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Part of a series on 4chan. [View Related Entries]


The Eternal Anglo or Angloposting refers to a series of memes, exploitable images and conspiracy theories critical of Britain, and specifically English people, which often reference various historical controversies involving Britain and its alleged transgressions against other nations, primarily Germans.

TFW you invade most of the planet and now all white people get blamed for what you did

The image of British politician and British Union of Fascists leader Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley is closely associated with the meme.

Gaining prominence on /int/ board of 4chan in 2015, Angloposting became a popular practice on /int/, /his/, /pol/ and other 4chan board in the following years.


Names to indicate the "Eternal Anglo" have been historically used in anti-British propaganda as far back as the 13th century. The most famous one being "The Perfidious Alboin" which dates to 19th century France, in its original "La perfide Albion".

While term "anglo" has been used on 4chan to reference people of British origin prior, the term "Eternal Anglo" was coined by an anonymous /int/ user on October 10th, 2013 (post shown below).[1] The term did not see significant spread until July 8th, 2015, being used by /int/ users only seven more times prior to that time.[2]

Anonymous Thu 10 Oct 2013 21:39:26 No.15825048 Report Quoted By: >>15825165 >>15822212 >Normandie Is it the eternal anglo butthrut about the whole 1066 thing?

On July 8th, 2015, an anonymous /int/ user made a post reading "When will the Aryan nations see through the lies of the Eternal Anglo?" (shown below, left).[3] In the following weeks, the expression and posts accusing "anglos" of underhand behavior gained significant spread on /int/ (example shown below, right).[4][5] The name "Eternal Anglo" is a reference to the 1940 German Nazi antisemitic propaganda film "Eternal Jew."

[12/5/? Anonymous Wed 08 Jul 2015 22:58:33 View Reply Original Report No.44358037 Quoted By: >>44358522 >>44359872 When will the A---- nations see through the lies of the Eternal Anglo?
[23/5/? ANLGO EFFICIENCY Anonymous Wed 15 Jul 2015 10:37:10 No.44678254 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>44678305 >>44678366>>44678538>>44678540>>44678696 >44678965>>44679002 The US and the UK make up 4% of Allied casualties, including the Commonwealth c---- of Canada, Australia and NZ making up a total of 4.5% of all Anglo casualties in WWII. How did the Anglo's manage to do HALF the work yet sustain such little casualties? Is the Anglo-sphere destined with the burden of eternal success?


On August 11th, 2015, an anonymous /int/ user posted an image of British politician Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley who was the leader of the British Union of Fascists between 1932 and 1940 as an example of the Eternal Anglo (post shown below, left; post image no longer available).[6] Additionally, the post contained a description of the Eternal Anglo which later gained popularity as a copypasta (example shown below, right).[7]

[15/8/? Anonymous Tue 11 Aug 2015 23:24:56 No.46090997 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>46091053 >4609108746091114 >>4609132946094455 Daily reminder A---- man: This is what the average ANGLO looks like. Look at his nose Look at his dark hair See his beady Anglo eyes 11KIB, 200x277, sir-oswald-mosley.jpg
Anonymous Sat 22 Aug 2015 10:47:58 View Reply Original No.46643689 Monthly reminder A---- man: This is what the Eternal ANGLO looks like: Look at his nose Look at his dark hair See his beady Anglo eyes His scheming eyes 23KIB, 490x313, 00mosley2.jpg

Daily reminder Aryan man:
This is what the average ANGLO looks like.
Look at his nose
Look at his dark hair
See his beady Anglo eyes

Angloposting on /int/, /his/ and other boards often involves references various historical controversies involving the actions of British politicians and military, specifically the bombing of Dresden which took place during World War II in February 1945 and resulted into extensive civilian casualties among the German population (example posts shown below, left and right).[8]

Anonymous Mon 27 Jul 2015 23:48:11 No.45318168 Quoted By: >>45320127 Daily reminder that the Eternal Anglo does this for his joy
/int/ Anonymous Wed 23 Nov 2016 11:46:47 No.67768336 View Report 67768147 >Firebomb Dresden for no reason whatsoever murdering hundreds of thousands of helpless civilians Indoctrinate Germans into self-hate and faggotry >Mock them for being gay self haters >Germans hate us for no reason Just go away you Anglo fool.


The bombing of Dresden generated a copypasta of his own (shown below, with video).

[This video has been removed]

Beady eyes, ANGLO lies
Muffled Aryan women's cries
Aryan children, big and small
Bomber Harris kills them all
Left, right, right, left
ANGLO sows the seeds of death
Not a stone is left to stand
When ANGLO flies across the land
After starting World War One
The ANGLO's work was still not done
So joining with the Pole and Jew
He made a new one: World War Two
To sate his thirst for Aryan blood
That he wanted, that he got
Now Dresden is devoid of cheer
Hans have fear; the ANGLO is here

Because of this, the "anglos" are often depicted as in a permanent black and white filter, sporting distinctive small and beady eyes, and as pseudo-vampires who have an unquenchable thirst for "Aryan blood" (example shown below)


What fueled the popularity of the meme on /pol/ was the involvement of the Middle Eastern British colony of Mandatory Palestine, which partly developed into the current nation of Israel.

Beware the Eternal Anglo.

Anglo-Portuguese Alliance

Additionally, multiple Angloposting posts and memes reference Anglo-Portuguese Alliance (examples shown below, left and right).[9][10]

Portugal is my greatest ally, no fighting
I have your back PORTUGUESE ANGLO And you have mine
I have your back ARYAΝ BLOOD PORTUGUESE ΑNGIΟ And you have mine

With the further spread to /pol/ and other boards, the meme also saw inclusion of posts referencing multiple contemporary and historical British figures such as Winston Churchill and Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris.

It was absolutely justified

Native Britons

Among other versions, several phenotypes of British people are classified on 4chan based on which ancient people they resemble today. The most popular one is the idea of pure Native Britons still roaming around today and having a set of defining characteristics.

THE AVERAGE "ANGLO" By Wotan, I sure am glad to be a member of the Anglo- Saxon race. The blood of conquerors and warriors flows through >fair hair and skin me. >piercing blue eyes >strong jaw >masculine body type >tall >elegant yet practical nasal structure Say, I wonder what happened to all those native Britons? Hmm, doesn't matter anyway; >long penis fucken' subhumans. >doesn't abandon colonies
The three main types of English people Native Britons Celto-Germanics French/Normans Swarthy and hobbit-like, they are the aboriginal inhabitants of Britain. They are of middling intelligence and naturally Descendant from various A small minority almost identical to the average Frenchman, they have ruled England since the 11th century, and preserved their existence by creating the British class system. They include pre-Norman invaders, they are brutish and stupid, and have yet to master even the English language. They tend to be unruly and antisocial, but subservient to their betters. easy to manipulate. the nobility and every Briton who ever achieved anything of note.
UNDERSTANDING ANGLO ANCESTRY EXPECTATION REALITY No! Please don't kill, This is my land now. me, superior Anglo!
Wish I was Come on, Caradog: those boots as superior as the Anglo Fuckan' inbred aren't going to clean themselves sheepshaggah! Wish me ancestors finished the job, you ugly Welsh bastahd! Hyw cwt! BTW ya s--- at rugbeh! AMIRAL Figure 1: "Englishman" meeting his Germanic conqueror, Mercia, Figure 2: "English" conqueror puts his subject in his place, 2017 c. 720AD


">british >white" is a troll greentext statement that got popular on the 4chan board /pol/ in 2019. The statement is often accompanied by images of British people or celebrities of caucasian ethnicity who have dark hair, skin and eyes, implying that the average British isn't white.
The meme was popularized by a dedicated Greek poster.

>british >white
Sacré bleu! Protect the forests and make an official statement recognizing the British people as White, or else. F--- off frenchfag, Brits ain't huwhite and l'll burn the f------ Amazon to the ground. Lmao. /thread >british >white
the day we've always feared has finally come. Nigel greekbro has discovered the truth about our swarthy tribe and is bullying us like a m-----------. my son you are a man now will you act as one and accept the fact that you are a mednigger, long lost r--- baby of the mighty southern tribes or screech like an embarassing little bitch and continue to larp as a pink snownigger, which you clearly aren't 希 Scheißeeeeeeee ?!?!? sage and report this jewish d&c! bloody ell m8 oy am whoyte and germanic god I hate that greeknigger so fookin much ! foken gayreek is trying to divide the white race lads all these darkies are Irish you medniggers!

Use Outside of 4chan

In December 2017, prominent /leftypol/ user Bat'ko uploaded the "Anti-Anglo Gang Anthem" to YouTube (video no longer avaiable).[11] The video received over 45,000 thousands of views and and 1,000 likes in two years. On 7 September, 2018, the YouTube pundit Sargon of Akkad referenced the meme on his secondary YouTube channel "The Thinkery" (video shown below, left).[12] In July 2019, political commentator and Groypers leader Nicholas J. Fuentes used the meme in his podcast (extract shown below, right).[13]

[This video has been removed]

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@J. The Perverted Summons
A justified target

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The Eternal Anglo

The Eternal Anglo

Part of a series on 4chan. [View Related Entries]

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The Eternal Anglo or Angloposting refers to a series of memes, exploitable images and conspiracy theories critical of Britain, and specifically English people, which often reference various historical controversies involving Britain and its alleged transgressions against other nations, primarily Germans.

TFW you invade most of the planet and now all white people get blamed for what you did

The image of British politician and British Union of Fascists leader Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley is closely associated with the meme.

Gaining prominence on /int/ board of 4chan in 2015, Angloposting became a popular practice on /int/, /his/, /pol/ and other 4chan board in the following years.


Names to indicate the "Eternal Anglo" have been historically used in anti-British propaganda as far back as the 13th century. The most famous one being "The Perfidious Alboin" which dates to 19th century France, in its original "La perfide Albion".

While term "anglo" has been used on 4chan to reference people of British origin prior, the term "Eternal Anglo" was coined by an anonymous /int/ user on October 10th, 2013 (post shown below).[1] The term did not see significant spread until July 8th, 2015, being used by /int/ users only seven more times prior to that time.[2]

Anonymous Thu 10 Oct 2013 21:39:26 No.15825048 Report Quoted By: >>15825165 >>15822212 >Normandie Is it the eternal anglo butthrut about the whole 1066 thing?

On July 8th, 2015, an anonymous /int/ user made a post reading "When will the Aryan nations see through the lies of the Eternal Anglo?" (shown below, left).[3] In the following weeks, the expression and posts accusing "anglos" of underhand behavior gained significant spread on /int/ (example shown below, right).[4][5] The name "Eternal Anglo" is a reference to the 1940 German Nazi antisemitic propaganda film "Eternal Jew."

[12/5/? Anonymous Wed 08 Jul 2015 22:58:33 View Reply Original Report No.44358037 Quoted By: >>44358522 >>44359872 When will the A---- nations see through the lies of the Eternal Anglo? [23/5/? ANLGO EFFICIENCY Anonymous Wed 15 Jul 2015 10:37:10 No.44678254 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>44678305 >>44678366>>44678538>>44678540>>44678696 >44678965>>44679002 The US and the UK make up 4% of Allied casualties, including the Commonwealth c---- of Canada, Australia and NZ making up a total of 4.5% of all Anglo casualties in WWII. How did the Anglo's manage to do HALF the work yet sustain such little casualties? Is the Anglo-sphere destined with the burden of eternal success?


On August 11th, 2015, an anonymous /int/ user posted an image of British politician Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley who was the leader of the British Union of Fascists between 1932 and 1940 as an example of the Eternal Anglo (post shown below, left; post image no longer available).[6] Additionally, the post contained a description of the Eternal Anglo which later gained popularity as a copypasta (example shown below, right).[7]

[15/8/? Anonymous Tue 11 Aug 2015 23:24:56 No.46090997 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>46091053 >4609108746091114 >>4609132946094455 Daily reminder A---- man: This is what the average ANGLO looks like. Look at his nose Look at his dark hair See his beady Anglo eyes 11KIB, 200x277, sir-oswald-mosley.jpg Anonymous Sat 22 Aug 2015 10:47:58 View Reply Original No.46643689 Monthly reminder A---- man: This is what the Eternal ANGLO looks like: Look at his nose Look at his dark hair See his beady Anglo eyes His scheming eyes 23KIB, 490x313, 00mosley2.jpg

Daily reminder Aryan man:
This is what the average ANGLO looks like.
Look at his nose
Look at his dark hair
See his beady Anglo eyes

Angloposting on /int/, /his/ and other boards often involves references various historical controversies involving the actions of British politicians and military, specifically the bombing of Dresden which took place during World War II in February 1945 and resulted into extensive civilian casualties among the German population (example posts shown below, left and right).[8]

Anonymous Mon 27 Jul 2015 23:48:11 No.45318168 Quoted By: >>45320127 Daily reminder that the Eternal Anglo does this for his joy /int/ Anonymous Wed 23 Nov 2016 11:46:47 No.67768336 View Report 67768147 >Firebomb Dresden for no reason whatsoever murdering hundreds of thousands of helpless civilians Indoctrinate Germans into self-hate and faggotry >Mock them for being gay self haters >Germans hate us for no reason Just go away you Anglo fool.


The bombing of Dresden generated a copypasta of his own (shown below, with video).

[This video has been removed]

Beady eyes, ANGLO lies
Muffled Aryan women's cries
Aryan children, big and small
Bomber Harris kills them all
Left, right, right, left
ANGLO sows the seeds of death
Not a stone is left to stand
When ANGLO flies across the land
After starting World War One
The ANGLO's work was still not done
So joining with the Pole and Jew
He made a new one: World War Two
To sate his thirst for Aryan blood
That he wanted, that he got
Now Dresden is devoid of cheer
Hans have fear; the ANGLO is here

Because of this, the "anglos" are often depicted as in a permanent black and white filter, sporting distinctive small and beady eyes, and as pseudo-vampires who have an unquenchable thirst for "Aryan blood" (example shown below)


What fueled the popularity of the meme on /pol/ was the involvement of the Middle Eastern British colony of Mandatory Palestine, which partly developed into the current nation of Israel.

Beware the Eternal Anglo.

Anglo-Portuguese Alliance

Additionally, multiple Angloposting posts and memes reference Anglo-Portuguese Alliance (examples shown below, left and right).[9][10]

I HAVE YOUR BACK PORTUGUESE ANGLO AND YOU HAVE MINE Portugal is my greatest ally, no fighting I have your back PORTUGUESE ANGLO And you have mine I have your back ARYAΝ BLOOD PORTUGUESE ΑNGIΟ And you have mine

With the further spread to /pol/ and other boards, the meme also saw inclusion of posts referencing multiple contemporary and historical British figures such as Winston Churchill and Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris.

It was absolutely justified

Native Britons

Among other versions, several phenotypes of British people are classified on 4chan based on which ancient people they resemble today. The most popular one is the idea of pure Native Britons still roaming around today and having a set of defining characteristics.

THE AVERAGE "ANGLO" By Wotan, I sure am glad to be a member of the Anglo- Saxon race. The blood of conquerors and warriors flows through >fair hair and skin me. >piercing blue eyes >strong jaw >masculine body type >tall >elegant yet practical nasal structure Say, I wonder what happened to all those native Britons? Hmm, doesn't matter anyway; >long penis fucken' subhumans. >doesn't abandon colonies The three main types of English people Native Britons Celto-Germanics French/Normans Swarthy and hobbit-like, they are the aboriginal inhabitants of Britain. They are of middling intelligence and naturally Descendant from various A small minority almost identical to the average Frenchman, they have ruled England since the 11th century, and preserved their existence by creating the British class system. They include pre-Norman invaders, they are brutish and stupid, and have yet to master even the English language. They tend to be unruly and antisocial, but subservient to their betters. easy to manipulate. the nobility and every Briton who ever achieved anything of note. UNDERSTANDING ANGLO ANCESTRY EXPECTATION REALITY No! Please don't kill, This is my land now. me, superior Anglo! Wish I was Come on, Caradog: those boots as superior as the Anglo Fuckan' inbred aren't going to clean themselves sheepshaggah! Wish me ancestors finished the job, you ugly Welsh bastahd! Hyw cwt! BTW ya s--- at rugbeh! AMIRAL Figure 1: "Englishman" meeting his Germanic conqueror, Mercia, Figure 2: "English" conqueror puts his subject in his place, 2017 c. 720AD


">british >white" is a troll greentext statement that got popular on the 4chan board /pol/ in 2019. The statement is often accompanied by images of British people or celebrities of caucasian ethnicity who have dark hair, skin and eyes, implying that the average British isn't white.
The meme was popularized by a dedicated Greek poster.

>british >white Sacré bleu! Protect the forests and make an official statement recognizing the British people as White, or else. F--- off frenchfag, Brits ain't huwhite and l'll burn the f------ Amazon to the ground. Lmao. /thread >british >white the day we've always feared has finally come. Nigel greekbro has discovered the truth about our swarthy tribe and is bullying us like a m-----------. my son you are a man now will you act as one and accept the fact that you are a mednigger, long lost r--- baby of the mighty southern tribes or screech like an embarassing little bitch and continue to larp as a pink snownigger, which you clearly aren't 希 Scheißeeeeeeee ?!?!? sage and report this jewish d&c! bloody ell m8 oy am whoyte and germanic god I hate that greeknigger so fookin much ! foken gayreek is trying to divide the white race lads all these darkies are Irish you medniggers!

Use Outside of 4chan

In December 2017, prominent /leftypol/ user Bat'ko uploaded the "Anti-Anglo Gang Anthem" to YouTube (video no longer avaiable).[11] The video received over 45,000 thousands of views and and 1,000 likes in two years. On 7 September, 2018, the YouTube pundit Sargon of Akkad referenced the meme on his secondary YouTube channel "The Thinkery" (video shown below, left).[12] In July 2019, political commentator and Groypers leader Nicholas J. Fuentes used the meme in his podcast (extract shown below, right).[13]

[This video has been removed]

Various Examples

@J. The Perverted Summons A justified target D OOT FOR HIM

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>be China
>finally get Hong Kong back from the British after a century and a half
>slowly but steadily begin to integrate Hong Kong into greater China
>pass bill to extradite criminals from Hong Kong to the mainland
>Hong Kongers get pissed
>millions of them protesting about how this violates "democracy" and "human rights"
>tfw these liberal democratic values are a legacy of British influence and the old political system
>tfw the protesters are waving British flags
>god fucking damn it
>The Eternal Anglo strikes again


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