offered to pay up to $1 million for video or audio recordings of Donald Trump "engaged in illegal behavior or acting in a sexually demeaning manner toward women."

Search Interest

External References

[1] Washington Post – Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

[2] New York Times – Donald Trump Apology Caps Day of Outrage Over Lewd Tape

[3] ET Online – EXCLUSIVE: Nancy O'Dell Reacts to Donald Trump Recording

[4] Daily Mail – Billy Bush slammed on social media as former fans call for him to be fired from NBC

[5] Twitter – 2005 audio catches Donald Trump sexually objectifying women

[6] Twitter – CNN commentator goes viral with truths about Trump's 2005 remarks

[7] New York Times – Paul Ryan, Reluctant Supporter, Weighs Response to Donald Trump’s Remarks

[8] New York Times – Lewd Donald Trump Tape Is a Breaking Point for Many in the G.O.P.

[9] Twitter – Hillary Clinton's Tweet

[10] Donald Trump – Statement from Donald Trump

[11] The Guardian – Tim Kaine's Tweet

[12] USA Today – Here is the list of Republicans who are not supporting Trump

[13] Washington Post – Three dozen Republicans have now called for Donald Trump to drop out

[14] Wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_Access_Hollywood_controversy

[15] Soundcloud – "Mike Dean's Gram 'Em By Da Pussy'

[16] Elite Daily – Kanye’s Producer Samples Trump’s ‘Grab Them By The Pussy’ In Epic Smackdown

[16] Mic – After misogynistic #TrumpTapes leaked, women are sharing stories of their sexual assault

[17] Twitter – Media Results for #TrumpTapes

[18] Page Six – Billy Bush expected to get $10 million settlement from NBC

[19] Twitter – @DuncanIDunno

[20] Twitter – @pattymo

[21] Twitter – @pattymo #ThanksBilly

[22] Twitter – @pattymo Trends Tweet

[23] Daily Dot – Can Twitter shame Billy Bush into giving $10 million to women's charities?

[24] Vulture – Twitter Thanks Billy Bush for Donating His $10 Million Severance to Charity, Despite the Fact This Did Not Happen

[25] Complex – Twitter Users Troll Billy Bush With the Hashtag #ThanksBilly

[26] Washington Post – The hot mic video didn’t affect Trump’s poll numbers with some voters at all. Here’s why.

[27] New York Times – The New York Times’s Response to Donald Trump’s Retraction Letter

[28] Donald J Trump – Demand for Retraction [PDF]

[29] LA Times – Pornographer Larry Flynt offers $1 million for any scandalous Trump tapes

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Tchefuncte Bonaparte
Tchefuncte Bonaparte

People talking about "rude words" and "vulgar language" are missing the point. It is in no way shape or form shocking that Trump said the word "pussy" at some point in his life. The outrage is because Trump bragged about attempting to sleep with a married woman, bragged about cheating on his own wife, and most importantly bragged about groping women without their consent and getting away with it because he's "a star." No one cares that Trump said rude things. He does that all the time. The outrage is because he bragged about sexual assault.


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